SG-11365 | Human Pyruvate Kinase(M2-PK)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11366 | Human pyruvate kinase(PK)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11367 | Human Receptor Ⅰ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin A(FcαRI)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11368 | Human Receptor Ⅰ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G(FcγRI)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11369 | Human Receptor II for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E(FcεRII)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11370 | Human Receptor II for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G(FcγRII)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11371 | Human Receptor Ⅲ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G(FcγRⅢ)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11372 | Human Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE,AGER)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11373 | Human Recombination activating gene 1(RAG-1)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11374 | Human Recombination activating gene 2(RAG-2)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11375 | Human regenerating gene Ⅳ(REG-4)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11378 | Human retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein(pRB)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11379 | Human Retinol binding protein 4(RBP-4)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11381 | Human Reverse Tri-iodothyronine(rT3)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11382 | Human Homolog Gene Family, Memmber A(Rho-A)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11384 | Human Rotavirus antigen(RV Ag)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11385 | Human Rotavirus antibody IgM(RV IgM)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11386 | Human rudimental bovine serum albumin check-up ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11387 | Human runt-related transcription factor 2(RUNX 2)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11388 | Human ryanodin receptor(RyR)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11389 | Human S100 calcium binding protein A8,calgranulin A(S100A8)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11390 | Human S100 calcium binding protein A9/calgranulin B(S100A9)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11391 | Human salivary duct autoantibody(SDA)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11392 | Human Salmonella typhi antigen(St-Ag)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11394 | Human scavenger receptor B(SRB)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11395 | Human secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine(SLC)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11396 | Human Secretin ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11397 | Human secretory immunoglobulin A(SIgA)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11398 | Human secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor(SLPI)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11400 | Human Serotonin(ST)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11401 | Human serum amyloid A3(SAA3)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11403 | Human Sialic acid(SA)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11404 | Human small breast epithelial mucin(SBEM)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11406 | Human soluble cluster of differentiation 28(sCD28)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11409 | Human soluble endothelial protein C receptor(sEPCR)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11410 | Human soluble fibrin monomer complex(SFMC)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11411 | Human soluble Human leucocyte antigen G1(sHLA-G)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11412 | Human Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1(sICAM-1)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11413 | Human soluble interleukin-1 receptor I(IL-1sRI)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11414 | Human soluble interleukin-1 receptor II(IL-1sRII)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11415 | Human soluble interleukin-2 receptor(IL-2sRα)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11416 | Human Soluble Lectin-like oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor-1(sLOX-1)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11417 | Human soluble myosin heavy chain 1(sMHC-1)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11418 | Human soluble protein 185(sp185,HER-2)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |
SG-11419 | Human soluble P-selectin(sP-selectin)ELISA Kit | 48T/96T |