Bostonchem Elisa Kitleri (USA) Listesi

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Bostonchem Elisa Kitleri

BLS-2913Ch Tavuk BMP2(Kemik Morfogenetik Protein 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8738Ch Tavuk Bb(Bilirubin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9183Ch Tavuk BALP(Kemiğe özgü alkalin fosfataz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7807Ch Piliç BAFF/CD257(B-Hücre Aktive Edici Faktör) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8734Ch Tavuk AST(Aspartat Aminotransferaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9499Ch Tavuk ARO(Aromataz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8968Ch Tavuk APEX1(Apurinik/Apirimidinik Endonükleaz 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9203Ch Tavuk AOPP(Gelişmiş Oksidasyon Protein Ürünleri) ELISA Kiti
BLS-4512Ch Chicken AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9396Ch Tavuk AMY2(Amilaz Alfa 2, Pankreatik) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8735Ch Tavuk ALT(Alanin Aminotransferaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8736Ch Tavuk ALP(Alkalin Fosfataz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8737Ch Tavuk ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-2987Ch Tavuk ADP(Adiponektin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8740Ch Tavuk ADA(Adenozin Deaminaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8971Ch Tavuk AchE(Asetilkolinesteraz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8924Ch Tavuk a1AGP(Alfa-1-Asit Glikoprotein) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9298Ch Tavuk 8-iso-PGF2α(8-isoprostane) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8948Ch Tavuk 5-HT(5-Hidroksitriptamin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7980Ca Sığır XDH(Ksantin Dehidrojenaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9372Ca Sığır VLDL(Çok Düşük Yoğunluklu Lipoprotein) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7544Ca Sığır VIP(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5894Ca Sığır VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7723Ca Sığır VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5864Ca Sığır uPA(Plasminojen Aktivatör, Ürokinaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7076Ca Sığır TYR(Tyrosinase) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5945Ca Sığır TSP-1(Trombospondin-1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9035 Yaklaşık Sığır TSH(Tiroid Uyarıcı Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9239Ca Sığır TRH(Tirotropin Salıcı Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5862Ca Sığır TPO(Trombopoietin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9226Yaklaşık Sığır TNNI3(Troponin I Tip 3, Kardiyak) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5857Ca Sığır TNFb(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Beta) ELISA Kiti
BLS-2216Ca Sığır TNFa(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Alfa) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5795Ca Sığır TLR4(Toll Like Reseptör 4) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8300Ca Sığır TLR2(Toll-like Reseptör 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5853Ca Sığır TIMP4(Metalloproteinaz 4 Doku İnhibitörleri) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5845Ca Sığır TIMP3(Metalloproteinaz 3 Doku İnhibitörleri) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5842Ca Cattle TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6529Ca Cattle TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5890Ca Cattle TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5467Ca Cattle TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5836Ca Cattle TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9521Ca Cattle T4(Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8014Ca Cattle SUOX(Sulfite Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9694Ca Cattle sRAGE(Soluble receptor for advanced glycation endproducts) ELISA Kit
BLS-9000Ca Cattle Spz1 (Spermatogenic leucine zipper protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8999Ca Cattle SPATA4 (Spermatogenesis-associated protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7543Ca Cattle SP(Substance P) ELISA Kit
BLS-8665Ca Cattle SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-9446Ca Cattle SOCS3(Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6101Ca Cattle sIgA(Secretory Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7936Ca Cattle SDH(Sorbitol Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5833Ca Cattle SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5620Ca Cattle SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7976Ca Cattle S100A9(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7975Ca Cattle S100A8(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5966Ca Cattle S100(S100 Calcium Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6668Ca Cattle RNASE1(Ribonuclease A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7919Ca Cattle RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2970Ca Bostonchem Elisa KitleriCattle RETN(Resistin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6045Ca Cattle RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9153Ca Cattle RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
BLS-8840Ca Cattle PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
BLS-7991Ca Cattle PTN(Pleiotrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6903Ca Cattle PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8179Ca Cattle PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8218Ca Cattle PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6488Ca Cattle PPAR-γ(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9440Ca Cattle POSTN(Periostin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7526Ca Cattle PLGF(Placenta Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8111Ca Cattle Plg(Plasminogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5948Ca Cattle PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8757Ca Cattle PIIINP(Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7974Ca Cattle PIGR(Polymeric Immunoglobulin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5912Ca Cattle PGA(Pepsinogen A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8998Ca Cattle PFN1(Profilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5909Ca Cattle PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7999Ca Cattle PEDF(Pigment Epithelium Derived Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8246Ca Cattle PDGFB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9089Ca Cattle PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8004Ca Cattle PAWP(Postacrosomal Sheath WW Domain Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9027Ca Cattle PAG1(Pregnancy associated glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8756Ca Cattle PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7505Ca Cattle OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-6720Ca Cattle OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7939Ca Cattle OCT(Ornithine Carbamoyl Transferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5643Ca Cattle OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9227Ca Cattle NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5734Ca Cattle NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-8802Ca Cattle NOS3(Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-8803Ca Cattle NOS2/iNOS(NitricOxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-9211Ca Cattle NOS1(Nitric Oxide Synthase 1, Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-7323Ca Cattle NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8444Ca Cattle NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-8609Ca Cattle NEFA(Non-Esterified Fatty Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8622Ca Cattle NAGase(N-Acetyl Beta-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6026Ca Cattle MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7132Ca Cattle MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5816Ca Cattle MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5808Ca Cattle MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5941Ca Cattle MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5938Ca Cattle MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5933Ca Cattle MDC(Macrophage Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9009Ca Cattle MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-5931Ca Cattle MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9152Ca Cattle MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8882Ca Cattle MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7929Ca Cattle LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-5663Ca Cattle LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8425Ca Cattle LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5956Ca Cattle LPO(Lactoperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7986Ca Cattle LOX1(Lectin Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8983Ca Cattle LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-7525Ca Cattle LIF(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7314Ca Cattle LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5713Ca Cattle LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9489Ca Cattle LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7951Ca Cattle LBP(Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8682Ca Cattle KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9206Ca Cattle ITGb2(Integrin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7977Ca Cattle ITaC(Interferon Inducible T-Cell Alpha Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit
BLS-7810Ca Cattle I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6562Ca Cattle IP10(Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-7291Ca Cattle INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7276Ca Cattle INHbE(Inhibin Beta E) ELISA Kit
BLS-6935Ca Cattle INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2875Ca Cattle IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5925Ca Cattle IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5922Ca Cattle IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5798Ca Cattle IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7953Ca Cattle IL-2sRa/CD25(Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor alpha chain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8018Ca Cattle IL22(Interleukin 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-9174Ca Cattle IL21(Interleukin 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-5645Ca Cattle IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5902Ca Cattle IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-6428Ca Cattle IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6243Ca Cattle IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5780Ca Cattle IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5887Ca Cattle IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5886Ca Cattle IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-5880Ca Cattle IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-5878Ca Cattle IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5868Ca Cattle IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5873Ca Cattle IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8670Ca Cattle IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5689Ca Cattle IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4256Ca Cattle IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-3191Ca Cattle IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-5935Ca Cattle IGFBP6(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7915Ca Cattle IGFBP5(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5860Ca Cattle IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5859Ca Cattle IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5849Ca Cattle IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5841Ca Cattle IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5840Ca Cattle IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5630Ca Cattle IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5827Ca Cattle IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8139Ca Cattle IFNt(Interferon Tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-5646Ca Cattle IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5897Ca Cattle IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5981Ca Cattle IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7575Ca Cattle ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8150Ca Cattle HYAL1(Hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5770Ca Cattle HSPB1(Heat Shock 27kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7059Ca Cattle HSPA1B(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8002Ca Cattle HSPA1A(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5771Ca Cattle HSP90b1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8019Ca Cattle HSP90aB1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5258Ca Cattle HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-7354Ca Cattle HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8251Ca Cattle HIST1H4A(Histone Cluster 1, H4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-6687Ca Cattle HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7931Ca Cattle Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8165Ca Cattle HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8243Ca Cattle GS(Gelsolin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5954Ca Cattle GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7333Ca Cattle GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5995Ca Cattle GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7685Ca Cattle GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5906Ca Cattle GFAP(Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5953Ca Cattle GDH(Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9240Ca Cattle GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
BLS-5950Ca Cattle GAL8(Galectin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5952Ca Cattle GAL1(Galectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8257Ca Cattle FTL(Ferritin, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7489Ca Cattle FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1348Ca Cattle FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6667Ca Cattle FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5980Ca Cattle FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7546Ca Cattle FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5974Ca Cattle FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6028Ca Cattle FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8028Ca Cattle FETUB(Fetuin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5908Ca Cattle FETUA(Fetuin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8258Ca Cattle F2(Coagulation Factor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-8839Ca Cattle ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8768Ca Cattle Estrogen ELISA Kit
BLS-5971Ca Cattle EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9094Ca Cattle EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5968Ca Cattle ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7968Ca Cattle DNASE1(Deoxyribonuclease I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7064Ca Cattle DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8042Ca Cattle DEFb103A(Defensin Beta 103A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8041Ca Cattle DEFb1(Defensin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7942Ca Cattle CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-8287Ca Cattle CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-7743Ca Cattle CST3(Cystatin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8007Ca Cattle CSN3(Casein Kappa) ELISA Kit
BLS-7989Ca Cattle CSN2(Casein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8008Ca Cattle CSN1(Casein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5618Ca Cattle CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9158Ca Cattle CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8798Ca Cattle Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-5907Ca Cattle COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-5861Ca Cattle COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8112Ca Cattle CL43(Collectin Of 43kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-9225Ca Cattle CKMB(Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-9672Ca Cattle CKB(Creatine Kinase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-5810Ca Cattle CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7599Ca Cattle CCK(Cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9008Ca Cattle CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9510Ca Cattle CASP8(Caspase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6901Ca Cattle CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8288Ca Cattle CAPN3(Calpain 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8397Ca Cattle CA1(Carbonic Anhydrase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7513Ca Cattle C3(Complement Component 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8568Ca Cattle BSA(Cattle Serum Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7092Ca Cattle BMPR1A(Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5962Ca Cattle BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7090Ca Cattle BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4260Ca Cattle bLg(Beta-Lactoglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8618Ca Cattle bHB(Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7148Ca Cattle bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8666Ca Cattle bCMO1(Beta-Carotene-15,15′-Monooxygenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6902Ca Cattle Bcl2(B-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8017Ca Cattle Bax(Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7993Ca Cattle AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9086Ca Cattle ARG1(ArginaseI) ELISA Kit
BLS-5839Ca Cattle AREG(Amphiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6098Ca Cattle APOB100(Apolipoprotein B100) ELISA Kit
BLS-8092Ca Cattle APOA4(Apolipoprotein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6113Ca Cattle AP(Aprotinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8012Ca Cattle AOX1(Aldehyde Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9224Ca Cattle ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6433Ca Cattle AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-5958Ca Cattle ANG1(Angiopoietin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5913Ca Cattle ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7255Ca Cattle AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7330Ca Cattle ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9088Ca Cattle ALPI(Alkaline Phosphatase, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1355Ca Cattle ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9522Ca Cattle ALD(Aldosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7892Ca Cattle aLA(Alpha-Lactalbumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5882Ca Cattle aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5893Ca Cattle ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9087Ca Cattle ADMA(Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5895Ca Cattle ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7516Ca Cattle ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5824Ca Cattle ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-5619Ca Cattle a1AGP(Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8686Ca Cattle 17-OHP(17-Hydroxyprogesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9318Ct Cat SDMA(Symmetric dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9391Ct Cat PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
BLS-8881Ct Cat CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9371Cn Canine D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-8691Av Avian MT(Melatonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8652Av Avian EE(Ethinylestradiol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8696Av Avian DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8693Av Avian Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8677Av Avian bHB(Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8694Av Avian 5-HT(5-Hydroxytryptamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1246Hu Human CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4184Hu Human CTBS(Di-N-Acetyl Chitobiase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3604Hu Human CTBP2(C-Terminal Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4898Hu Human CTAG1B(Cancer/Testis Antigen 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1107Hu Human CTACK(Cutaneous T-Cell Attracting Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1567Hu Human CT1(Cardiotrophin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1325Hu Human CSTB(Cystatin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1934Hu Human CSTA(Cystatin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3623Hu Human CST6(Cystatin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5521Hu Human CST5(Cystatin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3152Hu Human CST4(Cystatin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1045Hu Human CST3(Cystatin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4185Hu Human CST2(Cystatin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3151Hu Human CST1(Cystatin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3595Hu Human CSRP1(Cysteine And Glycine Rich Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4398Hu Human CSNK1d(Casein Kinase 1 Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4819Hu Human CSN3(Casein Kappa) ELISA Kit
BLS-4186Hu Human CSN2(Casein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4820Hu Human CSN1(Casein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9012Hu Human CSK(C-Src Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4301Hu Human CSF2Rb(Colony Stimulating Factor 2 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2662Hu Human CSE(Cystathionine Gamma Lyase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6392Hu Human CSDE1(Cold Shock Domain Containing Protein E1, RNA Binding) ELISA Kit
BLS-4619Hu Human CS(Citrate Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5199Hu Human CRYl1(Crystallin Lambda 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5598Hu Human CRYbB2(Crystallin Beta B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3143Hu Human CRYaB(Crystallin Alpha B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3896Hu Human CRY1(Cryptochrome 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3467Hu Human CRTC3(CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3567Hu Human CRTAP(Cartilage Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2017Hu Human CRT(Calreticulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3845Hu Human CRT(Calreticulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5528Hu Human CRT(Calreticulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1040Hu Human CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4187Hu Human CRNN(Cornulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1327Hu Human CRN(Corin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3131Hu Human CRLF1(Cytokine Receptor Like Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4568Hu Human CRKL(Crk Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3980Hu Human CRISP3(Cysteine Rich Secretory Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4526Hu Human CRISP2(Cysteine Rich Secretory Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3355Hu Human CRIP1(Cysteine Rich Protein 1, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3874Hu Human CRIM1(Cysteine Rich Transmembrane BMP Regulator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4802Hu Human CRHR2(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4803Hu Human CRHR1(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3480Hu Human CRHBP(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2411Hu Human CRH(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4656Hu Human CRELD1(Cysteine Rich With EGF Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6540Hu Human CREG1(Cellular Repressor Of E1A Stimulated Genes 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3772Hu Human CREBBP(CREB Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4870Hu Human CRBN(Cereblon) ELISA Kit
BLS-5178Hu Human CRAT(Carnitine Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3763Hu Human CRAF(C-Raf Proto Oncogene Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3214Hu Human CRABP2(Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2041Hu Human CR2(Complement Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2954Hu Human CR1(Complement Receptor 1, Erythrocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-1866Hu Human CR(Calretinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4681Hu Human CPZ(Carboxypeptidase Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-3217Hu Human CPT2(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-3219Hu Human CPT1B(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1B, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-3073Hu Human CPT1A(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1A, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-3519Hu Human CPSF1(Cleavage And Polyadenylation Specific Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3499Hu Human CPR(Cytochrome P450 Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5396Hu Human CPP(Copeptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5466Hu Human CPP(Copeptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5042Hu Human CPN2(Carboxypeptidase N2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3590Hu Human CPN1(Carboxypeptidase N1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4051Hu Human CPM(Carboxypeptidase M) ELISA Kit
BLS-5607Hu Human CPLX2(Complexin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5608Hu Human CPLX2(Complexin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3132Hu Human CPE(Carboxypeptidase E) ELISA Kit
BLS-4126Hu Human CPA4(Carboxypeptidase A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3578Hu Human CPA3(Carboxypeptidase A3, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-8871Hu Human CP(C-Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1044Hu Human CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1202Hu Human CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4396Hu Human COX4I1(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit IV Isoform 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5230Hu Human COX2(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit II) ELISA Kit
BLS-5229Hu Human COX1(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3496Hu Human COTL1(Coactosin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4050Hu Human CORT(Cortistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4188Hu Human CORO1A(Coronin 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8526Hu Human Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-6353Hu Human COQ10B(Coenzyme Q10 Homolog B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9177Hu Human CoQ10(Coenzyme Q10) ELISA Kit
BLS-3502Hu Human COPT1(Copper Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7063Hu Human COPRS(Coordinator Of PRMT5 And Differentiation Stimulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-3245Hu Human COMT(Catechol-O-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1678Hu Human COMP(Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9586Hu Human Collagenase Ⅰ ELISA Kit
BLS-9600Hu Human COLEC11(Collectin Sub-Family Member 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-3333Hu Human COL9a3(Collagen Type IX Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3095Hu Human COL8a1(Collagen Type VIII Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3163Hu Human COL7(Collagen Type VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-3613Hu Human COL6a3(Collagen Type VI Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3083Hu Human COL6a1(Collagen Type VI Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2977Hu Human COL6(Collagen Type VI) ELISA Kit
BLS-3965Hu Human COL5a2(Collagen Type V Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8934Hu Human COL5(Collagen Type V) ELISA Kit
BLS-5603Hu Human COL4a5(Collagen Type IV Alpha 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3487Hu Human COL4a3(Collagen Type IV Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2838Hu Human COL4a1(Collagen Type IV Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2331Hu Human COL4(Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-2899Hu Human COL3a1(Collagen Type III Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2330Hu Human COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-3001Hu Human COL2a1(Collagen Type II Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2618Hu Human COL2(Collagen Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1985Hu Human COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9188Hu Human COL1A1(Pro-Collagen I alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3109Hu Human COL1a1(Collagen Type I Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2988Hu Human COL17(Collagen Type XVII) ELISA Kit
BLS-3700Hu Human COL15(Collagen Type XV) ELISA Kit
BLS-3518Hu Human COL14(Collagen Type XIV) ELISA Kit
BLS-3939Hu Human COL13(Collagen Type XIII) ELISA Kit
BLS-3362Hu Human COL12(Collagen Type XII) ELISA Kit
BLS-5095Hu Human COL11a2(Collagen Type XI Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3110Hu Human COL11a1(Collagen Type XI Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3044Hu Human COL10(Collagen Type X) ELISA Kit
BLS-2377Hu Human COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-5366Hu Human COCH(Cochlin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7576Hu Human COB(Cytochrome b) ELISA Kit
BLS-4523Hu Human CNX(Calnexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4248Hu Human CNTNAP2(Contactin Associated Protein Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4861Hu Human CNTN4(Contactin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1679Hu Human CNTN1(Contactin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1007Hu Human CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3126Hu Human CNR1(Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-7033Hu Human CNPY2(Canopy 2 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-7836Hu Human CNP(C-Type Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3394Hu Human CNN2(Calponin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3478Hu Human CNN1(Calponin 1, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-3128Hu Human CNDP1(Carnosine Dipeptidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9024Hu Human CNCbl(Cyanocobalamin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3058Hu Human CMA1(Chymase 1, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-1079Hu Human CLU(Clusterin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3476Hu Human CLSTN2(Calsyntenin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6572Hu Human CLOCK(Circadian Locomoter Output Cycles Protein Kaput) ELISA Kit
BLS-7178Hu Human CLMP(Coxsackie And Adenovirus Receptor Like Membrane Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5593Hu Human CLL1(Collectin Liver 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4253Hu Human CLIP(Corticotropin Like Intermediate Lobe Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4806Hu Human CLIC4(Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3843Hu Human CLIC1(Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7555Hu Human CLEC7A(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 7, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6087Hu Human CLEC3B(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 3, Member B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3755Hu Human CLEC2C(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 2, Member C) ELISA Kit
BLS-6393Hu Human CLEC11A(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 11, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6130Hu Human CLDN9(Claudin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5349Hu Human CLDN8(Claudin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7172Hu Human CLDN6(Claudin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4125Hu Human CLDN5(Claudin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3080Hu Human CLDN4(Claudin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3460Hu Human CLDN3(Claudin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5350Hu Human CLDN2(Claudin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5275Hu Human CLDN18(Claudin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-3559Hu Human CLDN11(Claudin 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-3079Hu Human CLDN1(Claudin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3483Hu Human CLCF1(Cardiotrophin Like Cytokine Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3644Hu Human CLCA1(Chloride Channel Accessory 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3140Hu Human CLC(Charcot Leyden Crystal Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4525Hu Human CL(Cardiolipin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4936Hu Human CKMT2(Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 2, Sarcomeric) ELISA Kit
BLS-1905Hu Human CKMT1A(Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5085Hu Human CKMB(Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-1915Hu Human CKM(Creatine Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-2852Hu Human CKB(Creatine Kinase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-9476Hu Human CKB(Creatine Kinase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8576Hu Human CK-18(Cytokeratin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-8743Hu Human Circulating Histone H3 ELISA Kit
BLS-5011Hu Human CIRBP(Cold Inducible RNA Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7088Hu Human CIP2A(Cancerous Inhibitor Of PP2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4657Hu Human CILP2(Cartilage Intermediate Layer Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3946Hu Human CHST9(Carbohydrate Sulfotransferase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5228Hu Human CHST7(Carbohydrate Sulfotransferase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4326Hu Human CHRNb3(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2057Hu Human CHRNb2(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4287Hu Human CHRNa7(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3705Hu Human CHRNa5(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4288Hu Human CHRNa3(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4198Hu Human CHRNa1(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5045Hu Human CHRM3(Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1807Hu Human CHRM2(Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3770Hu Human CHRDL1(Chordin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5393Hu Human CHRD(Chordin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7290Hu Human CHL1(Cell Adhesion Molecule With Homology To L1CAM) ELISA Kit
BLS-4932Hu Human CHIT1(Chitinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3875Hu Human CHI3L2(Chitinase 3 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3242Hu Human CHGB(Chromogranin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1806Hu Human CHGA(Chromogranin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1953Hu Human CHEM(Chemerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4617Hu Human ChAT(Choline Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3800Hu Human CH25H(Cholesterol-25-Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1209Hu Human CGRP1(CalcitoninGene Related Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1037Hu Human CGRP(Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8617Hu Human cGMP(Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-5411Hu Human CGb(Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5460Hu Human CGb(Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5082Hu Human CGa(Chorionic Gonadotropin Alpha Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5432Hu Human CGa(Chorionic Gonadotropin Alpha Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8752Hu Human CG(Cryoglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2973Hu Human CFTR(Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-3011Hu Human CFP(Complement Factor P) ELISA Kit
BLS-7503Hu Human CFLAR(CASP8 And FADD Like Apoptosis Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-2067Hu Human CFL1(Cofilin 1, Non Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-2800Hu Human CFI(Complement Factor I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7179Hu Human CFHR5(Complement Factor H Related Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6306Hu Human CFHR3(Complement Factor H Related Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7134Hu Human CFHR1(Complement Factor H Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1720Hu Human CFH(Complement Factor H) ELISA Kit
BLS-1128Hu Human CFD(Complement Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2381Hu Human CFB(Complement Factor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7223Hu Human CF6(Coupling Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1618Hu Human CETP(Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5225Hu Human CES2(Carboxylesterase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5131Hu Human CES1(Carboxylesterase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9571Hu Human CERS4(Ceramide synthase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9482Hu Human CERS1(Ceramide synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4862Hu Human CERK(Ceramide Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3677Hu Human CER(Cerberus) ELISA Kit
BLS-3147Hu Human CENPF(Centromere Protein F) ELISA Kit
BLS-4605Hu Human CENPE(Centromere Protein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-6677Hu Human CEMP1(Cementum Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3576Hu Human CELSR2(Cadherin EGF LAG Seven Pass G-Type Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6564Hu Human CECR1(Cat Eye Syndrome Chromosome Region, Candidate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2033Hu Human CEBPb(CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1850Hu Human CEBPa(CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3879Hu Human CEACAM8(Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3112Hu Human CEACAM7(Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3541Hu Human CEACAM6(Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5077Hu Human CEACAM3(Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3170Hu Human CEACAM1(Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1196Hu Human CEA(Carcinoembryonic Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4286Hu Human CDX2(Caudal Type Homeobox Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8387Hu Human CDT(arbohydrate-deficient transferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5202Hu Human CDSN(Corneodesmosin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3723Hu Human CDNF(Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3608Hu Human CDKN3(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1460Hu Human CDKN2A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8797Hu Human CDKN1A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4302Hu Human CDK8(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4270Hu Human CDK6(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2095Hu Human CDK5(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1818Hu Human CDK4(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2254Hu Human CDK2(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4724Hu Human CDK16(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2253Hu Human CDK1(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1792Hu Human CDHOB(Cadherin, Osteoblast) ELISA Kit
BLS-2668Hu Human CDHH(Cadherin, Heart) ELISA Kit
BLS-6683Hu Human CDH26(Cadherin 26) ELISA Kit
BLS-1994Hu Human CDH2(Cadherin, Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2743Hu Human CDH17(Cadherin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3516Hu Human CDCP1(CUB Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4504Hu Human CDC42(Cell Division Cycle Protein 42) ELISA Kit
BLS-4401Hu Human CDC25(Cell Division Cycle Protein 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-4787Hu Human CDA(Cytidine Deaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2859Hu Human CD99(Cluster Of Differentiation 99) ELISA Kit
BLS-8910Hu Human CD97(CD97 antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7411Hu Human CD8b(Cluster Of Differentiation 8b) ELISA Kit
BLS-3183Hu Human CD83(Cluster Of Differentiation 83) ELISA Kit
BLS-5104Hu Human CD8(Cluster ofDifferentiation 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-9139Hu Human CD74(HLA class II histocompatibility antigen gamma chain) ELISA Kit
BLS-3443Hu Human CD72(Cluster Of Differentiation 72) ELISA Kit
BLS-6805Hu Human CD5L(CD5 Antigen Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3107Hu Human CD59(Protectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5017Hu Human CD52(Cluster Of Differentiation 52) ELISA Kit
BLS-2307Hu Human CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-2928Hu Human CD4(Cluster Of Differentiation 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5191Hu Human CD3d(Cluster Of Differentiation 3d) ELISA Kit
BLS-2707Hu Human CD34(Cluster Of Differentiation 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-2306Hu Human CD30L(Cluster Of Differentiation 30 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-6964Hu Human CD27BP(CD27 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3533Hu Human CD276(Cluster Of Differentiation 276) ELISA Kit
BLS-2948Hu Human CD24(Cluster Of Differentiation 24) ELISA Kit
BLS-3877Hu Human CD226(Cluster Of Differentiation 226) ELISA Kit
BLS-6661Hu Human CD200R2(CD200 Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6585Hu Human CD200R1(CD200 Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3548Hu Human CD200(Cluster Of Differentiation 200) ELISA Kit
BLS-3457Hu Human CD19(Cluster Of Differentiation 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-9330Hu Human CD177(CD177 antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5116Hu Human CD163(Cluster Of Differentiation) ELISA Kit
BLS-4252Hu Human CD160(Cluster Of Differentiation 160) ELISA Kit
BLS-1787Hu Human CD14(Cluster Of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-4321Hu Human CD109(Cluster Of Differentiation 109) ELISA Kit
BLS-6962Hu Human CCT2(Chaperonin Containing TCP1, Subunit 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6607Hu Human CCRN4L(Carbon Catabolite Repression 4 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2135Hu Human CCR7(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2383Hu Human CCR6(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4497Hu Human CCR5(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4834Hu Human CCR4(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2980Hu Human CCR3(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2930Hu Human CCR2(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4621Hu Human CCR1(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4920Hu Human CCNY(Cyclin Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-5510Hu Human CCND3(Cyclin D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1489Hu Human CCND2(Cyclin D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1487Hu Human CCND1(Cyclin D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4083Hu Human CCNB2(Cyclin B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4082Hu Human CCNB(Cyclin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4081Hu Human CCNA1(Cyclin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5465Hu Human CCNA(Cyclin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1413Hu Human CCL3L1(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 3 Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5523Hu Human CCL16(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2995Hu Human CCL14(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-8766Hu Human CCL13(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-1370Hu Human CCL1(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1748Hu Human CCKBR(Cholecystokinin B Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1914Hu Human CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1745Hu Human CCK8(Cholecystokinin 8, Octapeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5611Hu Human CCK25(Cholecystokinin 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-4875Hu Human CCK18(Cholecystokinin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-4876Hu Human CCK12(Cholecystokinin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2634Hu Human CCK(Cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3505Hu Human CCDC80(Coiled Coil Domain Containing Protein 80) ELISA Kit
BLS-6208Hu Human CCDC3(Coiled Coil Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4509Hu Human CCbL1(Cysteine Conjugate Beta Lyase, Cytoplasmic) ELISA Kit
BLS-9155Hu Human CCA(Colon Cancer Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6426Hu Human CC2D1A(Coiled Coil And C2 Domain Containing Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1641Hu Human CC16(Clara Cell Protein 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-3263Hu Human CBX3(Chromobox Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4124Hu Human CBR3(Carbonyl Reductase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4144Hu Human CBLN1(Cerebellin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3040Hu Human CBG(Corticosteroid Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4066Hu Human CAV2(Caveolin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1984Hu Human CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8409Hu Human catestatin ELISA Kit
BLS-1318Hu Human CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5181Hu Human CASR(Calcium Sensing Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1530Hu Human CASP9(Caspase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1227Hu Human CASP8(Caspase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1096Hu Human CASP7(Caspase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4049Hu Human CASP6(Caspase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1705Hu Human CASP5(Caspase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2164Hu Human CASP4(Caspase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1527Hu Human CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2387Hu Human CASP14(Caspase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-5519Hu Human CASP11(Caspase 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-2076Hu Human CASP1(Caspase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8401Hu Human carboxyhemoglobin,HbCO ELISA Kit
BLS-5321Hu Human CAR(Constitutive Androstane Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3507Hu Human CAPZb(Capping Protein Muscle Z Line Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3571Hu Human CAPS(Calcyphosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-4211Hu Human CAPNS1(Calpain, Small Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4123Hu Human CAPN6(Calpain 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4067Hu Human CAPN3(Calpain 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4208Hu Human CAPN2(Calpain 2, Large Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-3861Hu Human CAPN1(Calpain 1, Large Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-2990Hu Human CAP3(Cytoplasmic Antiproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3664Hu Human CAP2(Adenylyl Cyclase Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3115Hu Human CAP1(Channel Activating Protease 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5109Hu Human CAP1(Channel Activating Protease 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1882Hu Human CaN(Calcineurin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5249Hu Human CAMSAP1(Calmodulin Regulated Spectrin Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7156Hu Human CAMKK2(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4707Hu Human CAMK2b(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3327Hu Human CAMK2a(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2014Hu Human CAM(Calmodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2176Hu Human CALU(Calumenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4602Hu Human CALP(Calprotectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3544Hu Human CALML5(Calmodulin Like Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3417Hu Human CALML3(Calmodulin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4562Hu Human CALD(Caldesmon) ELISA Kit
BLS-3789Hu Human CALB(Calbindin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5489Hu Human cADPRH(Cyclic ADP Ribose Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3689Hu Human CADM1(Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1668Hu Human CAD(Caspase Activated DNase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3169Hu Human CACYBP(Calcyclin Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5110Hu Human CACT(Carnitine Acylcarnitine Translocase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7727Hu Human CACNg6(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, Gamma Subunit 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3707Hu Human CACNa1D(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, L-Type, Alpha 1D Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-4780Hu Human CACNa1B(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, N-Type, Alpha 1B Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-1373Hu Human CA9(Carbonic Anhydrase IX) ELISA Kit
BLS-3510Hu Human CA6(Carbonic Anhydrase VI) ELISA Kit
BLS-3829Hu Human CA5B(Carbonic Anhydrase VB, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-1811Hu Human CA50(Carbohydrate Antigen 50) ELISA Kit
BLS-3695Hu Human CA4(Carbonic Anhydrase IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-3582Hu Human CA3(Carbonic Anhydrase III, Muscle Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-8610Hu Human CA242(Carbohydrate Antigen 242) ELISA Kit
BLS-1065Hu Human CA2(Carbonic Anhydrase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1198Hu Human CA19-9(Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7082Hu Human CA19-5(Carbohydrate Antigen 19-5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2322Hu Human CA125(Carbohydrate Antigen 125) ELISA Kit
BLS-4269Hu Human CA12(Carbonic Anhydrase XII) ELISA Kit
BLS-1432Hu Human CA1(Carbonic Anhydrase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-8602Hu Human CA 27-29(cancer antigen 27-29) ELISA Kit
BLS-3196Hu Human C9(Complement Component 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2720Hu Human C8g(Complement Component 8g) ELISA Kit
BLS-4883Hu Human C8b(Complement Component 8b) ELISA Kit
BLS-2111Hu Human C7(Complement Component 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4068Hu Human C6(Complement Component 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1871Hu Human C5c(Complement C5 Convertase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8530Hu Human C5b(Complement Fragment 5b) ELISA Kit
BLS-9684Hu Human C5aR1(Complement Component 5a Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1051Hu Human C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
BLS-2718Hu Human C5(Complement Component 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6431Hu Human C4d(Complement Component 4d) ELISA Kit
BLS-7463Hu Human C4c(Complement Component 4c) ELISA Kit
BLS-2112Hu Human C4BPb(C4 Binding Protein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1594Hu Human C4BPa(C4 Binding Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1872Hu Human C4B(Complement C4-B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4951Hu Human C4a(Complement Component 4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-1653Hu Human C4(Complement Component 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9598Hu Human C3d(ComplementFragment 3d) ELISA Kit
BLS-1112Hu Human C3c(Complement C3 Convertase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1590Hu Human C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-1059Hu Human C3(Complement Component 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2386Hu Human C2(Complement Component 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3175Hu Human C1s(Complement Component 1, S Subcomponent) ELISA Kit
BLS-3174Hu Human C1r(Complement Component 1, R Subcomponent) ELISA Kit
BLS-6552Hu Human C1QTNF9(C1q And Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-8388Hu Human C1QTNF6(C1q And Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4599Hu Human C1QTNF3(C1q And Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4828Hu Human C1QTNF1(C1q And Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1382Hu Human C1qR1(Complement Component 1, Q Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3573Hu Human C1qL1(Complement Component 1, Q Subcomponent Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3574Hu Human C1qC(Complement Component 1, Q Subcomponent C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3583Hu Human C1qA(Complement Component 1, Q Subcomponent A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1075Hu Human C1q(Complement 1q) ELISA Kit
BLS-1923Hu Human C1INH(Complement 1 Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7447Hu Human C16orf89(Chromosome 16 Open Reading Frame 89) ELISA Kit
BLS-3580Hu Human BTN1A1(Butyrophilin Subfamily 1, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8669Hu Human BTLA(B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator) ELISA Kit
BLS-2680Hu Human Btk(Bruton’S Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2188Hu Human bTG(Beta-Thromboglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4993Hu Human BTD(Biotinidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1403Hu Human bTC(Betacellulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3486Hu Human BST2(Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3835Hu Human BST1(Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1761Hu Human BSP(Bone Sialoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3603Hu Human BSDL(Lipase, Bile Salt Dependent) ELISA Kit
BLS-5398Hu Human BRD4(Bromodomain Containing Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5006Hu Human BRD1(Bromodomain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7311Hu Human BRCC3(BRCA1/BRCA2 Containing Complex Subunit 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1897Hu Human BRCA2(Breast Cancer Susceptibility Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1904Hu Human BRCA1(Breast Cancer Susceptibility Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2082Hu Human BRAK(Breast And Kidney Expressed Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-4445Hu Human BRAF(B-Raf Proto Oncogene Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1819Hu Human BPI(Bactericidal/Permeability Increasing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4892Hu Human BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5430Hu Human BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9461Hu Human BNIP3L(BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3-like) ELISA Kit
BLS-8447Hu Human BNIP3(Bcl2/Adenovirus E1B 19kDa Interacting Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7352Hu Human bMSH(Beta-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5158Hu Human BMPR2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3526Hu Human BMPR1B(Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3570Hu Human BMPER(BMP Binding Endothelial Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-5121Hu Human BMP8B(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 8B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5120Hu Human BMP8A(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 8A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2635Hu Human BMP7(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1860Hu Human BMP6(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5119Hu Human BMP5(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7500Hu Human BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3297Hu Human BMP3(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1404Hu Human BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3066Hu Human BMP15(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-3193Hu Human BMP10(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1908Hu Human BMP1(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1200Hu Human BMG/b2-MG(Beta-2-Microglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4002Hu Human BLVRB(Biliverdin Reductase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4003Hu Human BLVRA(Biliverdin Reductase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4633Hu Human bLPH(Beta-Lipotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3153Hu Human BLMH(Bleomycin Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4499Hu Human BLK(B-Lymphoid Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1106Hu Human BLC1(B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5186Hu Human BK(Bradykinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8383Hu Human Bisphenol A ELISA kit
BLS-1703Hu Human Bid(BH3 Interacting Domain Death Agonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-5134Hu Human BIRC7(Baculoviral IAP Repeat Containing Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4215Hu Human BIRC6(Baculoviral IAP Repeat Containing Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4190Hu Human BIN2(Bridging Integrator 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4191Hu Human BIN1(Bridging Integrator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4879Hu Human BHMT(Betaine Homocysteine Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6131Hu Human BHLHB8(Basic Helix Loop Helix Domain Containing Protein B8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3436Hu Human BGN(Biglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-5173Hu Human BFAR(Bifunctional Apoptosis Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-2405Hu Human bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3491Hu Human BECN1(Beclin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1394Hu Human BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5404Hu Human BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4147Hu Human BDH1(3-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8995Hu Human BDG(beta-D-glucan) ELISA Kit
BLS-1544Hu Human bCTx(Beta-Crosslaps) ELISA Kit
BLS-4791Hu Human bCMO1(Beta-Carotene-15,15′-Monooxygenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5264Hu Human Bcl9L(B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6362Hu Human BCL2L11(Bcl2 Like Protein 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-7524Hu Human BCL2A1(Bcl2 Related Protein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1524Hu Human Bcl2(B-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4535Hu Human Bcl11A(B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 11A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3611Hu Human BCHE(Butyrylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5397Hu Human BCAS4(Breast Carcinoma Amplified Sequence 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4978Hu Human BCAR3(Breast Cancer Anti-Estrogen Resistance 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3692Hu Human BCAR1(Breast Cancer Anti-Estrogen Resistance 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3158Hu Human BCAN(Brevican) ELISA Kit
BLS-4981Hu Human BCAM(Basal Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-1532Hu Human Bax(Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3743Hu Human BASP1(Brain Abundant, Membrane Attached Signal Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8382Hu Human Barbiturates ELISA Kit
BLS-8569Hu Human Bap1(Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase BAP1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3666Hu Human BANP(BTG3 Associated Nuclear Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3594Hu Human BAMBI(BMP And Activin Membrane Bound Inhibitor Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-8560Hu Human BALP(Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1760Hu Human BALP(BoneAlkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3955Hu Human BAK1(Bcl2 Antagonist/Killer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4994Hu Human BAI3(Brain Specific Angiogenesis Inhibitor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4950Hu Human BAI1(Brain Specific Angiogenesis Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7573Hu Human BAHD2(Bromo Adjacent Homology Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3699Hu Human BAG3(Bcl2 Associated Athanogene 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2346Hu Human BAFFR(B-Cell Activation Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2145Hu Human BAFF/CD257(B-Cell Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9531Hu Human BAD(Bcl2 antagonist of cell death) ELISA Kit
BLS-2029Hu Human bACE1(Beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8661Hu Human BA(Butyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-2220Hu Human b4GALT1(Beta-1,4-Galactosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4319Hu Human b4GALNT2(Beta-1,4-N-Acetyl Galactosaminyl Transferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5071Hu Human b3GNT3(Beta-1,3-N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4339Hu Human b3GAT1(Beta-1,3-Glucuronyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1990Hu Human AZU1(Azurocidin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6240Hu Human aZGP1(Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1, Zinc Binding) ELISA Kit
BLS-7559Hu Human AXL(AXL Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3070Hu Human AXIN2(Axis Inhibition Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4635Hu Human AURKB(Aurora Kinase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9585Hu Human ATXN2(Ataxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5092Hu Human ATXN10(Ataxin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4048Hu Human ATRN(Attractin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4293Hu Human ATP7b(ATPase, Cu++ Transporting Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5394Hu Human ATP6AP2(ATPase, H+ Transporting, Lysosomal Accessory Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3283Hu Human ATP2A2(ATPase, Ca++ Transporting, Cardiac Muscle, Slow Twitch 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6798Hu Human ATP1b4(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 4 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7441Hu Human ATP1a2(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Alpha 2 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7435Hu Human ATP1a1(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Alpha 1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1896Hu Human ATM(Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated) ELISA Kit
BLS-7079Hu Human ATG7(Autophagy Related Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7439Hu Human ATG5(Autophagy Related Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6404Hu Human ATG16L1(Autophagy Related Protein 16 Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7517Hu Human ATG12(Autophagy Related Protein 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-1681Hu Human ATF4(Activating Transcription Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4949Hu Human ATF3(Activating Transcription Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5516Hu Human ATF1(Activating Transcription Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1338Hu Human AT(Antithrombin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3979Hu Human ASTL(Astacin Like Metallo Endopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9236Hu Human AST2(Aspartate Aminotransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1966Hu Human AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3621Hu Human ASS1(Argininosuccinate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8712Hu Human ASRGL1(L-asparaginase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9677Hu Human ASPP1(Apoptosis-stimulating of p53 protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3098Hu Human ASPN(Asporin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3537Hu Human ASPH(Aspartate Beta Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1821Hu Human ASP(Acylation Stimulating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3927Hu Human ASNS(Asparagine Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4090Hu Human ASMT(Acetylserotonin-O-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9447Hu Human ASMA(Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-9520Hu Human ASMA(Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-1895Hu Human ASM(Acid Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1894Hu Human ASK1(Apoptosis Signal Regulating Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3154Hu Human ASGR2(Asialoglycoprotein Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1676Hu Human ASGR1(Asialoglycoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7312Hu Human ASCC3(Activating Signal Cointegrator 1 Complex Subunit 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4616Hu Human ASC1(Asc Type Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5107Hu Human ASAH2(N-Acylsphingosine Amidohydrolase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2966Hu Human ASAH1(N-Acylsphingosine Amidohydrolase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5325Hu Human AS3MT(Arsenic, 3-Oxidation State Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4192Hu Human ARTN(Artemin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4593Hu Human ARSF(Arylsulfatase F) ELISA Kit
BLS-4154Hu Human ARSB(Arylsulfatase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4714Hu Human ARSA(Arylsulfatase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2739Hu Human ARRb2(Arrestin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4658Hu Human ARPC2(Actin Related Protein 2/3 Complex Subunit 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2895Hu Human ARO(Aromatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5308Hu Human ARNTL(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4776Hu Human ARNT(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator) ELISA Kit
BLS-7390Hu Human ARL15(ADP Ribosylation Factor Like Protein 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6220Hu Human ARL1(Aldose Reductase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4547Hu Human ARHGDIb(Rho GDP Dissociation Inhibitor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3171Hu Human ARHGDIa(Rho GDP Dissociation Inhibitor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3391Hu Human Arg2(Arginase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1790Hu Human ARG1(ArginaseI) ELISA Kit
BLS-1002Hu Human AREG(Amphiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1829Hu Human AR(Androgen Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9402Hu Human AQPEP(Aminopeptidase Q) ELISA Kit
BLS-1449Hu Human AQP9(Aquaporin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3346Hu Human AQP8(Aquaporin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1471Hu Human AQP5(Aquaporin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5602Hu Human AQP5(Aquaporin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1468Hu Human AQP4(Aquaporin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1467Hu Human AQP3(Aquaporin 3, Gill Blood Group) ELISA Kit
BLS-1447Hu Human AQP2(Aquaporin 2, Collecting Duct) ELISA Kit
BLS-1466Hu Human AQP1(Aquaporin 1, Colton Blood Group) ELISA Kit
BLS-3550Hu Human APRT(Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1735Hu Human APP(Amyloid Precursor Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1285Hu Human apoTf(Apotransferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3920Hu Human APOO(Apolipoprotein O) ELISA Kit
BLS-3006Hu Human APOM(Apolipoprotein M) ELISA Kit
BLS-8783Hu Human APOL4(Apolipoprotein L4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4858Hu Human APOL2(Apolipoprotein L2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3432Hu Human APOL1(Apolipoprotein L) ELISA Kit
BLS-2348Hu Human APOH(Apolipoprotein H) ELISA Kit
BLS-2250Hu Human APOF(Apolipoprotein F) ELISA Kit
BLS-1099Hu Human APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-2717Hu Human APOD(Apolipoprotein D) ELISA Kit
BLS-1786Hu Human APOC4(Apolipoprotein C4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2244Hu Human APOC3(Apolipoprotein C3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2740Hu Human APOC2(Apolipoprotein C2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2340Hu Human APOC1(Apolipoprotein C1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2251Hu Human APOB48(Apolipoprotein B48) ELISA Kit
BLS-1275Hu Human APOB100(Apolipoprotein B100) ELISA Kit
BLS-1314Hu Human APOB(Apolipoprotein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2741Hu Human APOA5(Apolipoprotein A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2212Hu Human APOA4(Apolipoprotein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2624Hu Human APOA2(Apolipoprotein A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4941Hu Human APOA1BP(Apolipoprotein A1 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1092Hu Human APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7000Hu Human APMAP(Adipocyte Plasma Membrane Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3282Hu Human APLP2(Amyloid Beta Precursor Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4417Hu Human APLP1(Amyloid Beta Precursor Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8782Hu Human APLNR(Apelin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4069Hu Human APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8309Hu Human APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5117Hu Human API5(Apoptosis Inhibitor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-9156Hu Human APC(Adenomatous polyposis coli) ELISA Kit
BLS-2051Hu Human APC(Activated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3148Hu Human APC(Activated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-1750Hu Human APAF1(Apoptotic Peptidase Activating Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5267Hu Human AP3b1(Adaptor Related Protein Complex 3 Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2243Hu Human AP36(Apelin 36) ELISA Kit
BLS-4489Hu Human AP2m1(Adaptor Related Protein Complex 2 Mu 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4210Hu Human AP17(Apelin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-2252Hu Human AP13(Apelin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-1635Hu Human AP12(Apelin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5337Hu Human AOPP(Advanced Oxidation Protein Products) ELISA Kit
BLS-3978Hu Human AOAH(Acyloxyacyl Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4115Hu Human ANXA9(Annexin A9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5574Hu Human ANXA7(Annexin A7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3041Hu Human ANXA6(Annexin A6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2342Hu Human ANXA5(Annexin A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3292Hu Human ANXA4(Annexin A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3218Hu Human ANXA3(Annexin A3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2696Hu Human ANXA2(Annexin A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3017Hu Human ANXA11(Annexin A11) ELISA Kit
BLS-4116Hu Human ANXA10(Annexin A10) ELISA Kit
BLS-3018Hu Human ANXA1(Annexin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3782Hu Human ANTXR2(Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8249Hu Human Anti-THSD7A(Anti-Thrombospondin Type I Domain Containing Protein 7A Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8183Hu Human Anti-SNCa(Anti-Synuclein Alpha Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8255Hu Human Anti-RHD(Anti-Rh Blood Group, D Antigen Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8082Hu Human Anti-PLP1(Anti-Proteolipid Protein 1, Myelin Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8009Hu Human Anti-MPO(Anti-Myeloperoxidase Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8083Hu Human Anti-MOG(Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8048Hu Human Anti-MBP(Anti-Myelin Basic Protein Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8057Hu Human Anti-MBL(Anti-Mannose Binding Lectin Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7848Hu Human Anti-ISR(Anti-Insulin Receptor Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8046Hu Human Anti-IgA(Anti-Immunoglobulin A Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7844Hu Human Anti-IAA(Anti-Insulin Autoantibody Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8037Hu Human Anti-HPF4(Anti-Heparin/Platelet Factor 4 Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8248Hu Human Anti-GRIN2A(Anti-Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7847Hu Human Anti-GH(Anti-Growth Hormone Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7911Hu Human Anti-GAD(Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8060Hu Human Anti-CRP(Anti-C Reactive Protein Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-9238Hu Human anti-CarP(anti-carbamylated protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7843Hu Human Anti-C1q(Anti-Complement 1q Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8071Hu Human Anti-AsAb(Anti-Anti-Sperm Antibody Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7859Hu Human Anti-Apo(Anti-Apolipoprotein Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7831Hu Human Anti-ALB(Anti-Albumin Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-5422Hu Human ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3761Hu Human ANO6(Anoctamin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4193Hu Human ANLN(Anillin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5473Hu Human ANKRD12(Ankyrin Repeat Domain Protein 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-3054Hu Human ANKRD1(Ankyrin Repeat Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7284Hu Human ANGPTL8(Angiopoietin Like Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6129Hu Human ANGPTL6(Angiopoietin Like Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8375Hu Human ANGPTL5(Angiopoietin Like Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1734Hu Human ANGPTL4(Angiopoietin Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2156Hu Human ANGPTL3(Angiopoietin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2677Hu Human ANGPTL2(Angiopoietin Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2650Hu Human ANGPTL1(Angiopoietin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2120Hu Human ANGPT4(Angiopoietin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2959Hu Human AngIII(Angiotensin III) ELISA Kit
BLS-1399Hu Human AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1600Hu Human AngI(Angiotensin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-1402Hu Human ANG2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7609Hu Human Ang1-9(Angiotensin 1-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7678Hu Human Ang1-7(Angiotensin 1-7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1005Hu Human ANG1(Angiopoietin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1004Hu Human ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1830Hu Human ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9201Hu Human ANA(anti-nuclear Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-9542Hu Human Amyloid beta(Aggregated) ELISA Kit
BLS-2177Hu Human Amya(Amylase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5341Hu Human AMY2(Amylase Alpha 2, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-1995Hu Human AMY1(Amylase Alpha 1, Salivary) ELISA Kit
BLS-1924Hu Human aMSH(Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3399Hu Human AMR(Adrenomedullin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4850Hu Human AMOT(Angiomotin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4047Hu Human AMN(Amnionless) ELISA Kit
BLS-7086Hu Human AMIGO1(Adhesion Molecule With Ig Like Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2336Hu Human AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4194Hu Human AMELX(Amelogenin, X-Linked) ELISA Kit
BLS-4743Hu Human aMACR(Alpha-Methylacyl Coenzyme A Racemase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2461Hu Human ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4786Hu Human ALPPL2(Alkaline Phosphatase, Placental Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1810Hu Human ALPP(Alkaline Phosphatase, Placental) ELISA Kit
BLS-1758Hu Human ALPI(Alkaline Phosphatase, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1941Hu Human ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3540Hu Human ALOXE3(Arachidonate Lipoxygenase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1892Hu Human ALOX5(Arachidonate-5-Lipoxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4966Hu Human ALOX15B(Arachidonate-15-Lipoxygenase, Type B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4753Hu Human ALOX15(Arachidonate-15-Lipoxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4754Hu Human ALOX12(Arachidonate-12-Lipoxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2631Hu Human Alk-Smase(Alkaline Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2667Hu Human ALK1(Activin Receptor Like Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5606Hu Human ALDOS(Aldosterone Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3462Hu Human ALDOC(Aldolase C, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-4706Hu Human ALDOB(Aldolase B, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-4694Hu Human ALDOA(Aldolase A, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-2754Hu Human ALDM(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-9232Hu Human ALDH9A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 9 Family, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5238Hu Human ALDH6A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 6 Family, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3690Hu Human ALDH3A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 3 Family, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3230Hu Human ALDH1A2(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 Family, Member A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3311Hu Human ALDH1A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 Family, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8545Hu Human ALDH18A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9313Hu Human ALD(Aldosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1397Hu Human ALCAM(Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-1071Hu Human ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8585Hu Human ALAS1(Aminolevulinate Delta Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2938Hu Human ALAD(Aminolevulinate Delta Dehydratase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1733Hu Human aLA(Alpha-Lactalbumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4122Hu Human AK3(Adenylate Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3194Hu Human AIRE(Autoimmune Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-6321Hu Human AIMP1(Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase Complex Interacting Multifunctional Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4291Hu Human AIM2(Absent In Melanoma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4371Hu Human AIM1(Absent In Melanoma 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1331Hu Human AIF1(Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1670Hu Human AIF(Apoptosis Inducing Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2360Hu Human aHSP(Alpha-Hemoglobin Stabilizing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3669Hu Human AHRR(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Repressor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1891Hu Human AhR(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3322Hu Human AHNAK(Desmoyokin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4149Hu Human AHCY(Adenosylhomocysteinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1955Hu Human AGTR2(Angiotensin II Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2125Hu Human AGTR1(Angiotensin II Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1616Hu Human AGT(Angiotensinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-1869Hu Human AGRP(Agouti Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1870Hu Human AGRN(Agrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9711Hu Human AGR3(Anterior gradient protein 3 homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3052Hu Human AGR2(Anterior Gradient Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3404Hu Human AGK(Acylglycerol Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9594Hu Human A-GHRL(AcylatedGhrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9100Hu Human A-GHR(Acylated Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6201Hu Human AGGF1(Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1852Hu Human AGER(Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2673Hu Human AGC(Aggrecan) ELISA Kit
BLS-1788Hu Human aFPL3(Alpha-Fetoprotein Lens Culinaris Agglutinin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1301Hu Human aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4511Hu Human AFMID(Arylformamidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3008Hu Human AFM(Afamin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3545Hu Human AFF1(AF4/FMR2 Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2087Hu Human aEP(Alpha-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3539Hu Human AEBP1(AE Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8543Hu Human AEA(Anandamide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1534Hu Human ADRP(Adipose Differentiation Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4624Hu Human ADRbK1(Adrenergic Receptor Beta Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5282Hu Human ADRb3(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5277Hu Human ADRb1(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3967Hu Human ADRa2C(Adrenergic Receptor Alpha 2C) ELISA Kit
BLS-1867Hu Human ADRa1A(Adrenergic Receptor Alpha 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5362Hu Human ADPRH(ADP Ribosylarginine Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1233Hu Human ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3837Hu Human ADORA2b(Adenosine A2b Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4328Hu Human ADORA2a(Adenosine A2a Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9163Hu Human ADO(Adenosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3742Hu Human ADNP(Activity Dependent Neuroprotector Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8616Hu Human ADMA(Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5012Hu Human ADM2(Adrenomedullin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1803Hu Human ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4046Hu Human ADK(Adenosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2956Hu Human ADIPOR2(Adiponectin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2843Hu Human ADIPOR1(Adiponectin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5260Hu Human ADIG(Adipogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5239Hu Human ADH6(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4515Hu Human ADH2(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2204Hu Human ADH1(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1793Hu Human ADH(Antidiuretic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5414Hu Human ADH(Antidiuretic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4860Hu Human ADCYAP1(Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide 1, Pituitary) ELISA Kit
BLS-4912Hu Human ADCY9(Adenylate Cyclase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4913Hu Human ADCY6(Adenylate Cyclase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4796Hu Human ADCY5(Adenylate Cyclase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1971Hu Human ADCY2(Adenylate Cyclase 2, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-1533Hu Human ADCY1(Adenylate Cyclase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-3805Hu Human ADAMTS9(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5197Hu Human ADAMTS8(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2721Hu Human ADAMTS7(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3738Hu Human ADAMTS5(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3514Hu Human ADAMTS4(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2719Hu Human ADAMTS1(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2213Hu Human ADAM9(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1695Hu Human ADAM8(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6382Hu Human ADAM33(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 33) ELISA Kit
BLS-3125Hu Human ADAM28(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 28) ELISA Kit
BLS-3619Hu Human ADAM22(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-3658Hu Human ADAM19(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-1317Hu Human ADAM17(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3400Hu Human ADAM15(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-1329Hu Human ADAM12(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2114Hu Human ADAM10(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1970Hu Human ADA(Adenosine Deaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6444Hu Human AD(Adropin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4045Hu Human ACY1(Aminoacylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4313Hu Human ACVR2A(Activin A Receptor Type II A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4461Hu Human ACVR1(Activin A Receptor Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2858Hu Human ACVB(Activin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1918Hu Human ACVAB(Activin AB) ELISA Kit
BLS-5329Hu Human ACVA(Activin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4853Hu Human aCTx(Alpha-Crosslaps) ELISA Kit
BLS-4564Hu Human ACTN4(Actinin Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5224Hu Human ACTN3(Actinin Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2657Hu Human ACTN2(Actinin Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5546Hu Human ACTN1(Actinin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5157Hu Human ACTL6A(Actin Like Protein 6A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1222Hu Human ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4797Hu Human ACTg2(Actin Gamma 2, Smooth Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-4924Hu Human ACTb(Actin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4752Hu Human ACTa2(Actin Alpha 2, Smooth Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-4925Hu Human ACTa1(Actin Alpha 1, Skeletal Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-8993Hu Human ACSL4(Acyl Coenzyme A Synthetase Long Chain Family, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8841Hu Human ACRBP(Acrosin-binding protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2698Hu Human ACR(Acrosin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1456Hu Human ACP5(Acid Phosphatase 5, Tartrate Resistant) ELISA Kit
BLS-2328Hu Human ACP3(Acid Phosphatase 3, Prostatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-3300Hu Human ACP2(Acid Phosphatase 2, Lysosomal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3265Hu Human ACO1(Aconitase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4614Hu Human AchE(Acetylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3741Hu Human ACHAP(Acetylcholinesterase Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8634Hu Human ACH(Acetylcholine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8654Hu Human Acetylated-Histone H3 ELISA Kit
BLS-1294Hu Human ACE2(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1000Hu Human ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-9202Hu Human ACCPA(anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-3780Hu Human ACAT2(Acetyl Coenzyme A Acetyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9254Hu Human ACA-IgM(Anti-Cardiolipin Antibody IgM) ELISA Kit
BLS-9253Hu Human ACA-IgG(Anti-Cardiolipin Antibody IgG) ELISA Kit
BLS-4541Hu Human ACACa(Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4195Hu Human ABI1(Abl Interactor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1954Hu Human ABCG2(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1853Hu Human ABCG1(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5612Hu Human ABCD1(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4728Hu Human ABCC9(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4729Hu Human ABCC8(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4730Hu Human ABCC6(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4731Hu Human ABCC5(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4732Hu Human ABCC4(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4733Hu Human ABCC3(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4725Hu Human ABCC2(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4735Hu Human ABCC13(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C13) ELISA Kit
BLS-4736Hu Human ABCC12(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4737Hu Human ABCC11(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C11) ELISA Kit
BLS-7157Hu Human ABCC10(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C10) ELISA Kit
BLS-5024Hu Human ABCB5(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter B5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4473Hu Human ABCA4(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3587Hu Human ABCA3(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1825Hu Human ABCA1(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2100Hu Human Ab1-42(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42) ELISA Kit
BLS-1492Hu Human Ab1-40(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40) ELISA Kit
BLS-4643Hu Human AASDHPPT(Aminoadipate Semialdehyde Phosphopantetheinyl Transferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2996Hu Human AAP(Alanine Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5237Hu Human AANAT(Arylalkylamine-N-Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3121Hu Human AADAT(Aminoadipate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1919Hu Human a2PI(Alpha-2-Plasmin Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2137Hu Human a2ML1(Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1070Hu Human a2M(Alpha-2-Macroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2013Hu Human a1M(Alpha-1-Microglobulin/Bikunin Precursor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8606Hu Human a1M(alpha 1 microglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3373Hu Human a1BG(Alpha-1-B-Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2154Hu Human a1AT(Alpha-1-Antitrypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1053Hu Human a1AGP(Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1732Hu Human a1ACT(Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8533Hu Human 8-OHdG(DNA Damage) ELISA Kit
BLS-8402Hu Human 8-iso prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2a) ELISA kit
BLS-8698Hu Human 5-hydroxytryptamine ELISA Kit
BLS-8829Hu Human 5HTR7(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-8828Hu Human 5HTR6(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8827Hu Human 5HTR5B(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 5B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8826Hu Human 5HTR5A(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor R5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4089Hu Human 5HTR4(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8830Hu Human 5HTR2C(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2C) ELISA Kit
BLS-8825Hu Human 5HTR2B(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4363Hu Human 5HTR2A(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8824Hu Human 5HTR1B(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4282Hu Human 5HTR1A(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8524Hu Human 5-HT(5-Hydroxytryptamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8372Hu Human 4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) ELISA Kit
BLS-8542Hu Human 2-AG(2-Arachidonoylglycerol) ELISA Kit
BLS-5359Hu Human 20S-PSM(20S-Proteasome) ELISA Kit
BLS-8351Hu Human 15-HETE(15-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8821Hu Human 14-3-3 protein eta(YWHAH) ELISA Kit
BLS-5807Ho Horse VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4259Ho Horse TRF(Transferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8010Ho Horse TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9456Ho Horse TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-9470Ho Horse TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-5856Ho Horse TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5847Ho Horse TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5843Ho Horse TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6441Ho Horse TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8159Ho Horse TGFb3(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5837Ho Horse TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8556Ho Horse Testo(Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9687Ho Horse SPX(Spexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9675Ho Horse sCD14(soluble cluster of differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-8283Ho Horse SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8550Ho Horse RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9474Ho Horse PRKAa1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9673Ho Horse Presepsin(Presepsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5949Ho Horse PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8549Ho Horse PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9157Ho Horse PDGFBB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB) ELISA Kit
BLS-9658Ho Horse PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6027Ho Horse MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7137Ho Horse MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5815Ho Horse MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5809Ho Horse MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7270Ho Horse MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5943Ho Horse MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5939Ho Horse MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9688Ho Horse METRNL(Meteorin Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8795Ho Horse MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-8963Ho Horse LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-9469Ho Horse Lingo1(Leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7528Ho Horse LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5930Ho Horse LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9557Ho Horse KL(Klotho) ELISA Kit
BLS-9475Ho Horse Irisin ELISA Kit
BLS-5927Ho Horse IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5926Ho Horse IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5924Ho Horse IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5921Ho Horse IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5918Ho Horse IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5900Ho Horse IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-6249Ho Horse IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5915Ho Horse IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5903Ho Horse IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5888Ho Horse IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5879Ho Horse IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5871Ho Horse IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5876Ho Horse IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5867Ho Horse IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-8959Ho Horse IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-1350Ho Horse IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-9468Ho Horse IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8960Ho Horse IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6930Ho Horse IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5901Ho Horse IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5982Ho Horse IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9388Ho Horse HSP90(Heat Shock Protein 90) ELISA Kit
BLS-9389Ho Horse HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-8966Ho Horse HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1352Ho Horse HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5998Ho Horse GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7608Ho Horse FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8970Ho Horse FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-8965Ho Horse FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8967Ho Horse FETUA(Fetuin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9471Ho Horse FABP7(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 7, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-5972Ho Horse EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5969Ho Horse ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8547Ho Horse E2(Estradiol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8548Ho Horse E1S(Estrone Sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-5917Ho Horse DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8281Ho Horse DBP(Vitamin D Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7180Ho Horse D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-9455Ho Horse cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-8962Ho Horse CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8961Ho Horse CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8557Ho Horse Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8554Ho Horse Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8307Ho Horse COMP(Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8221Ho Horse COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-8222Ho Horse COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9473Ho Horse CKMB(Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-8679Ho Horse cAMP(Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8969Ho Horse BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7527Ho Horse bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8985Ho Horse ASMA(Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-9472Ho Horse APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7629Ho Horse ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6929Ho Horse AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-9655Ho Horse Amya(Amylase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9556Ho Horse AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5884Ho Horse aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7407Ho Horse ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8958Ho Horse a2M(Alpha-2-Macroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8878Hu High Sensitivity Human I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9515Ha Hamster MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9518Ha Hamster MMP19(Matrix Metalloproteinase 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-9517Ha Hamster MMP12(Matrix Metalloproteinase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-9409Ha Hamster IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8681Ha Hamster IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-9405Ha Hamster IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9407Ha Hamster IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9408Ha Hamster IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-9370Ha Hamster IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9406Ha Hamster IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9006Ha Hamster D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-9712Ha Hamster CYP7A1(Cytochrome P450 7A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9645Ha Hamster CTSL(Cathepsin L) ELISA Kit
BLS-9516Ha Hamster CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-9514Ha Hamster CTSB(Cathepsin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9033Gu Guinea pig NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-9548Gu Guinea pig AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-9549Gu Guinea pig AGTR1(Angiotensin II Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9551Gu Guinea pig ADMA(Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-7054Gu Guinea pig  VIP(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7097Gu Guinea pig  VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1215Gu Guinea pig  TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7280Gu Guinea pig  TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6508Gu Guinea pig  SP(Substance P) ELISA Kit
BLS-5820Gu Guinea pig  RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
BLS-5818Gu Guinea pig  NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5817Gu Guinea pig  MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7712Gu Guinea pig  MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7095Gu Guinea pig  INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1282Gu Guinea pig  IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7449Gu Guinea pig  IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5752Gu Guinea pig  IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6785Gu Guinea pig  IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5825Gu Guinea pig  IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1281Gu Guinea pig  IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5916Gu Guinea pig  IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7448Gu Guinea pig  IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5872Gu Guinea pig  IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5745Gu Guinea pig  IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-5991Gu Guinea pig  IgG2(Immunoglobulin G2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1076Gu Guinea pig  IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-5892Gu Guinea pig  IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5711Gu Guinea pig  IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5828Gu Guinea pig  IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1353Gu Guinea pig  HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7129Gu Guinea pig  GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5712Gu Guinea pig  ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5970Gu Guinea pig  ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5740Gu Guinea pig  CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5812Gu Guinea pig  CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7055Gu Guinea pig  CCK8(Cholecystokinin 8, Octapeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8219Gu Guinea pig  BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1381Gu Guinea pig  ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9541Go Goat vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9536Go Goat TSHR(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8796Go Goat Total cholesterol (TC) ELISA Kit
BLS-5855Go Goat TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5846Go Goat TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9076Go Goat Testo(Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9537Go Goat SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-9181Go Goat SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8304Go Goat PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8689Go Goat PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9412Go Goat NEFA(Non-Esterified Fatty Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-5814Go Goat MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5942Go Goat MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-8709Go Goat MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-6014Go Goat LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8701Go Goat ITGb1(Integrin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7816Go Goat INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2874Go Goat IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7761Go Goat IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5870Go Goat IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5875Go Goat IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5866Go Goat IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-7353Go Goat IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-8708Go Goat IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9509Go Goat IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9511Go Goat HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-9428Go Goat HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4257Go Goat HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9427Go Goat GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5977Go Goat GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8713Go Goat GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7741Go Goat FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5975Go Goat FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-7451Go Goat ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8697Go Goat E-Cad(E-Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9075Go Goat DHEA(Dehydroepiandrosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8690Go Goat CRP(C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5964Go Goat BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9535Go Goat AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9566Go Goat AR(Androgen Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9539Go Goat ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9538Go Goat ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7215Go Goat ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8239Ge General VMA(Vanillylmandelic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8135Ge General VK1(Vitamin K1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8102Ge General VD3(Vitamin D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7870Ge General VD2(Vitamin D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7984Ge General VD(Vitamin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-8125Ge General VC(Vitamin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-8278Ge General VB7(Vitamin B7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7889Ge General VB6(Vitamin B6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8266Ge General VB2(Vitamin B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7916Ge General VB1(Vitamin B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9582Ge General VA(Vitamin A) ELISA KitKit
BLS-8128Ge General UTP(Uridine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8270Ge General Tyr(Tyrosol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7860Ge General TXB2(Thromboxane B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7849Ge General TXA2(Thromboxane A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8262Ge General Trp(Tryptophan) ELISA Kit
BLS-8678Ge General TMAO(Trimethylamine-N-oxide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8034Ge General THFA(Tetrahydrofolic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-9249Ge General THB(Tetrahydrobiopterin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9583Ge General TGF-b1(TransformingGrowth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8169Ge General TG(Triglyceride) ELISA Kit
BLS-1332Ge General Testo(Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7865Ge General TCPa(Alpha-Tocopherol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8173Ge General TCA(Taurocholic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8229Ge General Tau(Taurine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1204Ge General T4(Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1339Ge General T3(Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8171Ge General SPH(Sphingomyelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9577Ge General SP(Substance P) ELISA KitKit
BLS-8280Ge General SMD(Spermidine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9484Ge General SIP(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7899Ge General SCT(Salmon Calcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8284Ge General SB(Stercobilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8108Ge General SAM(S-Adenosyl Methionine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8273Ge General S1P(Sphingosine-1-Phosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8265Ge General RVT(Resveratrol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7898Ge General rT3(Reverse Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-7908Ge General Ret(Retinol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8141Ge General QA(Quinolinic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7927Ge General PTD(Pentosidine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8149Ge General PS(Phosphatidylserine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8238Ge General PP(Dipalmitin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8250Ge General PIP3(Phosphatidylinositol Trisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8237Ge General PI(Phosphatidylinositol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8106Ge General PGI2(Prostacyclin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8170Ge General PGH2(Prostaglandin H2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7850Ge General PGF2a(Prostaglandin F2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7886Ge General PGE2(Prostaglandin E2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8089Ge General PGD2(Prostaglandin D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7923Ge General PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8264Ge General PEG(Polyethylene Glycol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8254Ge General PCr(Phosphocreatine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8072Ge General PAF(Platelet Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1295Ge General OVA(Ovalbumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1749Ge General OT(Oxytocin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8241Ge General NTM(Natamycin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7885Ge General NE(Noradrenaline) ELISA Kit
BLS-8020Ge General NAADP(Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7862Ge General MT(Melatonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8535Ge General MGO(Methylglyoxal) ELISA Kit
BLS-9576Ge General MEK(Methionine-Enkephalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7832Ge General MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-7851Ge General LXA4(Lipoxin A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9564Ge General LTE4(Leukotriene E4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8118Ge General LTC4(Leukotriene C4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7887Ge General LTB4(Leukotriene B4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8074Ge General LTA4(Leukotriene A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8274Ge General LRT(Liraglutide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8145Ge General LPC(Lysophosphatidylcholine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8115Ge General LPA(Lysophosphatidic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8161Ge General LNG(Levonorgestrel) ELISA Kit
BLS-8790Ge General Lipoteichoic Acids(LTA) ELISA Kit
BLS-9280Ge General LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8217Ge General LA(Lactic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8136Ge General KYNA(Kynurenic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8148Ge General IP3(Inositol Triphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7852Ge General IAA(Indole 3 Acetic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7835Ge General Hyp(Hydroxyproline) ELISA Kit
BLS-7890Ge General HVD3(25-Hydroxyvitamin D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7921Ge General HVA(Homovanillic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8398Ge General HS(Heparan Sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8227Ge General Hep(Heparin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8121Ge General HCy(Homocysteine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8094Ge General HA(Hyaluronic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7869Ge General HA(Histamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8268Ge General GTD(Gastrodin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9195Ge General GSSG(Oxidized Glutathione) ELISA Kit
BLS-7846Ge General GSH(Glutathione) ELISA Kit
BLS-8242Ge General GS(Guanosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9578Ge General GnRH(GonadotropinReleasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8276Ge General Gly(Glycine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8234Ge General Glu(Glutamic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-9309Ge General GLP1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8164Ge General GFP(Green Fluorescent Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1513Ge General gABA(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7853Ge General GA(Gibberellic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-9584Ge General F-TESTO(FreeTestosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3119Ge General fT4(Free Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3101Ge General fT3(Free Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9279Ge General FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9168Ge General FK506(Tacrolimus) ELISA Kit
BLS-9646Ge General F-E3(Free Estriol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7834Ge General FA(Folic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7878Ge General ET(Epitestosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9031Ge General Estrogen ELISA Kit
BLS-7880Ge General EPI(Epinephrine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8055Ge General EE(Ethinylestradiol) ELISA Kit
BLS-6654Ge General ECP(Escherichia coli Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7876Ge General E3(Estriol) ELISA Kit
BLS-1208Ge General E2(Estradiol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7928Ge General E1S(Estrone Sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7837Ge General E1(Estrone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8091Ge General DHVD3(1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7979Ge General DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8370Ge General DHEA-S(Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7826Ge General DHEA(Dehydroepiandrosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8137Ge General DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7864Ge General DDAVP(1-Desamino 8D Arginine Vasopressin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8267Ge General DC(Deoxycholate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8147Ge General DAG(Diacylglycerol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7879Ge General DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9151Ge General CTN(Creatinine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8275Ge General CS(Chondroitin Sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8235Ge General CP(Cloprostenol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7957Ge General Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8029Ge General Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-1340Ge General ConA(Concanavalin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8228Ge General CNT(Carnitine) ELISA Kit
BLS-7871Ge General CNCbl(Cyanocobalamin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7896Ge General CML(Carboxymethyl Lysine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9241Ge General Cit(Citrulline) ELISA Kit
BLS-8282Ge General CH(Cholesterol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8144Ge General cGMP(Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8271Ge General CBG(Cinobufagin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8086Ge General Car(Carnosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8116Ge General cAMP(Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-1042Ge General BSA(Bovine Serum Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8601Ge General Biotin ELISA Kit
BLS-7839Ge General bHB(Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8103Ge General Bb(Bilirubin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8174Ge General BA(Butyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7901Ge General ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7877Ge General ASD(Androstenedione) ELISA Kit
BLS-7925Ge General Arg(Arginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-7894Ge General ALLO(Allopregnanolone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7881Ge General ALD(Aldosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8184Ge General ALCAR(Acetylcarnitine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1890Ge General AGE(Advanced Glycation End Product) ELISA Kit
BLS-8080Ge General AED(Androstenediol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8269Ge General AEA(Anandamide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7926Ge General ADT(Androsterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8175Ge General ADP(Adenosine Diphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-7845Ge General ADMA(Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8833Ge General ACTb(Actin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7888Ge General ACH(Acetylcholine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9575Ge General AcCoA(Acetyl CoA) ELISA Kit
BLS-7842Ge General ABA(Abscisic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7841Ge General AA(Arachidonic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7861Ge General 8-OHdG(8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8044Ge General 8-epi-PGF2a(8-Epi Prostaglandin F2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8059Ge General 5-Me-THF(5-Methyltetrahydrofolate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8124Ge General 5-HTP(5-Hydroxytryptophan) ELISA Kit
BLS-7830Ge General 5-HT(5-Hydroxytryptamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-7838Ge General 5-HIAA(5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8155Ge General 5-HETE(5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-9581Ge General 4-HNE(4-Hydroxynonenal) ELISA Kit
BLS-7866Ge General 3-NT(3-Nitrotyrosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8377Ge General 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid  (DOPAC) Elisa Kit.
BLS-8163Ge General 2-AG(2-Arachidonoylglycerol) ELISA Kit
BLS-9387Ge General 25-OH-D(25 Hydroxy Vitamin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-7875Ge General 17-OHP(17-Hydroxyprogesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8156Ge General 12-HETE(12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8908Ge General 11-KT( 11-keto Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9448Ge General 10-HETE(10-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7840Ge General 1,5-AG(1,5-Anhydroglucitol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8780Du Duck MT(Melatonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8779Du Duck Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-9063Do Dog vWFCP(Von Willebrand Factor Cleaving Protease) ELISA Kit
BLS-7479Do Dog vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1077Do Dog VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7423Do Dog VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7708Do Dog TTR(Transthyretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6003Do Dog TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1356Do Dog TRF(Transferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6020Do Dog TRAIL(Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-5783Do Dog TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5863Do Dog TPO(Thrombopoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8818Do Dog TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-9293Do Dog TNFRSF5(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1113Do Dog TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8073Do Dog TMEM27(Transmembrane Protein 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-2402Do Dog TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6155Do Dog TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5703Do Dog TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5702Do Dog TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9083Do Dog suPAR(soluble Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9165Do Dog sRANKL(SolubleReceptor Activator of Nuclear factor-kB Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-5652Do Dog SPA(Surfactant Associated Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6297Do Dog SP(Substance P) ELISA Kit
BLS-8700Do Dog SLPI(Secretory Leukocyte Peptidase Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9230Do Dog SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5973Do Dog SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
BLS-8834Do Dog SDMA(Symmetric dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5834Do Dog SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9676Do Dog sCD14(SolubleCluster of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-9336Do Dog SCARD1(Scavenger Receptor Class D Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8932Do Dog SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8611Do Dog RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5621Do Dog REN(Renin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8732Do Dog Pro-ANP(Pro Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9674Do Dog Presepsin(Presepsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8651Do Dog PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8648Do Dog PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9512Do Dog PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5732Do Dog OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8298Do Dog OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7628Do Dog OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7307Do Dog NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9192Do Dog NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-6023Do Dog NOS2/iNOS(NitricOxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-7581Do Dog NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9145Do Dog NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6331Do Dog MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5787Do Dog MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5937Do Dog MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5936Do Dog MIP1a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7273Do Dog MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1334Do Dog MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9191Do Dog MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7485Do Dog LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7364Do Dog LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5929Do Dog LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9084Do Dog LBP(Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9159Do Dog KLK3(Kallikrein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9160Do Dog KLK2(Kallikrein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8499Do Dog Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9337Do Dog Ki67P(Ki-67 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8911Do Dog KAL(Kallistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6044Do Dog I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5805Do Dog IP10(Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-8138Do Dog INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1269Do Dog IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-9638Do Dog IL7(Interleukin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5659Do Dog IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5923Do Dog IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5640Do Dog IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5920Do Dog IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5639Do Dog IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5899Do Dog IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-1296Do Dog IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5914Do Dog IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5648Do Dog IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5748Do Dog IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5800Do Dog IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5869Do Dog IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5874Do Dog IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5660Do Dog IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1302Do Dog IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-5804Do Dog IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5661Do Dog IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5898Do Dog IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5649Do Dog IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5631Do Dog ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8731Do Dog hs-cTnT(High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T) ELISA Kit
BLS-8730Do Dog hs-cTnI(High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6862Do Dog HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5992Do Dog HMGB-1(HighMobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7978Do Dog HMGA1(High Mobility Group AT Hook Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6001Do Dog HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8647Do Dog HA(Hyaluronic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-5979Do Dog GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5675Do Dog GMCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 2, Granulocyte Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-7964Do Dog GLUT4(Glucose Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5495Do Dog GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6007Do Dog GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8808Do Dog GDH(Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8597Do Dog GDF5(Growth Differentiation Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-9530Do Dog GAL3(Galectin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7365Do Dog FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8594Do Dog FGF7(Fibroblast Growth Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-8555Do Dog FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-9108Do Dog FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6034Do Dog F8(Coagulation Factor VIII) ELISA Kit
BLS-5700Do Dog ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9228Do Dog ESM1(Endothelial Cell Specific Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5665Do Dog EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6140Do Dog ENG(EnDoglin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5911Do Dog ELA2(Elastase 2, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
BLS-8595Do Dog EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8604Do Dog DSG3(Desmoglein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8603Do Dog DSG1(Desmoglein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8605Do Dog DSC1(Desmocollin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8596Do Dog CTXIII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type III Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8127Do Dog cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-9144Do Dog CRT(Calreticulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8301Do Dog CRP(C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9107Do Dog CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7509Do Dog CP(C-Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9223Do Dog CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8529Do Dog Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8688Do Dog Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-5707Do Dog COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7745Do Dog CLU(Clusterin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8819Do Dog CL(Cardiolipin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9543Do Dog CKB(Creatine Kinase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-9143Do Dog CHGA(Chromogranin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5997Do Dog CGRP1(CalcitoninGene Related Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7338Do Dog CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-5811Do Dog CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6838Do Dog CCK(Cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5851Do Dog CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8247Do Dog CALP(Calprotectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6189Do Dog C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
BLS-6030Do Dog C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-7250Do Dog BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5963Do Dog BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5417Do Dog BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7720Do Dog BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9529Do Dog BALP(Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7234Do Dog APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-7235Do Dog APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7797Do Dog ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8598Do Dog AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6724Do Dog AngI(Angiotensin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9106Do Dog ANG2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6506Do Dog ANG1(Angiopoietin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9220Do Dog AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9067Do Dog ALD(Aldosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1351Do Dog ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5883Do Dog aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6002Do Dog ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5647Do Dog ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5762Do Dog ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2037Ch Chicken VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7753Ch Chicken TTR(Transthyretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9301Ch Chicken TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8918Ch Chicken TRY(Trypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5364Ch Chicken TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9082Ch Chicken TLR4(Toll Like Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2829Ch Chicken TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2039Ch Chicken TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8957Ch Chicken T4(Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8946Ch Chicken T3(Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9068Ch Chicken SOD1(Superoxide Dismutase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-8844Ch Chicken SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-4908Ch Chicken sIgA(Secretory Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9490Ch Chicken SEPP1(Selenoprotein P1, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-8583Ch Chicken SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5559Ch Chicken RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-8927Ch Chicken PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
BLS-8494Ch Chicken PGE2(Prostaglandin E2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5361Ch Chicken PGC(Pepsinogen C) ELISA Kit
BLS-8490Ch Chicken PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8926Ch Chicken Ovotransferrin(Conalbumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5074Ch Chicken OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8943Ch Chicken OGG1(Oxoguanine Glycosylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4821Ch Chicken OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1360Ch Chicken Ntn1(Netrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8917Ch Chicken NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-2807Ch Chicken NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5686Ch Chicken NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-9069Ch Chicken NFE2L2(Nuclear Factor, Erythroid Derived 2 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9161Ch Chicken Neopterin ELISA Kit
BLS-8951Ch Chicken NE(Noradrenaline) ELISA Kit
BLS-5790Ch Chicken MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9300Ch Chicken MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2882Ch Chicken MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2878Ch Chicken MIP1b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8845Ch Chicken MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-7078Ch Chicken MBL(Mannose Binding Lectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8973Ch Chicken MAPt(Microtubule Associated Protein Tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-5755Ch Chicken LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-8930Ch Chicken LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8972Ch Chicken LRP1(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8667Ch Chicken LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5590Ch Chicken LIPD(Lipase, Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8919Ch Chicken LIP(Lipase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8489Ch Chicken LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2724Ch Chicken LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8741Ch Chicken LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8923Ch Chicken LAMP2(Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8922Ch Chicken LAMP1(Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8619Ch Chicken INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2757Ch Chicken IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1607Ch Chicken IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2871Ch Chicken IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2404Ch Chicken IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2403Ch Chicken IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1979Ch Chicken IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5171Ch Chicken IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-7652Ch Chicken IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-2601Ch Chicken IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2840Ch Chicken IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2744Ch Chicken IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-2450Ch Chicken IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5365Ch Chicken IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2780Ch Chicken IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-8941Ch Chicken IgY(Immunoglobulin Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-9182Ch Chicken IgY(Immunoglobulin of Yolk) ELISA Kit
BLS-1319Ch Chicken IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-1100Ch Chicken IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-4720Ch Chicken IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2035Ch Chicken IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5469Ch Chicken IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7653Ch Chicken IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1608Ch Chicken IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2124Ch Chicken IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2091Ch Chicken IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9299Ch Chicken IDO(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2431Ch Chicken HSPb2(Heat Shock Protein Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9095Ch Chicken HSP90(Heat Shock Protein 90) ELISA Kit
BLS-4696Ch Chicken HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-7563Ch Chicken HPX(Hemopexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8929Ch Chicken HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8771Ch Chicken HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8630Ch Chicken HA(Hyaluronic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8949Ch Chicken HA(Histamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9491Ch Chicken GPX4(Glutathione Peroxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8846Ch Chicken GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8495Ch Chicken GnRH(Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4502Ch Chicken GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2034Ch Chicken GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5496Ch Chicken GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8739Ch Chicken gGT1(Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5744Ch Chicken GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
BLS-8975Ch Chicken G6PD(Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8493Ch Chicken fT4(Free Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8492Ch Chicken fT3(Free Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8488Ch Chicken FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8928Ch Chicken FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2937Ch Chicken FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2936Ch Chicken FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2036Ch Chicken FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-2926Ch Chicken FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6669Ch Chicken FASN(Fatty Acid Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7754Ch Chicken FABP1(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-8491Ch Chicken Estrogen ELISA Kit
BLS-9423Ch Chicken DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8947Ch Chicken DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8976Ch Chicken CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8631Ch Chicken CS(Chondroitin Sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-2038Ch Chicken CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8770Ch Chicken CR(Calretinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8942Ch Chicken CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8925Ch Chicken Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8733Ch Chicken Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-9438Ch Chicken COL9a1(Collagen Type IX Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9437Ch Chicken COL8a1(Collagen Type VIII Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9435Ch Chicken COL7(Collagen Type VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-9434Ch Chicken COL6(Collagen Type VI) ELISA Kit
BLS-9433Ch Chicken COL5(Collagen Type V) ELISA Kit
BLS-9432Ch Chicken COL4(Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-8582Ch Chicken COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-8629Ch Chicken COL2(Collagen Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-9637Ch Chicken COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9436Ch Chicken COL10(Collagen Type X) ELISA Kit
BLS-9431Ch Chicken COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2921Ch Chicken CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9424Ch Chicken CGRP1(CalcitoninGene Related Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7813Ch Chicken CD8(Cluster ofDifferentiation 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7814Ch Chicken CD4(Cluster Of Differentiation 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7815Ch Chicken CD3d(Cluster Of Differentiation 3d) ELISA Kit
BLS-2293Ch Chicken CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2833Ch Chicken CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8866Ch Chicken CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8695Ch Chicken CASP8(Caspase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-8692Ch Chicken CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9285Ch Chicken CALP(Calprotectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2456Ch Chicken CA2(Carbonic Anhydrase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4612Ch Chicken C3(Complement Component 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2915Ch Chicken BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit


BLS-1716Hu Human GSTa5(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3016Hu Human GSTa4(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5190Hu Human GSTa3(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2704Hu Human GSTa2(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1714Hu Human GSTa1(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4091Hu Human GSS(Glutathione Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8558Hu Human GSP(Glycated Serum Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3753Hu Human GSK3b(Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1707Hu Human GSK3a(Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9096Hu Human GSH(Glutathione) ELISA Kit
BLS-5357Hu Human GSDMD(Gasdermin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-1276Hu Human GS(Gelsolin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3678Hu Human GS(Gelsolin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2939Hu Human GRP78(Glucose Regulated Protein 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-2049Hu Human GRP(Gla Rich Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4268Hu Human GRP(Gla Rich Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2080Hu Human GROg(Growth Regulated Oncogene Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2079Hu Human GROb(Growth Regulated Oncogene Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1024Hu Human GROa/CXCL1(Growth Regulated Oncogene Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3092Hu Human GRN(Granulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4926Hu Human GRM1(Glutamate Receptor, Metabotropic 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2169Hu Human GRIP1(Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4418Hu Human GRIN2D(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2D) ELISA Kit
BLS-4420Hu Human GRIN2C(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C) ELISA Kit
BLS-4421Hu Human GRIN2B(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3408Hu Human GRIN2A(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5387Hu Human GRIN1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5279Hu Human GRId2(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4368Hu Human GRIA4(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3969Hu Human GRIA3(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4367Hu Human GRIA2(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4366Hu Human GRIA1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3100Hu Human GREM1(Gremlin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3495Hu Human Grb2(Growth Factor Receptor Bound Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3635Hu Human Grb10(Growth Factor Receptor Bound Protein 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1667Hu Human GRb(Glucocorticoid Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5198Hu Human GRAP2(GRB2 Related Adaptor Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1666Hu Human GRa(Glucocorticoid Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1877Hu Human GR(Glutathione Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4775Hu Human GPX4(Glutathione Peroxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3444Hu Human GPX3(Glutathione Peroxidase 3, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4705Hu Human GPX2(Glutathione Peroxidase 2, Gastrointestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1928Hu Human GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6521Hu Human GPRC5A(G Protein Coupled Receptor, Family C, Group 5, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4387Hu Human GPR78(G Protein Coupled Receptor 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-9025Hu Human GPR39( G protein coupled receptor 39) ELISA Kit
BLS-3116Hu Human GPR37(G Protein Coupled Receptor 37) ELISA Kit
BLS-4839Hu Human GPR35(G Protein Coupled Receptor 35) ELISA Kit
BLS-5023Hu Human GPR172A(G Protein Coupled Receptor 172A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4567Hu Human GPR109B(G Protein Coupled Receptor 109B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8760Hu Human GPNMB(Transmembrane glycoprotein NMB) ELISA Kit
BLS-3447Hu Human GPLD1(Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Specific Phospholipase D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1688Hu Human GPIIb/IIIa(Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa) ELISA Kit
BLS-6567Hu Human GPIHBP1(Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchored High Density Lipoprotein Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1961Hu Human GPI(Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2081Hu Human GPI(Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3932Hu Human GPER(G Protein Coupled Estrogen Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1965Hu Human GPC4(Glypican 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2141Hu Human GPC3(Glypican 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2073Hu Human GPC2(Glypican 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1738Hu Human GPC1(Glypican 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3781Hu Human GPAM(Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2140Hu Human GP73(Golgi Protein 73) ELISA Kit
BLS-2670Hu Human GP6(Glycoprotein VI, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-3636Hu Human GP5(Glycoprotein V, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-1976Hu Human GP4(Platelet Membrane Glycoprotein IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-1991Hu Human GP39(Glycoprotein 39, Cartilage) ELISA Kit
BLS-4501Hu Human GP1Ba(Glycoprotein Ib Alpha Polypeptide, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-1031Hu Human gp130(Glycoprotein 130) ELISA Kit
BLS-6304Hu Human GOLGA8A(Golgin A8 Family, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4798Hu Human GOD(Glucose Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6469Hu Human GOAT(Ghrelin-O-Acyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5177Hu Human GnRH(Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5424Hu Human GnRH(Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4155Hu Human GNMT(Glycine-N-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2059Hu Human GNLY(Granulysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4454Hu Human GNaI3(G Protein Alpha Inhibiting Activity Polypeptide 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4916Hu Human GNa11(G Protein Alpha 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-3290Hu Human GML(Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchored Molecule Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1028Hu Human GMCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 2, Granulocyte Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-6148Hu Human GM2A(GM2 Ganglioside Activator) ELISA Kit
BLS-9081Hu Human GM(aspergillus galactomannan) ELISA Kit
BLS-4106Hu Human GLYT1(Glycine Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2753Hu Human GLUT4(Glucose Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2130Hu Human GLUT3(Glucose Transporter 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2761Hu Human GLUT2(Glucose Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1800Hu Human GLUT1(Glucose Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5577Hu Human GluAP(Glutamyl Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7824Hu Human GLT25D2(Glycosyltransferase 25 Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3944Hu Human GLS(Glutaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3407Hu Human GLRX3(Glutaredoxin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3657Hu Human GLRX(Glutaredoxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3108Hu Human GLP2(Glucagon Like Peptide 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4792Hu Human GLP1R(Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5218Hu Human GLP1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3668Hu Human GLO1(Glyoxalase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-4290Hu Human GLI1(GLI Family Zinc Finger Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4740Hu Human GLDC(Glycine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1920Hu Human GLb(Galactosidase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2860Hu Human GLa(Galactosidase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3610Hu Human GKN2(Gastrokine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3022Hu Human GKN1(Gastrokine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5091Hu Human GJb6(Gap Junction Protein Beta 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3976Hu Human GJb1(Gap Junction Protein Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4297Hu Human GITR(Glucocorticoid Induced Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1580Hu Human GIP(Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3212Hu Human GIF(Gastric Intrinsic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4217Hu Human GHSR(Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1943Hu Human GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4080Hu Human GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2561Hu Human GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1741Hu Human GHR(Growth Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3103Hu Human GH2(Growth Hormone 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5419Hu Human GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5613Hu Human GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3656Hu Human gGT5(Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1903Hu Human gGT1(Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3849Hu Human gGH(Gamma-Glutamyl Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6535Hu Human GFRa1(Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor Receptor Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3889Hu Human GFPT2(Glutamine Fructose-6-Phosphate Transaminase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1626Hu Human GFAP(Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8575Hu Human GF(Glycosylated Ferritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5553Hu Human gEP(Gamma-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1027Hu Human GDNF(Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4973Hu Human GDN(Glia Derived Nexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4636Hu Human GDI1(GDP Dissociation Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1927Hu Human GDH(Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2366Hu Human GDF9(Growth Differentiation Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4974Hu Human GDF6(Growth Differentiation Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1326Hu Human GDF5(Growth Differentiation Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4205Hu Human GDF3(Growth Differentiation Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2162Hu Human GDF2(Growth Differentiation Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2756Hu Human GDF15(Growth Differentiation Factor 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-4203Hu Human GDF11(Growth Differentiation Factor 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-9593Hu Human GDF10(GrowthDifferentiation Factor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-3061Hu Human GDF1(Growth Differentiation Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4600Hu Human GDA(Guanine Deaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4481Hu Human GCSFR(Colony Stimulating Factor Receptor, Granulocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-1025Hu Human GCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 3, Granulocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-1104Hu Human GCP2(Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1742Hu Human GCLM(Glutamate Cysteine Ligase, Modifier Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-8717Hu Human GCLC(Glutamate Cysteine Ligase, Catalytic) ELISA Kit
BLS-1111Hu Human GCK(Glucokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1081Hu Human GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
BLS-2159Hu Human GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
BLS-5179Hu Human GBP1(Guanylate Binding Protein 1, Interferon Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-3085Hu Human GbA(Glucosidase Beta, Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-5005Hu Human GATA5(GATA Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2358Hu Human GATA3(GATA Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3882Hu Human GAS6(Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3960Hu Human GARS(Glycyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2682Hu Human GAPDH(Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1884Hu Human GAP43(Growth Associated Protein 43) ELISA Kit
BLS-3607Hu Human GAN(Gigaxonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8902Hu Human GALT(Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridylyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9340Hu Human GALP(Galanin-like peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5233Hu Human GALK1(Galactokinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2811Hu Human GAL9(Galectin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2896Hu Human GAL8(Galectin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2810Hu Human GAL7(Galectin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2892Hu Human GAL4(Galectin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2790Hu Human GAL3(Galectin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2891Hu Human GAL2(Galectin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5304Hu Human GAL12(Galectin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-1312Hu Human GAL1(Galectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1756Hu Human GAL(Galanin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6211Hu Human GADL1(Glutamate Decarboxylase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6217Hu Human GADD45a(Growth Arrest And DNA Damage Inducible Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1832Hu Human GAD2(Glutamate Decarboxylase 2, Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-3676Hu Human GAD1(Glutamate Decarboxylase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-4652Hu Human gABRa2(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4715Hu Human GABPa(GA Binding Protein Transcription Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8832Hu Human GABARBP(GABA-Receptor B Associated Protein ) ELISA Kit
BLS-5060Hu Human GABARAPL2(GABA-A Receptor Associated Protein Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8831Hu Human GABARAP(GABA-Receptor A Associated Protein ) ELISA Kit
BLS-3685Hu Human GaA(Glucosidase Alpha, Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8432Hu Human GA(Glycated Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2457Hu Human G6PD(Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4455Hu Human G6PC(Glucose-6-Phosphatase, Catalytic) ELISA Kit
BLS-3914Hu Human FZD6(Frizzled Homolog 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4109Hu Human FZD1(Frizzled Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3670Hu Human FYN(FYN Oncogene Related To SRC/FGR/YES) ELISA Kit
BLS-2763Hu Human FXR(Farnesoid X Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4121Hu Human FUT6(Fucosyltransferase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4025Hu Human FUT4(Fucosyltransferase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4024Hu Human FUT3(Fucosyltransferase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5600Hu Human FUT2(Fucosyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4043Hu Human FUS(Fusion) ELISA Kit
BLS-3500Hu Human FUR(Furin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9459Hu Human FUNDC1(FUN14 domain-containing protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4827Hu Human FUCa2(Fucosidase Alpha L2, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-1450Hu Human FUCa1(Fucosidase Alpha L1, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-9481Hu Human FTO(Alpha-ketoglutaRate-dependent dioxygenase FTO) ELISA Kit
BLS-4761Hu Human FTMT(Ferritin, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-3120Hu Human FTL(Ferritin, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3136Hu Human FTH(Ferritin, Heavy Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9028Hu Human F-Testo(Free Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3142Hu Human FSTL1(Follistatin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1588Hu Human FST(Follistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3921Hu Human FSIP1(Fibrous Sheath Interacting Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3411Hu Human FSHR(Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1221Hu Human FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1386Hu Human FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2171Hu Human FSCN(Fascin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4682Hu Human FRZB(Frizzled Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4316Hu Human FRAP(FK506 Binding Protein 12 Rapamycin Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2679Hu Human FPR2(Formyl Peptide Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4832Hu Human FPR1(Formyl Peptide Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3773Hu Human FPN(Ferroportin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5475Hu Human FPN(Ferroportin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5168Hu Human FPB(Fibrinopeptide B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1820Hu Human FPA(Fibrinopeptide A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5310Hu Human FOXQ1(Forkhead Box Protein Q1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2241Hu Human FOXP3(Forkhead Box Protein P3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5514Hu Human FOXP1(Forkhead Box Protein P1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2115Hu Human FOXO1(Forkhead Box Protein O1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9113Hu Human FoxN1(Forkhead box N1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9709Hu Human FOXC2(Forkhead box protein C2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1855Hu Human FOS(V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-5342Hu Human FOLR2(Folate Receptor 2, Fetal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3046Hu Human FOLR1(Folate Receptor 1, Adult) ELISA Kit
BLS-5384Hu Human FNTb(Farnesyltransferase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4902Hu Human FNTa(Farnesyltransferase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3934Hu Human FNBP1(Formin Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4181Hu Human FN3K(Fructosamine-3-Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1020Hu Human FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4456Hu Human FMR1(Fragile X Mental Retardation 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2019Hu Human FMOD(Fibromodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9090Hu Human FMO3(Flavin Containing Monooxygenase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4594Hu Human FMO1(Flavin Containing Monooxygenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1021Hu Human Flt3L(FMS Like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-1421Hu Human Flt3(FMS Like Tyrosine Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4935Hu Human FLRT3(Fibronectin Leucine Rich Transmembrane Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4054Hu Human FLOT2(Flotillin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5386Hu Human FLOT1(Flotillin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3057Hu Human FLNC(Filamin C Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3056Hu Human FLNb(Filamin B Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4516Hu Human FLNa(Filamin A Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3650Hu Human FLII(Flightless I Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3513Hu Human FLG(Filaggrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3954Hu Human FLCN(Folliculin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6347Hu Human FKBPL(FK506 Binding Protein Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3249Hu Human FKBP5(FK506 Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4738Hu Human FKBP4(FK506 Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4956Hu Human FKBP1B(FK506 Binding Protein 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4323Hu Human FKBP1A(FK506 Binding Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4182Hu Human FIS1(Fission 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2611Hu Human FIL1d(Interleukin 1 Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4493Hu Human FHL1(Four And A Half LIM Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1956Hu Human FGL2(Fibrinogen Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3113Hu Human FGL1(Fibrinogen Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3398Hu Human FGg(Fibrinogen Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-6446Hu Human FGFRL1(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3161Hu Human FGFR4(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3160Hu Human FGFR3(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3090Hu Human FGFR2(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2848Hu Human FGFR1(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1418Hu Human FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4238Hu Human FGF8(Fibroblast Growth Factor 8, Androgen Induced) ELISA Kit
BLS-1069Hu Human FGF7(Fibroblast Growth Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1417Hu Human FGF6(Fibroblast Growth Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3508Hu Human FGF5(Fibroblast Growth Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1416Hu Human FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2940Hu Human FGF3(Fibroblast Growth Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1764Hu Human FGF23(Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-1323Hu Human FGF21(Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-5587Hu Human FGF20(Fibroblast Growth Factor 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-1258Hu Human FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5579Hu Human FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-4251Hu Human FGF19(Fibroblast Growth Factor 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-5118Hu Human FGF18(Fibroblast Growth Factor 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5484Hu Human FGF18(Fibroblast Growth Factor 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-4432Hu Human FGF17(Fibroblast Growth Factor 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5266Hu Human FGF13(Fibroblast Growth Factor 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-3365Hu Human FGF12(Fibroblast Growth Factor 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-3364Hu Human FGF11(Fibroblast Growth Factor 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-2868Hu Human FGF10(Fibroblast Growth Factor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1019Hu Human FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-1808Hu Human FGb(Fibrinogen Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1795Hu Human FGa(Fibrinogen Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2385Hu Human FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4220Hu Human FFAR4(Free Fatty Acid Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4221Hu Human FFAR1(Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2227Hu Human FETUB(Fetuin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1207Hu Human FETUA(Fetuin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3358Hu Human FECH(Ferrochelatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1214Hu Human FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5063Hu Human FDPS(Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2579Hu Human FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
BLS-9592Hu Human Fcγ(Fc Fragmentof IgG) ELISA Kit
BLS-2669Hu Human FCN3(Ficolin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2672Hu Human FCN2(Ficolin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3023Hu Human FCN1(Ficolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4655Hu Human FcgRT(Fc Fragment Of IgG Receptor Transporter Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2071Hu Human FcgRII(Receptor II For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-2070Hu Human FcgRI(Receptor I For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-2798Hu Human FcgR3B(Fc Fragment Of IgG Low Affinity IIIb Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3839Hu Human FcgR3A(Fc Fragment Of IgG Low Affinity IIIa Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7429Hu Human FcgR2B(Fc Fragment Of IgG Low Affinity IIb, Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6598Hu Human FcgBP(Fc Fragment Of IgG Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1105Hu Human FceRII(Receptor II For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-3381Hu Human FcaR(Fc Fragment Of IgA Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4318Hu Human FBXO32(F-Box Protein 32) ELISA Kit
BLS-1585Hu Human FBN1(Fibrillin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3037Hu Human FBLN5(Fibulin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3534Hu Human FBLN4(Fibulin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3553Hu Human FBLN3(Fibulin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3852Hu Human FBLN2(Fibulin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3375Hu Human FBLN1(Fibulin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3226Hu Human FATP5(Fatty Acid Transport Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3009Hu Human FASN(Fatty Acid Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1017Hu Human FASL(Factor Related Apoptosis Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-1015Hu Human FAS(Factor Related Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-3985Hu Human FAPa(Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6170Hu Human FAM5C(Family With Sequence Similarity 5, Member C) ELISA Kit
BLS-6273Hu Human FAM3B(Family With Sequence Similarity 3, Member B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5320Hu Human FAM3A(Family With Sequence Similarity 3, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3942Hu Human FAM20A(Family With Sequence Similarity 20, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8907Hu Human FAM19A5(Protein FAM19A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7493Hu Human FAM193A(Family With Sequence Similarity 193, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6599Hu Human FAM132A(Family With Sequence Similarity 132, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4811Hu Human FAK(Focal Adhesion Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4222Hu Human FAIM3(Fas Apoptotic Inhibitory Molecule 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4894Hu Human FAH(Fumarylacetoacetate Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3383Hu Human FADS3(Fatty Acid Desaturase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3379Hu Human FADS2(Fatty Acid Desaturase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3380Hu Human FADS1(Fatty Acid Desaturase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5518Hu Human FADD(Fas Associating Death Domain Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2329Hu Human FABP8(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 8, Myelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1838Hu Human FABP7(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 7, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-1536Hu Human FABP6(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 6, Ileal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2733Hu Human FABP5(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 5, Epidermal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2150Hu Human FABP4(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Adipocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-1826Hu Human FABP3(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3, Muscle And Heart) ELISA Kit
BLS-3912Hu Human FABP1(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-7632Hu Human FAAH(Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8986Hu Human FA(Folic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-1560Hu Human F9(Coagulation Factor IX) ELISA Kit
BLS-2249Hu Human F8(Coagulation Factor VIII) ELISA Kit
BLS-2238Hu Human F7(Coagulation Factor VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-1765Hu Human F5(Coagulation Factor V) ELISA Kit
BLS-1634Hu Human F2(Coagulation Factor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4996Hu Human F13B(Coagulation Factor XIII B Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1762Hu Human F13A1(Coagulation Factor XIII A1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1767Hu Human F13(Coagulation Factor XIII) ELISA Kit
BLS-1769Hu Human F12(Coagulation Factor XII) ELISA Kit
BLS-2217Hu Human F11(Coagulation Factor XI) ELISA Kit
BLS-1557Hu Human F10(Coagulation Factor X) ELISA Kit
BLS-2028Hu Human F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3528Hu Human EZH2(Enhancer Of Zeste Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4457Hu Human EZH1(Enhancer Of Zeste Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6285Hu Human EXTL1(Exostoses Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4143Hu Human EXT1(Exostoses 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7511Hu Human EXOSC7(Exosome Component 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4639Hu Human EXOSC2(Exosome Component 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2839Hu Human EVPL(Envoplakin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6308Hu Human EVL(Enah/Vasp Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5201Hu Human ETS1(V-Ets Erythroblastosis Virus E26 Oncogene Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2771Hu Human ETRB(Endothelin Receptor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3033Hu Human ETRA(Endothelin Receptor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3794Hu Human ETFDH(Electron Transferring Flavoprotein Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4943Hu Human ETFb(Electron Transfer Flavoprotein Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3620Hu Human ETFa(Electron Transfer Flavoprotein Alpha Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2444Hu Human ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8408Hu Human Estrogen ELISA Kit
BLS-3625Hu Human ESM1(Endothelial Cell Specific Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3910Hu Human ESAM(Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-2591Hu Human ES(Endostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5401Hu Human ES(Endostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9639Hu Human ERRFI1(ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3342Hu Human ERRa(Estrogen Related Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4393Hu Human ERN1(Endoplasmic Reticulum To Nucleus Signalling 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6994Hu Human ERLIN2(Endoplasmic Reticulum Lipid Raft Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6996Hu Human ERLIN1(Endoplasmic Reticulum Lipid Raft Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1937Hu Human ERK2(Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1893Hu Human ERK1(Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7647Hu Human ERFE(Erythroferrone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2697Hu Human EREG(Epiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8880Hu Human ERCC3(excision repair cross-complementation group 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3986Hu Human ERCC1(Excision Repair Cross Complementing Rodent Repair Deficiency Complementation 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4703Hu Human ErbB4(V-Erb A Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4702Hu Human ErbB3(V-Erb B2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2983Hu Human ERb(Estrogen Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4446Hu Human ERAP2(Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1747Hu Human ERa(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3102Hu Human EPYC(Epiphycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-3427Hu Human EPX(Eosinophil Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3956Hu Human EPSTI1(Epithelial Stromal Interaction 1, Breast) ELISA Kit
BLS-1415Hu Human EPOR(Erythropoietin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1011Hu Human EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9242Hu Human EPI(Epinephrine) ELISA Kit
BLS-7778Hu Human EPHA5(Ephrin Type A Receptor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5043Hu Human EPHA4(Ephrin Type A Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4214Hu Human EPHA3(Ephrin Type A Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3633Hu Human EPHA10(Ephrin Type A Receptor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1899Hu Human EPHA1(Ephrin Type A Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6583Hu Human EPG(Epigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-1968Hu Human EPCAM(Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-4982Hu Human EPB42(Erythrocyte Membrane Protein Band 4.2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3343Hu Human EP300(E1A Binding Protein P300) ELISA Kit
BLS-5036Hu Human EP2(Prostaglandin E Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4196Hu Human EOMES(Eomesodermin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5153Hu Human ENTPD1(Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3185Hu Human ENPP2(Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3663Hu Human ENPP1(Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5246Hu Human ENK(Enkephalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6859Hu Human ENGASE(Endo Beta-N-Acetylglucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1108Hu Human ENG(EnDoglin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4209Hu Human ENDog(Endonuclease G, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-7469Hu Human ENDOD1(Endonuclease Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9040Hu Human Endocab IgG ELISA Kit
BLS-1277Hu Human ENA78(Epithelial Neutrophil Activating Peptide 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-3841Hu Human EN2(Engrailed Homeobox Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4795Hu Human EMR1(EGF Like Module Containing Mucin Like Hormone Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3422Hu Human EMP3(Epithelial Membrane Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2955Hu Human EMMPRIN(Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer) ELISA Kit
BLS-6897Hu Human EML2(Echinoderm Microtubule Associated Protein Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4200Hu Human EMILIN2(Elastin Microfibril Interface Located Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2362Hu Human EMILIN1(Elastin Microfibril Interface Located Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5187Hu Human EM2(Endomorphin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4667Hu Human ELOVL1(Elongation Of Very Long Chain Fatty Acids Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1889Hu Human ELN(Elastin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5159Hu Human ELAVL1(ELAV Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1874Hu Human ELA4(Elastase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3615Hu Human ELA3B(Elastase 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4101Hu Human ELA3A(Elastase 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3804Hu Human ELA2B(Elastase 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1701Hu Human ELA2(Elastase 2, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
BLS-1996Hu Human ELA1(Elastase 1, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6443Hu Human EIF6(Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4441Hu Human EIF4A2(Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9104Hu Human EIF2aK3(Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2 Alpha Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1008Hu Human EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9119Hu Human EGR2(Early Growth Response Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2363Hu Human EGR1(Early Growth Response Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7299Hu Human EGLN1(Egl Nine Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2233Hu Human EGFR2(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2110Hu Human EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7259Hu Human EGFL7(EGF Like Domain Protein, Multiple 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-6160Hu Human EGFL6(EGF Like Domain Protein, Multiple 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1266Hu Human EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3353Hu Human EFNB2(Ephrin B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4923Hu Human EFNB1(Ephrin B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4099Hu Human EFNA5(Ephrin A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3530Hu Human EFNA4(Ephrin A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3830Hu Human EFNA3(Ephrin A3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5128Hu Human EFNA2(Ephrin A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2991Hu Human EFNA1(Ephrin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4204Hu Human EEF1g(Eukaryotic Translation Elongation Factor 1 Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5080Hu Human EEF1a1(Eukaryotic Translation Elongation Factor 1 Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4379Hu Human EEA1(Early Endosome Antigen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5069Hu Human EDN2(Endothelin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7126Hu Human EDIL3(EGF Like Repeats And Discoidin I Like Domains Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7089Hu Human EDC1(Enhancer Of mRNA Decapping Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5111Hu Human EDA2R(Ectodysplasin A2 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6580Hu Human ECRG4(Esophageal Cancer Related Gene 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2855Hu Human ECM1(Extracellular Matrix Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5096Hu Human ECH1(Enoyl Coenzyme A Hydratase 1, Peroxisomal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1009Hu Human ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5083Hu Human ECE2(Endothelin Converting Enzyme 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2398Hu Human ECE1(Endothelin Converting Enzyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1006Hu Human E-Cad(E-Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7490Hu Human EBLN1(EnDogenous Bornavirus Like Nucleoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4414Hu Human EAAT5(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4415Hu Human EAAT4(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4429Hu Human EAAT3(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4324Hu Human EAAT2(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3929Hu Human EAAT1(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8761Hu Human E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Mdm2,MDM2 ELISA kit
BLS-4530Hu Human E2F3(E2F Transcription Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4531Hu Human E2F2(E2F Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4529Hu Human E2F1(E2F Transcription Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3572Hu Human DYSF(Dysferlin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4408Hu Human DYRK1A(Dual Specificity Tyrosine Phosphorylation Regulated Kinase 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5354Hu Human DYNC2H1(Dynein, Cytoplasmic 2, Heavy Chain 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4245Hu Human DYNC1H1(Dynein, Cytoplasmic 1, Heavy Chain 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1675Hu Human Dyn(Big Dynorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3347Hu Human DUSP9(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3719Hu Human DUSP6(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3788Hu Human DUSP5(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3793Hu Human DUSP1(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3846Hu Human DUOX2(Dual Oxidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3317Hu Human DTNb(Dystrobrevin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3736Hu Human DSTN(Destrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3038Hu Human DSPP(Dentin Sialophosphoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3021Hu Human DSP(Desmoplakin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1946Hu Human dSIP(Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4019Hu Human DSG3(Desmoglein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3377Hu Human DSG2(Desmoglein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1963Hu Human DSG1(Desmoglein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6520Hu Human DSE(Dermatan Sulfate Epimerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9142Hu Human dsDNA(anti-double stranded DNA) ELISA Kit
BLS-3421Hu Human DSC3(Desmocollin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3975Hu Human DSC2(Desmocollin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3139Hu Human DSC1(Desmocollin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1574Hu Human DRD3(Dopamine Receptor D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2105Hu Human DRD2(Dopamine Receptor D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1868Hu Human DRD1(Dopamine Receptor D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9124Hu Human DPYSL2(Dihydropyrimidinase Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4549Hu Human DPYS(Dihydropyrimidinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2382Hu Human DPYD(Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3415Hu Human DPT(Dermatopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4591Hu Human DPP8(Dipeptidyl Peptidase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5078Hu Human DPP7(Dipeptidyl Peptidase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3890Hu Human DPP6(Dipeptidyl Peptidase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1595Hu Human DPP4(Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-9344Hu Human DPP3(Dipeptidyl peptidase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9374Hu Human DPP3(Dipeptidyl peptidase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3067Hu Human DPP10(Dipeptidyl Peptidase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4127Hu Human DPEP3(Dipeptidase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4595Hu Human DPEP2(Dipeptidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4773Hu Human DPEP1(Dipeptidase 1, Renal) ELISA Kit
BLS-9386Hu Human DPD(deoxypyridinoline) ELISA Kit
BLS-4380Hu Human DPAGT1(Dolichyl Phosphate-N-Acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7502Hu Human DOT1L(DOT1 Like, Histone H3 Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4741Hu Human DOCK4(Dedicator Of Cytokinesis 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3680Hu Human DOCK3(Dedicator Of Cytokinesis 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4719Hu Human DNMT3B(DNA Methyltransferase 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4571Hu Human DNMT3A(DNA Methyltransferase 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3561Hu Human DNMT1(DNA Methyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1797Hu Human DNM2(Dynamin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9322Hu Human DNM1L(Dynamin 1 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2710Hu Human DNM1(Dynamin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6482Hu Human DNHD1(Dynein Heavy Chain Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4779Hu Human DNASEX(Deoxyribonuclease X) ELISA Kit
BLS-1791Hu Human DNASE1(Deoxyribonuclease I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7459Hu Human DNAJC13(DnaJ/HSP40 Homolog Subfamily C, Member 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-3893Hu Human DNAJC12(DnaJ/HSP40 Homolog Subfamily C, Member 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4241Hu Human DNAH11(Dynein, Axonemal, Heavy Chain 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-4762Hu Human DMT1(Divalent Metal Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6679Hu Bostonchem Elisa KitleriHuman DMKN(Dermokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2055Hu Human DMD(Dystrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3416Hu Human DMBT1(Deleted In Malignant Brain Tumors 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3515Hu Human dLL4(Delta Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4847Hu Human dLL3(Delta Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4846Hu Human dLL1(Delta Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6787Hu Human dLK1(Delta Like 1 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6479Hu Human DLGAP5(Discs, Large Homolog Associated Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4411Hu Human DLG3(Discs, Large Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5318Hu Human DLC1(Deleted In Liver Cancer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6322Hu Human DKK4(Dickkopf Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5511Hu Human DKK3(Dickkopf Related Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1739Hu Human DKK2(Dickkopf Related Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2097Hu Human DKK1(Dickkopf Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4788Hu Human DIO2(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-5309Hu Human DIO1(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-4431Hu Human DIDO1(Death Inducer Obliterator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3722Hu Human DICER1(Dicer 1, Ribonuclease Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-3618Hu Human DIAPH1(Diaphanous Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4816Hu Human DIABLO(Diablo Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-8745Hu Human DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3713Hu Human DHODH(Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3387Hu Human DHH(Hedgehog Homolog, Desert) ELISA Kit
BLS-8573Hu Human DHEA-S(Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-4044Hu Human DHCR7(7-Dehydrocholesterol Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8837Hu Human DGKA(Diacylglycerol kinase alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3251Hu Human DGAT2(Diacylglycerol-O-Acyltransferase Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3252Hu Human DGAT1(Diacylglycerol-O-Acyltransferase Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6999Hu Human DEXI(Dexamethasone Induced Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9103Hu Human DES(desmosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2654Hu Human Des(Desmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1989Hu Human DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6685Hu Human DEFb131(Defensin Beta 131) ELISA Kit
BLS-6682Hu Human DEFb126(Defensin Beta 126) ELISA Kit
BLS-6684Hu Human DEFb124(Defensin Beta 124) ELISA Kit
BLS-7640Hu Human DEFb119(Defensin Beta 119) ELISA Kit
BLS-6531Hu Human DEFb112(Defensin Beta 112) ELISA Kit
BLS-6584Hu Human DEFB103B(Defensin Beta 103B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4237Hu Human DEFb103A(Defensin Beta 103A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2711Hu Human DEFb1(Defensin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3747Hu Human DEFa6(Defensin Alpha 6, Paneth Cell Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-2678Hu Human DEFa5(Defensin Alpha 5, Paneth Cell Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-4909Hu Human DEFa4(Defensin Alpha 4, Corticostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3141Hu Human DEFa3(Defensin Alpha 3, Neutrophil Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-4958Hu Human DEFa1B(Defensin Alpha 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1775Hu Human DEFa1(Defensin Alpha 1, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
BLS-6151Hu Human DDX5(DEAD Box Polypeptide 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3936Hu Human DDT(D-Dopachrome Tautomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5000Hu Human DDR2(Discoidin Domain Receptor Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5285Hu Human DDOST(Dolichyl Diphosphooligosaccharide Protein Glycosyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4183Hu Human DDO(D-Aspartate Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4381Hu Human DDIT3(DNA Damage Inducible Transcript 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6680Hu Human DDH2(Dihydrodiol Dehydrogenase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3653Hu Human DDC(Dopa Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4095Hu Human DDAH2(Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3596Hu Human DDAH1(Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2898Hu Human DCX(Doublecortin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1671Hu Human DCT(Dopachrome Tautomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9513Hu Human DCP(Des-gamma carboxyprothrombin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3013Hu Human DCN(Decorin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3728Hu Human DCLK1(Doublecortin Like Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3551Hu Human DCK(Deoxycytidine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2908Hu Human DCD(Dermcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2205Hu Human DBP(Vitamin D Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7533Hu Human DBNL(Drebrin Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3701Hu Human DBN1(Drebrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4965Hu Human DBI(Diazepam Binding Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1973Hu Human DbH(Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3484Hu Human DAT(Dopamine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-3273Hu Human DARC(Duffy Blood Group Chemokine Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5294Hu Human DAPP1(Dual Adaptor Of Phosphotyrosine And 3-Phosphoinositides) ELISA Kit
BLS-3562Hu Human DAPK1(Death Associated Protein Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3450Hu Human DAOA(D-amino Acid Oxidase Activator) ELISA Kit
BLS-1773Hu Human DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4306Hu Human DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3435Hu Human DAG1(Dystrophin Associated Glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2389Hu Human DAF(Decay Accelerating Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5013Hu Human D2HGDH(D2-Hydroxyglutarate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1213Hu Human D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-5545Hu Human CYTL1(Cytokine Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9092Hu Human Cysteine Elisa Kit
BLS-5345Hu Human CYSLTR2(Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3943Hu Human CYSLTR1(Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9596Hu Human Cys-C(CystatinC) ELISA Kit
BLS-5353Hu Human CYS1(Cystin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3410Hu Human CYR61(Cysteine Rich Protein, Angiogenic Inducer 61) ELISA Kit
BLS-5541Hu Human CYPD(Cyclophilin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2123Hu Human CYPB(Cyclophilin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2056Hu Human CYPA(Cyclophilin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2460Hu Human CYP7A1(Cytochrome P450 7A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7582Hu Human CYP4F2(Cytochrome P450 4F2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5356Hu Human CYP46A1(Cytochrome P450 46A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7465Hu Human CYP3A7(Cytochrome P450 3A7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3947Hu Human CYP3A4(Cytochrome P450 3A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4463Hu Human CYP2E1(Cytochrome P450 2E1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5322Hu Human CYP2D6(Cytochrome P450 2D6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7438Hu Human CYP2C9(Cytochrome P450 2C9) ELISA Kit
BLS-8937Hu Human CYP2C8(Cytochrome P450 2C8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5586Hu Human CYP2C19(Cytochrome P450 2C19) ELISA Kit
BLS-5324Hu Human CYP2C18(Cytochrome P450 2C18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5323Hu Human CYP2B6(Cytochrome P450 2B6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8936Hu Human CYP2A6(Cytochrome P450 2A6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4688Hu Human CYP27A1(Cytochrome P450 27A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3796Hu Human CYP26A1(Cytochrome P450 26A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3276Hu Human CYP24A1(Cytochrome P450 24A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5576Hu Human CYP21B(Cytochrome P450 21B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3631Hu Human CYP1B1(Cytochrome P450 1B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3866Hu Human CYP1A2(Cytochrome P450 1A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3341Hu Human CYP1A1(Cytochrome P450 1A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4528Hu Human CYLD(Cylindromatosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-4053Hu Human CYGB(Cytoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1967Hu Human CYFRA21-1(Cytokeratin Fragment Antigen 21-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4928Hu Human CYCS(Cytochrome C, Somatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5570Hu Human CYCS(Cytochrome C, Somatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-4397Hu Human CYBb(Cytochrome b-245 Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3557Hu Human CXCR7(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3823Hu Human CXCR6(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3853Hu Human CXCR5(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3520Hu Human CXCR4(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1522Hu Human CXCR3(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1068Hu Human CXCL16(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-8662Hu Human CXCL1(Chemokine C-X-C Motif Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4785Hu Human CXADR(Coxsackie Virus And Adenovirus Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2344Hu Human CX43(Connexin 43) ELISA Kit
BLS-1993Hu Human CX40(Connexin 40) ELISA Kit
BLS-4545Hu Human CX3CR1(Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1422Hu Human CX3CL1(Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4582Hu Human CX37(Connexin 37) ELISA Kit
BLS-1940Hu Human CX26(Connexin 26) ELISA Kit
BLS-4615Hu Human CVL(Cytovillin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6563Hu Human CUZD1(CUB And Zona Pellucida Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4668Hu Human CUL9(Cullin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4052Hu Human CUBN(Cubilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1543Hu Human CTXIII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type III Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-1881Hu Human CTXII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8623Hu Human CTXI(Cross-linked Carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type Ⅰ collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-2099Hu Human CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-3739Hu Human CTSZ(Cathepsin Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-1342Hu Human CTSV(Cathepsin V) ELISA Kit
BLS-2684Hu Human CTSS(Cathepsin S) ELISA Kit
BLS-2347Hu Human CTSL(Cathepsin L) ELISA Kit
BLS-1911Hu Human CTSK(Cathepsin K) ELISA Kit
BLS-3711Hu Human CTSG(Cathepsin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-3324Hu Human CTSE(Cathepsin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-3301Hu Human CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2976Hu Human CTSC(Cathepsin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3184Hu Human CTSB(Cathepsin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4573Hu Human CTSA(Cathepsin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4103Hu Human CTRB2(Chymotrypsinogen B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4102Hu Human CTRB1(Chymotrypsinogen B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3961Hu Human cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-1736Hu Human CTNNb1(Catenin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4686Hu Human CTNNa1(Catenin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1815Hu Human CTLA4(Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6323Hu Human CTHRC1(Collagen Triple Helix Repeat Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5399Hu Human NLRP3(NLR Family, Pyrin Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7674Hu Human NLRC4(NLR Family, CARD Domain Containing Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3376Hu Human NKX6-1(NK6 Homeobox Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5390Hu Human NKX3-1(NK3 Homeobox Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9217Hu Human NKX2-2(NK2 Homeobox Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3771Hu Human NKRF(NFKB Repressing Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3970Hu Human NKCC2(Na-K-Cl Cotransporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1801Hu Human NKB(Neurokinin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5265Hu Human NKAP(NFKB Activating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4310Hu Human NKA(Neurokinin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4513Hu Human NISCH(Nischarin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4300Hu Human NIS(Sodium Iodide Symporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-5358Hu Human NIPA1(Non Imprinted In Prader Willi/Angelman Syndrome Region Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4538Hu Human NINJ1(Ninjurin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3649Hu Human NID2(NiDogen 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3637Hu Human NID(NiDogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-3886Hu Human NHE1(Sodium/Hydrogen Exchanger 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7044Hu Human NGRN(Neugrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9125Hu Human NGN2(Neurogenin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1173Hu Human NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1462Hu Human NGB(Neuroglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1063Hu Human NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2228Hu Human NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-3963Hu Human NFYC(Nuclear Transcription Factor Y Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3777Hu Human NFRkB(Nuclear Factor Related To Kappa B Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1692Hu Human NFKB-p65(NuclearFactor Kappa B p65) ELISA Kit
BLS-9589Hu Human NFKB-p65(Nuclear Factor Kappa B p65) ELISA Kit
BLS-4392Hu Human NFkB2(Nuclear Factor Kappa B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4713Hu Human NFIB(Nuclear Factor I/B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6819Hu Human NFE2L2(Nuclear Factor, Erythroid Derived 2 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6857Hu Human NFATC2(Nuclear Factor Of Activated T-Cells, Cytoplasmic 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9011Hu Human NFATC1(Nuclear Factor Of Activated T-Cells, Cytoplasmic 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6104Hu Human NFASC(Neurofascin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3708Hu Human NF2(Neurofibromin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3367Hu Human NEXN(Nexilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3348Hu Human NEUROD6(Neurogenic Differentiation 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3821Hu Human NET1(Neuroepithelial Cell Transforming Gene 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4774Hu Human NET(Norepinephrine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-4138Hu Human Nesp2(Nesprin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4139Hu Human Nesp1(Nesprin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9326Hu Human NES2(Nesfatin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2828Hu Human NES1(Nesfatin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8190Hu Human NES1(Nesfatin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3509Hu Human NES(Nestin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2196Hu Human NEP(Neprilysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9065Hu Human Neopterin ELISA Kit
BLS-6487Hu Human NEO1(Neogenin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3900Hu Human NENF(Neudesin Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6569Hu Human NELL2(NEL Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6435Hu Human NEIL1(Nei Endonuclease VIII Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3205Hu Human NEFL(Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5535Hu Human NEFL(Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8710Hu Human NEFA(Non-Esterified Fatty Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-1883Hu Human NEF3(Neurofilament 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9502Hu Human NEDD4-L(E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-like) ELISA Kit
BLS-9243Hu Human NE(Noradrenaline) ELISA Kit
BLS-4661Hu Human NDUFS1(NADH Dehydrogenase Ubiquinone Fe-S Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7369Hu Human NDNF(Neuron Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4189Hu Human NDN(Necdin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7315Hu Human ND5(NADH Dehydrogenase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5582Hu Human NCOR1(Nuclear Receptor Corepressor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4671Hu Human NCOA3(Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3262Hu Human NCL(Nucleolin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9550Hu Human NCF2(Neutrophil Cytosolic Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4746Hu Human NCF1(Neutrophil Cytosolic Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3971Hu Human NCCT(Na-Cl Cotransporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-4918Hu Human NCAM2(Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1813Hu Human NCAM(Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-7015Hu Human NBL1(Neuroblastoma, Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3833Hu Human NBC4(Electrogenic Sodium Bicarbonate Cotransporter 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6783Hu Human NAT8L(N-Acetyltransferase 8 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9140Hu Human NAT2(N-Acetyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4142Hu Human NAT1(N-Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4919Hu Human NAPSA(Napsin A Aspartic Peptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3308Hu Human NAP1L1(Nucleosome Assembly Protein 1 Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4631Hu Human NAP(Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3808Hu Human NANS(N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1975Hu Human NAIP(Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3167Hu Human NAGLU(N-Acetyl Alpha-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1917Hu Human NAGase(N-Acetyl Beta-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3330Hu Human NAGa(N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4170Hu Human NADK(NAD Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4440Hu Human NAAA(N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7564Hu Human N6AMT1(N-6-Adenine Specific DNA Methyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7521Hu Human N4BP2(NEDD4 Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3299Hu Human MYPN(Myopalladin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4171Hu Human MYOZ2(Myozenin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4172Hu Human MYOM2(Myomesin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1763Hu Human MYOG(Myogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3062Hu Human MyoD(Myogenic Differentiation) ELISA Kit
BLS-3072Hu Human MYOC(Myocilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4087Hu Human MYO7B(Myosin VIIB) ELISA Kit
BLS-1211Hu Human MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1357Hu Human Myo(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2292Hu Human MYLK(Myosin Light Chain Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3873Hu Human MYL9(Myosin Light Chain 9, Regulatory) ELISA Kit
BLS-4927Hu Human MYL3(Myosin Light Chain 3, Alkali, Ventricular, Slow Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2290Hu Human MYL2(Myosin Light Chain 2, Regulatory, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-2291Hu Human MYL1(Myosin Light Chain 1, Alkali, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3059Hu Human MYH9(Myosin Heavy Chain 9, Non Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-4498Hu Human MYH8(Myosin Heavy Chain 8, Skeletal Muscle, Perinatal) ELISA Kit
BLS-6893Hu Human MYH7B(Myosin Heavy Chain 7B, Cardiac Muscle Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4361Hu Human MYH7(Myosin Heavy Chain 7, Cardiac Muscle, Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4362Hu Human MYH6(Myosin Heavy Chain 6, Cardiac Muscle, Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4360Hu Human MYH4(Myosin Heavy Chain 4, Skeletal Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-4726Hu Human MYH3(Myosin Heavy Chain 3, Skeletal Muscle, Embryonic) ELISA Kit
BLS-4354Hu Human MYH2(Myosin Heavy Chain 2, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
BLS-4433Hu Human MYH11(Myosin Heavy Chain 11, Smooth Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-3060Hu Human MYH10(Myosin Heavy Chain 10, Non Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-2107Hu Human MYH1(Myosin Heavy Chain 1, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
BLS-4173Hu Human MYF5(Myogenic Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2158Hu Human MyD88(Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88) ELISA Kit
BLS-3329Hu Human MYCBP(C-Myc Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1854Hu Human MYC(V-Myc Myelocytomatosis Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-9497Hu Human MYBPHL(Myosin-binding protein H-like) ELISA Kit
BLS-3648Hu Human MYBPC3(Myosin Binding Protein C, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-6276Hu Human MXRA5(Matrix Remodelling Associated Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7263Hu Human MX2(Myxovirus Resistance 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6377Hu Human MX1(Myxovirus Resistance 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4970Hu Human MVP(Major Vault Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5385Hu Human MVD(Mevalonate Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3240Hu Human MUTYH(MutY Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3248Hu Human MUSK(Muscle, Skeletal, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8532Hu Human Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor (M-AChR) ELISA Kit
BLS-2203Hu Human MUC7(Mucin 7, Secreted) ELISA Kit
BLS-2831Hu Human MUC6(Mucin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2122Hu Human MUC5B(Mucin 5 Subtype B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2098Hu Human MUC5AC(Mucin 5 Subtype AC) ELISA Kit
BLS-1740Hu Human MUC4(Mucin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1737Hu Human MUC3(Mucin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4073Hu Human MUC21(Mucin 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-3957Hu Human MUC20(Mucin 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-2010Hu Human MUC2(Mucin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2356Hu Human MUC17(Mucin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-6250Hu Human MUC13(Mucin 13, Cell Surface Associated) ELISA Kit
BLS-6896Hu Human MUC12(Mucin 12, Cell Surface Associated) ELISA Kit
BLS-1201Hu Human MUC1(Mucin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8649Hu Human MTX(Methotrexate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8996Hu Human MT-RNR2 (Putative humanin peptide) ELISA kit
BLS-4490Hu Human MTR(5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Homocysteine Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9237Hu Human MTOR(Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR) ELISA Kit
BLS-9591Hu Human mTOR(MammalianTarget of Rapamycin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4342Hu Human MTNR1B(Melatonin Receptor 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4335Hu Human MTNR1A(Melatonin Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1430Hu Human MTL(Motilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4174Hu Human MTHFR(Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3779Hu Human MTDH(Metadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4141Hu Human MTAP(Methylthioadenosine Phosphorylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4886Hu Human MTA2(Metastasis Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3593Hu Human MT3(Metallothionein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2234Hu Human MT2(Metallothionein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3542Hu Human MT1M(Metallothionein 1M) ELISA Kit
BLS-3626Hu Human MT1E(Metallothionein 1E) ELISA Kit
BLS-1789Hu Human MT1(Metallothionein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9164Hu Human MT(Melatonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5288Hu Human MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8196Hu Human MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4622Hu Human MSRA(Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3334Hu Human MSR1(Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4609Hu Human MSP(Macrophage Stimulating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3822Hu Human MSN(Moesin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3501Hu Human MSMb(Microseminoprotein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3091Hu Human MSLN(Mesothelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9128Hu Human MSH6(mutS homolog 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4292Hu Human MS4A1(Membrane Spanning 4 Domains Subfamily A, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9597Hu Human MR-ProADM(Mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3296Hu Human MRP1(Motility Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9338Hu Human MRGPRX2(MAS Related GPR Member X2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9365Hu Human MRF(Myelin gene regulatory factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3857Hu Human MRC2(Mannose Receptor C Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2065Hu Human MRC1(Mannose Receptor C Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6379Hu Human MRC1(Mannose Receptor C Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4020Hu Human MR(Mineralocorticoid Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4768Hu Human MPZ(Protein Zero, Myelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4059Hu Human MPST(Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1906Hu Human MPP6(Membrane Protein, Palmitoylated 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1062Hu Human MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5610Hu Human MPL(Myeloproliferative Leukemia Virus Oncogene) ELISA Kit
BLS-1094Hu Human MPIF2(Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2475Hu Human MPIF1(Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4329Hu Human MPI(Mannose Phosphate Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3239Hu Human MPG(N-Methylpurine DNA Glycosylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9398Hu Human MPC2(Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6969Hu Human MPC1(Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7627Hu Human MOTS-c(Mitochondrial Open Reading Frame Of The 12S rRNA-c) ELISA Kit
BLS-6421Hu Human MOSC1(MOCO Sulphurase C-Terminal Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3250Hu Human MOGAT2(Monoacylglycerol-O-acyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2364Hu Human MOG(Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4130Hu Human MMRN2(Multimerin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3228Hu Human MMRN1(Multimerin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1262Hu Human MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1172Hu Human MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1171Hu Human MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1122Hu Human MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2725Hu Human MMP28(Matrix Metalloproteinase 28) ELISA Kit
BLS-1831Hu Human MMP26(Matrix Metalloproteinase 26) ELISA Kit
BLS-3612Hu Human MMP25(Matrix Metalloproteinase 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-1938Hu Human MMP23B(Matrix Metalloproteinase 23B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1121Hu Human MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4033Hu Human MMP19(Matrix Metalloproteinase 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-4789Hu Human MMP17(Matrix Metalloproteinase 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3905Hu Human MMP16(Matrix Metalloproteinase 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2902Hu Human MMP15(Matrix Metalloproteinase 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-2767Hu Human MMP14(Matrix Metalloproteinase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-2185Hu Human MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2355Hu Human MMP12(Matrix Metalloproteinase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2113Hu Human MMP11(Matrix Metalloproteinase 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-2184Hu Human MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2183Hu Human MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2072Hu Human MMA(Monocyte To Macrophage Differentiation Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8626Hu Human MMA(Methylmalonic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-2133Hu Human MLZE(Melanoma Derived Leucine Zipper Extra Nuclear Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7715Hu Human MLKL(Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7522Hu Human MLH3(MutL Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4307Hu Human MLH1(MutL Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9528Hu Human MKRN3(makorin ring-finger protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1713Hu Human MK(Midkine) ELISA Kit
BLS-4213Hu Human MITF(Microphthalmia Associated Transcription Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4574Hu Human MIP5(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1372Hu Human MIP4a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 4 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2181Hu Human MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1119Hu Human MIP3a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1117Hu Human MIP1b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1115Hu Human MIP1a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3372Hu Human MIOX(Myo Inositol Oxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7562Hu Human MINA(MYC Induced Nuclear Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-1284Hu Human MIg(Monokine Induced By Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-1506Hu Human MIF(Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7821Hu Human MIEN1(Migration And Invasion Enhancer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8536Hu Human MICA(MHC class I chain-related protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3244Hu Human MIA1(Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2229Hu Human MHCG(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I G) ELISA Kit
BLS-9133Hu Human MHCF(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I F) ELISA Kit
BLS-2168Hu Human MHCE(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I E) ELISA Kit
BLS-4799Hu Human MHCDRb1(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4484Hu Human MHCDQb1(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DQ Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4755Hu Human MHCB(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4527Hu Human MHCA(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1942Hu Human MGP(Matrix Gla Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1782Hu Human MGMT(O-6-Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4078Hu Human MGL(Lipase, Monoacylglycerol) ELISA Kit
BLS-5165Hu Human MGAT5(Mannosyl Alpha-1,6-Glycoprotein Beta-1,6-N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2341Hu Human MGA(Maltase Glucoamylase, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-7617Hu Human MFSD2A(Major Facilitator Superfamily Domain Containing Protein 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4107Hu Human MFRN(Mitoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5212Hu Human MFN2(Mitofusin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5213Hu Human MFN1(Mitofusin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3234Hu Human MFI2(Melanotransferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3010Hu Human MFGE8(Milk Fat Globule EGF Factor 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3864Hu Human MFAP4(Microfibrillar Associated Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7431Hu Human METRNL(Meteorin Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3155Hu Human METRN(Meteorin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3760Hu Human METAP2(Methionyl Aminopeptidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3951Hu Human MERTK(C-Mer Proto Oncogene Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1817Hu Human MEPE(Matrix Extracellular Phosphoglycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4277Hu Human MEP1b(Meprin A Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5367Hu Human MEP1a(Meprin A Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4403Hu Human MELK(Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8367Hu Human melanin ELISA kit
BLS-5506Hu Human MEFV(Mediterranean Fever) ELISA Kit
BLS-4428Hu Human MECP2(Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4889Hu Human MEC(Mucosae Associated Epithelia Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1886Hu Human ME20M(Melanoma Associated ME20) ELISA Kit
BLS-3646Hu Human ME2(Malic Enzyme 2, NADP+ Dependent, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-4557Hu Human MDM2(Mdm2 p53 Binding Protein Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-4717Hu Human MDH2(Malate Dehydrogenase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4175Hu Human MDH1(Malate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1170Hu Human MDC(Macrophage Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8428Hu Human MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-3075Hu Human MCSP(Melanoma Associated Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-5189Hu Human MCSFR(Colony Stimulating Factor Receptor, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-1168Hu Human MCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 1, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-8584Hu Human MCPIP(Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-induced Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1167Hu Human MCP3(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5207Hu Human MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5252Hu Human MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1836Hu Human MCP(Membrane Cofactor Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3529Hu Human MCM5(Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5174Hu Human MCM3(Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2192Hu Human MCM2(Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3933Hu Human MCL1(Myeloid Cell Leukemia Sequence 1, Bcl2 Related) ELISA Kit
BLS-4274Hu Human MCHR1(Melanin Concentrating Hormone Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5290Hu Human MCCC2(Methylcrotonoyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2142Hu Human MCAM(Melanoma Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-4131Hu Human MC5R(Melanocortin 5 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9102Hu Human MBP-C/MBL2(Mannose Binding Protein C/Mannose Binding Lectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1484Hu Human MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2777Hu Human MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1098Hu Human MBL(Mannose Binding Lectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3733Hu Human MAX(MYC Associated Factor X) ELISA Kit
BLS-9136Hu Human MAU(Microalbuminuria) ELISA Kit
BLS-4592Hu Human MATR3(Matrin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3289Hu Human MAT2a(Methionine Adenosyltransferase II Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3176Hu Human MAST2(Microtubule Associated Serine/Threonine Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3527Hu Human Maspin(Mammary Serine Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3024Hu Human MASP2(Mannose Associated Serine Protease 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2660Hu Human MASP1(Mannose Associated Serine Protease 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6502Hu Human MARCKSL1(MARCKS Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3606Hu Human MARCKS(Myristoylated Alanine Rich Protein Kinase C Substrate) ELISA Kit
BLS-2729Hu Human MAPt(Microtubule Associated Protein Tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-3065Hu Human MAPRE1(Microtubule Associated Protein RP/EB Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5554Hu Human MAPK9(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1804Hu Human MAPK14(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-4583Hu Human MAPK13(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-4584Hu Human MAPK12(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-1880Hu Human MAP4(Microtubule Associated Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3632Hu Human MAP2K1(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1885Hu Human MAP2(Microtubule Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8620Hu Human MAP1LC3B(Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6934Hu Human MAP1LC3a(Microtubule Associated Protein 1 Light Chain 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5529Hu Human MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6422Hu Human MANSC1(MANSC Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3084Hu Human MANF(Mesencephalic Astrocyte Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4857Hu Human MAN2B1(Mannosidase Alpha Class 2B Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4223Hu Human MAN1A1(Mannosidase Alpha Class 1A Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2365Hu Human MAG(Myelin Associated Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4376Hu Human MAF(V-Maf Musculoaponeurotic Fibrosarcoma Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-2062Hu Human MAdCAM1(Mucosal Addressin Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6402Hu Human MACC1(Metastasis Associated In Colon Cancer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5048Hu Human M6PR(Mannose-6-Phosphate Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9439Hu Human LZMc(Lysozyme C) ELISA Kit
BLS-1677Hu Human LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-9650Hu Human LYVE1(Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronan Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3494Hu Human LYN(V-Yes-1 Yamaguchi Sarcoma Viral Related Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3617Hu Human LY96(Lymphocyte Antigen 96) ELISA Kit
BLS-4032Hu Human LY9(Lymphocyte Antigen 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2764Hu Human LXRa(Liver X Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2021Hu Human LUM(Lumican) ELISA Kit
BLS-1066Hu Human LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9554Hu Human LTE4(Cysteinyl Leukotrienes E4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9178Hu Human LTD4(Leukotriene D4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4234Hu Human LTbR(Lymphotoxin Beta Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2129Hu Human LTBP2(Latent Transforming Growth Factor Beta Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2068Hu Human LTb(Lymphotoxin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3336Hu Human LTA4H(Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3114Hu Human LSR(Lipolysis Stimulated Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3856Hu Human LRRK2(Leucine Rich Repeat Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4348Hu Human LRRFIP1(Leucine Rich Repeat In FLII Interacting Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7147Hu Human LRRC4B(Leucine Rich Repeat Containing Protein 4B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6885Hu Human LRRC3C(Leucine Rich Repeat Containing Protein 3C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5150Hu Human LRPPRC(Leucine Rich PPR Motif Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3363Hu Human LRP6(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3968Hu Human LRP4(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2985Hu Human LRP2(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1730Hu Human LRP1(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4438Hu Human LRH1(Liver Receptor Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2686Hu Human LRG1(Leucine Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8744Hu Human LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9061Hu Human LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1498Hu Human LpPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Lipoprotein Associated) ELISA Kit
BLS-9572Hu Human LPO(Lipid Peroxide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1929Hu Human LPO(Lactoperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5420Hu Human LPIN1(Lipin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4018Hu Human LPHN3(Latrophilin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4991Hu Human LPCAT4(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4153Hu Human LPCAT3(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4152Hu Human LPCAT2(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4151Hu Human LPCAT1(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3756Hu Human LPAR3(Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3504Hu Human LPAR1(Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1564Hu Human Lpa(Lipoprotein, a) ELISA Kit
BLS-3624Hu Human LOXL4(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4793Hu Human LOXL3(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3475Hu Human LOXL2(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3834Hu Human LOXL1(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2224Hu Human LOX1(Lectin Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3287Hu Human LOX(Lysyl Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2967Hu Human LOR(Loricrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9460Hu Human LONP1(Lon protease homolog, mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-3824Hu Human LNPEP(Leucyl/Cystinyl Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9458Hu Human LNGFR(Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3030Hu Human LN(Laminin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1799Hu Human LMWK(Low Molecular Weight Kininogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4674Hu Human LMTK3(Lemur Tyrosine Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5339Hu Human LMP7(Large Multifunctional Peptidase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2350Hu Human LMP2(Large Multifunctional Peptidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7611Hu Human LMO7(LIM Domain Only Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4689Hu Human LMNB2(Lamin B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7436Hu Human LMNB1(Lamin B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3554Hu Human LMNA(Lamin A/C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5126Hu Human LMF2(Lipase Maturation Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5124Hu Human LMF1(Lipase Maturation Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3477Hu Human LMAN2(Lectin, Mannose Binding 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5115Hu Human LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-8189Hu Human LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-4100Hu Human LIPH(Lipase H) ELISA Kit
BLS-1433Hu Human LIPG(Lipase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-3949Hu Human LIPF(Lipase, Gastric) ELISA Kit
BLS-1837Hu Human LIPE(Lipase, Hormone Sensitive) ELISA Kit
BLS-1459Hu Human LIPD(Lipase, Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2084Hu Human LIPC(Lipase, Hepatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-3312Hu Human LIPB(Lipophilin B, Prostatein Like) ELISA Kit
BLS-7642Hu Human LIN28A(Lin-28 Homolog A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7399Hu Human LIMS1(LIM And Senescent Cell Antigen Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3688Hu Human LILRB4(Leukocyte Immunoglobulin Like Receptor Subfamily B, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3659Hu Human LILRA3(Leukocyte Immunoglobulin Like Receptor Subfamily A, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4555Hu Human LIFR(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1162Hu Human LIF(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5381Hu Human LHb(Luteinizing Hormone Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5296Hu Human LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3223Hu Human LGMN(Legumain) ELISA Kit
BLS-3227Hu Human LGI3(Leucine Rich Repeat LGI Family, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2191Hu Human LGALS3BP(Lectin Galactoside Binding, Soluble 3 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2638Hu Human LFA3(Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1774Hu Human LFA1a(Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7385Hu Human LETMD1(LETM1 Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4246Hu Human LEPREL1(Leprecan Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2281Hu Human LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1160Hu Human LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4983Hu Human LELP1(Late Cornified Envelope Like Proline Rich Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4207Hu Human LEI(Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3498Hu Human LEFTY1(Left/Right Determination Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3810Hu Human LECT2(Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3859Hu Human LECT1(Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1729Hu Human LDLR(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1074Hu Human LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4810Hu Human LDHD(Lactate Dehydrogenase D) ELISA Kit
BLS-3881Hu Human LDHC(Lactate Dehydrogenase C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2155Hu Human LDHB(Lactate Dehydrogenase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1900Hu Human LDHA(Lactate Dehydrogenase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2236Hu Human LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4524Hu Human LDB1(LIM Domain Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9483Hu Human LCT(Lactase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2851Hu Human LCP1(Lymphocyte Cytosolic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1776Hu Human LCN1(Lipocalin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3186Hu Human LCAT(Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1972Hu Human LBP(Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2451Hu Human LAT1(Large Neutral Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2092Hu Human LAT(Linker For Activation Of T-Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-7613Hu Human LASS6(Longevity Assurance Homolog 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7214Hu Human LASS2(Longevity Assurance Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4660Hu Human LASP1(LIM And SH3 Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1958Hu Human LAP(Leucine Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6279Hu Human LAMR1(Laminin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1992Hu Human LAMP2(Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4001Hu Human LAMP1(Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3168Hu Human LAMC2(Laminin Gamma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3868Hu Human LAMC1(Laminin Gamma 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3233Hu Human LAMb3(Laminin Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4039Hu Human LAMb2(Laminin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2280Hu Human LAMb1(Laminin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3344Hu Human LAMa5(Laminin Alpha 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4038Hu Human LAMa4(Laminin Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3855Hu Human LAMa3(Laminin Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5314Hu Human LAMa2(Laminin Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3074Hu Human LAIR2(Leukocyte Associated Immunoglobulin Like Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3992Hu Human LAIR1(Leukocyte Associated Immunoglobulin Like Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4745Hu Human LAG3(Lymphocyte Activation Gene 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3231Hu Human LACTb(Lactamase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2907Hu Human LACRT(Lacritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1606Hu Human LAB7-2(B-Lymphocyte Activation Antigen B7-2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5326Hu Human LAB7-1(B-Lymphocyte Activation Antigen B7-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3801Hu Human L1CAM(L1-Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-4508Hu Human KYNU(Kynureninase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9026Hu Human KYN(Kynurenine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5160Hu Human KTN1(Kinectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3816Hu Human KRT9(Keratin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-6557Hu Human KRT81(Keratin 81) ELISA Kit
BLS-2755Hu Human KRT8(Keratin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4022Hu Human KRT7(Keratin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4079Hu Human KRT6A(Keratin 6A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4021Hu Human KRT5(Keratin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6749Hu Human KRT40(Keratin 40) ELISA Kit
BLS-3517Hu Human KRT4(Keratin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6748Hu Human KRT33A(Keratin 33A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1823Hu Human KRT20(Keratin 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-3602Hu Human KRT2(Keratin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1822Hu Human KRT19(Keratin 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-1816Hu Human KRT18(Keratin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5192Hu Human KRT17(Keratin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3867Hu Human KRT16(Keratin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-5185Hu Human KRT15(Keratin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-3888Hu Human KRT14(Keratin 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-2239Hu Human KRT13(Keratin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-4954Hu Human KRT12(Keratin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2149Hu Human KRT10(Keratin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2905Hu Human KRT1(Keratin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9353Hu Human Krebs Von den Lungen-6(KL-6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4377Hu Human KRAS(V-Ki-Ras2 Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-5054Hu Human KPNb1(Karyopherin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4114Hu Human KPNa2(Karyopherin Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4057Hu Human KNS2(Kinesin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1834Hu Human KNG1(Kininogen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4176Hu Human KMO(Kynurenine-3-Monooxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2357Hu Human KLK9(Kallikrein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1851Hu Human KLK8(Kallikrein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1283Hu Human KLK7(Kallikrein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5433Hu Human KLK6(Kallikrein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1203Hu Human KLK5(Kallikrein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1197Hu Human KLK3(Kallikrein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3015Hu Human KLK2(Kallikrein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3390Hu Human KLK14(Kallikrein 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-4917Hu Human KLK13(Kallikrein 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-3389Hu Human KLK12(Kallikrein 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2094Hu Human KLK11(Kallikrein 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-1110Hu Human KLK10(Kallikrein 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4888Hu Human KLK1(Kallikrein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2160Hu Human KLF5(Kruppel Like Factor 5, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1824Hu Human KLF4(Kruppel Like Factor 4, Gut) ELISA Kit
BLS-4230Hu Human KLF2(Kruppel Like Factor 2, Lung) ELISA Kit
BLS-4227Hu Human KLF15(Kruppel Like Factor 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-3813Hu Human KLb(Klotho Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3157Hu Human KL(Klotho) ELISA Kit
BLS-2287Hu Human Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2793Hu Human Ki67P(Ki-67 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4129Hu Human KISS1R(Kisspeptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4058Hu Human KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5588Hu Human KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3894Hu Human KIR3DL1(Killer Cell Immunoglobulin Like Receptor 3DL1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4357Hu Human KIR2DS4(Killer Cell Immunoglobulin Like Receptor 2DS4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3930Hu Human KIF5A(Kinesin Family, Member 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3684Hu Human KIF20A(Kinesin Family, Member 20A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3215Hu Human KIF1A(Kinesin Family, Member 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3931Hu Human KIF18A(Kinesin Family, Member 18A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3989Hu Human KIF14(Kinesin Family, Member 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-3438Hu Human KERA(Keratocan) ELISA Kit
BLS-7324Hu Human KEAP1(Kelch Like ECH Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4412Hu Human KDM4A(Lysine Specific Demethylase 4A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6142Hu Human KCNN2(Potassium Intermediate Small Conductance Calcium Activated Channel Subfamily N, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7412Hu Human KCNJ10(Potassium Inwardly Rectifying Channel Subfamily J, Member 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2134Hu Human KCC4(Potassium Chloride Cotransporters 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6928Hu Human KAZALD1(Kazal Type Serine Protease Inhibitor Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3180Hu Human KARS(Lysyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4085Hu Human KAL(Kallistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3639Hu Human JUP(Junction Plakoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9051Hu Human JUN(V-Jun Sarcoma Virus 17 Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-5305Hu Human JTB(Jumping Translocation Breakpoint Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6678Hu Human JN(Juxtanodin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5388Hu Human JAZF1(Juxtaposed With Another Zinc Finger Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6594Hu Human JAM3(Junctional Adhesion Molecule 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4848Hu Human JAM2(Junctional Adhesion Molecule 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3922Hu Human JAM1(Junctional Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4794Hu Human JAK3(Janus Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4056Hu Human JAK1(Janus Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7225Hu Human JAG2(Jagged 2 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3156Hu Human JAG1(Jagged 1 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2359Hu Human iPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Calcium Independent) ELISA Kit
BLS-1887Hu Human iNV(Involucrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9603Hu Human iC3b(ComplementiC3b) ELISA Kit
BLS-3892Hu Human ITLN2(Intelectin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2003Hu Human ITLN1(Intelectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3440Hu Human ITIH5(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3097Hu Human ITIH4(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3565Hu Human ITIH3(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3441Hu Human ITIH2(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3442Hu Human ITIH1(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4013Hu Human ITGb6(Integrin Beta 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4679Hu Human ITGb5(Integrin Beta 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4030Hu Human ITGb4(Integrin Beta 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3164Hu Human ITGb3(Integrin Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4937Hu Human ITGb2(Integrin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3225Hu Human ITGb1(Integrin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3482Hu Human ITGaV(Integrin Alpha V) ELISA Kit
BLS-8748Hu Human ITGAV beta3(ITG alpha V beta3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4618Hu Human ITGaM(Integrin Alpha M) ELISA Kit
BLS-5040Hu Human ITGa9(Integrin Alpha 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4028Hu Human ITGa6(Integrin Alpha 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3746Hu Human ITGa5(Integrin Alpha 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-9691Hu Human ITGa4(Integrin Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4630Hu Human ITGa2B(Integrin Alpha 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4027Hu Human ITGa2(Integrin Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4040Hu Human ITGa11(Integrin Alpha 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-4029Hu Human ITGa1(Integrin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1344Hu Human ITaC(Interferon Inducible T-Cell Alpha Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit
BLS-2639Hu Human ISR(Insulin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4718Hu Human ISLR(Immunoglobulin Superfamily Containing Leucine Rich Repeat Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4406Hu Human ISL1(ISL LIM Homeobox Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6581Hu Human ISG15(Interferon Stimulated Gene 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-9248Hu Human IS(serum indoxyl sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-5347Hu Human IRS2(Insulin Receptor Substrate 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5038Hu Human IRS1(Insulin Receptor Substrate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6625Hu Human Irisin ELISA Kit
BLS-3224Hu Human IRF9(Interferon Regulatory Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9109Hu Human IRF7(Interferon Regulatory Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2078Hu Human IRF5(Interferon Regulatory Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-9110Hu Human IRF4(Interferon Regulatory Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2074Hu Human IRF3(Interferon Regulatory Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9111Hu Human IRF2(Interferon Regulatory Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2069Hu Human IRF1(Interferon Regulatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3899Hu Human IREM1(Immune Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4764Hu Human IREB2(Iron Responsive Element Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2060Hu Human IRAK4(Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2061Hu Human IRAK3(Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5392Hu Human IRAK2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2058Hu Human IRAK1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8799Hu Human IQGAP2(IQ Motif Containing GTPase Activating Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8800Hu Human IQGAP1(IQ Motif Containing GTPase Activating Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2427Hu Human I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8870Hu Human IPF(Insulin Promoter Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1278Hu Human IP10(Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-3149Hu Human INSL5(Insulin Like Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3455Hu Human INSL3(Insulin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4963Hu Human INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7560Hu Human INPP5D(Inositol Polyphosphate-5-Phosphatase 145kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-7595Hu Human INPP4B(Inositol Polyphosphate-4-Phosphatase Type II 105kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-6108Hu Human INPP4A(Inositol Polyphosphate-4-Phosphatase Type I 107kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-3305Hu Human INHbE(Inhibin Beta E) ELISA Kit
BLS-2083Hu Human INHbC(Inhibin Beta C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2175Hu Human INHbB(Inhibin Beta B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5311Hu Human INHbA(Inhibin Beta A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4893Hu Human INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8187Hu Human INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7827Hu Human INHA(Inhibin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3319Hu Human INa(Internexin Neuronal Intermediate Filament Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4812Hu Human IMPDH2(Inosine 5′-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5368Hu Human IMA(Ischemia Modified Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8801Hu Human ILK(Integrin Linked Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2278Hu Human IL9(Interleukin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4229Hu Human IL8Rb(Interleukin 8 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1410Hu Human IL8Ra(Interleukin 8 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1159Hu Human IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4034Hu Human IL7R(Interleukin 7 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4959Hu Human IL7(Interleukin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1156Hu Human IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3964Hu Human IL5Ra(Interleukin 5 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2277Hu Human IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1785Hu Human IL4R(Interleukin 4 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4177Hu Human IL4I1(Interleukin 4 Induced Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1152Hu Human IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9441Hu Human IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3902Hu Human IL3Ra(Interleukin 3 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9171Hu Human IL39(Interleukin 39) ELISA Kit
BLS-1343Hu Human IL-37(Interleukin 37) ELISA Kit
BLS-2745Hu Human IL35(Interleukin 35) ELISA Kit
BLS-2452Hu Human IL34(Interleukin 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-2728Hu Human IL33(Interleukin 33) ELISA Kit
BLS-2685Hu Human IL32(Interleukin 32) ELISA Kit
BLS-3997Hu Human IL31(Interleukin 31) ELISA Kit
BLS-2275Hu Human IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2178Hu Human IL-2sRa/CD25(Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor alpha chain) ELISA Kit
BLS-4699Hu Human IL2Rg(Interleukin 2 Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5053Hu Human IL2Rb(Interleukin 2 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1784Hu Human IL29(Interleukin 29) ELISA Kit
BLS-1783Hu Human IL28B(Interleukin 28B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2147Hu Human IL28A(Interleukin 28A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1572Hu Human IL27(Interleukin 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-2152Hu Human IL26(Interleukin 26) ELISA Kit
BLS-2151Hu Human IL25(Interleukin 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-2454Hu Human IL24(Interleukin 24) ELISA Kit
BLS-3133Hu Human IL23R(Interleukin 23 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1570Hu Human IL23(Interleukin 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-3403Hu Human IL22Ra2(Interleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5274Hu Human IL22R(Interleukin 22 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2748Hu Human IL22(Interleukin 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-4659Hu Human IL21R(Interleukin 21 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2146Hu Human IL21(Interleukin 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-1291Hu Human IL20(Interleukin 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-1149Hu Human IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4866Hu Human IL1RL1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3221Hu Human IL1RAPL2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Accessory Protein Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3199Hu Human IL1RAP(Interleukin 1 Receptor Accessory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1951Hu Human IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-2271Hu Human IL1R2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-2272Hu Human IL1R1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7424Hu Human IL1q(Interleukin 1 Theta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3913Hu Human IL1h(Interleukin 1 Eta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6143Hu Human IL1F9(Interleukin 1 Family, Member 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4790Hu Human IL1e(Interleukin 1 Epsilon) ELISA Kit
BLS-1270Hu Human IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2273Hu Human IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3187Hu Human IL19(Interleukin 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-3473Hu Human IL18RAP(Interleukin 18 Receptor Accessory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3472Hu Human IL18R1(Interleukin 18 Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4378Hu Human IL18BP(Interleukin 18 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1245Hu Human IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-4482Hu Human IL17RA(Interleukin 17 Receptor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1779Hu Human IL17F(Interleukin 17F) ELISA Kit
BLS-3903Hu Human IL17D(Interleukin 17D) ELISA Kit
BLS-4084Hu Human IL17C(Interleukin 17C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2702Hu Human IL17B(Interleukin 17B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2610Hu Human IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-2268Hu Human IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-9055Hu Human IL15Ra(Interleukin 15 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1146Hu Human IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-4685Hu Human IL13Ra2(Interleukin 13 Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2266Hu Human IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-3871Hu Human IL12Rb2(Interleukin 12 Receptor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4580Hu Human IL12Rb1(Interleukin 12 Receptor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2263Hu Human IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-2264Hu Human IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1127Hu Human IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4402Hu Human IL11Ra(Interleukin 11 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2261Hu Human IL11(Interleukin 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-5070Hu Human IL10Rb(Interleukin 10 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3984Hu Human IL10Ra(Interleukin 10 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1142Hu Human IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-5592Hu Human IkBKg(Inhibitor Of Kappa Light Polypeptide Gene Enhancer In B-Cells Kinase Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4383Hu Human IkBKb(Inhibitor Of Kappa-Light Polypeptide Gene Enhancer In B-Cells Kinase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2219Hu Human IkBa(Inhibitory Subunit Of NF Kappa B Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3374Hu Human IHH(Hedgehog Homolog, Indian) ELISA Kit
BLS-1251Hu Human IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-7551Hu Human IglL5(Immunoglobulin Lambda Like Polypeptide 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5262Hu Human Igk(Immunoglobulin Kappa) ELISA Kit
BLS-2338Hu Human IgG4(Immunoglobulin G4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1249Hu Human IgG3(Immunoglobulin G3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2143Hu Human IgG2(Immunoglobulin G2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5154Hu Human IgG1(Immunoglobulin G1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1252Hu Human IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-1390Hu Human IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-4859Hu Human IGFIIE(Pro-Insulin Like Growth Factor II E-Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3007Hu Human IGFBP7(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5003Hu Human IGFBP6(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2994Hu Human IGFBP5(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1141Hu Human IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1139Hu Human IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1138Hu Human IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1137Hu Human IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3718Hu Human IGFALS(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein, Acid Labile Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-2128Hu Human IGF2R(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6376Hu Human IGF2BP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 mRNA Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2257Hu Human IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3396Hu Human IGF1R(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1134Hu Human IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2352Hu Human IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-2692Hu Human IgD(Immunoglobulin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-5044Hu Human IGBP1(Immunoglobulin Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3449Hu Human IgA2(Immunoglobulin A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3448Hu Human IgA1(Immunoglobulin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1255Hu Human IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8842Hu Human IFNW1(Interferon omega) ELISA Kit
BLS-1036Hu Human IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-1101Hu Human IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3654Hu Human IFNa4(Interferon Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3492Hu Human IFNa21(Interferon Alpha 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-4015Hu Human IFNa2(Interferon Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9381Hu Human IFNA17(Interferon alpha-17) ELISA Kit
BLS-4522Hu Human IFNa10(Interferon Alpha 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-3549Hu Human IFNa/bR2(Interferon Alpha/Beta Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1043Hu Human IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7252Hu Human IFIH1(Interferon Induced Helicase C Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7392Hu Human IFI35(Interferon Inducible Protein 35) ELISA Kit
BLS-3203Hu Human IFI30(Interferon Gamma Inducible Protein 30) ELISA Kit
BLS-1264Hu Human IFABP/FABP2(Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9327Hu Human IFA(Intrinsic Factor Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-5015Hu Human IER3(Immediate Early Response 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4014Hu Human IDUa(Iduronidase Alpha L) ELISA Kit
BLS-3439Hu Human IDS(Iduronate-2-Sulfatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2066Hu Human IDO(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4452Hu Human IDH2(Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-3485Hu Human IDH1(Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-2906Hu Human IDE(Insulin Degrading Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-4470Hu Human ICOSLG(Inducible T-Cell Co Stimulator Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-3134Hu Human ICOS(Inducible T-Cell Co Stimulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-8675Hu Human ICD(IsocitRate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2318Hu Human ICAM5(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3048Hu Human ICAM4(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1033Hu Human ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5196Hu Human ICA1(Islet Cell Autoantigen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7574Hu Human IBA57(IBA57, Iron Sulfur Cluster Assembly Factor Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-4835Hu Human IARS(Isoleucyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4831Hu Human IAPP(Islet Amyloid Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3385Hu Human IAP(Integrin Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3096Hu Human HYOU1(Hypoxia Up Regulated 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7361Hu Human HYAL1(Hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8625Hu Human HVD3(25-Hydroxyvitamin D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3586Hu Human HVCN1(Hydrogen Voltage Gated Channel Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8767Hu Human Humanin-Like Protein 6 (MTRNR2L6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3434Hu Human HTT(Huntingtin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6180Hu Human HTRA4(High Temperature Requirement Factor A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6091Hu Human HTRA1(High Temperature Requirement Factor A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4644Hu Human HTN3(Histatin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4651Hu Human HTN1(Histatin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2974Hu Human HSPG2(Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1959Hu Human HSPG(Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-4519Hu Human HSPF2(Heat Shock 40kDa Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1613Hu Human HSPD1(Heat Shock 60kD Protein 1, Chaperonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3791Hu Human HSPBP1(Heat Shock 70kDa Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2749Hu Human HSPb8(Heat Shock Protein Beta 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4540Hu Human HSPb7(Heat Shock Protein Beta 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1365Hu Human HSPb6(Heat Shock Protein Beta 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4539Hu Human HSPb3(Heat Shock Protein Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1490Hu Human HSPb2(Heat Shock Protein Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1845Hu Human HSPB1(Heat Shock 27kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1309Hu Human HSPA8(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4532Hu Human HSPA2(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5203Hu Human HSPA1L(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5549Hu Human HSPA1L(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1755Hu Human HSPA1A(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7084Hu Human HSPA12B(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 12B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9054Hu Human HSP90α(Heat Shock Protein HSP 90-alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1609Hu Human HSP90b1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4467Hu Human HSP90aB1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7471Hu Human HSP90aA1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5286Hu Human HSP90(Heat Shock Protein 90) ELISA Kit
BLS-4514Hu Human HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-3506Hu Human HSP47(Heat Shock Protein 47) ELISA Kit
BLS-1491Hu Human HSP40(Heat Shock Protein 40) ELISA Kit
BLS-2054Hu Human HSP10(Heat Shock 10kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9112Hu Human hs-Hepc25(high sensitivity Hepcidin 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-2964Hu Human HSF2(Heat Shock Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2090Hu Human HSF1(Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3762Hu Human HSD17b3(17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3584Hu Human HSD17b14(17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-4895Hu Human HSD17b1(17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6861Hu Human HSD11b3(11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4346Hu Human HSD11b2(11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3370Hu Human HSD11b1(11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8843Hu Human hs-cTnT(High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T) ELISA Kit
BLS-9080Hu Human hs-cTnI (High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-8534Hu Human hs-CRP(high sensitivity C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4598Hu Human HS6ST3(Heparan Sulfate-6-O-Sulfotransferase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4597Hu Human HS6ST2(Heparan Sulfate-6-O-Sulfotransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4596Hu Human HS6ST1(Heparan Sulfate-6-O-Sulfotransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4601Hu Human HS2ST1(Heparan Sulfate-2-O-Sulfotransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8454Hu Human HS(Heparan Sulfate) ELISA Kit
BLS-8920Hu Human hs Ab1-42(high sensitivity Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42) ELISA Kit
BLS-8921Hu Human hs Ab1-40(high sensitivity Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5235Hu Human HRSP12(Heat Responsive Protein 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4178Hu Human HRNR(Hornerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3469Hu Human HRH4(Histamine Receptor H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9117Hu Human HRH3(Histamine Receptor H3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4634Hu Human HRH1(Histamine Receptor H1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3693Hu Human HRG(Histidine Rich Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3732Hu Human HRC(Histidine Rich Calcium Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1289Hu Human HPX(Hemopexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6890Hu Human HPS6(Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3546Hu Human HPRT1(Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2742Hu Human HPR(Haptoglobin Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5351Hu Human HPEPT2(Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5346Hu Human HPEPT1(Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3809Hu Human HPD(4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5245Hu Human HPCAL1(Hippocalcin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2046Hu Human HPA(Heparanase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1054Hu Human HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1547Hu Human HO2(Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling) ELISA Kit
BLS-1476Hu Human HO1(Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling) ELISA Kit
BLS-3522Hu Human HNRPU(Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein U) ELISA Kit
BLS-3887Hu Human HNRPK(Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K) ELISA Kit
BLS-1535Hu Human HNRPA2B1(Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A2/B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4646Hu Human HNF1b(Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5112Hu Human HNF1a(Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2201Hu Human HMWK(High Molecular Weight Kininogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-3270Hu Human HMMR(Hyaluronan Mediated Motility Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2240Hu Human HMGN1(High Mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2172Hu Human HMGCS(Hydroxymethylglutaryl Coenzyme A Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5163Hu Human HMGCR(3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1438Hu Human HMGB-1(HighMobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3464Hu Human HMGA2(High Mobility Group AT Hook Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3463Hu Human HMGA1(High Mobility Group AT Hook Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4111Hu Human HMBS(Hydroxymethylbilane Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8747Hu Human HLA-DR(Leukocyte Antigen DR) ELISA Kit
BLS-3465Hu Human HK2(Hexokinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1711Hu Human HK1(Hexokinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5408Hu Human HJV(Hemojuvelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5431Hu Human HJV(Hemojuvelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8405Hu Human Histidyl-tRNA synthetase, cytoplasmic(HARS) ELISA kit
BLS-7464Hu Human HIST2H3A(Histone Cluster 2, H3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-7766Hu Human HIST1H4A(Histone Cluster 1, H4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-8131Hu Human HIST1H4A(Histone Cluster 1, H4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-7466Hu Human HIST1H2AB(Histone Cluster 1, H2ab) ELISA Kit
BLS-5025Hu Human HIST1H1A(Histone Cluster 1, H1a) ELISA Kit
BLS-5068Hu Human HIPK2(Homeodomain Interacting Protein Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5007Hu Human HIP2(Huntingtin Interacting Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3229Hu Human HIF2a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4964Hu Human HIF1aN(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha Subunit Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1603Hu Human HIF1a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3446Hu Human HHIP(Hedgehog Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3712Hu Human HGFR(Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4505Hu Human HGFAC(Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator) ELISA Kit
BLS-1032Hu Human HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3589Hu Human HGD(Homogentisate-1,2-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1717Hu Human HEXb(Hexosaminidase B Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3577Hu Human HEXa(Hexosaminidase A Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4180Hu Human HEPH(Hephaestin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5123Hu Human Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8188Hu Human Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4179Hu Human HEMGN(Hemogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8581Hu Human HE4(Epididymal protein 4) ELISA kit
BLS-4940Hu Human HDLBP(High Density Lipoprotein Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1728Hu Human HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1699Hu Human HDGF(Hepatoma Derived Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4150Hu Human HDC(Histidine Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4117Hu Human HDAC9(Histone Deacetylase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3698Hu Human HDAC6(Histone Deacetylase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4712Hu Human HDAC5(Histone Deacetylase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4669Hu Human HDAC4(Histone Deacetylase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2958Hu Human HDAC2(Histone Deacetylase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4042Hu Human HDAC1(Histone Deacetylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8987Hu Human HCy(Homocysteine) ELISA Kit
BLS-6124Hu Human HCRP1(Hepatocellular Carcinoma Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5355Hu Human HCN4(Hyperpolarization Activated Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Potassium Channel 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5594Hu Human HCK(Hemopoietic Cell Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1926Hu Human HCII(Heparin Cofactor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1364Hu Human HCG(Chorionic Gonadotropin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3675Hu Human HCCS(Holocytochrome C Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5055Hu Human HCAM(Homing Associated Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-9601Hu Human HBsAg(HepatitisB surface antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4962Hu Human HBg2(Hemoglobin Gamma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4070Hu Human HBg1(Hemoglobin Gamma 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1964Hu Human HBF(Fetal Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1090Hu Human HBEGF(Heparin Binding Epidermal Growth Factor Like Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5336Hu Human HBd(Hemoglobin Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4071Hu Human HBb(Hemoglobin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5332Hu Human HbA1c(Glycated Hemoglobin A1c) ELISA Kit
BLS-5487Hu Human HbA1c(Glycated Hemoglobin A1c) ELISA Kit
BLS-5194Hu Human HBa1(Hemoglobin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1093Hu Human HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4404Hu Human HAVCR2(Hepatitis A Virus Cellular Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4035Hu Human HAT1(Histone Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3511Hu Human HAS2(Hyaluronan Synthase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4055Hu Human HAS1(Hyaluronan Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4453Hu Human HAP1(Huntingtin Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5167Hu Human HAND2(Heart And Neural Crest Derivatives Expressed Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5180Hu Human HAL(Histidine Ammonia Lyase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8898Hu Human HAGH(Hydroxyacylglutathione Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3111Hu Human HABP2(Hyaluronan Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1865Hu Human HABP1(Hyaluronan Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2950Hu Human HAase(Hyaluronidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8497Hu Human HA(Hyaluronic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-4852Hu Human H4(Histone H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4851Hu Human H3(Histone H3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4882Hu Human H2B(Histone H2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7428Hu Human H2AFZ(H2A Histone Family, Member Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-7467Hu Human H2AFX(H2A Histone Family, Member X) ELISA Kit
BLS-4382Hu Human H2AFV(H2A Histone Family, Member V) ELISA Kit
BLS-4989Hu Human H2A(Histone H2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7446Hu Human H1F0(H1 Histone Family, Member 0) ELISA Kit
BLS-5482Hu Human H1(Histone H1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1933Hu Human GZMM(Granzyme M) ELISA Kit
BLS-2119Hu Human GZMK(Granzyme K) ELISA Kit
BLS-6670Hu Human GZMH(Granzyme H) ELISA Kit
BLS-1658Hu Human GZMB(Granzyme B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4608Hu Human GZMA(Granzyme A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4771Hu Human GYPA(Glycophorin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2772Hu Human GUSb(Glucuronidase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4914Hu Human GUCY1b3(Guanylate Cyclase 1 Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3838Hu Human GUCA2B(Guanylate Cyclase Activator 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5490Hu Human GUCA2A(Guanylate Cyclase Activator 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1814Hu Human GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2992Hu Human GSTt1(Glutathione S Transferase Theta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9193Hu Human GSTs(Glutathione S Transferases) ELISA Kit
BLS-1759Hu Human GSTp(Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit
BLS-2965Hu Human GSTo1(Glutathione S Transferase Omega 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5065Hu Human GSTm3(Glutathione S Transferase Mu 3, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-4968Hu Human GSTm1(Glutathione S Transferase Mu 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4632Hu Human PRCP(Prolylcarboxypeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3535Hu Human PRB2(Basic Salivary Proline Rich Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3536Hu Human PRB1(Basic Salivary Proline Rich Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9050Hu Human PRAP1(Proline-rich acidic protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4314Hu Human PRAME(Preferentially Expressed Antigen In Melanoma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3758Hu Human PR3(Proteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4400Hu Human PPP1R1B(Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3418Hu Human PPOX(Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5400Hu Human PPM1B(Protein Phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ Dependent 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4276Hu Human PPM1A(Protein Phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ Dependent 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9704Hu Human pPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Pancreas) ELISA Kit
BLS-3840Hu Human PPL(Periplakin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4620Hu Human PPIC(Peptidylprolyl Isomerase C) ELISA Kit
BLS-1631Hu Human PPAR-γ(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3099Hu Human PPARgC1a(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2762Hu Human PPARd(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2008Hu Human PPARa(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1936Hu Human PP13(Placental Protein 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-8433Hu Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1833Hu Human PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5114Hu Human PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5488Hu Human PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8193Hu Human PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6576Hu Human POTEG(POTE Ankyrin Domain Family, Member G) ELISA Kit
BLS-4349Hu Human POT1(Protection Of Telomeres 1 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3069Hu Human POSTN(Periostin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3696Hu Human PON3(Paraoxonase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4072Hu Human PON2(Paraoxonase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1925Hu Human PON1(Paraoxonase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1875Hu Human POMC(Proopiomelanocortin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4442Hu Human POLg1(Polymerase DNA Directed Gamma 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5175Hu Human POLd(Polymerase DNA Directed Delta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4987Hu Human POLb(Polymerase DNA Directed Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8899Hu Human PNX-20(Phoenixin-20) ELISA Kit
BLS-4536Hu Human PNPLA3(Patatin Like Phospholipase Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5472Hu Human PNPLA2(Patatin Like Phospholipase Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4451Hu Human PNMA2(Paraneoplastic Antigen MA2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9302Hu Human pNF-H(Phosphorylated Neurofilament H) ELISA Kit
BLS-4734Hu Human pNF-H (Phosphorylated Neurofilament H) ELISA Kit
BLS-4471Hu Human PMP22(Peripheral Myelin Protein 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-3769Hu Human PML(Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3919Hu Human PMFBP1(Polyamine Modulated Factor 1 Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8412Hu Human pMAPT /pTAU(phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-3909Hu Human PLXNB1(Plexin B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3277Hu Human PLVAP(Plasmalemma Vesicle Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4289Hu Human PLUNC(Palate/Lung And Nasal Epithelium Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3014Hu Human PLTP(Phospholipid Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2195Hu Human PLSCR1(Phospholipid Scramblase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4168Hu Human PLS1(Plastin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7142Hu Human PLPL(Myelin Proteolipid Protein Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4784Hu Human PLP2(Proteolipid Protein 2, Colonic Epithelium Enriched) ELISA Kit
BLS-4765Hu Human PLP1(Proteolipid Protein 1, Myelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4494Hu Human PLOD3(Procollagen Lysine-2-Oxoglutarate-5-Dioxygenase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4865Hu Human PLOD2(Procollagen Lysine-2-Oxoglutarate-5-Dioxygenase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4843Hu Human PLOD1(Procollagen Lysine-1,2-Oxoglutarate-5-Dioxygenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5348Hu Human PLK3(Polo Like Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4096Hu Human PLIN5(Perilipin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4097Hu Human PLIN4(Perilipin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4098Hu Human PLIN3(Perilipin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3729Hu Human PLIN1(Perilipin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1178Hu Human PLGF(Placenta Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1080Hu Human Plg(Plasminogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4061Hu Human PLEC(Plectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4093Hu Human PLD2(Phospholipase D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4037Hu Human PLD(Phospholipase D) ELISA Kit
BLS-4708Hu Human PLCz1(Phospholipase C Zeta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3787Hu Human PLCg2(Phospholipase C Gamma 2, Phosphatidylinositol Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-2093Hu Human PLCg1(Phospholipase C Gamma 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4036Hu Human PLB(Phospholipase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3792Hu Human PLAGL1(Pleiomorphic Adenoma Gene Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6898Hu Human PLAC9(Placenta Specific Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9534Hu Human PLAC1(Placenta-specific protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2628Hu Human PLAA(Phospholipase A2 Activating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3558Hu Human PLA2R1(Phospholipase A2 Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4777Hu Human PLA2G5(Phospholipase A2, Group V) ELISA Kit
BLS-6188Hu Human PLA2G4D(Phospholipase A2, Group IVD) ELISA Kit
BLS-1754Hu Human PLA2G2D(Phospholipase A2, Group IID) ELISA Kit
BLS-3752Hu Human PLA2G2A(Phospholipase A2, Group IIA) ELISA Kit
BLS-6117Hu Human PLA2G12B(Phospholipase A2, Group XIIB) ELISA Kit
BLS-4236Hu Human PLA2G10(Phospholipase A2, Group X) ELISA Kit
BLS-1794Hu Human PLA1(Phospholipase A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4824Hu Human PL(Placental Lactogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5037Hu Human PL(Placental Lactogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-1519Hu Human PKR2(Prokineticin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2802Hu Human PKR1(Prokineticin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1957Hu Human PKR(Protein Kinase R) ELISA Kit
BLS-2675Hu Human PKP1(Plakophilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4693Hu Human PKN1(Protein Kinase N1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1514Hu Human PKM2(Pyruvate Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1680Hu Human PKCz(Protein Kinase C Zeta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1647Hu Human PKCe(Protein Kinase C Epsilon) ELISA Kit
BLS-4603Hu Human PKCd(Protein Kinase C Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5004Hu Human PKCb1(Protein Kinase C Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4684Hu Human PKCa(Protein Kinase C Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1550Hu Human PKBg(Protein Kinase B Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2161Hu Human PKBb(Protein Kinase B Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4317Hu Human PKBa(Protein Kinase B Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2816Hu Human PK2(Prokineticin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1922Hu Human PK(Pyruvate Kinase, Liver And RBC) ELISA Kit
BLS-2200Hu Human PK(Pyruvate Kinase, Liver And RBC) ELISA Kit
BLS-8570Hu Human PIVKA-II(Protein Induced Vitamin K Absence or Antagonist-II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6287Hu Human PIP(Prolactin Induced Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5462Hu Human PIN1(Peptidyl Prolyl Cis/Trans Isomerase NIMA Interacting Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6491Hu Human PIM3(Pim-3 Oncogene) ELISA Kit
BLS-6492Hu Human PIM2(Pim-2 Oncogene) ELISA Kit
BLS-3785Hu Human PIM1(Pim-1 Oncogene) ELISA Kit
BLS-3401Hu Human PIK3Cd(Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Catalytic Delta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3671Hu Human PIK3Cb(Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Catalytic Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5138Hu Human PIK3C3(Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Class 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9345Hu Human PIK3C2a(Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Class-2-Alpha Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2573Hu Human PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2621Hu Human PIIINP(Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5418Hu Human PIIINP(Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2126Hu Human PIIICP(Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5493Hu Human PIIICP(Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2127Hu Human PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8809Hu Human PIIANP(Type IIA Collagen N-Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1752Hu Human PIGR(Polymeric Immunoglobulin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5471Hu Human PIGL(Phosphatidylinositol Glycan L) ELISA Kit
BLS-9034Hu Human PIGF(Phosphatidylinositol-glycan biosynthesis class F protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2374Hu Human PICP(Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4443Hu Human PICALM(Phosphatidylinositol Binding Clathrin Assembly Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6860Hu Human PIBF1(Progesterone Immunomodulatory Binding Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4931Hu Human PIAS3(Protein Inhibitor Of Activated STAT 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5139Hu Human PI4Ka(Phosphatidylinositol-4-Kinase Catalytic Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3162Hu Human PI3(Peptidase Inhibitor 3, Skin Derived) ELISA Kit
BLS-6271Hu Human PI16(Peptidase Inhibitor 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-5406Hu Human PI(Proinsulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2981Hu Human PHB(Prohibitin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8906Hu Human PGRN(Progranulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1835Hu Human PGR(Progesterone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2148Hu Human Pgp(Permeability Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4472Hu Human PGLYRP2(PeptiDoglycan Recognition Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3392Hu Human PGLYRP1(PeptiDoglycan Recognition Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9532Hu Human PGK2(Phosphoglycerate kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3003Hu Human PGK1(Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9317Hu Human PGH2(Prostaglandin H2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9314Hu Human PGF2a(Prostaglandin F2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9315Hu Human PGE2(Prostaglandin E2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1960Hu Human PGD2S(Prostaglandin D2 Synthase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-9316Hu Human PGD2(Prostaglandin D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2326Hu Human PGC(Pepsinogen C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7742Hu Human PGAM5(Phosphoglycerate Mutase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4250Hu Human PGAM1(Phosphoglycerate Mutase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-2325Hu Human PGA(Pepsinogen A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3261Hu Human PFN1(Profilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2166Hu Human PFKP(Phosphofructokinase, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-3726Hu Human PFKM(Phosphofructokinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-5215Hu Human PFDN5(Prefoldin Subunit 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3523Hu Human PFDN1(Prefoldin Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1230Hu Human PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5278Hu Human PEX2(Peroxisomal Biogenesis Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5001Hu Human PES1(Pescadillo Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8541Hu Human pERK(Phospho Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9429Hu Human PER2(Period Circadian Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6571Hu Human PER1(Period Circadian Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6673Hu Human PEPD(Peptidase D) ELISA Kit
BLS-4086Hu Human PENK(Proenkephalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2723Hu Human PEDF(Pigment Epithelium Derived Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2354Hu Human PECAM1(Platelet/Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-5098Hu Human PEBP4(Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3585Hu Human PEBP1(Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9138Hu Human PDZRN3(PDZ domain containing ring finger 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3051Hu Human PDPN(Podoplanin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1636Hu Human PDP(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7014Hu Human PDLIM1(PDZ And LIM Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3055Hu Human PDL1(Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9121Hu Human PDK1(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Isozyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3622Hu Human PDIA6(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3307Hu Human PDIA5(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4325Hu Human PDIA4(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2022Hu Human PDIA3(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2023Hu Human PDIA2(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1669Hu Human PDI(Protein Disulfide Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5479Hu Human PDHb(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1709Hu Human PDHa(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3145Hu Human PDGFRL(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2769Hu Human PDGFRb(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2768Hu Human PDGFRa(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2975Hu Human PDGFD(Platelet Derived Growth Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-3413Hu Human PDGFC(Platelet Derived Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2289Hu Human PDGFBB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB) ELISA Kit
BLS-1856Hu Human PDGFB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1089Hu Human PDGFAB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor AB) ELISA Kit
BLS-1308Hu Human PDGFAA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor AA) ELISA Kit
BLS-2575Hu Human PDGFA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9635Hu Human PDE9A(High affinity cGMP-specific 3′,5′-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5022Hu Human PDE5A(Phosphodiesterase 5A, cGMP Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-3945Hu Human PDE4D(Phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-4781Hu Human PDE1A(Phosphodiesterase 1A, Calmodulin Dependent) ELISA Kit
BLS-4132Hu Human PDE10A(Phosphodiesterase 10A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2044Hu Human PDCN(Podocin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3865Hu Human PDCD6IP(Programmed Cell Death Protein 6 Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6549Hu Human PDCD6(Programmed Cell Death Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6633Hu Human PDCD5(Programmed Cell Death Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7529Hu Human PDCD4(Programmed Cell Death Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4477Hu Human PDCD1LG2(Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Ligand 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4353Hu Human PDCD1(Programmed Cell Death Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4169Hu Human PCYOX1(Prenylcysteine Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2045Hu Human PCX(Podocalyxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1088Hu Human PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3727Hu Human PCSK9(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-8728Hu Human PCSK6(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3445Hu Human PCSK5(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4709Hu Human PCSK2(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3213Hu Human PCSK1(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8381Hu Human p-cresol ELISA Kit
BLS-1878Hu Human PCPE1(Procollagen C Proteinase Enhancer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5219Hu Human PCNT(Pericentrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5141Hu Human PCNA(Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6763Hu Human PCMT1(Protein L-Isoaspartate-O-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4947Hu Human PCK2(Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2031Hu Human PCK1(Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-2962Hu Human PCIII(Procollagen III) ELISA Kit
BLS-2746Hu Human PCII(Procollagen II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3036Hu Human PCI(Protein C Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5089Hu Human PCI(Protein C Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8705Hu Human PCI(Procollagen I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3827Hu Human PCGF4(Polycomb Group Ring Finger Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3647Hu Human PCDHgA2(Protocadherin Gamma A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3563Hu Human PCDHb16(Protocadherin Beta 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-5035Hu Human PCDHb15(Protocadherin Beta 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-5031Hu Human PCDH20(Protocadherin 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-3488Hu Human PCDH15(Protocadherin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-9588Hu Human P-Cadherin(Cadherin, Placental) ELISA Kit
BLS-4546Hu Human PC(Pyruvate Carboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9275Hu Human PC(Protein Carbonyl) ELISA Kit
BLS-3897Hu Human PAX9(Paired Box Gene 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-8427Hu Human PAX6(Paired Box Gene 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2179Hu Human Pax(Paxillin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3564Hu Human PARP4(Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4315Hu Human PARP(Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3842Hu Human PARN(Poly A Specific Ribonuclease) ELISA Kit
BLS-7228Hu Human PARK7(Parkinson Disease Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-6722Hu Human PARK2(Parkinson Disease Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1103Hu Human PARC(Pulmonary Activation Regulated Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3745Hu Human PAR4(Protease Activated Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7482Hu Human PAR4(Protease Activated Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2416Hu Human PAR2(Protease Activated Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4275Hu Human PAR1(Protease Activated Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3034Hu Human PAPPA2(Pappalysin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1436Hu Human PAPPA(Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1556Hu Human PAP(Plasmin/Antiplasmin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-4985Hu Human PANX1(Pannexin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4133Hu Human PANK4(Pantothenate Kinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7592Hu Human PAMP(Presenilin Associated Metalloprotease) ELISA Kit
BLS-3953Hu Human PAM(Peptidylglycine Alpha Amidating Monooxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4570Hu Human PALMD(Palmdelphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4665Hu Human PALM(Paralemmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2075Hu Human PALLD(Palladin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4309Hu Human PAK4(p21 Protein Activated Kinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8847Hu Human PAK1(p21 activated kinase1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2581Hu Human PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1250Hu Human PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3847Hu Human PAH(Phenylalanine Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5076Hu Human PAFR(Platelet Activating Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1780Hu Human PAFAH2(Platelet Activating Factor Acetylhydrolase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7251Hu Human PAF(PCNA Associated Factor 15kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-3531Hu Human PAEP(Progestagen Associated Endometrial Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3870Hu Human PADI6(Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase Type VI) ELISA Kit
BLS-3904Hu Human PADI4(Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase Type IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-5090Hu Human PADI3(Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-4782Hu Human PADI2(Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6825Hu Human PABPC1L(Poly A Binding Protein Cytoplasmic 1 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6144Hu Human PA2G4(Proliferation Associated Protein 2G4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3202Hu Human P4Ha3(Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase Alpha Polypeptide III) ELISA Kit
BLS-3814Hu Human P4Ha2(Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase Alpha Polypeptide II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4565Hu Human P2RY14(Purinergic Receptor P2Y, G Protein Coupled 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-4385Hu Human P2RY12(Purinergic Receptor P2Y, G Protein Coupled 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4783Hu Human P2RY1(Purinergic Receptor P2Y, G Protein Coupled 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3786Hu Human P2RX7(Purinergic Receptor P2X, Ligand Gated Ion Channel 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5402Hu Human PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5429Hu Human PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2963Hu Human OXTR(Oxytocin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6538Hu Human OXM(Oxyntomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5407Hu Human OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8195Hu Human OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9148Hu Human OxHDL(Oxidized high-density lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4654Hu Human OXCT1(3-Oxoacid Coenzyme A Transferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1465Hu Human OXA(Orexin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4722Hu Human OX(Orexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9544Hu Human OT(Oxytocin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7176Hu Human OSX(Osterix) ELISA Kit
BLS-3820Hu Human OSTN(Osteocrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2174Hu Human OSMR(Oncostatin M Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2302Hu Human OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-4444Hu Human OSGIN1(Oxidative Stress Induced Growth Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4225Hu Human OSCP1(Organic Solute Carrier Partner 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2946Hu Human OSCAR(Osteoclast Associated Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4488Hu Human OSBPL8(Oxysterol Binding Protein Like Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2194Hu Human ORM2(Orosomucoid 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5244Hu Human OPTN(Optineurin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4060Hu Human OPTC(Opticin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1047Hu Human OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1176Hu Human OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9093Hu Human OP (Opioid Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1682Hu Human ON(Osteonectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4880Hu Human OLIG2(Oligodendrocyte Lineage Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9367Hu Human OLIG2(Oligodendrocyte Lineage Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2796Hu Human OLFM4(Olfactomedin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2163Hu Human OIT3(Oncoprotein Induced Transcript 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5156Hu Human OGT(O-Linked-N-Acetylglucosamine Transferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5206Hu Human OGP(Osteogenic Growth Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3335Hu Human OGN(Osteoglycin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3235Hu Human OGG1(Oxoguanine Glycosylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3181Hu Human OGDH(Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4683Hu Human OFQ/N(OrphaninFQ/Nociceptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1888Hu Human ODC(Ornithine Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5102Hu Human OCTN1(Organic Cation/Ergothioneine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-9118Hu Human Oct6(Octamer-binding transcription factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5047Hu Human OCT4(Octamer Binding Transcription Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2018Hu Human OCT(Ornithine Carbamoyl Transferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3078Hu Human OCLN(Occludin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6833Hu Human OCIAD2(Ovarian Cancer Immuno Reactive Antigen Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2390Hu Human OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5066Hu Human OBP2A(Odorant Binding Protein 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5409Hu Human OB(Obestatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5480Hu Human OB(Obestatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3419Hu Human OAZ1(Ornithine Decarboxylase Antizyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4906Hu Human OAT(Ornithine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4518Hu Human OASL(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3982Hu Human OAS3(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3981Hu Human OAS2(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3137Hu Human OAS1(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3869Hu Human NXPH1(Neurexophilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3798Hu Human NXN(Nucleoredoxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7437Hu Human NURR1(Nuclear Receptor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3386Hu Human NUP62(Nucleoporin 62kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-3987Hu Human NUMA1(Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4873Hu Human NUDC(Nuclear Distribution Gene C Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-1843Hu Human NTXI(Cross Linked N-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4627Hu Human NTSR2(Neurotensin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4586Hu Human NTSR1(Neurotensin Receptor 1, High Affinity) ELISA Kit
BLS-5214Hu Human NTRK2(Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4727Hu Human NT-ProCNP(N-Terminal Pro-C-Type Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1212Hu Human NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5423Hu Human NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2399Hu Human NT-ProANP(N-Terminal Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2211Hu Human Ntn4(Netrin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2210Hu Human Ntn1(Netrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4750Hu Human NTCP(Na+ Taurocholate Cotransporting Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3395Hu Human NT5E(5′-Nucleotidase, Ecto) ELISA Kit
BLS-8659Hu Human NT5C1A(Cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2298Hu Human NT4(Neurotrophin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2296Hu Human NT3(Neurotrophin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1802Hu Human NT(Neurotensin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3790Hu Human NSP(Neuroserpin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3304Hu Human NSMASE(Neutral Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5075Hu Human NSMAF(Neutral Sphingomyelinase Activation Associated Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4645Hu Human NSF(N-Ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2587Hu Human NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-8785Hu Human NRXN3(Neurexin3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8784Hu Human NRXN1(Neurexin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4041Hu Human NRTN(Neurturin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2886Hu Human NRP2(Neuropilin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2885Hu Human NRP1(Neuropilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3321Hu Human NRGN(Neurogranin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7646Hu Human NRGN(Neurogranin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3451Hu Human NRG4(Neuregulin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3452Hu Human NRG3(Neuregulin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3345Hu Human NRG2(Neuregulin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2232Hu Human NRG1(Neuregulin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9189Hu Human NRF1(Nuclear respiratory factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4031Hu Human NR3C1(Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 3, Group C, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5412Hu Human NR1D1(Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1, Group D, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6248Hu Human NQO1(NADH Dehydrogenase, Quinone 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4231Hu Human NPY5R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4233Hu Human NPY2R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4232Hu Human NPY1R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2447Hu Human NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-4266Hu Human NPTXR(Neuronal Pentraxin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3190Hu Human NPTX2(Neuronal Pentraxin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3123Hu Human NPTX1(Neuronal Pentraxin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-4704Hu Human NPTN(Neuroplastin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4254Hu Human NPSR(Neuropeptide S Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1061Hu Human NPS(Neuropeptide S) ELISA Kit
BLS-3601Hu Human NPR3(Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3694Hu Human NPR2(Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3600Hu Human NPR1(Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9382Hu Human NPPB(Natriuretic peptide precursor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3198Hu Human NPNT(Nephronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3260Hu Human NPM(Nucleophosmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2043Hu Human NPHN(Nephrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3724Hu Human NPFF(Neuropeptide FF) ELISA Kit
BLS-7154Hu Human NPC2(Niemann Pick Disease Type C2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7334Hu Human NOXIN(Nitric Oxide Inducible Gene Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2770Hu Human NOX4(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9278Hu Human NOX2(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4759Hu Human NOX1(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7643Hu Human NOTCH4(Notch Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7612Hu Human NOTCH3(Notch Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6637Hu Human NOTCH2NL(Notch2 N-Terminal Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7053Hu Human NOTCH2(Notch Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2605Hu Human NOSTRIN(Nitric Oxide Synthase Trafficker) ELISA Kit
BLS-4604Hu Human NOSIP(Nitric Oxide Synthase Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1500Hu Human NOS3(Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2643Hu Human NOS2/iNOS(NitricOxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-1619Hu Human NOS1(Nitric Oxide Synthase 1, Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-9137Hu Human NOR1(Neuron Derived Orphan Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4840Hu Human NONO(Non POU Domain Containing Octamer Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5463Hu Human NOG(Noggin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7470Hu Human NOG(Noggin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5352Hu Human NOD2(Nucleotide Binding Oligomerization Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3064Hu Human NNMT(Nicotinamide-N-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1988Hu Human NNE(Enolase, Non Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-5062Hu Human NMU(Neuromedin U) ELISA Kit
BLS-5226Hu Human NMS(Neuromedin S) ELISA Kit
BLS-9587Hu Human N-MID-OT(N-MIDOsteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1629Hu Human NMB(Neuromedin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4500Hu Human VDAC1(Voltage Dependent Anion Channel Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4331Hu Human VCP(Valosin Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2218Hu Human VCL(Vinculin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3130Hu Human VCC1(VEGF Co Regulated Chemokine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1256Hu Human VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9091Hu Human VB3 (Vitamin B3) Elisa Kit
BLS-2012Hu Human Vaspin(Visceral Adipose Tissue Derived Serine Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3481Hu Human VASP(Vasodilator Stimulated Phosphoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3543Hu Human VASN(Vasorin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5372Hu Human VASH1(Vasohibin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4666Hu Human VAMP2(Vesicle Associated Membrane Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8807Hu Human VAMP1(Vesicle Associated Membrane Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3803Hu Human VAChT(Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-5293Hu Human UXS1(UDP Glucuronate Decarboxylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5589Hu Human UTRN(Utrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4874Hu Human UTI(Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5020Hu Human UST2(Urotensin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3430Hu Human USP8(Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6366Hu Human USP6NL(USP6 N-Terminal Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4548Hu Human USP14(Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-5284Hu Human UROC1(Urocanase Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4589Hu Human URAT1(Urate Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8520Hu Human UQCRFS1(Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4934Hu Human UQCR(Ubiquinol Cytochrome C Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7083Hu Human UPRT(Uracil Phosphoribosyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3941Hu Human UPK3A(Uroplakin 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5223Hu Human UPK2(Uroplakin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2317Hu Human uPAR(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1192Hu Human uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3236Hu Human UNG(Uracil DNA Glycosylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6387Hu Human ULBP2(UL16 Binding Brotein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4156Hu Human UGT8(UDP Glycosyltransferase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4673Hu Human UGT2B7(UDP Glucuronosyltransferase 2 Family, Polypeptide B7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4279Hu Human UGT1A1(UDP Glucuronosyltransferase 1 Family, Polypeptide A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4813Hu Human UGGT1(UDP-Glucose Glycoprotein Glucosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5132Hu Human UGCG(UDP Glucose Ceramide Glucosyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3106Hu Human UCP2(Uncoupling Protein 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-4369Hu Human UCP1(Uncoupling Protein 1, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-9383Hu Human ucOC(Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5061Hu Human UCN3(Urocortin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5298Hu Human UCN2(Urocortin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2877Hu Human UCN1(Urocortin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5527Hu Human UCHL1(Ubiquitin Carboxyl Terminal Hydrolase L1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7504Hu Human UCHL1(Ubiquitin Carboxyl Terminal Hydrolase L1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6735Hu Human UBR4(Ubiquitin Protein Ligase E3 Component N-Recognin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7476Hu Human UBR1(Ubiquitin Protein Ligase E3 Component N-Recognin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4157Hu Human UBQLN2(Ubiquilin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7413Hu Human UBIAD1(UbiA Prenyltransferase Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1751Hu Human UBE3A(Ubiquitin Protein Ligase E3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4425Hu Human UBE2L3(Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2L3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4836Hu Human UBE2I(Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3129Hu Human UBE2C(Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2165Hu Human UBD(Ubiquitin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-8504Hu Human Ubc(Polyubiquitin-C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3940Hu Human UBAP2(Ubiquitin Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4664Hu Human UBA52(Ubiquitin A 52 Residue Ribosomal Protein Fusion Product 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5287Hu Human Ub(Ubiquitin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6963Hu Human UACA(Uveal Autoantigen With Coiled Coil Domains And Ankyrin Repeats) ELISA Kit
BLS-5049Hu Human TYROBP(TYRO Protein Tyrosine Kinase Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4017Hu Human TYR(Tyrosinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4158Hu Human TYMS(Thymidylate Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2077Hu Human Tyk2(Tyrosine Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4026Hu Human TXLNa(Taxilin Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3568Hu Human TWSG1(Twisted Gastrulation Protein Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4322Hu Human TWIST(Twist Transcription Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6676Hu Human TWF1(Twinfilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4113Hu Human TUBb3(Tubulin Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5509Hu Human TUBb1(Tubulin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5140Hu Human TUBb(Tubulin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1962Hu Human TTR(Transthyretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2138Hu Human TTN(Titin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3634Hu Human TTF1(Transcription Termination Factor, RNA polymerase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7779Hu Human TTC39B(Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain Protein 39B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4778Hu Human tTBK2(Tau-Tubulin Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3592Hu Human TSPO(Translocator Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5575Hu Human TSPAN6(Tetraspanin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3433Hu Human TSPAN30(Tetraspanin 30) ELISA Kit
BLS-3220Hu Human TSPAN1(Tetraspanin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1685Hu Human TSP-1(Thrombospondin-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1083Hu Human TSLP(Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9540Hu Human TSHRAb(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor Antiboby) ELISA Kit
BLS-9187Hu Human TSHR(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1163Hu Human TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1388Hu Human TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4271Hu Human TSG101(Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101) ELISA Kit
BLS-2131Hu Human TSC22(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Stimulated Protein Clone 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-9235Hu Human TRY(Trypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5334Hu Human TrxR2(Thioredoxin Reductase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2000Hu Human TrxR1(Thioredoxin Reductase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1997Hu Human Trx(Thioredoxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4899Hu Human TRPV3(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3768Hu Human TRPV1(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4960Hu Human TRPM8(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily M, Member 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3614Hu Human TRPM1(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily M, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4677Hu Human TRPC6(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily C, Member 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4687Hu Human TRPA1(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily A, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9411Hu Human TrkB (Tyrosine Receptor Kinase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9487Hu Human TrkA/NTRK1(High affinity nerve growth factor receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7567Hu Human TRIC(Tricellulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2641Hu Human TRH(Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1300Hu Human TRF(Transferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3200Hu Human TREM2(Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1199Hu Human TREM1(Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8624Hu Human Transcriptional regulator ATRX (ATRX) ELISA Kit
BLS-4370Hu Human TRAM1(Translocation Associated Membrane Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1320Hu Human TRAIL(Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-3616Hu Human TRAF6(TNF Receptor Associated Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4373Hu Human TRAF5(TNF Receptor Associated Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4372Hu Human TRAF3(TNF Receptor Associated Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8544Hu Human TRAF2(TNF Receptor-Associated Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9590Hu Human TRACP-5b(Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b) ELISA Kit
BLS-7602Hu Human TRA2b(Transformer 2 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4011Hu Human TPT1(Tumor Protein, Translationally Controlled 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3588Hu Human TPSb2(Tryptase Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1673Hu Human TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1839Hu Human TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4628Hu Human TPPP(Tubulin Polymerization Promoting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3828Hu Human TPP1(Tripeptidyl Peptidase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9058Hu Human TPO-Ab(anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-1451Hu Human TPO(Thyroid Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2316Hu Human TPO(Thyroid Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4063Hu Human TPMT(Thiopurine Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4088Hu Human TPM3(Tropomyosin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2730Hu Human tPK1(Tau-Protein Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3279Hu Human TPI1(Triosephosphate Isomerase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4146Hu Human TPH2(Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4145Hu Human TPH1(Tryptophan Hydroxylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8587Hu Human TPC(Total protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-1248Hu Human tPA(Tissue Polypeptide Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-2324Hu Human TPA(Tissue Polypeptide Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8621Hu Human tPA(Tissue Plasminogen Activator) ELISA Kit
BLS-3138Hu Human TP63(Tumor Protein P63) ELISA Kit
BLS-4448Hu Human TP53BP1(Tumor Protein p53 Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1507Hu Human TP53(Tumor Protein p53) ELISA Kit
BLS-2101Hu Human TP(Thymidine Phosphorylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4064Hu Human TP(Thymidine Phosphorylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8420Hu Human Total cholesterol (TC) ELISA Kit
BLS-4092Hu Human TOP3(Topoisomerase III) ELISA Kit
BLS-3315Hu Human TOP2b(Topoisomerase II Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4023Hu Human TOP2(Topoisomerase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3045Hu Human TOP1(Topoisomerase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6545Hu Human TOMM70A(Translocase Of Outer Mitochondrial Membrane 70A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4871Hu Human TOLLIP(Toll Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2687Hu Human TNX(Tenascin X) ELISA Kit
BLS-4955Hu Human TNT(Troponin T) ELISA Kit
BLS-4136Hu Human TNS3(Tensin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4077Hu Human TNPO2(Transportin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5569Hu Human TNP1(Transition Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4944Hu Human TNNT3(Troponin T Type 3, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3630Hu Human TNNT1(Troponin T Type 1, Slow Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1210Hu Human TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-3556Hu Human TNNI2(Troponin I Type 2, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3412Hu Human TNNI1(Troponin I Type 1, Slow Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3177Hu Human TNNC2(Troponin C Type 2, Fast) ELISA Kit
BLS-4952Hu Human TNNC1(Troponin C Type 1, Slow) ELISA Kit
BLS-3581Hu Human TNMD(Tenomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3071Hu Human TNKS1(Tankyrase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3298Hu Human TNK2(Tyrosine Kinase, Non Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4364Hu Human TNFSF9(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3089Hu Human TNFSF7(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3687Hu Human TNFSF4(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4478Hu Human TNFSF14(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-2167Hu Human TNFSF13(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-4399Hu Human TNFSF12(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5188Hu Human TNFRSF9(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5027Hu Human TNFRSF7(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1346Hu Human TNFRSF1B(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1371Hu Human TNFRSF1A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5032Hu Human TNFRSF12A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2314Hu Human TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5113Hu Human TNFaIP3(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Induced Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3811Hu Human TNFaIP2(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Induced Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1190Hu Human TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2726Hu Human TNC(Tenascin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2989Hu Human TMSb10(Thymosin Beta 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4333Hu Human TMPRSS6(Transmembrane Protease, Serine 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3730Hu Human TMPRSS4(Transmembrane Protease, Serine 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3042Hu Human TMPRSS2(Transmembrane Protease, Serine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4922Hu Human TMPO(Thymopoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8813Hu Human TMEM48(Transmembrane protein 48) ELISA Kit
BLS-6352Hu Human TMEM2L(Transmembrane Protein 2 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4197Hu Human TMEM27(Transmembrane Protein 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-7461Hu Human TMEM176B(Transmembrane Protein 176B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7591Hu Human TMEM173(Transmembrane Protein 173) ELISA Kit
BLS-8356Hu Human TMAO(Trimethylamine-N-oxide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2576Hu Human TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1948Hu Human TLR9(Toll Like Receptor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2737Hu Human TLR8(Toll Like Receptor 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2701Hu Human TLR7(Toll Like Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3278Hu Human TLR6(Toll Like Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2736Hu Human TLR5(Toll Like Receptor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1777Hu Human TLR4(Toll Like Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2735Hu Human TLR3(Toll Like Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1095Hu Human TLR2(Toll Like Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2738Hu Human TLR10(Toll Like Receptor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2734Hu Human TLR1(Toll Like Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4159Hu Human TLN2(Talin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2345Hu Human TLN(Talin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6389Hu Human TLL1(Tolloid Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4675Hu Human TKTL1(Transketolase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3271Hu Human TKT(Transketolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3552Hu Human TK1(Thymidine Kinase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-4805Hu Human TJP2(Tight Junction Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3029Hu Human TJP1(Tight Junction Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1188Hu Human Tie2(TEK Tyrosine Kinase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-1187Hu Human Tie1(Tyrosine Kinase With Immunoglobulin Like And EGF Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4447Hu Human TITF1(Thyroid Transcription Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6892Hu Human TIRAP(Toll Interleukin 1 Receptor Domain Containing Adaptor Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8820Hu Human TIPE2(TNF alpha-induced protein 8-like protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6858Hu Human TINF2(TERF1 Interacting Nuclear Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1189Hu Human TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2313Hu Human TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2312Hu Human TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1259Hu Human TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4680Hu Human TIMD4(T-Cell Immunoglobulin And Mucin Domain Containing Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7357Hu Human TIGIT(T-Cell Immunoreceptor With Ig And ITIM Domains Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1827Hu Human TIEG1(TGF Beta Inducible Early Response Gene 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4374Hu Human TICAM1(Toll Like Receptor Adaptor Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6675Hu Human TIC2(Testican 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7496Hu Human TIC1(Testican 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4480Hu Human Thy1(Thy1 Cell Surface Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7577Hu Human THSD7A(Thrombospondin Type I Domain Containing Protein 7A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3878Hu Human THRSP(Thyroid Hormone Responsive) ELISA Kit
BLS-3974Hu Human THRa(Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3807Hu Human THP(Tamm–Horsfall Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4817Hu Human THOP1(Thimet Oligopeptidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3767Hu Human THBS4(Thrombospondin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5166Hu Human THBS3(Thrombospondin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1335Hu Human THBS2(Thrombospondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1974Hu Human TH(Tyrosine Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3891Hu Human TGOLN2(Trans Golgi Network Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4160Hu Human TGM6(Transglutaminase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4491Hu Human TGM4(Transglutaminase 4, Prostate) ELISA Kit
BLS-2170Hu Human TGM3(Transglutaminase 3, Epidermal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2214Hu Human TGM2(Transglutaminase 2, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-2193Hu Human TGM1(Transglutaminase 1, Keratinocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-3210Hu Human TGFbR2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1441Hu Human TGFbR1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2791Hu Human TGFbI(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Induced Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3721Hu Human TGFb3(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4829Hu Human TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5538Hu Human TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1185Hu Human TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1184Hu Human TGFa(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9250Hu Human TG-ab(Thyroglobulin Ab) ELISA Kit
BLS-9636Hu Human TG-ab(Thyroglobulin Ab) ELISA Kit
BLS-2353Hu Human TG(Thyroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2343Hu Human TFR2(Transferrin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2912Hu Human TFR(Transferrin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2691Hu Human TFPI2(Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1041Hu Human TFPI(Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1131Hu Human TFF3(Trefoil Factor 3, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1770Hu Human TFF2(Trefoil Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1746Hu Human TFF1(Trefoil Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4742Hu Human TFE3(Transcription Factor Binding To IGHM Enhancer 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3456Hu Human TFAM(Transcription Factor A, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-9399Hu Human TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1247Hu Human TF(Thymic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1935Hu Human TF(Thymic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9066Hu Human TEX101(testis expressed 101) ELISA Kit
BLS-8525Hu Human Testo(Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-3569Hu Human TERT(Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4298Hu Human TERF2IP(Telomeric Repeat Binding Factor 2 Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4347Hu Human TERF2(Telomeric Repeat Binding Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4341Hu Human TERF1(Telomeric Repeat Binding Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2602Hu Human TEP1(Telomerase Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1828Hu Human TECK(Thymus Expressed Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8668Hu Human TE(telomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2378Hu Human TDP43(Tar DNA Binding Protein 43kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-4510Hu Human TDO(Tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3043Hu Human TDGF1(Teratocarcinoma Derived Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3237Hu Human TDG(Thymine DNA Glycosylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9319Hu Human TCPa(Alpha-Tocopherol) ELISA Kit
BLS-3759Hu Human TCN2(Transcobalamin II, Macrocytic Anemia) ELISA Kit
BLS-3117Hu Human TCN1(Transcobalamin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6219Hu Human TCIRG1(T-Cell, Immune Regulator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4559Hu Human TCHH(Trichohyalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7655Hu Human TCF7L2(Transcription Factor 7 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3948Hu Human TBX3(T-Box Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6895Hu Human TBX21(T-Box Protein 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-1796Hu Human TBP2(Thioredoxin Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4375Hu Human TBK1(TANK Binding Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1931Hu Human TBG(Thyroxine Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7510Hu Human TBC1D13(TBC1 Domain Family, Member 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-9097Hu Human TBARS(Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance) ELISA Kit
BLS-4395Hu Human Tb4Y(Thymosin Beta 4, Y-Chromosomal) ELISA Kit
BLS-4391Hu Human Tb4(Thymosin Beta 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4521Hu Human TAZ(Tafazzin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5289Hu Human TAUT(Taurine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-4365Hu Human TAT1(Testis Anion Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1049Hu Human TAT(Thrombin/Antithrombin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-5064Hu Human TAS2R38(Taste Receptor Type 2 Member 38) ELISA Kit
BLS-3848Hu Human TARS(Threonyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4825Hu Human TARC(Thymus Activation Regulated Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3640Hu Human TAPA1(Target Of The Antiproliferative Antibody 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4394Hu Human TAP1(Antigen Peptide Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5019Hu Human TAP(Trypsinogen Activation Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5395Hu Human TAN1(Translocation Associated Notch Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1901Hu Human TALDO1(Transaldolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3323Hu Human TAGLN2(Transgelin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3895Hu Human TAGLN(Transgelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6995Hu Human TAG72(Tumor Associated Glycoprotein 72) ELISA Kit
BLS-1689Hu Human TAFI(Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3962Hu Human TAF13(TATA Box Binding Protein Associated Factor 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5595Hu Human TACTILE(T-Cell Activation Antigen, Increased Late Expression) ELISA Kit
BLS-1512Hu Human TACR1(Tachykinin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5030Hu Human TAC1(Tachykinin, Precursor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4971Hu Human TAAR2(Trace Amine Associated Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3885Hu Human Ta1(Thymosin-a1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4449Hu Human SYTL2(Synaptotagmin Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5374Hu Human SYT7(Synaptotagmin VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-8806Hu Human SYT1(Synaptotagmin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5421Hu Human SYP(Synaptophysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7992Hu Human SYP(Synaptophysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4566Hu Human SYNRg(Synergin Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4161Hu Human SYNPO2(Synaptopodin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2832Hu Human SYNPO(Synaptopodin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3923Hu Human SYNC(Syncoilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5508Hu Human SYN1(Synapsin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-4273Hu Human SYK(Spleen Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3660Hu Human SYCP3(Synaptonemal Complex Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3086Hu Human SYCN(Syncollin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9333Hu Human sVEGFR2(Souble Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8719Hu Human sVEGFR-1(soluble Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9567Hu Human sVCAM1(soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6965Hu Human SUZ12(Suppressor Of Zeste 12 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-1322Hu Human Surv(Survivin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9036Hu Human suPAR(soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4162Hu Human SUOX(Sulfite Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3744Hu Human SUMO2(Small Ubiquitin Related Modifier Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4867Hu Human SUMO1(Small Ubiquitin Related Modifier Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3331Hu Human SUMF1(Sulfatase Modifying Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3437Hu Human SULF2(Sulfatase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4163Hu Human SULF1(Sulfatase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3818Hu Human STX2(Syntaxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4244Hu Human STX1A(Syntaxin 1A, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8879Hu Human sTWEAK(soluble tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-9599Hu Human STUB1(E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP) ELISA Kit
BLS-4201Hu Human STS(Steroid Sulfatase Isozyme S) ELISA Kit
BLS-9134Hu Human sTREM-1(soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8393Hu Human STOML2 ELISA kit
BLS-9444Hu Human sTNFRSF1B(Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9445Hu Human sTNFRSF1A(Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8640Hu Human sTNF-R2(soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8639Hu Human sTNF-R1(soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5483Hu Human STMN1(Stathmin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7600Hu Human STMN1(Stathmin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6688Hu Human STK39(Serine/Threonine Kinase 39) ELISA Kit
BLS-7442Hu Human STK24(Serine/Threonine Kinase 24) ELISA Kit
BLS-3715Hu Human STIP1(Stress Induced Phosphoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3836Hu Human STH(Saitohin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9602Hu Human sTfR1(SolubleTransferrin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9245Hu Human sTFR(Soluble Transferrin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3560Hu Human STEAP2(Six Transmembrane Epithelial Antigen Of The Prostate 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3575Hu Human STC2(Stanniocalcin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3332Hu Human STC1(Stanniocalcin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3915Hu Human STATH(Statherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1980Hu Human STAT6(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5146Hu Human STAT5B(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5145Hu Human STAT5A(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5144Hu Human STAT4(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5142Hu Human STAT3(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5550Hu Human STAT3(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2199Hu Human STAT2(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5143Hu Human STAT1(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5477Hu Human STAT1(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4386Hu Human STAR(SteroiDogenic Acute Regulatory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9231Hu Human STAB1(Stabilin-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3291Hu Human ST2(Syntenin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9271Hu Human ST2( Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6126Hu Human ST14(Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-8750Hu Human sST2(Soluble Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4807Hu Human SST(Somatostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8194Hu Human SST(Somatostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4409Hu Human SSH3(Slingshot Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4410Hu Human SSH2(Slingshot Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4407Hu Human SSH1(Slingshot Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8406Hu Human SSB(Sjogren Syndrome Antigen B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4907Hu Human SRY(Sex Determining Region Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-3310Hu Human SRSF2(Serine/Arginine Rich Splicing Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5034Hu Human SRI(Sorcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3094Hu Human SRGN(Serglycin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6888Hu Human SRD5a2(Steroid 5 Alpha Reductase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9210Hu Human SRD5a1(Steroid 5 Alpha Reductase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2646Hu Human sRANKL(SolubleReceptor Activator of Nuclear factor-kB Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-9523Hu Human sRANkL(Soluble Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-8458Hu Human sRAGE(Soluble receptor for advanced glycation endproducts) ELISA Kit
BLS-3211Hu Human SQSTM1(Sequestosome 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4164Hu Human SQLE(Squalene Epoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8816Hu Human SPX(Spexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4212Hu Human SPTLC3(Serine Palmitoyltransferase, Long Chain Base Subunit 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4216Hu Human SPTbN4(Spectrin Beta, Non Erythrocytic 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9098Hu Human SPTAN1(Alpha-Fodrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5599Hu Human SPRR4(Small Proline Rich Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3702Hu Human SPR(Sepiapterin Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4980Hu Human SPP2(Secreted Phosphoprotein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4128Hu Human SPON2(Spondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3318Hu Human SPON1(Spondin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6900Hu Human SPLUNC3(Short Palate, Lung And Nasal Epithelium Carcinoma Associated Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6899Hu Human SPLUNC2(Short Palate, Lung And Nasal Epithelium Carcinoma Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3645Hu Human SPINT2(Serine Peptidase Inhibitor Kunitz Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3797Hu Human SPINK5(Serine Peptidase Inhibitor Kazal Type 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3201Hu Human SPINK1(Serine Peptidase Inhibitor Kazal Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4112Hu Human SPHK1(Sphingosine Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5170Hu Human SPG(Surfactant Associated Protein G) ELISA Kit
BLS-1072Hu Human SPD(Surfactant Associated Protein D) ELISA Kit
BLS-8561Hu Human SP-D(Pulmonary surfactant-associated protein D) ELISA Kit
BLS-1772Hu Human SPC(Surfactant Associated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-1771Hu Human SPB(Surfactant Associated Protein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6649Hu Human SPARCL1(SPARC Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5470Hu Human SPAG9(Sperm Associated Antigen 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1644Hu Human SPA(Surfactant Associated Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7335Hu Human SP140(Sp140 Nuclear Body Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7601Hu Human Sp1(Specificity Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1039Hu Human SP(Substance P) ELISA Kit
BLS-3683Hu Human SOX9(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9123Hu Human SOX2(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2361Hu Human SOX18(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-9122Hu Human SOX17(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-9120Hu Human SOX10(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4692Hu Human SOX1(Sex Determining Region Y Box Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3258Hu Human SOSTDC1(Sclerostin Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2799Hu Human SOST(Sclerostin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3281Hu Human SORT1(Sortilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8746Hu Human soluble DPP4(Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-4351Hu Human SOD4(Superoxide Dismutase, Copper Chaperone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2819Hu Human SOD3(Superoxide Dismutase 3, Extracellular) ELISA Kit
BLS-1757Hu Human SOD2(Superoxide Dismutase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2709Hu Human SOD1(Superoxide Dismutase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-5615Hu Human SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-8777Hu Human SOD(Super Oxidase Dimutase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2144Hu Human SOCS3(Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3917Hu Human SOCS1(Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4507Hu Human SNX9(Sorting Nexin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3863Hu Human SNX17(Sorting Nexin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3862Hu Human SNX13(Sorting Nexin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2042Hu Human SNCg(Synuclein Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-8964Hu Human SNCb(Synuclein beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1812Hu Human SNCa(Synuclein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4711Hu Human SNAT1(Sodium Coupled Neutral Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4450Hu Human SNAPAP(SNAP Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5464Hu Human SNAP25(Synaptosomal Associated Protein 25kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-8992Hu Human SNAP23(Synaptosomal-associated protein 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-4384Hu Human SNAI1(Snail Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3238Hu Human SMUG1(Single Strand Selective Monofunctional Uracil DNA Glycosylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4065Hu Human SMTN(Smoothelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3350Hu Human SMOX(Spermine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9498Hu Human SMOC1(SPARC related modular calcium binding 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3655Hu Human SMN2(Survival Of Motor Neuron 2, Centromeric) ELISA Kit
BLS-5584Hu Human SMARCC1(SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin, Subfamily C, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5517Hu Human Smad9(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1841Hu Human Smad7(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5524Hu Human Smad5(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2676Hu Human Smad4(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7483Hu Human Smad3(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5481Hu Human Smad2(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7545Hu Human Smad2(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5269Hu Human Smad1(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7472Hu Human SLURP1(Secreted Ly6/uPAR Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9219Hu Human sLR(Leptin Soluble Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1876Hu Human SLPI(Secretory Leukocyte Peptidase Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3935Hu Human SLN(Sarcolipin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5568Hu Human Slit3(Slit Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7501Hu Human Slit3(Slit Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2102Hu Human Slit2(Slit Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2961Hu Human Slit1(Slit Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9085Hu Human SLFNL11(Schlafen Family Member 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-7376Hu Human SLFN5(Schlafen Family Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5106Hu Human SLC7A9(Solute Carrier Family 7, Member 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5319Hu Human SLC7A11(Solute Carrier Family 7, Member 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-5486Hu Human SLC6A19(Solute Carrier Family 6, Member 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-3819Hu Human SLC3A2(Solute Carrier Family 3, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4249Hu Human SLC39A6(Solute Carrier Family 39, Member 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5530Hu Human SLC39A4(Solute Carrier Family 39, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9267Hu Human SLC39A14(Solute Carrier Family 39, Member 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-3354Hu Human SLC30A8(Solute Carrier Family 30 Member 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4900Hu Human SLC30A3(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5133Hu Human SLC30A1(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4108Hu Human SLC26A4(Solute Carrier Family 26, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3497Hu Human SLC1A5(Solute Carrier Family 1, Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5016Hu Human SLC16A8(Solute Carrier Family 16, Member 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4345Hu Human SLC16A3(Solute Carrier Family 16, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4496Hu Human SLC16A1(Solute Carrier Family 16, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1409Hu Human SLC(Secondary Lymphoid Tissue Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3908Hu Human SLAMF7(Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Family, Member 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-8729Hu Human SLAMF5(Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Family, Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4585Hu Human SKP2(S-Phase Kinase Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4837Hu Human SKP1(S-Phase Kinase Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9366Hu Human sKLa(Soluble Klotho alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7375Hu Human SKIL(SKI Like Oncogene) ELISA Kit
BLS-8419Hu Human Sialic Acid(SA) ELISA Kit
BLS-4120Hu Human SIRT7(Sirtuin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3860Hu Human SIRT6(Sirtuin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4119Hu Human SIRT5(Sirtuin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3267Hu Human SIRT4(Sirtuin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4118Hu Human SIRT3(Sirtuin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1537Hu Human SIRT2(Sirtuin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3255Hu Human SIRT1(Sirtuin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4553Hu Human SIRPg(Signal Regulatory Protein Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4551Hu Human SIRPb1(Signal Regulatory Protein Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4552Hu Human SIRPa(Signal Regulatory Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2247Hu Human sIL-6R(SolubleInterleukin 6 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9350Hu Human sIL33(Soluble Interleukin 33) ELISA Kit
BLS-9351Hu Human sIL30(Soluble Interleukin 30) ELISA Kit
BLS-7416Hu Human SIK2(Salt Inducible Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3778Hu Human SIGLEC8(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5193Hu Human SIGLEC7(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5135Hu Human SIGLEC6(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9595Hu Human SIGLEC3(SialicAcid Binding Ig Like Lectin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3458Hu Human SIGLEC2(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9378Hu Human SIGLEC14(Sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-3802Hu Human SIGLEC10(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2951Hu Human SIGLEC1(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1844Hu Human sIgA(Secretory Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9222Hu Human sICAM1(Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3493Hu Human SIAE(Sialic Acid Acetylesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4074Hu Human SI(Sucrase Isomaltase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4427Hu Human SHP(Small Heterodimer Partner) ELISA Kit
BLS-9364Hu Human sHLA-G(soluble human leucocyte antigen G1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2215Hu Human SHH(Hedgehog Homolog, Sonic) ELISA Kit
BLS-4110Hu Human SHC1(SHC-Transforming Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1442Hu Human SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4716Hu Human SH3BP2(SH3 Domain Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7085Hu Human SH3BGRL(SH3 Domain Binding Glutamic Acid Rich Protein Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4165Hu Human SGSH(N-Sulfoglucosamine Sulfohydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4426Hu Human SGPP1(Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Phosphatase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9477Hu Human SGPL1(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Lyase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4105Hu Human SGLT2(Sodium/Glucose Cotransporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4104Hu Human SGLT1(Sodium/Glucose Cotransporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8815Hu Human SGK3(Serum/Glucocorticoid Regulated Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4751Hu Human SGCd(Sarcoglycan Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3135Hu Human SFRP5(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3266Hu Human SFRP4(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3538Hu Human SFRP2(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3295Hu Human SFRP1(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3118Hu Human SFN(Stratifin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9339Hu Human sFLT(Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6889Hu Human SETD7(SET Domain Containing Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5271Hu Human SESN3(Sestrin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4979Hu Human SESN2(Sestrin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7773Hu Human SESN1(Sestrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3195Hu Human SERT(Serotonin Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-9664Hu Human SERP1(Stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5391Hu Human SEPT8(Septin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3288Hu Human SEPT6(Septin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3172Hu Human SEPT5(Septin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4137Hu Human SEPT3(Septin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3605Hu Human SEPT12(Septin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5021Hu Human SEPP1(Selenoprotein P1, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9332Hu Human sENG(Souble EnDoglin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4642Hu Human SEMG2(Semenogelin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4641Hu Human SEMG1(Semenogelin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3127Hu Human SEMA7A(Semaphorin 7A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6672Hu Human SEMA5A(Semaphorin 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3907Hu Human SEMA4D(Semaphorin 4D) ELISA Kit
BLS-6681Hu Human SEMA4B(Semaphorin 4B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6388Hu Human SEMA4A(Semaphorin 4A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6313Hu Human SEMA3F(Semaphorin 3F) ELISA Kit
BLS-6565Hu Human SEMA3E(Semaphorin 3E) ELISA Kit
BLS-6161Hu Human SEMA3C(Semaphorin 3C) ELISA Kit
BLS-6671Hu Human SEMA3B(Semaphorin 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6103Hu Human SEMA3A(Semaphorin 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1274Hu Human SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-5204Hu Human SELL(Selectin, Leukocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-3850Hu Human SELENBP1(Selenium Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1013Hu Human SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
BLS-6165Hu Human SECTM1(Secreted And Transmembrane Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7561Hu Human SDPR(Serum Deprivation Response Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8423Hu Human SDHA(Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Subunit A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2020Hu Human SDH(Sorbitol Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1183Hu Human SDF1(Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2690Hu Human SDC4(Syndecan 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3691Hu Human SDC3(Syndecan 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2716Hu Human SDC1(Syndecan 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7158Hu Human SCXB(Scleraxis Homolog B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7144Hu Human SCXA(Scleraxis Homolog A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9465Hu Human SCUBE1(Signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9343Hu Human sCTLA4(Soluble Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Antigen 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1753Hu Human SCT(Secretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4239Hu Human SCNN1g(Amiloride Sensitive Sodium Channel Subunit Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4240Hu Human SCNN1b(Amiloride Sensitive Sodium Channel Subunit Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3958Hu Human SCNN1a(Amiloride Sensitive Sodium Channel Subunit Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3652Hu Human SCGN(Secretagogin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3872Hu Human SCGB2A2(Secretoglobin Family 2A, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3704Hu Human SCG5(Secretogranin V) ELISA Kit
BLS-3991Hu Human SCG3(Secretogranin III) ELISA Kit
BLS-3393Hu Human SCG2(Secretogranin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1182Hu Human SCFR(Stem Cell Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1180Hu Human SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9196Hu Human sCD40L(Soluble Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-8938Hu Human sCD163(Soluble Cluster of Differentiation 163) ELISA Kit
BLS-8435Hu Human sCD14(soluble cluster of differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-9349Hu Human sCD130(Soluble CD130) ELISA Kit
BLS-3716Hu Human SCD(Stearoyl Coenzyme A Desaturase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2323Hu Human SCCA2(Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1902Hu Human SCCA1(Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5088Hu Human SCARD1(Scavenger Receptor Class D Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8459Hu Human SCARB2(Scavenger Receptor Class B Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3751Hu Human SCARB1(Scavenger Receptor Class B Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4838Hu Human SCARA5(Scavenger Receptor Class A Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7362Hu Human SCAND3(SCAN Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3025Hu Human sC5b-9(Soluble Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9695Hu Human sC5b-9(Soluble Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4969Hu Human SBSN(Suprabasin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4972Hu Human SBEM(Small Breast Epithelial Mucin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9215Hu Human SATB2(Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3880Hu Human SATB1(SATB Homeobox Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4537Hu Human SAT1(Spermidine/Spermine N1-Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-CV001Hu Human SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid ELISA Kit
BLS-2064Hu Human SAP(Serum Amyloid P Component) ELISA Kit
BLS-9665Hu Human SAM68(Src associated in mitosis 68 kDa protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9216Hu Human SALL4(Sal-like protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1781Hu Human SALb(Salusin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2255Hu Human SALa(Salusin Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9410Hu Human SAH (S-Adenosylhomocysteine) ELISA Kit
BLS-4953Hu Human SAA4(Serum Amyloid A4, Constitutive) ELISA Kit
BLS-2198Hu Human SAA2(Serum Amyloid A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5162Hu Human SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5428Hu Human SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4977Hu Human S1PR3(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4466Hu Human S1PR1(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1290Hu Human S100P(S100 Calcium Binding Protein P) ELISA Kit
BLS-2612Hu Human S100B(S100 Calcium Binding Protein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2197Hu Human S100A9(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1125Hu Human S100A8(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2998Hu Human S100A7(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1124Hu Human S100A6(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3397Hu Human S100A5(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5415Hu Human S100A4(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5485Hu Human S100A4(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3988Hu Human S100A2(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5130Hu Human S100A16(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A16) ELISA Kit
BLS-7320Hu Human S100A15(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A15) ELISA Kit
BLS-3425Hu Human S100A14(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A14) ELISA Kit
BLS-1073Hu Human S100A12(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A12) ELISA Kit
BLS-1273Hu Human S100A11(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A11) ELISA Kit
BLS-1361Hu Human S100A10(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2904Hu Human S100(S100 Calcium Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2801Hu Human RYR2(Ryanodine Receptor 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-4430Hu Human RYR1(Ryanodine Receptor 1, Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-4800Hu Human RXRg(Retinoid X Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4640Hu Human RXRa(Retinoid X Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4343Hu Human RXFP3(Relaxin/Insulin Like Family Peptide Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5379Hu Human RUNX3(Runt Related Transcription Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1731Hu Human RUNX2(Runt Related Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5164Hu Human RTN4R(Reticulon 4 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4140Hu Human RTN4(Reticulon 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6288Hu Human RSPO3(R-Spondin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7457Hu Human RSPO2(R-Spondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6159Hu Human RSPO1(R-Spondin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3799Hu Human RS(Retinoschisin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3959Hu Human RRM1(Ribonucleotide Reductase M1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5331Hu Human RPS9(Ribosomal Protein S9) ELISA Kit
BLS-6528Hu Human RPS6Kb1(Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7155Hu Human RPS6Ka1(Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4062Hu Human RPN1(Ribophorin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3264Hu Human RPL6(Ribosomal Protein L6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8123Hu Human RPL23A(Ribosomal Protein L23A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6967Hu Human RPL13A(Ribosomal Protein L13A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9129Hu Human RPL13(Ribosomal Protein L13) ELISA Kit
BLS-4413Hu Human RPA1(Replication Protein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5050Hu Human ROS1(C-Ros Oncogene 1, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4344Hu Human RORg(RAR Related Orphan Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5292Hu Human RORa(RAR Related Orphan Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4845Hu Human ROR1(Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Like Orphan Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6968Hu Human ROMO1(Reactive Oxygen Species Modulator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5478Hu Human Rock2(Rho Associated Coiled Coil Containing Protein Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7603Hu Human Rock2(Rho Associated Coiled Coil Containing Protein Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7474Hu Human ROBO1(Roundabout, Axon Guidance Receptor, Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3243Hu Human RNLS(Renalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3468Hu Human RNF39(Ring Finger Protein 39) ELISA Kit
BLS-1916Hu Human RNASET2(Ribonuclease T2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3740Hu Human RNASEN(Ribonuclease III, Nuclear) ELISA Kit
BLS-3754Hu Human RNASEL(Ribonuclease L) ELISA Kit
BLS-4016Hu Human RNASEH(Ribonuclease H) ELISA Kit
BLS-4075Hu Human RNASE8(Ribonuclease A8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4076Hu Human RNASE7(Ribonuclease A7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4520Hu Human RNASE6(Ribonuclease A6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2157Hu Human RNASE3(Ribonuclease A3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4887Hu Human RNASE2(Ribonuclease A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1930Hu Human RNASE1(Ribonuclease A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9324Hu Human RLN3(Relaxin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9325Hu Human RLN2(Relaxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1809Hu Human RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5093Hu Human RLBP1(Retinaldehyde Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3388Hu Human RL(Reelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7547Hu Human RKHD1(Ring Finger And KH Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5008Hu Human RIPK3(Receptor Interacting Serine Threonine Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4588Hu Human RIPK1(Receptor Interacting Serine Threonine Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6242Hu Human RIOK1(RIO Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4503Hu Human RHOA(Ras Homolog Gene Family, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4648Hu Human RHO(Rhodopsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5410Hu Human RHD(Rh Blood Group, D Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5183Hu Human RGS5(Regulator Of G Protein Signaling 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7328Hu Human RGS19(Regulator Of G Protein Signaling 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-5026Hu Human RGS1(Regulator Of G Protein Signaling 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4647Hu Human RGN(Regucalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6515Hu Human RGC32(Response Gene To Complement 32) ELISA Kit
BLS-4166Hu Human RFK(Riboflavin Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6595Hu Human RETNLb(Resistin Like Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1225Hu Human RETN(Resistin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9320Hu Human Ret(Retinol) ELISA Kit
BLS-7452Hu Human RESP18(Regulated Endocrine Specific Protein 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-3776Hu Human REPIN1(Replication Initiator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1060Hu Human REN(Renin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3598Hu Human RELB(V-Rel Reticuloendotheliosis Viral Oncogene Homolog B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2208Hu Human REG4(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3316Hu Human REG3g(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3420Hu Human REG3a(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3474Hu Human REG1b(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2173Hu Human REG1a(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4167Hu Human RCN2(Reticulocalbin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6887Hu Human RCBTB2(RCC1 And BTB Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5182Hu Human RCAN1(Regulator Of Calcineurin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1086Hu Human RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3876Hu Human RBP3(Retinol Binding Protein 3, Interstitial) ELISA Kit
BLS-3209Hu Human RBP1(Retinol Binding Protein 1, Cellular) ELISA Kit
BLS-5333Hu Human RBM8(RNA Binding Motif Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3973Hu Human RBM38(RNA Binding Motif Protein 38) ELISA Kit
BLS-4844Hu Human RBM3(RNA Binding Motif Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6645Hu Human RBM24(RNA Binding Motif Protein 24) ELISA Kit
BLS-6644Hu Human RBM20(RNA Binding Motif Protein 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-4967Hu Human RB1(Retinoblastoma Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5291Hu Human RASSF1(Ras Association Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3832Hu Human RARS(Arginyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4492Hu Human RARRES1(Retinoic Acid Receptor Responder 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4437Hu Human RARg(Retinoic Acid Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-4436Hu Human RARb(Retinoic Acid Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1978Hu Human RARa(Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1179Hu Human RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
BLS-2934Hu Human RANk(Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3750Hu Human RAMP2(Receptor Activity Modifying Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3122Hu Human RALBP1(RalA Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1369Hu Human RAGE(Renal Tumor Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-9287Hu Human Raftlin(Raft Linking Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6251Hu Human RAD54L2(RAD54 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9348Hu Human RAD51B(DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6112Hu Human RAD51(RAD51 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-4558Hu Human RAD50(DNA Repair Protein RAD50) ELISA Kit
BLS-6286Hu Human RAD23B(RAD23 Homolog B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3665Hu Human RACGAP1(Rac-GTPase Activating Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7041Hu Human Rac1(Ras Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5152Hu Human RAB7A(RAB7A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-7498Hu Human RAB5C(RAB5C, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-4226Hu Human RAB5A(RAB5A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-6241Hu Human RAB37(RAB37, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-4405Hu Human RAB1A(RAB1A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-3638Hu Human QSOX1(Quiescin Q6 Sulfhydryl Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3384Hu Human QPCT(Glutaminyl Peptide Cyclotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3844Hu Human QDPR(Quinoid Dihydropteridine Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3309Hu Human PZP(Pregnancy Zone Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6686Hu Human PYY3(Peptide YY 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1672Hu Human PYY(Peptide YY) ELISA Kit
BLS-1575Hu Human PYGM(Glycogen Phosphorylase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1577Hu Human PYGL(Glycogen Phosphorylase, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-9205Hu Human PYCARD(PYD And CARD Domain Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3247Hu Human PXR(Pregnane X Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6674Hu Human PXDN(Peroxidasin Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-2960Hu Human PVRL4(Poliovirus Receptor Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4424Hu Human PVRL1(Poliovirus Receptor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3972Hu Human PVR(Poliovirus Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4148Hu Human PVALB(Parvalbumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2674Hu Human PUMA(p53 Upregulated Modulator Of Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-3268Hu Human PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
BLS-3674Hu Human PTTG1IP(Pituitary Tumor Transforming 1 Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5373Hu Human PTPRZ(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-4856Hu Human PTPRS(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type S) ELISA Kit
BLS-5058Hu Human PTPRQ(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type Q) ELISA Kit
BLS-4581Hu Human PTPRJ(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type J) ELISA Kit
BLS-3928Hu Human PTPRG(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type G) ELISA Kit
BLS-5263Hu Human PTPRF(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type F) ELISA Kit
BLS-4435Hu Human PTPN6(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non Receptor Type 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9561Hu Human PTPN5(Tyrosine-Protein Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4485Hu Human PTPN1(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non Receptor Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4434Hu Human PTPLA(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Like Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3466Hu Human PTP4A3(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Type IVA 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1873Hu Human PTN(Pleiotrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4921Hu Human PTK6(Protein Tyrosine Kinase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4884Hu Human PTI(Placental Thrombin Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5405Hu Human PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8192Hu Human PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2395Hu Human PTHR2(Parathyroid Hormone Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4358Hu Human PTHR1(Parathyroid Hormone Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2096Hu Human PTGS2/COX-2(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1858Hu Human PTGS1(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5242Hu Human PTGR1(Prostaglandin Reductase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2052Hu Human PTGIS(Prostaglandin I Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4649Hu Human PTGIR(Prostacyclin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2327Hu Human PTGES(Prostaglandin E Synthase, Microsomal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2132Hu Human PTGDS(Prostaglandin D2 Synthase, Hematopoietic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5195Hu Human PTF1a(Pancreas Specific Transcription Factor 1a) ELISA Kit
BLS-1367Hu Human PTEN(Phosphatase And Tensin Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3246Hu Human PST(Phenol Sulfotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6349Hu Human PSRC1(Proline/Serine Rich Coiled Coil protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3053Hu Human PSPN(Persephin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4653Hu Human PSME3(Proteasome Activator Subunit 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6736Hu Human PSMD10(Proteasome 26S Subunit, Non ATPase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-3591Hu Human PSMb6(Proteasome Subunit Beta Type 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5601Hu Human PSMb10(Proteasome Subunit Beta Type 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4542Hu Human PSMa7(Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4543Hu Human PSMa5(Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4359Hu Human PSMa1(Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9101Hu Human PSMA(Prostate specific membrane antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5261Hu Human PSGL1(P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4757Hu Human PSG2(Pregnancy Specific Beta-1-Glycoprotein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4623Hu Human PSEN1(Presenilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3884Hu Human PSCA(Prostate Stem Cell Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4094Hu Human PSAT1(Phosphoserine Aminotransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2968Hu Human PSAP(Prosaposin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4486Hu Human PSA(Puromycin Sensitive Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6891Hu Human PRSS50(Protease, Serine 50) ELISA Kit
BLS-6628Hu Human PRSS33(Protease, Serine 33) ELISA Kit
BLS-6394Hu Human PRSS23(Protease, Serine 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-2063Hu Human PRSS2(Protease, Serine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2030Hu Human PRSS1(Protease, Serine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3150Hu Human PRR4(Proline Rich Protein 4, Lacrimal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2050Hu Human PROZ(Protein Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-8540Hu Human proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit beta type 1 (PSMb1) ELISA kit
BLS-2722Hu Human PROS(Protein S) ELISA Kit
BLS-5585Hu Human ProNT/NMN(Proneurotensin/neuromedin N) ELISA Kit
BLS-2943Hu Human PROM1(Prominin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2664Hu Human ProIAPP(Proislet Amyloid Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1674Hu Human ProGRP(Pro-Gastrin Releasing Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2047Hu Human PROCR(Protein C Receptor, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-8410Hu Human Procollagen Ⅲ C-terminal Peptide(PⅢCP) ELISA Kit
BLS-2048Hu Human PROC(Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-8417Hu Human ProBDNF(Pro Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9496Hu Human Pro-ANP(Pro Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9197Hu Human Pro-ADM(Proadrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5129Hu Human PRNP(Prion Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5605Hu Human PRMT1(Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4739Hu Human PRM2(Protamine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4763Hu Human PRM1(Protamine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1224Hu Human PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5039Hu Human PRKG2(Protein Kinase, cGMP Dependent Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3679Hu Human PRKG1(Protein Kinase, cGMP Dependent Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7535Hu Human PRKACa(Protein Kinase, cAMP Dependent Catalytic Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2246Hu Human PRKAb1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4606Hu Human PRKAa1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5046Hu Human PRH2(Acidic Salivary Proline Rich Phosphoprotein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3428Hu Human PRG4(Proteoglycan 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1879Hu Human PRF1(Perforin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9105Hu Human prestin(Slc26a5) ELISA Kit
BLS-8562Hu Human Presepsin(Presepsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3512Hu Human PRELP(Proline Arginine Rich End Leucine Rich Repeat Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9126Hu Human PREG(Pregnenolone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4135Hu Human PRDX6(Peroxiredoxin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3019Hu Human PRDX5(Peroxiredoxin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4134Hu Human PRDX4(Peroxiredoxin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8680Hu Human PRDX3(Peroxiredoxin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3259Hu Human PRDX2(Peroxiredoxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3490Hu Human PRDX1(Peroxiredoxin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7998Mo Mouse WNT10B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 10B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1333Mo Mouse WISP1(WNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7981Mo Mouse WFS1(Wolfram Syndrome Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7056Mo Mouse WASF2(Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5241Mo Mouse WARS(Tryptophanyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5211Mo Mouse vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1563Mo Mouse vWA1(Von Willebrand Factor A Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4697Mo Mouse VTN(Vitronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3294Mo Mouse VS(Versican) ELISA Kit
BLS-8088Mo Mouse VPS13D(Vacuolar Protein Sorting 13D) ELISA Kit
BLS-6430Mo Mouse VP(Preprovasopressin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6776Mo Mouse VNN3(Vanin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7633Mo Mouse VNN1(Vanin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1455Mo Mouse VIP(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3731Mo Mouse VIM(Vimentin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7060Mo Mouse VGLUT1(Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3366Mo Mouse VGF(VGF Nerve Growth Factor Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-1727Mo Mouse VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8334Mo Mouse very low density lipoprotein(VLDL) ELISA Kit
BLS-1287Mo Mouse VEGFR2(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1078Mo Mouse VEGFR1(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2504Mo Mouse VEGFD(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2508Mo Mouse VEGFC(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2511Mo Mouse VEGFB(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1293Mo Mouse VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5416Mo Mouse VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5604Mo Mouse VEGF121(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121) ELISA Kit
BLS-3524Mo Mouse VE-Cadherin(Vascular Endothelial Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3503Mo Mouse VDR(Vitamin D Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7786Mo Mouse VDAC1(Voltage Dependent Anion Channel Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2781Mo Mouse VCL(Vinculin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6714Mo Mouse VCC1(VEGF Co Regulated Chemokine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1257Mo Mouse VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2027Mo Mouse Vaspin(Visceral Adipose Tissue Derived Serine Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7122Mo Mouse VASN(Vasorin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7626Mo Mouse VASH1(Vasohibin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9608Mo Mouse VAP-1(VascularAdhesion Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6797Mo Mouse UTRN(Utrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4903Mo Mouse UST2(Urotensin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8076Mo Mouse URGCP(Upregulator Of Cell Proliferation) ELISA Kit
BLS-8521Mo Mouse UQCRFS1(Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6054Mo Mouse UQCRC2(Ubiquinol Cytochrome C Reductase Core Protein II) ELISA Kit
BLS-5205Mo Mouse UPP1(Uridine Phosphorylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2513Mo Mouse uPAR(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2515Mo Mouse uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7781Mo Mouse UCP2(Uncoupling Protein 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-6100Mo Mouse UCP1(Uncoupling Protein 1, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-7478Mo Mouse UCN3(Urocortin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5581Mo Mouse UCN2(Urocortin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7714Mo Mouse UCN2(Urocortin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4830Mo Mouse UCN1(Urocortin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7662Mo Mouse UCN1(Urocortin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7706Mo Mouse UCHL1(Ubiquitin Carboxyl Terminal Hydrolase L1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7578Mo Mouse UBE2I(Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7631Mo Mouse TWIST(Twist Transcription Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6324Mo Mouse TUBb1(Tubulin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6809Mo Mouse TUBa4A(Tubulin Alpha 4A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3673Mo Mouse TTR(Transthyretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7026Mo Mouse TTPa(Alpha-Tocopherol Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3340Mo Mouse TSPAN30(Tetraspanin 30) ELISA Kit
BLS-1687Mo Mouse TSP-1(Thrombospondin-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3925Mo Mouse TSLP(Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2284Mo Mouse TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9041Mo Mouse TSG101(Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101) ELISA Kit
BLS-2001Mo Mouse TrxR1(Thioredoxin Reductase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1999Mo Mouse Trx(Thioredoxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6523Mo Mouse TRPV2(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6373Mo Mouse TRPV1(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6416Mo Mouse TRPM4(Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily M, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6810Mo Mouse TRIP6(Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2642Mo Mouse TRH(Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1330Mo Mouse TRF(Transferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6548Mo Mouse TREM2(Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1305Mo Mouse TREM1(Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6623Mo Mouse TREH(Trehalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3012Mo Mouse TRAIL(Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-8455Mo Mouse TRAF6(TNF Receptor Associated Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9616Mo Mouse TRACP-5b(Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b) ELISA Kit
BLS-6223Mo Mouse TPT1(Tumor Protein, Translationally Controlled 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2929Mo Mouse TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2645Mo Mouse TPPP(Tubulin Polymerization Promoting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6821Mo Mouse TPP1(Tripeptidyl Peptidase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9710Mo Mouse TPO-Ab(anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-1191Mo Mouse TPO(Thrombopoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7410Mo Mouse TPM3(Tropomyosin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6883Mo Mouse TPI1(Triosephosphate Isomerase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6374Mo Mouse TPH2(Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6961Mo Mouse TPH1(Tryptophan Hydroxylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2570Mo Mouse tPA(Plasminogen Activator, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-6941Mo Mouse TP63(Tumor Protein P63) ELISA Kit
BLS-1508Mo Mouse TP53(Tumor Protein p53) ELISA Kit
BLS-3734Mo Mouse TP(Thymidine Phosphorylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9369Mo Mouse Total cholesterol (TC) ELISA Kit
BLS-4460Mo Mouse TOP2(Topoisomerase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-7019Mo Mouse TOP1(Topoisomerase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6910Mo Mouse TNNT1(Troponin T Type 1, Slow Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1553Mo Mouse TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-6238Mo Mouse TNNI2(Troponin I Type 2, Fast Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3165Mo Mouse TNFSF14(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-3766Mo Mouse TNFSF13(Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-8418Mo Mouse TNFRSF9(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1380Mo Mouse TNFRSF5(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4295Mo Mouse TNFRSF4(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5067Mo Mouse TNFRSF1A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4626Mo Mouse TNFRSF17(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3423Mo Mouse TNFRSF10A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 10A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9347Mo Mouse TNFRSF10A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 10A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2315Mo Mouse TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7972Mo Mouse TNFaIP6(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Induced Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7430Mo Mouse TNFaIP2(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Induced Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1387Mo Mouse TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1395Mo Mouse TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9622Mo Mouse TNC(Tenascin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-6940Mo Mouse TMPRSS2(Transmembrane Protease, Serine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6554Mo Mouse TMOD3(Tropomodulin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6199Mo Mouse TMEM27(Transmembrane Protein 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-8672Mo Mouse TMEM119(Transmembrane Protein 119) ELISA Kit
BLS-2577Mo Mouse TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5253Mo Mouse TLR9(Toll Like Receptor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2700Mo Mouse TLR7(Toll Like Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4695Mo Mouse TLR6(Toll Like Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2665Mo Mouse TLR4(Toll Like Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4199Mo Mouse TLR3(Toll Like Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2666Mo Mouse TLR2(Toll Like Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4701Mo Mouse TLR1(Toll Like Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5302Mo Mouse TLN(Talin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9038Mo Mouse TJP1(Tight Junction Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1306Mo Mouse Tie2(TEK Tyrosine Kinase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2523Mo Mouse Tie1(Tyrosine Kinase With Immunoglobulin Like And EGF Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2519Mo Mouse TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2521Mo Mouse TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1240Mo Mouse TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1260Mo Mouse TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7262Mo Mouse TICAM1(Toll Like Receptor Adaptor Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3087Mo Mouse Thy1(Thy1 Cell Surface Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6195Mo Mouse THP(Tamm–Horsfall Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6456Mo Mouse THBS4(Thrombospondin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6457Mo Mouse THBS3(Thrombospondin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6176Mo Mouse THBS2(Thrombospondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7675Mo Mouse TH(Tyrosine Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8857Mo Mouse TGOLN2(Trans Golgi Network Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7329Mo Mouse TGM6(Transglutaminase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3994Mo Mouse TGM3(Transglutaminase 3, Epidermal) ELISA Kit
BLS-3995Mo Mouse TGM1(Transglutaminase 1, Keratinocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-6823Mo Mouse TGFbR2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4572Mo Mouse TGFbR1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2792Mo Mouse TGFbI(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Induced Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2699Mo Mouse TGFb3(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5216Mo Mouse TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1186Mo Mouse TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2465Mo Mouse TGFa(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1446Mo Mouse TG(Thyroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2872Mo Mouse TFR2(Transferrin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4575Mo Mouse TFR(Transferrin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1474Mo Mouse TFPI(Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4990Mo Mouse TFF3(Trefoil Factor 3, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-2774Mo Mouse TFF2(Trefoil Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5526Mo Mouse TFF1(Trefoil Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7035Mo Mouse TFAM(Transcription Factor A, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2568Mo Mouse TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9029Mo Mouse Testo(Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9294Mo Mouse TCN2(Transcobalamin II, Macrocytic Anemia) ELISA Kit
BLS-2459Mo Mouse TBP2(Thioredoxin Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2971Mo Mouse TBG(Thyroxine Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9562Mo Mouse TBA(Total Bile Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-1555Mo Mouse TAT(Thrombin/Antithrombin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-6095Mo Mouse TAS1R2(Taste Receptor Type 1 Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2826Mo Mouse TARC(Thymus Activation Regulated Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1724Mo Mouse TAP(Trypsinogen Activation Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7672Mo Mouse TAN1(Translocation Associated Notch Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1691Mo Mouse TAFI(Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6058Mo Mouse TAF12(TATA Box Binding Protein Associated Factor 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5438Mo Mouse SYP(Synaptophysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7920Mo Mouse SYP(Synaptophysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6255Mo Mouse SYNPO2(Synaptopodin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7789Mo Mouse SYN2(Synapsin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-7206Mo Mouse SYN1(Synapsin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6344Mo Mouse Surv(Survivin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6455Mo Mouse SUOX(Sulfite Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7370Mo Mouse SUMO1(Small Ubiquitin Related Modifier Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7166Mo Mouse SULF2(Sulfatase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6359Mo Mouse STX2(Syntaxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6360Mo Mouse STX1A(Syntaxin 1A, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8030Mo Mouse STUB1(STIP1 Homology And U-Box Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7212Mo Mouse STK11(Serine/Threonine Kinase 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-6277Mo Mouse STC1(Stanniocalcin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9420Mo Mouse STAT6(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9419Mo Mouse STAT5A(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9418Mo Mouse STAT4(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9478Mo Mouse STAT3(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9417Mo Mouse STAT1(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1428Mo Mouse SST(Somatostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8203Mo Mouse SST(Somatostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7184Mo Mouse SSB(Sjogren Syndrome Antigen B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6059Mo Mouse SRSF4(Serine/Arginine Rich Splicing Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7758Mo Mouse SRGN(Serglycin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8140Mo Mouse SRD5a2(Steroid 5 Alpha Reductase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7985Mo Mouse SRD5a1(Steroid 5 Alpha Reductase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2648Mo Mouse sRANKL(SolubleReceptor Activator of Nuclear factor-kB Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-8357Mo Mouse sRAGE(Soluble receptor for advanced glycation endproducts) ELISA Kit
BLS-7110Mo Mouse SPTLC3(Serine Palmitoyltransferase, Long Chain Base Subunit 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7109Mo Mouse SPTLC2(Serine Palmitoyltransferase, Long Chain Base Subunit 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6330Mo Mouse SPTLC1(Serine Palmitoyltransferase, Long Chain Base Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1566Mo Mouse SPTAN1(Alpha-Fodrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6884Mo Mouse SPR(Sepiapterin Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7152Mo Mouse SPON2(Spondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7131Mo Mouse SPINK5(Serine Peptidase Inhibitor Kazal Type 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2953Mo Mouse SPD(Surfactant Associated Protein D) ELISA Kit
BLS-5313Mo Mouse SPC(Surfactant Associated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5312Mo Mouse SPB(Surfactant Associated Protein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9615Mo Mouse SP-A1(Pulmonarysurfactant-associated protein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1646Mo Mouse SPA(Surfactant Associated Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1511Mo Mouse SP(Substance P) ELISA Kit
BLS-7046Mo Mouse SOSTDC1(Sclerostin Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6089Mo Mouse SOST(Sclerostin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7455Mo Mouse SORT1(Sortilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2820Mo Mouse SOD3(Superoxide Dismutase 3, Extracellular) ELISA Kit
BLS-8590Mo Mouse SOD2(Superoxide Dismutase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-1612Mo Mouse SOD1(Superoxide Dismutase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-8289Mo Mouse SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-8749Mo Mouse SOD(Super Oxidase Dimutase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4265Mo Mouse SOCS3(Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9422Mo Mouse SOCS1(Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2941Mo Mouse SNCa(Synuclein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6329Mo Mouse SMOX(Spermine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9466Mo Mouse Smad2(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7699Mo Mouse Smad1(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3222Mo Mouse SLPI(Secretory Leukocyte Peptidase Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7762Mo Mouse Slit3(Slit Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2103Mo Mouse Slit2(Slit Homolog 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6408Mo Mouse Slit1(Slit Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6868Mo Mouse SLC30A7(Solute Carrier Family 30 Member 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-6881Mo Mouse SLC30A6(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6880Mo Mouse SLC30A5(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6867Mo Mouse SLC30A4(Solute Carrier Family 30 Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6879Mo Mouse SLC30A3(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8011Mo Mouse SLC30A10(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6866Mo Mouse SLC30A1(Solute Carrier Family 30, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4005Mo Mouse SLC(Secondary Lymphoid Tissue Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-6971Mo Mouse SIRT6(Sirtuin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7151Mo Mouse SIRT3(Sirtuin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9507Mo Mouse SIRT2(Sirtuin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6397Mo Mouse SIRT1(Sirtuin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3775Mo Mouse sIL-6R(SolubleInterleukin 6 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4945Mo Mouse SIGLEC3(Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1549Mo Mouse sIgA(Secretory Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1443Mo Mouse SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7260Mo Mouse SGSH(N-Sulfoglucosamine Sulfohydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6869Mo Mouse SGPL1(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Lyase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6917Mo Mouse SGLT1(Sodium/Glucose Cotransporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8814Mo Mouse SGK3(Serum/Glucocorticoid Regulated Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6318Mo Mouse SFXN1(Sideroflexin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6071Mo Mouse SFRP5(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6043Mo Mouse SFRP4(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6778Mo Mouse SFRP2(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6106Mo Mouse SFRP1(Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9400Mo Mouse sFLT(Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7996Mo Mouse SF3B3(Splicing Factor 3B Subunit 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6074Mo Mouse SESN3(Sestrin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6072Mo Mouse SESN2(Sestrin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6075Mo Mouse SESN1(Sestrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6411Mo Mouse SERT(Serotonin Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-5542Mo Mouse SEPP1(Selenoprotein P1, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-3357Mo Mouse SEMA7A(Semaphorin 7A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5378Mo Mouse SEMA4D(Semaphorin 4D) ELISA Kit
BLS-9296Mo Mouse SEMA4A(Semaphorin 4A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8154Mo Mouse SEMA3F(Semaphorin 3F) ELISA Kit
BLS-7945Mo Mouse SEMA3E(Semaphorin 3E) ELISA Kit
BLS-9297Mo Mouse SEMA3C(Semaphorin 3C) ELISA Kit
BLS-9295Mo Mouse SEMA3B(Semaphorin 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8079Mo Mouse SEMA3A(Semaphorin 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1205Mo Mouse SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-1166Mo Mouse SELL(Selectin, Leukocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-1014Mo Mouse SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
BLS-7195Mo Mouse SDHD(Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Subunit D) ELISA Kit
BLS-7194Mo Mouse SDHC(Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Subunit C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7192Mo Mouse SDHB(Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Subunit B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7193Mo Mouse SDHA(Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Subunit A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2310Mo Mouse SDF1(Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3063Mo Mouse SDC1(Syndecan 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3192Mo Mouse SCT(Secretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6365Mo Mouse SCGN(Secretagogin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6924Mo Mouse SCG2(Secretogranin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-2525Mo Mouse SCFR(Stem Cell Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1181Mo Mouse SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9619Mo Mouse sCD14(SolubleCluster of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-6972Mo Mouse SCD(Stearoyl Coenzyme A Desaturase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2847Mo Mouse SCCA2(Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8443Mo Mouse SCARD1(Scavenger Receptor Class D Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7443Mo Mouse SCARB1(Scavenger Receptor Class B Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6781Mo Mouse SCARA3(Scavenger Receptor Class A Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5905Mo Mouse sC5b-9(Soluble Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9046Mo Mouse SATB2(Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7202Mo Mouse SAT1(Spermidine/Spermine N1-Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1321Mo Mouse SAP(Serum Amyloid P Component) ELISA Kit
BLS-5543Mo Mouse SALb(Salusin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5552Mo Mouse SALa(Salusin Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3424Mo Mouse SAA2(Serum Amyloid A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1625Mo Mouse SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7432Mo Mouse S1PR5(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7433Mo Mouse S1PR4(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7242Mo Mouse S1PR3(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7434Mo Mouse S1PR2(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6137Mo Mouse S1PR1(Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7512Mo Mouse S17aH(17-Alpha-Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2825Mo Mouse S100B(S100 Calcium Binding Protein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3285Mo Mouse S100A9(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3284Mo Mouse S100A8(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5778Mo Mouse S100A7(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1359Mo Mouse S100A6(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7755Mo Mouse S100A4(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7422Mo Mouse S100A16(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2614Mo Mouse S100A11(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A11) ELISA Kit
BLS-1362Mo Mouse S100A10(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2917Mo Mouse S100(S100 Calcium Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6157Mo Mouse RYR1(Ryanodine Receptor 1, Skeletal) ELISA Kit
BLS-6828Mo Mouse RXRa(Retinoid X Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3748Mo Mouse RUNX2(Runt Related Transcription Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8153Mo Mouse RSPO2(R-Spondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7941Mo Mouse RSPO1(R-Spondin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7025Mo Mouse RRM1(Ribonucleotide Reductase M1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2304Mo Mouse RNASET2(Ribonuclease T2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5256Mo Mouse RNASE3(Ribonuclease A3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5596Mo Mouse RNASE1(Ribonuclease A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7245Mo Mouse RLN3(Relaxin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3817Mo Mouse RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6390Mo Mouse RL(Reelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7398Mo Mouse RIPK3(Receptor Interacting Serine Threonine Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6782Mo Mouse RHO(Rhodopsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7289Mo Mouse RGS5(Regulator Of G Protein Signaling 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-8068Mo Mouse RETNLb(Resistin Like Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1226Mo Mouse RETN(Resistin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6478Mo Mouse REPIN1(Replication Initiator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1652Mo Mouse REN(Renin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2379Mo Mouse REG4(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6156Mo Mouse REG3g(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-7210Mo Mouse REG3b(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6836Mo Mouse REG3a(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7421Mo Mouse REG2(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6919Mo Mouse REG1b(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4869Mo Mouse REG1a(Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6497Mo Mouse RCN2(Reticulocalbin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1087Mo Mouse RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-7236Mo Mouse RAPSN(Receptor Associated Protein Of The Synapse) ELISA Kit
BLS-1082Mo Mouse RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
BLS-8588Mo Mouse RAGE(Renal Tumor Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6574Mo Mouse RAD50(DNA Repair Protein RAD50) ELISA Kit
BLS-6746Mo Mouse RAB5A(RAB5A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-6847Mo Mouse QSOX1(Quiescin Q6 Sulfhydryl Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7445Mo Mouse QPRT(Quinolinate Phosphoribosyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7696Mo Mouse PZP(Pregnancy Zone Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3359Mo Bostonchem Elisa Kitleri Mouse PYY(Peptide YY) ELISA Kit
BLS-1579Mo Mouse PYGL(Glycogen Phosphorylase, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-8445Mo Mouse PYCARD(PYD And CARD Domain Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7332Mo Mouse PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
BLS-7812Mo Mouse PTPLA(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Like Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3998Mo Mouse PTN(Pleiotrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6450Mo Mouse PTMS(Parathymosin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5441Mo Mouse PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7833Mo Mouse PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2231Mo Mouse PTGS2/COX-2(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4911Mo Mouse PTGDS(Prostaglandin D2 Synthase, Hematopoietic) ELISA Kit
BLS-1368Mo Mouse PTEN(Phosphatase And Tensin Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-3642Mo Mouse PST(Phenol Sulfotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6232Mo Mouse PSPN(Persephin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3088Mo Mouse PSGL1(P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7305Mo Mouse PSEN1(Presenilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9614Mo Mouse PSA(ProstateSpecific Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-9560Mo Mouse PS2(Presenilin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6407Mo Mouse PRPH(Peripherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3479Mo Mouse PROZ(Protein Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-5591Mo Mouse ProNT/NMN(Proneurotensin/neuromedin N) ELISA Kit
BLS-8500Mo Mouse Pro-MMP-9(Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1412Mo Mouse PROCR(Protein C Receptor, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2836Mo Mouse PROC(Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5103Mo Mouse PRNP(Prion Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7351Mo Mouse PRM2(Protamine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2414Mo Mouse PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7331Mo Mouse PRKG2(Protein Kinase, cGMP Dependent Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-7207Mo Mouse PRKG1(Protein Kinase, cGMP Dependent Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6651Mo Mouse PRKDC(Protein Kinase, DNA Activated, Catalytic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9268Mo Mouse PRKAb1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5105Mo Mouse PRKAa1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7673Mo Mouse PRG4(Proteoglycan 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3068Mo Mouse PRF1(Perforin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9052Mo Mouse Presepsin(Presepsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6877Mo Mouse PRDX6(Peroxiredoxin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6573Mo Mouse PRDX4(Peroxiredoxin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6864Mo Mouse PRDX1(Peroxiredoxin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3977Mo Mouse PR3(Proteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6060Mo Mouse PPP3R1(Protein Phosphatase 3, Regulatory Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7615Mo Mouse PPP1R15A(Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 15A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6363Mo Mouse PPL(Periplakin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1633Mo Mouse PPAR-γ(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-6745Mo Mouse PPARgC1a(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6907Mo Mouse PPARd(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2009Mo Mouse PPARa(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3027Mo Mouse PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5491Mo Mouse PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8201Mo Mouse PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7220Mo Mouse POSTN(Periostin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7020Mo Mouse PON2(Paraoxonase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3405Mo Mouse PON1(Paraoxonase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3032Mo Mouse POMC(Proopiomelanocortin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6375Mo Mouse PODN(Podocan) ELISA Kit
BLS-7624Mo Mouse pNF-H (Phosphorylated Neurofilament H) ELISA Kit
BLS-6458Mo Mouse PMP22(Peripheral Myelin Protein 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-9618Mo Mouse pMAPT/pTAU(phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-6635Mo Mouse PLUNC(Palate/Lung And Nasal Epithelium Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7318Mo Mouse PLTP(Phospholipid Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3320Mo Mouse PLN(Phospholamban) ELISA Kit
BLS-6303Mo Mouse PLIN4(Perilipin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4842Mo Mouse PLIN1(Perilipin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1242Mo Mouse PLGF(Placenta Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7107Mo Mouse PLA2G3(Phospholipase A2, Group III) ELISA Kit
BLS-2715Mo Mouse PLA2G2D(Phospholipase A2, Group IID) ELISA Kit
BLS-6949Mo Mouse PLA2G2A(Phospholipase A2, Group IIA) ELISA Kit
BLS-4219Mo Mouse PL(Lipase, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-1516Mo Mouse PKM2(Pyruvate Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1648Mo Mouse PKCe(Protein Kinase C Epsilon) ELISA Kit
BLS-2765Mo Mouse PKCd(Protein Kinase C Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-3257Mo Mouse PKCa(Protein Kinase C Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7211Mo Mouse PKBa(Protein Kinase B Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2817Mo Mouse PK2(Prokineticin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7518Mo Mouse PIK3C3(Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Class 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1551Mo Mouse PIK3C2a(Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Class-2-Alpha Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7635Mo Mouse PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2622Mo Mouse PIIINP(Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5494Mo Mouse PIIICP(Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5532Mo Mouse PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3609Mo Mouse PIGR(Polymeric Immunoglobulin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2375Mo Mouse PICP(Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4577Mo Mouse PICK1(Protein Interacting With Protein Kinase C Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8637Mo Mouse PI3K(Phosphotylinosital 3 kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6954Mo Mouse PHF8(PHD Finger Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-3049Mo Mouse PHB(Prohibitin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2942Mo Mouse Pgp(Permeability Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6466Mo Mouse PGLYRP1(PeptiDoglycan Recognition Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8699Mo Mouse PGE2(Prostaglandin E2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8759Mo Mouse PGD2(Prostaglandin D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2861Mo Mouse PGC(Pepsinogen C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7823Mo Mouse PGAM1(Phosphoglycerate Mutase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8854Mo Mouse PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9030Mo Mouse PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1231Mo Mouse PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6073Mo Mouse PENK(Proenkephalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2823Mo Mouse PEDF(Pigment Epithelium Derived Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3349Mo Mouse PECAM1(Platelet/Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-7208Mo Mouse PEBP1(Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9218Mo Mouse PDZK1IP1(PDZK1-interacting protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7080Mo Mouse PDPN(Podoplanin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6179Mo Mouse PDPK1(Phosphoinositide Dependent Protein Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3757Mo Mouse PDL1(Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5009Mo Mouse PDK4(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Isozyme 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7339Mo Mouse PDK2(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Isozyme 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6948Mo Mouse PDIA4(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3306Mo Mouse PDIA2(Protein Disulfide Isomerase A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8856Mo Mouse PDI(Protein Disulfide Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3179Mo Mouse PDHb(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1710Mo Mouse PDHa(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6067Mo Mouse PDGFRL(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9044Mo Mouse PDGFRa(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6247Mo Mouse PDGFC(Platelet Derived Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
BLS-9244Mo Mouse PDGFBB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB) ELISA Kit
BLS-5151Mo Mouse PDGFAA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor AA) ELISA Kit
BLS-4822Mo Mouse PDGFA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7185Mo Mouse PDE1C(Phosphodiesterase 1C, Calmodulin Dependent) ELISA Kit
BLS-6246Mo Mouse PDE12(Phosphodiesterase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5220Mo Mouse PDCN(Podocin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6955Mo Mouse PCYOX1(Prenylcysteine Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3253Mo Mouse PCX(Podocalyxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4534Mo Mouse PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6619Mo Mouse PCSK9(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-8835Mo Mouse p-cresol ELISA Kit
BLS-3765Mo Mouse PCPE1(Procollagen C Proteinase Enhancer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2088Mo Mouse PCK1(Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-8810Mo Mouse PCIII(Procollagen III) ELISA Kit
BLS-6111Mo Mouse PCDH15(Protocadherin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6624Mo Mouse PC(Pyruvate Carboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8426Mo Mouse PAX6(Paired Box Gene 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5303Mo Mouse Pax(Paxillin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8380Mo Mouse PARP2(Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9114Mo Mouse PARP(Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8285Mo Mouse PARK7(Parkinson Disease Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1639Mo Mouse PAR2(Protease Activated Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1437Mo Mouse PAPPA(Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9613Mo Mouse PAP(Plasmin-Antiplasmin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-6844Mo Mouse PAOX(Polyamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2582Mo Mouse PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2584Mo Mouse PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7645Mo Mouse PAH(Phenylalanine Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7007Mo Mouse PAFAH2(Platelet Activating Factor Acetylhydrolase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5403Mo Mouse PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5446Mo Mouse PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9043Mo Mouse OXTR(Oxytocin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8546Mo Mouse OxLDLR(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7649Mo Mouse OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8204Mo Mouse OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4723Mo Mouse OX(Orexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8376Mo Mouse OVA sIgE(ovalbumin specific IgE) ELISA Kit
BLS-7961Mo Mouse OSX(Osterix) ELISA Kit
BLS-2303Mo Mouse OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-5567Mo Mouse ORM2(Orosomucoid 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6110Mo Mouse OPTN(Optineurin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7389Mo Mouse OPRk1(Opioid Receptor Kappa 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1048Mo Mouse OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1177Mo Mouse OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1684Mo Mouse ON(Osteonectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2846Mo Mouse OLFM4(Olfactomedin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7069Mo Mouse OGN(Osteoglycin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7138Mo Mouse OGG1(Oxoguanine Glycosylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3993Mo Mouse ODC(Ornithine Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2783Mo Mouse OCT4(Octamer Binding Transcription Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6145Mo Mouse OCLN(Occludin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2422Mo Mouse OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7579Mo Mouse OBP2A(Odorant Binding Protein 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5497Mo Mouse OB(Obestatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6038Mo Mouse OAS1(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6865Mo Mouse NUCB1(Nucleobindin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1848Mo Mouse NTXI(Cross Linked N-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7200Mo Mouse NTSR1(Neurotensin Receptor 1, High Affinity) ELISA Kit
BLS-5389Mo Mouse NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5445Mo Mouse NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2401Mo Mouse NT-ProANP(N-Terminal Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2779Mo Mouse Ntn1(Netrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2299Mo Mouse NT4(Neurotrophin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1175Mo Mouse NT3(Neurotrophin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2588Mo Mouse NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-3076Mo Mouse NRP1(Neuropilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6927Mo Mouse NRG4(Neuregulin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2695Mo Mouse NRG1(Neuregulin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7337Mo Mouse NRF1(Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7940Mo Mouse NQO1(NADH Dehydrogenase, Quinone 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6357Mo Mouse NPY5R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6462Mo Mouse NPY2R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6463Mo Mouse NPY1R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2449Mo Mouse NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-9559Mo Mouse NPTX2(Neuronal Pentraxin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4284Mo Mouse NPTX1(Neuronal Pentraxin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6162Mo Mouse NPNT(Nephronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2909Mo Mouse NPHN(Nephrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6090Mo Mouse NPFF(Neuropeptide FF) ELISA Kit
BLS-7294Mo Mouse NPAS4(Neuronal PAS Domain Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2782Mo Mouse NOX4(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1502Mo Mouse NOS3(Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-1504Mo Mouse NOS2/iNOS(NitricOxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-7666Mo Mouse NOG(Noggin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6434Mo Mouse NODAL(Nodal Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6560Mo Mouse NNMT(Nicotinamide-N-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5566Mo Mouse NNE(Enolase, Non Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-1630Mo Mouse NMB(Neuromedin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8421Mo Mouse NLRP3(NLR Family, Pyrin Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4878Mo Mouse NKA(Neurokinin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1174Mo Mouse NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1464Mo Mouse NGB(Neuroglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1085Mo Mouse NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1337Mo Mouse NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-8449Mo Mouse NFKB-p65(NuclearFactor Kappa B p65) ELISA Kit
BLS-9154Mo Mouse NFKB-p65(Nuclear Factor Kappa B p65) ELISA Kit
BLS-2209Mo Mouse NFkB2(Nuclear Factor Kappa B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6158Mo Mouse NFIB(Nuclear Factor I/B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8104Mo Mouse NFE2L2(Nuclear Factor, Erythroid Derived 2 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7960Mo Mouse NFATC1(Nuclear Factor Of Activated T-Cells, Cytoplasmic 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6561Mo Mouse NEUROG3(Neurogenin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7174Mo Mouse NET(Norepinephrine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-5437Mo Mouse NES1(Nesfatin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4939Mo Mouse NES(Nestin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4556Mo Mouse NEP(Neprilysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8051Mo Mouse NEIL3(Nei Endonuclease VIII Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5536Mo Mouse NEFL(Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6650Mo Mouse NEFL(Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5380Mo Mouse NEF3(Neurofilament 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8001Mo Mouse ND1(NADH Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6383Mo Mouse NAT1(N-Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7557Mo Mouse NANOG(NANOG Homeobox Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2555Mo Mouse NAGase(N-Acetyl Beta-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6187Mo Mouse NAGa(N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4228Mo Mouse MYOG(Myogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6050Mo Mouse MYO5A(Myosin VA) ELISA Kit
BLS-2609Mo Mouse MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7286Mo Mouse MYH7(Myosin Heavy Chain 7, Cardiac Muscle, Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6452Mo Mouse MYH4(Myosin Heavy Chain 4, Skeletal Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-2109Mo Mouse MYH2(Myosin Heavy Chain 2, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
BLS-2108Mo Mouse MYH1(Myosin Heavy Chain 1, Skeletal Muscle, Adult) ELISA Kit
BLS-3555Mo Mouse MyD88(Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88) ELISA Kit
BLS-3990Mo Mouse MYC(V-Myc Myelocytomatosis Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-7257Mo Mouse MYBPC1(Myosin Binding Protein C, Slow Type) ELISA Kit
BLS-9693Mo Mouse MYB(Transcriptional activator Myb) ELISA Kit
BLS-6345Mo Mouse MUSK(Muscle, Skeletal, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1280Mo Mouse MUC5B(Mucin 5 Subtype B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2104Mo Mouse MUC5AC(Mucin 5 Subtype AC) ELISA Kit
BLS-3337Mo Mouse MUC4(Mucin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2202Mo Mouse MUC2(Mucin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2919Mo Mouse MUC1(Mucin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6302Mo Mouse MTTP(Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6806Mo Mouse MTPN(Myotrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8644Mo Mouse MTOR(Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR) ELISA Kit
BLS-6418Mo Mouse MTMR9(Myotubularin Related Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7634Mo Mouse MTL(Motilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7177Mo Mouse MTFMT(Mitochondrial Methionyl tRNA Formyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7121Mo Mouse MTAP(Methylthioadenosine Phosphorylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4890Mo Mouse MT3(Metallothionein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4772Mo Mouse MT2(Metallothionein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2455Mo Mouse MT1(Metallothionein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9480Mo Mouse MT(Melatonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7988Mo Mouse MSTO1(Misato Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5280Mo Mouse MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8205Mo Mouse MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4676Mo Mouse MSP(Macrophage Stimulating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6939Mo Mouse MSMb(Microseminoprotein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6254Mo Mouse MSLN(Mesothelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3911Mo Mouse MRC2(Mannose Receptor C Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3454Mo Mouse MRC1(Mannose Receptor C Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6608Mo Mouse MPST(Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1662Mo Mouse MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1235Mo Mouse MPIF2(Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8232Mo Mouse MOTS-c(Mitochondrial Open Reading Frame Of The 12S rRNA-c) ELISA Kit
BLS-6348Mo Mouse MMRN2(Multimerin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1263Mo Mouse MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2533Mo Mouse MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2535Mo Mouse MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2187Mo Mouse MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2186Mo Mouse MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3166Mo Mouse MMP19(Matrix Metalloproteinase 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-2903Mo Mouse MMP15(Matrix Metalloproteinase 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6341Mo Mouse MMP14(Matrix Metalloproteinase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-2539Mo Mouse MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2952Mo Mouse MMP12(Matrix Metalloproteinase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2541Mo Mouse MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2543Mo Mouse MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8538Mo Mouse MLTD(Mineralocorticoid) ELISA Kit
BLS-2705Mo Mouse MK(Midkine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8822Mo Mouse MIP4a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 4 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2182Mo Mouse MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1120Mo Mouse MIP3a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7798Mo Mouse MIP1g(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-1118Mo Mouse MIP1b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1116Mo Mouse MIP1a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1336Mo Mouse MIg(Monokine Induced By Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2466Mo Mouse MIF(Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7091Mo Mouse MID1(Midline 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7189Mo Mouse MIA1(Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8683Mo Mouse MHCII(Major histocompatibility complex class II) ELISA Kit
BLS-7247Mo Mouse MHCDRb1(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7248Mo Mouse MHCDQb1(Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DQ Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4554Mo Mouse MGP(Matrix Gla Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9004Mo Mouse MGL(Lipase, Monoacylglycerol) ELISA Kit
BLS-1379Mo Mouse MFGE8(Milk Fat Globule EGF Factor 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6077Mo Mouse METRN(Meteorin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7382Mo Mouse METAP2(Methionyl Aminopeptidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3641Mo Mouse MEPE(Matrix Extracellular Phosphoglycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5307Mo Mouse MEP1a(Meprin A Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6956Mo Mouse MELK(Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8565Mo Mouse melanin ELISA kit
BLS-6723Mo Mouse MECP2(Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8889Mo Mouse MEC(Mucosae Associated Epithelia Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-6771Mo Mouse MDM2(Mdm2 p53 Binding Protein Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-7808Mo Mouse MDH1(Malate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9558Mo Mouse MDGA1(MAM domain-containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1114Mo Mouse MDC(Macrophage Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8658Mo Mouse MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-1169Mo Mouse MCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 1, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-1378Mo Mouse MCP5(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2549Mo Mouse MCP3(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8888Mo Mouse MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5056Mo Mouse MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7694Mo Mouse MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7001Mo Mouse MCL1(Myeloid Cell Leukemia Sequence 1, Bcl2 Related) ELISA Kit
BLS-3720Mo Mouse MCAM(Melanoma Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-1486Mo Mouse MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3280Mo Mouse MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2731Mo Mouse MBL(Mannose Binding Lectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9430Mo Mouse MAU(Microalbuminuria) ELISA Kit
BLS-6429Mo Mouse MATN2(Matrilin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6536Mo Mouse MAT1a(Methionine Adenosyltransferase I Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2732Mo Mouse MASP1(Mannose Associated Serine Protease 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2999Mo Mouse MAPt(Microtubule Associated Protein Tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-7792Mo Mouse MAPRE1(Microtubule Associated Protein RP/EB Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3004Mo Mouse MAP2(Microtubule Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8855Mo Mouse MAP1LC3B(Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7386Mo Mouse MAOB(Monoamine Oxidase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5079Mo Mouse MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7495Mo Mouse MANF(Mesencephalic Astrocyte Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8260Mo Mouse MAGEB16(Melanoma Antigen Family B16) ELISA Kit
BLS-4305Mo Mouse MAdCAM1(Mucosal Addressin Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2139Mo Mouse LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-7373Mo Mouse LYVE1(Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronan Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3532Mo Mouse LY75(Lymphocyte Antigen 75) ELISA Kit
BLS-6666Mo Mouse LXRa(Liver X Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1698Mo Mouse LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8607Mo Mouse LTBP2(Latent Transforming Growth Factor Beta Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7197Mo Mouse LTBP1(Latent Transforming Growth Factor Beta Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4000Mo Mouse LTb(Lymphotoxin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6464Mo Mouse LTA4H(Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6451Mo Mouse LSR(Lipolysis Stimulated Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8026Mo Mouse LRRC3C(Leucine Rich Repeat Containing Protein 3C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3795Mo Mouse LRP1(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3735Mo Mouse LRG1(Leucine Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8890Mo Mouse Lptn/LTN/XCL1 (Lymphotactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2993Mo Mouse LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8727Mo Mouse LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1499Mo Mouse LpPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Lipoprotein Associated) ELISA Kit
BLS-8572Mo Mouse LPO(Lipid Peroxide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5221Mo Mouse LPO(Lactoperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6460Mo Mouse LPIN1(Lipin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6734Mo Mouse LPCAT4(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6733Mo Mouse LPCAT3(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6732Mo Mouse LPCAT2(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6731Mo Mouse LPCAT1(Lysophosphatidylcholine Acyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6449Mo Mouse LPAR3(Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8638Mo Mouse LPA(Lysophosphatidic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-6384Mo Mouse LOXL2(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6385Mo Mouse LOXL1(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1064Mo Mouse LOX1(Lectin Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6237Mo Mouse LOX(Lysyl Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5340Mo Mouse LNGFR(Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1358Mo Mouse LN(Laminin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6414Mo Mouse LMNA(Lamin A/C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5435Mo Mouse LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-7205Mo Mouse LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-1435Mo Mouse LIPG(Lipase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-5572Mo Mouse LIPE(Lipase, Hormone Sensitive) ELISA Kit
BLS-1584Mo Mouse LIPD(Lipase, Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2085Mo Mouse LIPC(Lipase, Hepatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-7101Mo Mouse LIPA(Lipase A, Lysosomal Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7935Mo Mouse LIN28A(Lin-28 Homolog A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2604Mo Mouse LIFR(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2368Mo Mouse LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6820Mo Mouse LGMN(Legumain) ELISA Kit
BLS-6105Mo Mouse LGI3(Leucine Rich Repeat LGI Family, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3918Mo Mouse LGALS3BP(Lectin Galactoside Binding, Soluble 3 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4957Mo Mouse LFA1a(Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2282Mo Mouse LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1161Mo Mouse LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6597Mo Mouse LEI(Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6946Mo Mouse LEFTY2(Left/Right Determination Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6706Mo Mouse LEFTY1(Left/Right Determination Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6750Mo Mouse LECT2(Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6115Mo Mouse LECT1(Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6835Mo Mouse LDLRAP1(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Adaptor Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4303Mo Mouse LDLR(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2712Mo Mouse LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5673Mo Mouse LDHB(Lactate Dehydrogenase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2242Mo Mouse LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6471Mo Mouse LCAT(Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2794Mo Mouse LBP(Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7417Mo Mouse LAMa5(Laminin Alpha 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2627Mo Mouse LAMa1(Laminin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5335Mo Mouse LAG3(Lymphocyte Activation Gene 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3926Mo Mouse L1CAM(L1-Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-3293Mo Mouse KRT9(Keratin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-4670Mo Mouse KRT19(Keratin 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-4280Mo Mouse KRT18(Keratin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-3368Mo Mouse KNG1(Kininogen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3749Mo Mouse KLK7(Kallikrein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4690Mo Mouse KLK6(Kallikrein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2371Mo Mouse KLK5(Kallikrein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1481Mo Mouse KLK3(Kallikrein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7224Mo Mouse KLK13(Kallikrein 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-4995Mo Mouse KLK1(Kallikrein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6566Mo Mouse KLF1(Kruppel Like Factor 1, Erythroid) ELISA Kit
BLS-6417Mo Mouse KLb(Klotho Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6056Mo Mouse KL(Klotho) ELISA Kit
BLS-1165Mo Mouse Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6495Mo Mouse Ki67P(Ki-67 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6931Mo Mouse KISS1R(Kisspeptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6938Mo Mouse KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8022Mo Mouse KIBRA(Kidney And Brain Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8105Mo Mouse KEAP1(Kelch Like ECH Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6083Mo Mouse KARS(Lysyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6076Mo Mouse JUNB(Jun B Proto Oncogene) ELISA Kit
BLS-3597Mo Mouse JAG1(Jagged 1 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4423Mo Mouse iNV(Involucrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6231Mo Mouse ITPA(Inosine Triphosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2004Mo Mouse ITLN1(Intelectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6804Mo Mouse ITK(IL2 Inducible T-Cell Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6751Mo Mouse ITIH5(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7127Mo Mouse ITIH4(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7394Mo Mouse ITGb6(Integrin Beta 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4242Mo Mouse ITGb3(Integrin Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9401Mo Mouse ITGb2(Integrin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5301Mo Mouse ITGb1(Integrin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4698Mo Mouse ITGa4(Integrin Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3662Mo Mouse ITGa3(Integrin Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3916Mo Mouse ITGa1(Integrin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1345Mo Mouse ITaC(Interferon Inducible T-Cell Alpha Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit
BLS-4976Mo Mouse ISR(Insulin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6777Mo Mouse IRS2(Insulin Receptor Substrate 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6775Mo Mouse IRS1(Insulin Receptor Substrate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8069Mo Mouse Irisin ELISA Kit
BLS-4700Mo Mouse IRF5(Interferon Regulatory Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2854Mo Mouse IRF3(Interferon Regulatory Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3326Mo Mouse IRF1(Interferon Regulatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4999Mo Mouse IREM1(Immune Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6412Mo Mouse IQGAP2(IQ Motif Containing GTPase Activating Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6808Mo Mouse IQGAP1(IQ Motif Containing GTPase Activating Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2564Mo Mouse I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7218Mo Mouse IPF(Insulin Promoter Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1279Mo Mouse IP10(Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-6291Mo Mouse INSL6(Insulin Like Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6081Mo Mouse INSL5(Insulin Like Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6568Mo Mouse INSL3(Insulin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1981Mo Mouse INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7932Mo Mouse INPP4A(Inositol Polyphosphate-4-Phosphatase Type I 107kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-4984Mo Mouse INHbE(Inhibin Beta E) ELISA Kit
BLS-4350Mo Mouse INHbC(Inhibin Beta C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5360Mo Mouse INHbB(Inhibin Beta B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5434Mo Mouse INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8197Mo Mouse INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5443Mo Mouse INHA(Inhibin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7828Mo Mouse INHA(Inhibin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7537Mo Mouse INa(Internexin Neuronal Intermediate Filament Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2279Mo Mouse IL9(Interleukin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7031Mo Mouse IL8Rb(Interleukin 8 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2893Mo Mouse IL8Ra(Interleukin 8 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4625Mo Mouse IL7(Interleukin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1157Mo Mouse IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3714Mo Mouse IL5Ra(Interleukin 5 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1155Mo Mouse IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1153Mo Mouse IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5768Mo Mouse IL35(Interleukin 35) ELISA Kit
BLS-5736Mo Mouse IL34(Interleukin 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-2661Mo Mouse IL33(Interleukin 33) ELISA Kit
BLS-2827Mo Mouse IL31(Interleukin 31) ELISA Kit
BLS-2276Mo Mouse IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4465Mo Mouse IL-2sRa/CD25(Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor alpha chain) ELISA Kit
BLS-4006Mo Mouse IL28A(Interleukin 28A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9612Mo Mouse IL-27(Interleukin 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-9533Mo Mouse IL27(Interleukin 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-3216Mo Mouse IL25(Interleukin 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-5996Mo Mouse IL24(Interleukin 24) ELISA Kit
BLS-1050Mo Mouse IL23(Interleukin 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-6517Mo Mouse IL22Ra2(Interleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1316Mo Mouse IL22(Interleukin 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-2380Mo Mouse IL21(Interleukin 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-5789Mo Mouse IL20(Interleukin 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-1150Mo Mouse IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6178Mo Mouse IL1RAP(Interleukin 1 Receptor Accessory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1091Mo Mouse IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-2557Mo Mouse IL1R2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-2556Mo Mouse IL1R1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7949Mo Mouse IL1F9(Interleukin 1 Family, Member 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1271Mo Mouse IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2274Mo Mouse IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2949Mo Mouse IL19(Interleukin 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-6084Mo Mouse IL18BP(Interleukin 18 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2269Mo Mouse IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-4202Mo Mouse IL17F(Interleukin 17F) ELISA Kit
BLS-6078Mo Mouse IL17C(Interleukin 17C) ELISA Kit
BLS-4007Mo Mouse IL17B(Interleukin 17B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1147Mo Mouse IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5028Mo Mouse IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2267Mo Mouse IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-3854Mo Mouse IL13Ra2(Interleukin 13 Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1145Mo Mouse IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2507Mo Mouse IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-2265Mo Mouse IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9395Mo Mouse IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-6952Mo Mouse IL11Ra(Interleukin 11 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2262Mo Mouse IL11(Interleukin 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-4569Mo Mouse IL10Ra(Interleukin 10 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1143Mo Mouse IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6139Mo Mouse IkBKb(Inhibitor Of Kappa-Light Polypeptide Gene Enhancer In B-Cells Kinase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4340Mo Mouse IkBa(Inhibitory Subunit Of NF Kappa B Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6575Mo Mouse IHH(Hedgehog Homolog, Indian) ELISA Kit
BLS-5383Mo Mouse IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-7659Mo Mouse IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-7759Mo Mouse Igk(Immunoglobulin Kappa) ELISA Kit
BLS-9150Mo Mouse IgG3(Immunoglobulin G3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9149Mo Mouse IgG2b(Immunoglobulin G2b) ELISA Kit
BLS-8143Mo Mouse IgG2a(Immunoglobulin G2a) ELISA Kit
BLS-2864Mo Mouse IgG1(Immunoglobulin G1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1253Mo Mouse IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-1391Mo Mouse IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-3682Mo Mouse IGFBP7(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5564Mo Mouse IGFBP6(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2502Mo Mouse IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1140Mo Mouse IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5548Mo Mouse IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2260Mo Mouse IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2258Mo Mouse IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4938Mo Mouse IGF1R(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1135Mo Mouse IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2593Mo Mouse IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-2595Mo Mouse IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1132Mo Mouse IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2349Mo Mouse IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8253Mo Mouse IFNa11(Interferon Alpha 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-1057Mo Mouse IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7802Mo Mouse IFITM2(Interferon Induced Transmembrane Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1265Mo Mouse IFABP/FABP2(Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6981Mo Mouse IDO2(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3651Mo Mouse IDO(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2663Mo Mouse IDE(Insulin Degrading Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-2319Mo Mouse ICAM5(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5231Mo Mouse ICAM4(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2586Mo Mouse ICAM2(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1034Mo Mouse ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4946Mo Mouse IAPP(Islet Amyloid Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9115Mo Mouse Hyp(Hydroxyproline) ELISA Kit
BLS-6311Mo Mouse HTT(Huntingtin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6234Mo Mouse HSPG2(Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1615Mo Mouse HSPD1(Heat Shock 60kD Protein 1, Chaperonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6399Mo Mouse HSPb8(Heat Shock Protein Beta 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1366Mo Mouse HSPb6(Heat Shock Protein Beta 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1847Mo Mouse HSPB1(Heat Shock 27kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1363Mo Mouse HSPA8(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7764Mo Mouse HSPA1L(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4390Mo Mouse HSPA1A(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1611Mo Mouse HSP90b1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7313Mo Mouse HSP90aB1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9651Mo Mouse HSP90aA1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9659Mo Mouse HSP90aA1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7668Mo Mouse HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-1496Mo Mouse HSP40(Heat Shock Protein 40) ELISA Kit
BLS-3599Mo Mouse HSP10(Heat Shock 10kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6973Mo Mouse HSD17b10(17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-7488Mo Mouse HSD11b1(11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9611Mo Mouse hs-CRP(high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6270Mo Mouse HRH4(Histamine Receptor H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6062Mo Mouse HRG(Histidine Rich Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5343Mo Mouse HPX(Hemopexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3104Mo Mouse HPRT1(Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3159Mo Mouse HPA(Heparanase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1623Mo Mouse HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8981Mo Mouse HO2(Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling) ELISA Kit
BLS-1478Mo Mouse HO1(Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling) ELISA Kit
BLS-7295Mo Mouse HNF1a(Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7788Mo Mouse HMWK(High Molecular Weight Kininogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-1440Mo Mouse HMGB-1(HighMobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7397Mo Mouse HMCN1(Hemicentin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7586Mo Mouse HK2(Hexokinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3000Mo Mouse HJV(Hemojuvelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7734Mo Mouse HIST1H4A(Histone Cluster 1, H4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-7153Mo Mouse HINT2(Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7793Mo Mouse HINT1(Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6107Mo Mouse HIF2a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1605Mo Mouse HIF1a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6298Mo Mouse HHIP(Hedgehog Interacting Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2498Mo Mouse HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1719Mo Mouse HEXb(Hexosaminidase B Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4691Mo Mouse HEXa(Hexosaminidase A Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8198Mo Mouse Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8224Mo Mouse HDLBP(High Density Lipoprotein Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2713Mo Mouse HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1700Mo Mouse HDGF(Hepatoma Derived Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7058Mo Mouse HDAC6(Histone Deacetylase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6923Mo Mouse HDAC4(Histone Deacetylase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6403Mo Mouse HDAC2(Histone Deacetylase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6908Mo Mouse HDAC1(Histone Deacetylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8718Mo Mouse HCy(Homocysteine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2888Mo Mouse HCII(Heparin Cofactor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3937Mo Mouse HCAM(Homing Associated Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-1299Mo Mouse HBEGF(Heparin Binding Epidermal Growth Factor Like Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9328Mo Mouse HbCO(carboxyhemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5108Mo Mouse HbA1c(Glycated Hemoglobin A1c) ELISA Kit
BLS-1354Mo Mouse HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7770Mo Mouse HAVCR2(Hepatitis A Virus Cellular Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7791Mo Mouse HAGH(Hydroxyacylglutathione Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7322Mo Mouse HADHb(Hydroxyacyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4801Mo Mouse HAase(Hyaluronidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8758Mo Mouse HA(Histamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2925Mo Mouse GZMM(Granzyme M) ELISA Kit
BLS-1805Mo Mouse GZMK(Granzyme K) ELISA Kit
BLS-1660Mo Mouse GZMB(Granzyme B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1657Mo Mouse GZMA(Granzyme A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5597Mo Mouse GYS2(Glycogen Synthase 2, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-2773Mo Mouse GUSb(Glucuronidase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7769Mo Mouse GUCY1b3(Guanylate Cyclase 1 Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7596Mo Mouse GUCA2A(Guanylate Cyclase Activator 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5014Mo Mouse GTF2F1(General Transcription Factor IIF, Polypeptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2706Mo Mouse GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9346Mo Mouse GSTs(Glutathione S Transferases) ELISA Kit
BLS-3737Mo Mouse GSTo1(Glutathione S Transferase Omega 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5555Mo Mouse GSTm1(Glutathione S Transferase Mu 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4235Mo Mouse GSTa4(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2384Mo Mouse GSTa1(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6730Mo Mouse GSS(Glutathione Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8571Mo Mouse GSH(Glutathione) ELISA Kit
BLS-7594Mo Mouse GSDMD(Gasdermin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-9213Mo Mouse GS(Glutamine synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2649Mo Mouse GS(Gelsolin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6184Mo Mouse GS(Gelsolin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6448Mo Mouse GRP78(Glucose Regulated Protein 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-1383Mo Mouse GROb(Growth Regulated Oncogene Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1238Mo Mouse GROa/CXCL1(Growth Regulated Oncogene Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6701Mo Mouse GRN(Granulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7619Mo Mouse GRK5(G Protein Coupled Receptor Kinase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-8400Mo Mouse GRIN2B(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6061Mo Mouse GRIN2A(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8399Mo Mouse GRIN1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6922Mo Mouse GRIA4(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6921Mo Mouse GRIA3(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6920Mo Mouse GRIA2(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8642Mo Mouse GRIA1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6358Mo Mouse GREM1(Gremlin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4311Mo Mouse GRb(Glucocorticoid Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4312Mo Mouse GRa(Glucocorticoid Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5010Mo Mouse GR(Glutathione Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8786Mo Mouse GPX4(Glutathione Peroxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7785Mo Mouse GPX3(Glutathione Peroxidase 3, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2688Mo Mouse GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3197Mo Mouse GPI(Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6933Mo Mouse GPER(G Protein Coupled Estrogen Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2853Mo Mouse GPC4(Glypican 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3461Mo Mouse GPC1(Glypican 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3906Mo Mouse GP73(Golgi Protein 73) ELISA Kit
BLS-4560Mo Mouse GP1Bb(Glycoprotein Ib Beta Polypeptide, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-1425Mo Mouse gp130(Glycoprotein 130) ELISA Kit
BLS-5425Mo Mouse GnRH(Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8537Mo Mouse GnIH(Gonadotropin Inhibitory Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6097Mo Mouse GNb1(G Protein Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7794Mo Mouse GNaO1(G Protein Alpha Activating Activity Polypeptide O) ELISA Kit
BLS-1029Mo Mouse GMCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 2, Granulocyte Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-5781Mo Mouse GLUT4(Glucose Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9519Mo Mouse GLUT1(Glucose Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5148Mo Mouse GluAP(Glutamyl Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6204Mo Mouse GLS2(Glutaminase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6203Mo Mouse GLS(Glutaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7170Mo Mouse GLRX(Glutaredoxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7440Mo Mouse GLP2(Glucagon Like Peptide 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6119Mo Mouse GLP1R(Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8501Mo Mouse GLP1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7962Mo Mouse GLMP(Glycosylated Lysosomal Membrane Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7460Mo Mouse GLI1(GLI Family Zinc Finger Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6991Mo Mouse GLDC(Glycine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1582Mo Mouse GIP(Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1945Mo Mouse GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7751Mo Mouse GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2562Mo Mouse GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-4389Mo Mouse GHR(Growth Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7658Mo Mouse GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7884Mo Mouse GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2784Mo Mouse gGT1(Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6351Mo Mouse GFER(Growth Factor, Augmenter Of Liver Regeneration) ELISA Kit
BLS-1628Mo Mouse GFAP(Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6943Mo Mouse gEP(Gamma-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2495Mo Mouse GDNF(Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4998Mo Mouse GDH(Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6710Mo Mouse GDF5(Growth Differentiation Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6281Mo Mouse GDF3(Growth Differentiation Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3706Mo Mouse GDF2(Growth Differentiation Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5776Mo Mouse GDF15(Growth Differentiation Factor 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6530Mo Mouse GDF11(Growth Differentiation Factor 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-9610Mo Mouse GDF10(GrowthDifferentiation Factor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6712Mo Mouse GDF1(Growth Differentiation Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1026Mo Mouse GCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 3, Granulocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-4004Mo Mouse GCP2(Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4338Mo Mouse GCLM(Glutamate Cysteine Ligase, Modifier Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6361Mo Mouse GCLC(Glutamate Cysteine Ligase, Catalytic) ELISA Kit
BLS-2775Mo Mouse GCK(Glucokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8539Mo Mouse GC(Glucocorticoid) ELISA Kit
BLS-2787Mo Mouse GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
BLS-9421Mo Mouse GATA3(GATA Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2986Mo Mouse GAS6(Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-3703Mo Mouse GAPDH(Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3667Mo Mouse GAP43(Growth Associated Protein 43) ELISA Kit
BLS-2812Mo Mouse GAL9(Galectin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2897Mo Mouse GAL8(Galectin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2805Mo Mouse GAL3(Galectin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2900Mo Mouse GAL12(Galectin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2901Mo Mouse GAL1(Galectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8050Mo Mouse GADD45g(Growth Arrest And DNA Damage Inducible Protein Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-7113Mo Mouse GAD1(Glutamate Decarboxylase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-6261Mo Mouse gABRa2(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8591Mo Mouse gABA(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-4933Mo Mouse GaA(Glucosidase Alpha, Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-4544Mo Mouse G6PD(Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7117Mo Mouse G6PC(Glucose-6-Phosphatase, Catalytic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6319Mo Mouse FYN(FYN Oncogene Related To SRC/FGR/YES) ELISA Kit
BLS-6339Mo Mouse FXR(Farnesoid X Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7258Mo Mouse FXN(Frataxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7032Mo Mouse FUT8(Fucosyltransferase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6109Mo Mouse FUS(Fusion) ELISA Kit
BLS-8838Mo Mouse FTO(Alpha-ketoglutaRate-dependent dioxygenase FTO) ELISA Kit
BLS-9394Mo Mouse FTO(Alpha-ketoglutaRate-dependent dioxygenase FTO) ELISA Kit
BLS-6909Mo Mouse FTL(Ferritin, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6405Mo Mouse FTH(Ferritin, Heavy Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6461Mo Mouse FSTL3(Follistatin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7499Mo Mouse FSTL1(Follistatin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1589Mo Mouse FST(Follistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4808Mo Mouse FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8589Mo Mouse FRAP(FK506 Binding Protein 12 Rapamycin Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6283Mo Mouse FPN(Ferroportin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4855Mo Mouse FPA(Fibrinopeptide A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2747Mo Mouse FOXP3(Forkhead Box Protein P3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7698Mo Mouse FOXP1(Forkhead Box Protein P1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3566Mo Mouse FOXO3(Forkhead Box Protein O3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6037Mo Mouse FOXA2(Forkhead Box Protein A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2207Mo Mouse FOS(V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6855Mo Mouse FOLR1(Folate Receptor 1, Adult) ELISA Kit
BLS-1419Mo Mouse FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1022Mo Mouse Flt3L(FMS Like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-6992Mo Mouse FLG(Filaggrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8015Mo Mouse FKBPL(FK506 Binding Protein Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7803Mo Mouse FKBP5(FK506 Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7319Mo Mouse FKBP1B(FK506 Binding Protein 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8559Mo Mouse FIL1d(Interleukin 1 Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2797Mo Mouse FGL2(Fibrinogen Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6655Mo Mouse FGL1(Fibrinogen Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4327Mo Mouse FGFR3(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2883Mo Mouse FGFR1(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2493Mo Mouse FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-6817Mo Mouse FGF8(Fibroblast Growth Factor 8, Androgen Induced) ELISA Kit
BLS-3081Mo Mouse FGF7(Fibroblast Growth Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2491Mo Mouse FGF6(Fibroblast Growth Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2489Mo Mouse FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6699Mo Mouse FGF3(Fibroblast Growth Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2849Mo Mouse FGF23(Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-1384Mo Mouse FGF21(Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-5573Mo Mouse FGF21(Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-4942Mo Mouse FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5580Mo Mouse FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6692Mo Mouse FGF18(Fibroblast Growth Factor 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-7359Mo Mouse FGF17(Fibroblast Growth Factor 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-7799Mo Mouse FGF15(Fibroblast Growth Factor 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6354Mo Mouse FGF13(Fibroblast Growth Factor 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-6227Mo Mouse FGF12(Fibroblast Growth Factor 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-6226Mo Mouse FGF11(Fibroblast Growth Factor 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-4008Mo Mouse FGF10(Fibroblast Growth Factor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2486Mo Mouse FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-2786Mo Mouse FGb(Fibrinogen Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5295Mo Mouse FGa(Fibrinogen Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5084Mo Mouse FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6837Mo Mouse FFAR4(Free Fatty Acid Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4561Mo Mouse FFAR3(Free Fatty Acid Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7062Mo Mouse FFAR2(Free Fatty Acid Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9077Mo Mouse FETUB(Fetuin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1232Mo Mouse FETUA(Fetuin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5240Mo Mouse FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4809Mo Mouse FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
BLS-7819Mo Mouse FCN3(Ficolin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1694Mo Mouse FCN1(Ficolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4769Mo Mouse FcgRI(Receptor I For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-3208Mo Mouse FceRII(Receptor II For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-4770Mo Mouse FceRI(Receptor I For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-6327Mo Mouse FBXL3(F-Box And Leucine Rich Repeat Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6296Mo Mouse FBLN7(Fibulin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7050Mo Mouse FBLN3(Fibulin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6406Mo Mouse FBLN2(Fibulin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7757Mo Mouse FBLN1(Fibulin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4637Mo Mouse FATP5(Fatty Acid Transport Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6328Mo Mouse FASN(Fatty Acid Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1018Mo Mouse FASL(Factor Related Apoptosis Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-1016Mo Mouse FAS(Factor Related Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-6468Mo Mouse FAPa(Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7948Mo Mouse FAM3B(Family With Sequence Similarity 3, Member B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7954Mo Mouse FAM135B(Family With Sequence Similarity 135, Member B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5330Mo Mouse FABP7(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 7, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-2815Mo Mouse FABP5(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 5, Epidermal) ELISA Kit
BLS-4304Mo Mouse FABP4(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Adipocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-4355Mo Mouse FABP3(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3, Muscle And Heart) ELISA Kit
BLS-8660Mo Mouse FABP1(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-9003Mo Mouse FAAH(Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1562Mo Mouse F9(Coagulation Factor IX) ELISA Kit
BLS-2752Mo Mouse F8(Coagulation Factor VIII) ELISA Kit
BLS-3643Mo Mouse F7(Coagulation Factor VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-2927Mo Mouse F5(Coagulation Factor V) ELISA Kit
BLS-1518Mo Mouse F2(Coagulation Factor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-2760Mo Mouse F13B(Coagulation Factor XIII B Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5512Mo Mouse F13A1(Coagulation Factor XIII A1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3206Mo Mouse F12(Coagulation Factor XII) ELISA Kit
BLS-1559Mo Mouse F10(Coagulation Factor X) ELISA Kit
BLS-2869Mo Mouse F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6993Mo Mouse EZH1(Enhancer Of Zeste Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8263Mo Mouse EVL(Enah/Vasp Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6042Mo Mouse ETS1(V-Ets Erythroblastosis Virus E26 Oncogene Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2397Mo Mouse ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8407Mo Mouse Estrogen ELISA Kit
BLS-2592Mo Mouse ES(Endostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4009Mo Mouse EREG(Epiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6845Mo Mouse ErbB3(V-Erb B2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4281Mo Mouse ERb(Estrogen Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2932Mo Mouse ERa(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6473Mo Mouse EPX(Eosinophil Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1012Mo Mouse EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7959Mo Mouse EPHX4(Epoxide Hydrolase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6415Mo Mouse EPHB3(Ephrin Type B Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6841Mo Mouse EP300(E1A Binding Protein P300) ELISA Kit
BLS-9045Mo Mouse EOMES(Eomesodermin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6218Mo Mouse ENSa(Endosulfine Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7491Mo Mouse ENPP2(Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1102Mo Mouse ENG(EnDoglin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2652Mo Mouse ENA78(Epithelial Neutrophil Activating Peptide 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-6555Mo Mouse EMILIN2(Elastin Microfibril Interface Located Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3178Mo Mouse ELN(Elastin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2824Mo Mouse ELA4(Elastase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7171Mo Mouse ELA2A(Elastase 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2332Mo Mouse ELA2(Elastase 2, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
BLS-3328Mo Mouse ELA1(Elastase 1, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-7023Mo Mouse EIF2aK3(Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2 Alpha Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2479Mo Mouse EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2884Mo Mouse EGR1(Early Growth Response Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7994Mo Mouse EGLN1(Egl Nine Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2659Mo Mouse EGFR2(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2421Mo Mouse EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7938Mo Mouse EGFL7(EGF Like Domain Protein, Multiple 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1267Mo Mouse EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6196Mo Mouse EFNB2(Ephrin B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6591Mo Mouse ECM1(Extracellular Matrix Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1010Mo Mouse ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9604Mo Mouse E-Cad(E-Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6316Mo Mouse EBI3(Epstein Barr Virus Induced Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6051Mo Mouse EAAT2(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7256Mo Mouse EAAT1(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6307Mo Mouse DYRK1A(Dual Specificity Tyrosine Phosphorylation Regulated Kinase 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2453Mo Mouse Dyn(Big Dynorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6269Mo Mouse DUSP5(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6611Mo Mouse DUSP1(Dual Specificity Phosphatase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6048Mo Mouse DSC1(Desmocollin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8646Mo Mouse DRD1(Dopamine Receptor D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7790Mo Mouse DPYSL2(Dihydropyrimidinase Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6442Mo Mouse DPYD(Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6419Mo Mouse DPT(Dermatopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6503Mo Mouse DPP9(Dipeptidyl Peptidase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-6504Mo Mouse DPP8(Dipeptidyl Peptidase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1597Mo Mouse DPP4(Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-9607Mo Mouse DPD(Deoxypyridinoline) ELISA Kit
BLS-8134Mo Mouse DOT1L(DOT1 Like, Histone H3 Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6118Mo Mouse DNMT3B(DNA Methyltransferase 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9384Mo Mouse DNMT3A(DNA Methyltransferase 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7028Mo Mouse DNMT1(DNA Methyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7950Mo Mouse DNASE1L3(Deoxyribonuclease I Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3360Mo Mouse DNASE1(Deoxyribonuclease I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3471Mo Mouse DMD(Dystrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7784Mo Mouse DMBT1(Deleted In Malignant Brain Tumors 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8005Mo Mouse dLK1(Delta Like 1 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6264Mo Mouse DLG4(Discs, Large Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9609Mo Mouse D-LDH(D-LactateDehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2372Mo Mouse DLAT(Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7947Mo Mouse DKK4(Dickkopf Related Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7486Mo Mouse DKK3(Dickkopf Related Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1375Mo Mouse DKK1(Dickkopf Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6510Mo Mouse DIO3(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-6741Mo Mouse DIO2(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6762Mo Mouse DHODH(Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6586Mo Mouse DGAT1(Diacylglycerol-O-Acyltransferase Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2656Mo Mouse Des(Desmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2863Mo Mouse DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8158Mo Mouse DEFb119(Defensin Beta 119) ELISA Kit
BLS-2248Mo Mouse DEFb1(Defensin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7348Mo Mouse DEFa6(Defensin Alpha 6, Paneth Cell Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-2462Mo Mouse DEFa5(Defensin Alpha 5, Paneth Cell Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-3339Mo Mouse DEFa1(Defensin Alpha 1, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
BLS-6604Mo Mouse DDT(D-Dopachrome Tautomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7534Mo Mouse DDOST(Dolichyl Diphosphooligosaccharide Protein Glycosyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9042Mo Mouse DDO(D-Aspartate Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7029Mo Mouse DDIT3(DNA Damage Inducible Transcript 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6420Mo Mouse DCX(Doublecortin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6438Mo Mouse DCLK1(Doublecortin Like Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4285Mo Mouse DBP(Vitamin D Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7300Mo Mouse DBI(Diazepam Binding Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5272Mo Mouse DAT(Dopamine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-6656Mo Mouse DAPK3(Death Associated Protein Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6652Mo Mouse DAPK1(Death Associated Protein Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5316Mo Mouse DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9005Mo Mouse DAGLA(Diacylglycerol lipase alpha) ELISA kit
BLS-6305Mo Mouse DAG1(Dystrophin Associated Glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8592Mo Mouse DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1311Mo Mouse D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-5344Mo Mouse CYSLTR2(Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9621Mo Mouse Cys-C(CystatinC) ELISA Kit
BLS-6799Mo Mouse CYR61(Cysteine Rich Protein, Angiogenic Inducer 61) ELISA Kit
BLS-2866Mo Mouse CYPB(Cyclophilin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1863Mo Mouse CYPA(Cyclophilin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3901Mo Mouse CYP7A1(Cytochrome P450 7A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9334Mo Mouse CYP3A5(Cytochrome P450 3A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6498Mo Mouse CYP3A4(Cytochrome P450 3A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3851Mo Mouse CYP2E1(Cytochrome P450 2E1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6801Mo Mouse CYP2B6(Cytochrome P450 2B6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6987Mo Mouse CYP27B1(Cytochrome P450 27B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7133Mo Mouse CYP11B1(Cytochrome P450 11B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8226Mo Mouse CYCS(Cytochrome C, Somatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-2894Mo Mouse CXCR4(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5018Mo Mouse CXCR3(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5363Mo Mouse CXCL16(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-9605Mo Mouse CXCL15(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-2880Mo Mouse CX43(Connexin 43) ELISA Kit
BLS-3232Mo Mouse CX3CR1(Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1023Mo Mouse CX3CL1(Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8230Mo Mouse CUZD1(CUB And Zona Pellucida Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2226Mo Mouse CTXII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-2223Mo Mouse CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7036Mo Mouse CTSZ(Cathepsin Z) ELISA Kit
BLS-2945Mo Mouse CTSS(Cathepsin S) ELISA Kit
BLS-2808Mo Mouse CTSL(Cathepsin L) ELISA Kit
BLS-1913Mo Mouse CTSK(Cathepsin K) ELISA Kit
BLS-6292Mo Mouse CTSG(Cathepsin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-3302Mo Mouse CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-7100Mo Mouse CTSB(Cathepsin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4299Mo Mouse CTSA(Cathepsin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6207Mo Mouse cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-2136Mo Mouse CTNNb1(Catenin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8160Mo Mouse CTHRC1(Collagen Triple Helix Repeat Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2566Mo Mouse CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1569Mo Mouse CT1(Cardiotrophin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4672Mo Mouse CSTA(Cystatin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1046Mo Mouse CST3(Cystatin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4744Mo Mouse CS(Citrate Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7344Mo Mouse CRYgS(Crystallin Gamma S) ELISA Kit
BLS-7345Mo Mouse CRYgF(Crystallin Gamma F) ELISA Kit
BLS-7343Mo Mouse CRYbB2(Crystallin Beta B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7342Mo Mouse CRYbB1(Crystallin Beta B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7341Mo Mouse CRYbA1(Crystallin Beta A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6066Mo Mouse CRYaB(Crystallin Alpha B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6334Mo Mouse CRTAP(Cartilage Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3182Mo Mouse CRT(Calreticulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1056Mo Mouse CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6120Mo Mouse CRN(Corin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7119Mo Mouse CRLF1(Cytokine Receptor Like Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7061Mo Mouse CRKL(Crk Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4747Mo Mouse CRH(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7973Mo Mouse CREG1(Cellular Repressor Of E1A Stimulated Genes 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7246Mo Mouse CRBN(Cereblon) ELISA Kit
BLS-6092Mo Mouse CRAT(Carnitine Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6507Mo Mouse CPT1A(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1A, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-3431Mo Mouse CPP(Copeptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6717Mo Mouse CPN1(Carboxypeptidase N1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7327Mo Mouse CPB1(Carboxypeptidase B1, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-6230Mo Mouse CPA3(Carboxypeptidase A3, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-2445Mo Mouse CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5094Mo Mouse CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6786Mo Mouse COX3(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit III) ELISA Kit
BLS-7630Mo Mouse COX2(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit II) ELISA Kit
BLS-9311Mo Mouse COX1(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9479Mo Mouse Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9573Mo Mouse CoQ10(Coenzyme Q10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6489Mo Mouse COMT(Catechol-O-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1307Mo Mouse COMP(Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8823Mo Mouse COLEC11(collectin sub-family member 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-6603Mo Mouse COL7(Collagen Type VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-6181Mo Mouse COL6a1(Collagen Type VI Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6986Mo Mouse COL6(Collagen Type VI) ELISA Kit
BLS-6551Mo Mouse COL5a2(Collagen Type V Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2841Mo Mouse COL4a1(Collagen Type IV Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1665Mo Mouse COL4(Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-7408Mo Mouse COL3a1(Collagen Type III Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2572Mo Mouse COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-8627Mo Mouse COL2a1(Collagen Type II Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2619Mo Mouse COL2(Collagen Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1987Mo Mouse COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3453Mo Mouse COL1a1(Collagen Type I Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6590Mo Mouse COL15(Collagen Type XV) ELISA Kit
BLS-6494Mo Mouse COL12(Collagen Type XII) ELISA Kit
BLS-5989Mo Mouse COL10(Collagen Type X) ELISA Kit
BLS-2616Mo Mouse COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-3256Mo Mouse CNTN1(Contactin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2476Mo Mouse CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9002Mo Mouse CNR2(Cannabinoid Receptor 2, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-9001Mo Mouse CNR1(Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8075Mo Mouse CNPY2(Canopy 2 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-7872Mo Mouse CNP(C-Type Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9671Mo Mouse CNCbl(Cyanocobalamin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6166Mo Mouse CMA1(Chymase 1, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-1310Mo Mouse CLU(Clusterin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8166Mo Mouse CLOCK(Circadian Locomoter Output Cycles Protein Kaput) ELISA Kit
BLS-7367Mo Mouse CLIC1(Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8151Mo Mouse CLEC7A(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 7, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7695Mo Mouse CLEC10A(C-Type Lectin Domain Family 10, Member A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7146Mo Mouse CLDN5(Claudin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6638Mo Mouse CLDN3(Claudin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6146Mo Mouse CLDN2(Claudin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6703Mo Mouse CLCF1(Cardiotrophin Like Cytokine Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6116Mo Mouse CLC(Charcot Leyden Crystal Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1286Mo Mouse CKMB(Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-2301Mo Mouse CKM(Creatine Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-5636Mo Mouse CKB(Creatine Kinase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-4283Mo Mouse CHRM3(Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3924Mo Mouse CHRM2(Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8643Mo Mouse CHRM1(Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6784Mo Mouse CHRDL2(Chordin Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7356Mo Mouse CHRDL1(Chordin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6315Mo Mouse CHIT1(Chitinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6350Mo Mouse CHGB(Chromogranin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5172Mo Mouse CHGA(Chromogranin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1376Mo Mouse CHEM(Chemerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8049Mo Mouse CHEK1(Checkpoint Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6252Mo Mouse CHD4(Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-3361Mo Mouse ChAT(Choline Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6320Mo Mouse CHAF1B(Chromatin Assembly Factor 1, Subunit B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7558Mo Mouse CH25H(Cholesterol-25-Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2393Mo Mouse CGRP1(CalcitoninGene Related Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1038Mo Mouse CGRP(Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3999Mo Mouse CFL1(Cofilin 1, Non Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1722Mo Mouse CFH(Complement Factor H) ELISA Kit
BLS-2870Mo Mouse CFD(Complement Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-5822Mo Mouse CFB(Complement Factor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6708Mo Mouse CER(Cerberus) ELISA Kit
BLS-4320Mo Mouse CEBPb(CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-9508Mo Mouse CEBPa(CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7388Mo Mouse CEACAM1(Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1130Mo Mouse CEA(Carcinoembryonic Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-9415Mo Mouse CDNF(Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1461Mo Mouse CDKN2A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9312Mo Mouse CDKN1A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6827Mo Mouse CDK8(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7636Mo Mouse CDK5(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4337Mo Mouse CDHP(Cadherin, Placental) ELISA Kit
BLS-4662Mo Mouse CDHH(Cadherin, Heart) ELISA Kit
BLS-4517Mo Mouse CDH2(Cadherin, Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-6951Mo Mouse CDC25(Cell Division Cycle Protein 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-5583Mo Mouse CD99(Cluster Of Differentiation 99) ELISA Kit
BLS-3356Mo Mouse CD83(Cluster Of Differentiation 83) ELISA Kit
BLS-5327Mo Mouse CD8(Cluster ofDifferentiation 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7933Mo Mouse CD5L(CD5 Antigen Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4756Mo Mouse CD59(Protectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2308Mo Mouse CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-4748Mo Mouse CD4(Cluster Of Differentiation 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2708Mo Mouse CD34(Cluster Of Differentiation 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-2237Mo Mouse CD19(Cluster Of Differentiation 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-4483Mo Mouse CD163(Cluster Of Differentiation) ELISA Kit
BLS-4475Mo Mouse CD14(Cluster Of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-8023Mo Mouse CCT2(Chaperonin Containing TCP1, Subunit 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3661Mo Mouse CCR7(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7326Mo Mouse CCR6(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5338Mo Mouse CCR2(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4629Mo Mouse CCR10(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-4010Mo Mouse CCR1(Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1488Mo Mouse CCND1(Cyclin D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8887Mo Mouse CCL6(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1414Mo Mouse CCL3L1(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 3 Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8885Mo Mouse CCL16(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-4330Mo Mouse CCL1(Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2294Mo Mouse CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2750Mo Mouse CCK8(Cholecystokinin 8, Octapeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2633Mo Mouse CCK(Cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9606Mo Mouse CC17(Clara Cell Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1643Mo Mouse CC16(Clara Cell Protein 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-6500Mo Mouse CbS(Cystathionine Beta Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9290Mo Mouse CBLB(E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBLB) ELISA Kit
BLS-3338Mo Mouse CBG(Corticosteroid Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5273Mo Mouse CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7118Mo Mouse CAT1(Cationic Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6301Mo Mouse CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6093Mo Mouse CAST(Calpastatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7136Mo Mouse CASR(Calcium Sensing Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1702Mo Mouse CASP9(Caspase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1058Mo Mouse CASP8(Caspase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1097Mo Mouse CASP7(Caspase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1529Mo Mouse CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5539Mo Mouse CASP14(Caspase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-7681Mo Mouse CASP12(Caspase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4464Mo Mouse CASP1(Caspase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4814Mo Mouse CART(Cocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript) ELISA Kit
BLS-6830Mo Mouse CARNS1(Carnosine Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5502Mo Mouse CAPNS1(Calpain, Small Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6984Mo Mouse CAPN10(Calpain 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2714Mo Mouse CAPN1(Calpain 1, Large Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-5257Mo Mouse CaN(Calcineurin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8641Mo Mouse CAMKK2(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7350Mo Mouse CAMK2a(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9617Mo Mouse CALP(Calprotectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7713Mo Mouse CALB(Calbindin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9379Mo Mouse cADPRH(Cyclic ADP Ribose Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6870Mo Mouse CACNa1S(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, L-Type, Alpha 1S Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6876Mo Mouse CACNa1H(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, T-Type, Alpha 1H Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6873Mo Mouse CACNa1F(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, L-Type, Alpha 1F Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6875Mo Mouse CACNa1E(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, R-Type, Alpha 1E Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6872Mo Mouse CACNa1D(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, L-Type, Alpha 1D Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6871Mo Mouse CACNa1C(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, L-Type, Alpha 1C Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6874Mo Mouse CACNa1B(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, N-Type, Alpha 1B Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6094Mo Mouse CA9(Carbonic Anhydrase IX) ELISA Kit
BLS-5557Mo Mouse CA2(Carbonic Anhydrase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1479Mo Mouse CA125(Carbohydrate Antigen 125) ELISA Kit
BLS-4243Mo Mouse C5aR1(Complement Component 5a Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1052Mo Mouse C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
BLS-2944Mo Mouse C5(Complement Component 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3952Mo Mouse C4B(Complement C4-B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1655Mo Mouse C4a(Complement Component 4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-5259Mo Mouse C4(Complement Component 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5556Mo Mouse C3c(Complement C3 Convertase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1592Mo Mouse C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-1640Mo Mouse C3(Complement Component 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8892Mo Mouse C1S1(Complement component 1, s subcomponent) ELISA Kit
BLS-8318Mo Mouse C1QTNF9(C1q and Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7623Mo Mouse C1QTNF3(C1q And Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5208Mo Mouse C1q(Complement 1q) ELISA Kit
BLS-2339Mo Mouse C1INH(Complement 1 Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5122Mo Mouse Btk(Bruton’S Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2189Mo Mouse bTG(Beta-Thromboglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8599Mo Mouse BTD(Biotinidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1236Mo Mouse bTC(Betacellulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4422Mo Mouse BSP(Bone Sialoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3269Mo Mouse BRCA2(Breast Cancer Susceptibility Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3369Mo Mouse BRAK(Breast And Kidney Expressed Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3629Mo Mouse BPI(Bactericidal/Permeability Increasing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5227Mo Mouse BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5413Mo Mouse BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8182Mo Mouse BMX(BMX Non Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1408Mo Mouse BMPR1A(Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6342Mo Mouse BMPER(BMP Binding Endothelial Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-6080Mo Mouse BMP8B(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 8B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2637Mo Mouse BMP7(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1862Mo Mouse BMP6(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1406Mo Mouse BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6136Mo Mouse BMP10(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-1909Mo Mouse BMP1(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5100Mo Mouse BMG/b2-MG(Beta-2-Microglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8891Mo Mouse BLOC1S1(Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1341Mo Mouse BLC1(B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5073Mo Mouse BK(Bradykinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8600Mo Mouse Biotin ELISA Kit
BLS-1067Mo Mouse Bid(BH3 Interacting Domain Death Agonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-6496Mo Mouse BGN(Biglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-7349Mo Mouse BFSP1(Beaded Filament Structural Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4294Mo Mouse BFP(Brain Finger Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2406Mo Mouse bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9229Mo Mouse BECN1(Beclin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5458Mo Mouse BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1545Mo Mouse bCTx(Beta-Crosslaps) ELISA Kit
BLS-7070Mo Mouse Bcl9(B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7209Mo Mouse Bcl2L(B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 2 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1526Mo Mouse Bcl2(B-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9525Mo Mouse BCKDHB(2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit beta, mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-9524Mo Mouse BCKDHA(2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-7806Mo Mouse BCHE(Butyrylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9527Mo Mouse BCAT2(Branched-chain-amino-acid aminotransferase, mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-9526Mo Mouse BCAT1(Branched-chain-amino-acid aminotransferase, cytosolic) ELISA Kit
BLS-4278Mo Mouse Bax(Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7125Mo Mouse BAT3(HLA-B Associated Transcript 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2689Mo Mouse BALP(BoneAlkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3047Mo Mouse BAFF/CD257(B-Cell Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3525Mo Mouse bACE1(Beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7293Mo Mouse b3GALT2(Beta-1,3-Galactosyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8378Mo Mouse AZU1(Azurocidin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7955Mo Mouse aZGP1(Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1, Zinc Binding) ELISA Kit
BLS-7233Mo Mouse AVPR2(Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3378Mo Mouse AVPR1B(Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7277Mo Mouse ATXN10(Ataxin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6926Mo Mouse ATP7b(ATPase, Cu++ Transporting Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6631Mo Mouse ATP4b(ATPase, H+/K+ Exchanging Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6337Mo Mouse ATP4a(ATPase, H+/K+ Exchanging Alpha Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6053Mo Mouse ATP2B2(ATPase, Ca++ Transporting, Plasma Membrane 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6340Mo Mouse ATP2A2(ATPase, Ca++ Transporting, Cardiac Muscle, Slow Twitch 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8157Mo Mouse ATP1b4(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 4 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3784Mo Mouse ATP1b3(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 3 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6052Mo Mouse ATP1b1(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4506Mo Mouse ATM(Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated) ELISA Kit
BLS-8045Mo Mouse ATG7(Autophagy Related Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-8142Mo Mouse ATG12(Autophagy Related Protein 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-4479Mo Mouse ATF6(Activating Transcription Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6480Mo Mouse ATF3(Activating Transcription Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5978Mo Mouse AT(Antithrombin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6499Mo Mouse AST2(Aspartate Aminotransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1778Mo Mouse AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6516Mo Mouse ASPN(Asporin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6689Mo Mouse ASNS(Asparagine Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6770Mo Mouse ART1(ADP Ribosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4885Mo Mouse ARRb1(Arrestin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6055Mo Mouse ARPC4(Actin Related Protein 2/3 Complex Subunit 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9640Mo Mouse ARO(Aromatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7606Mo Mouse ARNTL(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6512Mo Mouse ARNT(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator) ELISA Kit
BLS-7303Mo Mouse Arg2(Arginase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3303Mo Mouse ARG1(ArginaseI) ELISA Kit
BLS-1003Mo Mouse AREG(Amphiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6280Mo Mouse ARC(Activity Regulated Cytoskeleton Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2933Mo Mouse AR(Androgen Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4872Mo Mouse AQP5(Aquaporin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1470Mo Mouse AQP4(Aquaporin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4272Mo Mouse APP(Amyloid Precursor Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7820Mo Mouse APOL1(Apolipoprotein L) ELISA Kit
BLS-4804Mo Mouse APOH(Apolipoprotein H) ELISA Kit
BLS-2007Mo Mouse APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-3402Mo Mouse APOC3(Apolipoprotein C3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2795Mo Mouse APOC1(Apolipoprotein C1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5802Mo Mouse APOB(Apolipoprotein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4638Mo Mouse APOA5(Apolipoprotein A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-3459Mo Mouse APOA4(Apolipoprotein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2625Mo Mouse APOA2(Apolipoprotein A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1304Mo Mouse APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6970Mo Mouse APLP1(Amyloid Beta Precursor Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7012Mo Mouse APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7139Mo Mouse APEX1(Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2947Mo Mouse APC(Activated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7568Mo Mouse APC(Activated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3996Mo Mouse APAF1(Apoptotic Peptidase Activating Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9292Mo Mouse AOPP(Advanced Oxidation Protein Products) ELISA Kit
BLS-6622Mo Mouse AOC3(Amine Oxidase, Copper Containing 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1650Mo Mouse ANXA5(Annexin A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2727Mo Mouse ANXA2(Annexin A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6293Mo Mouse ANXA1(Annexin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8414Mo Mouse anti-double stranded DNA(dsDNA) ELISA KIT
BLS-5439Mo Mouse ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8311Mo Mouse ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6772Mo Mouse ANKRD1(Ankyrin Repeat Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8085Mo Mouse ANGPTL8(Angiopoietin Like Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7943Mo Mouse ANGPTL7(Angiopoietin Like Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-3146Mo Mouse ANGPTL4(Angiopoietin Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1328Mo Mouse ANGPTL3(Angiopoietin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3189Mo Mouse ANGPTL2(Angiopoietin Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5500Mo Mouse AngIII(Angiotensin III) ELISA Kit
BLS-1401Mo Mouse AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-5081Mo Mouse AngI(Angiotensin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2474Mo Mouse ANG2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9620Mo Mouse Ang1-7(Angiotensin1-7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2471Mo Mouse ANG1(Angiopoietin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2470Mo Mouse ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3077Mo Mouse ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4613Mo Mouse AMY2(Amylase Alpha 2, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5505Mo Mouse aMSH(Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9450Mo Mouse AMPK(Phosphorylated Adenosine Monophosphate Activated Protein Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2876Mo Mouse AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-1921Mo Mouse ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2121Mo Mouse ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3188Mo Mouse ALOX5(Arachidonate-5-Lipoxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2630Mo Mouse Alk-Smase(Alkaline Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6739Mo Mouse ALDH9A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 9 Family, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6440Mo Mouse ALDH1A1(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 Family, Member A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1303Mo Mouse ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6262Mo Mouse AIRE(Autoimmune Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-7946Mo Mouse AIMP1(Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase Complex Interacting Multifunctional Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6453Mo Mouse AIF1(Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8448Mo Mouse AIF(Apoptosis Inducing Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5525Mo Mouse aHSP(Alpha-Hemoglobin Stabilizing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9385Mo Mouse AHCY(Adenosylhomocysteinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1617Mo Mouse AGT(Angiotensinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-3764Mo Mouse AGRP(Agouti Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8053Mo Mouse AGGF1(Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3005Mo Mouse AGER(Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2982Mo Mouse AGC(Aggrecan) ELISA Kit
BLS-1483Mo Mouse aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4388Mo Mouse aEP(Alpha-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6744Mo Mouse ADRb3(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6738Mo Mouse ADRb2(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6737Mo Mouse ADRb1(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1234Mo Mouse ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6990Mo Mouse ADORA2b(Adenosine A2b Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9668Mo Mouse ADO(Adenosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2089Mo Mouse ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7108Mo Mouse ADK(Adenosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2844Mo Mouse ADIPOR1(Adiponectin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7532Mo Mouse ADIG(Adipogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7719Mo Mouse ADH3(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3002Mo Mouse ADH1(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3709Mo Mouse ADH(Antidiuretic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2658Mo Mouse ADCYAP1(Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide 1, Pituitary) ELISA Kit
BLS-4356Mo Mouse ADCY10(Adenylate Cyclase 10, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-7444Mo Mouse ADAMTS5(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1696Mo Mouse ADAM8(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5476Mo Mouse ADAM17(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-4975Mo Mouse ADAM10(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-8097Mo Mouse AD(Adropin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7648Mo Mouse ACVAB(Activin AB) ELISA Kit
BLS-5382Mo Mouse ACVA(Activin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4610Mo Mouse aCTx(Alpha-Crosslaps) ELISA Kit
BLS-8320Mo Mouse Activin-A(ACVA) ELISA Kit
BLS-9221Mo Mouse Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1223Mo Mouse ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9116Mo Mouse ACTa2(Actin Alpha 2, Smooth Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1458Mo Mouse ACP5(Acid Phosphatase 5, Tartrate Resistant) ELISA Kit
BLS-6149Mo Mouse ACP2(Acid Phosphatase 2, Lysosomal) ELISA Kit
BLS-4749Mo Mouse AchE(Acetylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8593Mo Mouse ACH(Acetylcholine) ELISA Kit
BLS-3725Mo Mouse ACE2(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1001Mo Mouse ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-7071Mo Mouse ACAT2(Acetyl Coenzyme A Acetyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7067Mo Mouse ACAT1(Acetyl Coenzyme A Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1969Mo Mouse ACACa(Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-3579Mo Mouse ABCG2(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6769Mo Mouse ABCC6(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter C6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7425Mo Mouse ABCA9(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7297Mo Mouse ABCA13(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A13) ELISA Kit
BLS-3204Mo Mouse ABCA1(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4915Mo Mouse Ab1-42(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42) ELISA Kit
BLS-1493Mo Mouse Ab1-40(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40) ELISA Kit
BLS-1324Mo Mouse a2M(Alpha-2-Macroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5209Mo Mouse a1M(Alpha-1-Microglobulin/Bikunin Precursor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5551Mo Mouse a1M(Alpha-1-Microglobulin/Bikunin Precursor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2694Mo Mouse a1AT(Alpha-1-Antitrypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1621Mo Mouse a1AGP(Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8836Mo Mouse a1ACT(Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8379Mo Mouse 8-iso-PGF2α(8-isoprostane) ELISA Kit
BLS-8645Mo Mouse 5HTR1A(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9288Mo Mouse 5-HT(5-Hydroxytryptamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8374Mo Mouse 4-Hydroxynonenal(HNE) ELISA Kit
BLS-6913Mo Mouse 20S-PSM(20S-Proteasome) ELISA Kit
BLS-8893Mo Mouse (C1ra)Complement Component C1ra ELISA Kit
BLS-8527HR Human,Rat LHb(Luteinizing Hormone Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4891Hu Human ZYX(Zyxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3286Hu Human ZPI(Protein Z Dependent Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3470Hu Human ZNRD1(Zinc Ribbon Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8990Hu Human ZNF746(Zinc finger protein 746) ELISA Kit
BLS-9276Hu Human Zinc transporter ZIP8 (SLC39A8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6378Hu Human ZG16B(Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5623Hu Human ZFHX4(Zinc Finger Homeobox Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6846Hu Human ZFAND6(Zinc Finger, AN1-Type Domain Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6719Hu Human ZBED3(Zinc Finger, BED Type Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4416Hu Human YY1(YY1 Transcription Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7507Hu Human YWHAz(Tyrosine 3/Tryptophan 5 Monooxygenase Activation Protein Zeta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7302Hu Human YWHAq(Tyrosine 3/Tryptophan 5 Monooxygenase Activation Protein Theta) ELISA Kit
BLS-9019Hu Human YWHAE(14-3-3 protein epsilon) ELISA Kit
BLS-9127Hu Human YBX3(Y-Box Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4854Hu Human YBX1(Y-Box Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4710Hu Human y+LAT1(L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1932Hu Human XRCC6(X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-4469Hu Human XRCC5(X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4988Hu Human XRCC2(X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3681Hu Human XPO5(Exportin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4663Hu Human XPO1(Exportin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2235Hu Human XPG(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group G) ELISA Kit
BLS-5033Hu Human XPF(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group F) ELISA Kit
BLS-5232Hu Human XPD(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2394Hu Human XPC(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group C) ELISA Kit
BLS-3429Hu Human XIAP(Inhibitor Of Apoptosis Protein, X-Linked) ELISA Kit
BLS-2887Hu Human XDH(Xanthine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3409Hu Human XCL2(Chemokine C-Motif Ligand 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3274Hu Human XBP1(X-Box Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7140Hu Human WWP2(WW Domain Containing E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9495Hu Human WWOX(WW domain-containing oxidoreductase) ELISA kit
BLS-3382Hu Human WT1(Wilms Tumor Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6894Hu Human WNT9B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 9B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6213Hu Human WNT7B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 7B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6214Hu Human WNT7A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 7A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6481Hu Human WNT5B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5544Hu Human WNT5A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6886Hu Human WNT4(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7541Hu Human WNT3A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6167Hu Human WNT3(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7497Hu Human WNT2B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 2B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6168Hu Human WNT2(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6636Hu Human WNT11(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-6215Hu Human WNT10B(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 10B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6212Hu Human WNT10A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 10A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6169Hu Human WNT1(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3254Hu Human WISP2(WNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3406Hu Human WISP1(WNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6336Hu Human WIF1(WNT Inhibitory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6587Hu Human WFS1(Wolfram Syndrome Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4487Hu Human WFDC5(WAP Four Disulfide Core Domain Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-4841Hu Human WFDC2(WAP Four Disulfide Core Domain Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7520Hu Human WDR52(WD Repeat Containing Domain Protein 52) ELISA Kit
BLS-7590Hu Human WDR35(WD Repeat Containing Domain Protein 35) ELISA Kit
BLS-9099Hu Human WDR1(WD repeat-containing protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4267Hu Human WASF2(Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5176Hu Human WARS(Tryptophanyl tRNA Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1298Hu Human vWFCP(Von Willebrand Factor Cleaving Protease) ELISA Kit
BLS-5248Hu Human vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5571Hu Human vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1842Hu Human vWA3A(Von Willebrand Factor A Domain Containing Protein 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1744Hu Human VTN(Vitronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3521Hu Human VTCN1(V-Set Domain Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3093Hu Human VSNL1(Visinin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6648Hu Human VSIG2(V-Set And Immunoglobulin Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2206Hu Human VS(Versican) ELISA Kit
BLS-3275Hu Human VRK1(Vaccinia Related Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8531Hu Human VPS35(Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 35) ELISA Kit
BLS-3697Hu Human VNN3(Vanin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3314Hu Human VNN1(Vanin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4439Hu Human VMAT2(Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2935Hu Human VLDL(Very Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5155Hu Human VKORC1(Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6310Hu Human Viperin(Virus Inhibitory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4587Hu Human VISA(Virus Induced Signaling Adapter) ELISA Kit
BLS-3082Hu Human VIPR1(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1453Hu Human VIP(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1743Hu Human VIM(Vimentin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3883Hu Human VIL1(Villin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9321Hu Human vHL(Von Hippel Lindau Tumor Suppressor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8877Hu Human VGLL3(Vestigial like 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1798Hu Human VGF(VGF Nerve Growth Factor Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-1725Hu Human VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5057Hu Human VEGI(Vascular Endothelial Growth Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2256Hu Human VEGFR3(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1898Hu Human VEGFR2(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1126Hu Human VEGFR1(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1195Hu Human VEGFD(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-1194Hu Human VEGFC(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2321Hu Human VEGFB(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-1129Hu Human VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7458Hu Human VEGF206(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 206) ELISA Kit
BLS-7597Hu Human VEGF189(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 189) ELISA Kit
BLS-7462Hu Human VEGF183(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 183) ELISA Kit
BLS-2153Hu Human VEGF165(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 165) ELISA Kit
BLS-1347Hu Human VEGF145(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 145) ELISA Kit
BLS-1193Hu Human VEGF121(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121) ELISA Kit
BLS-1084Hu Human VE-Cadherin(Vascular Endothelial Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2396Hu Human VDR(Vitamin D Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8628Pl Plant  CYT(Cytokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8702Pl Plant Salicylic Acid (SA) ELISA Kit
BLS-8564Pl Plant MIOX(Myo Inositol Oxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8753Pl Plant IAA(Indole 3 Acetic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8754Pl Plant GA(Gibberellic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8563Pl Plant ABA(Abscisic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-9264Pg Pigeon IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-9256Pi Pig WNT1(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5624Pi Pig vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9261Pi Pig VIM(Vimentin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8479Pi Pig VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8061Pi Pig VEGFR2(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7924Pi Pig VEGFR1(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5757Pi Pig VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6133Pi Pig VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5865Pi Pig uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6546Pi Pig TTR(Transthyretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8940Pi Pig TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5951Pi Pig TRY(Trypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8013Pi Pig TRF(Transferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5838Pi Pig TREM1(Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7867Pi Pig TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5709Pi Pig tPA(Plasminogen Activator, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-5656Pi Pig TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-5858Pi Pig TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2407Pi Pig TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9262Pi Pig TNC(Tenascin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5710Pi Pig TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9016Pi Pig TJP1(Tight Junction Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8471Pi Pig Tie2(TEK Tyrosine Kinase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-5854Pi Pig TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5848Pi Pig TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5844Pi Pig TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5677Pi Pig TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7863Pi Pig TGFb3(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5729Pi Pig TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8522Pi Pig TGFa(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5708Pi Pig TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8704Pi Pig T4(Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8703Pi Pig T3(Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8476Pi Pig STAT2(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8475Pi Pig STAT1(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8465Pi Pig STAR(SteroiDogenic Acute Regulatory Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5722Pi Pig SST(Somatostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5699Pi Pig SPA(Surfactant Associated Protein A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8168Pi Pig SOD1(Superoxide Dismutase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-8773Pi Pig SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-9214Pi Pig SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-7387Pi Pig sIgA(Secretory Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5743Pi Pig SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-5687Pi Pig SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
BLS-7226Pi Pig SDF1(Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8279Pi Pig SDC1(Syndecan 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5835Pi Pig SCF(Stem Cell Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7917Pi Pig sC5b-9(Soluble Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9146Pi Pig SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9335Pi Pig RPN1(Ribophorin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7891Pi Pig RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8481Pi Pig RETN(Resistin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7744Pi Pig RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5821Pi Pig RANTES(Regulated On Activation In Normal T-Cell Expressed And Secreted) ELISA Kit
BLS-8110Pi Pig PYY(Peptide YY) ELISA Kit
BLS-9186Pi Pig PYD(pyridinoline) ELISA Kit
BLS-5797Pi Pig PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7930Pi Pig pPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Pancreas) ELISA Kit
BLS-8090Pi Pig Plg(Plasminogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-9263Pi Pig PIIINP(Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9234Pi Pig PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9426Pi Pig PGD2S(Prostaglandin D2 Synthase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-5910Pi Pig PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7893Pi Pig PDGFB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8657Pi Pig PAG4(Pregnancy associated glycoprotein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8656Pi Pig PAG2(Pregnancy associated glycoprotein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8655Pi Pig PAG1(Pregnancy associated glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6513Pi Pig OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5799Pi Pig OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9017Pi Pig OCLN(Occludin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5730Pi Pig OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8482Pi Pig OB(Obestatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6163Pi Pig NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7687Pi Pig NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5617Pi Pig NOS3(Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-5819Pi Pig NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7874Pi Pig NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9255Pi Pig NES(Nestin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8933Pi Pig NEFA(Non-Esterified Fatty Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-6132Pi Pig MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8474Pi Pig MUC4(Mucin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8473Pi Pig MUC1(Mucin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8579Pi Pig MTOR(Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR) ELISA Kit
BLS-8036Pi Pig MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5625Pi Pig MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5720Pi Pig MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5813Pi Pig MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6335Pi Pig MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5944Pi Pig MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5940Pi Pig MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-7380Pi Pig MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7519Pi Pig MIP3a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7818Pi Pig MIF(Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5932Pi Pig MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6539Pi Pig MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8939Pi Pig LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-6152Pi Pig LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5928Pi Pig LIF(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5723Pi Pig LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9642Pi Pig LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8027Pi Pig LBP(Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8058Pi Pig KRT18(Keratin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-8261Pi Pig Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9303Pi Pig ITLN1(Intelectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8472Pi Pig ITGb1(Integrin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8608Pi Pig Irisin ELISA Kit
BLS-8478Pi Pig IRF1(Interferon Regulatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6409Pi Pig I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8873Pi Pig IP3(Inositol Triphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-1385Pi Pig INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7605Pi Pig INHA(Inhibin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8468Pi Pig IL8Rb(Interleukin 8 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8469Pi Pig IL8Ra(Interleukin 8 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1219Pi Pig IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1218Pi Pig IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5695Pi Pig IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5717Pi Pig IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5716Pi Pig IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8470Pi Pig IL1R1(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-1217Pi Pig IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5644Pi Pig IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5715Pi Pig IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-5741Pi Pig IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5690Pi Pig IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5669Pi Pig IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-5877Pi Pig IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1216Pi Pig IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-7607Pi Pig IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-2190Pi Pig IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-8077Pi Pig IGFBP7(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-8240Pi Pig IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5726Pi Pig IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5850Pi Pig IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5791Pi Pig IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5725Pi Pig IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8460Pi Pig IGF1R(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5724Pi Pig IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5679Pi Pig IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-5779Pi Pig IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1220Pi Pig IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5650Pi Pig IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5739Pi Pig IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8306Pi Pig IFABP/FABP2(Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5803Pi Pig ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9013Pi Pig HSPB1(Heat Shock 27kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1497Pi Pig HSPA1A(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9015Pi Pig HSP90(Heat Shock Protein 90) ELISA Kit
BLS-9014Pi Pig HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-5705Pi Pig HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5993Pi Pig HMGB-1(HighMobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8578Pi Pig HK2(Hexokinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5662Pi Pig HIF1a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9375Pi Pig HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8114Pi Pig Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9641Pi Pig HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8463Pi Pig HCAM(Homing Associated Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-4258Pi Pig HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7944Pi Pig GSTp(Glutathione S Transferase Pi) ELISA Kit
BLS-5955Pi Pig GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9393Pi Pig GnRH(Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8084Pi Pig GLP2(Glucagon Like Peptide 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6068Pi Pig GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5719Pi Pig GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8272Pi Pig GHR(Growth Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5721Pi Pig GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7663Pi Pig GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7692Pi Pig GAL1(Galectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8991Pi Pig GAGs(Glycosaminoglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-8461Pi Pig FSHR(Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4255Pi Pig FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8484Pi Pig FGFR2(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8483Pi Pig FGFR1(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5678Pi Pig FGF7(Fibroblast Growth Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7958Pi Pig FGF21(Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-7261Pi Pig FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-8477Pi Pig FGF10(Fibroblast Growth Factor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-5976Pi Pig FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6000Pi Pig FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5746Pi Pig FETUA(Fetuin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6036Pi Pig FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7983Pi Pig FABP3(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3, Muscle And Heart) ELISA Kit
BLS-7922Pi Pig FABP1(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-6049Pi Pig F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7427Pi Pig ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5793Pi Pig EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8467Pi Pig EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5718Pi Pig EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9185Pi Pig DPD(deoxypyridinoline) ELISA Kit
BLS-5832Pi Pig DEFb2(Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7897Pi Pig DEFb1(Defensin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5633Pi Pig DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5626Pi Pig D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-6102Pi Pig CXCR4(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9233Pi Pig CTXII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-9184Pi Pig CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5934Pi Pig CTSK(Cathepsin K) ELISA Kit
BLS-8032Pi Pig cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-5960Pi Pig CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5704Pi Pig CST3(Cystatin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5733Pi Pig CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9047Pi Pig CPB1(Carboxypeptidase B1, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-7346Pi Pig CP(C-Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8464Pi Pig COX2(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit II) ELISA Kit
BLS-8523Pi Pig Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9064Pi Pig Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-5714Pi Pig COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-5967Pi Pig CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8256Pi Pig CLU(Clusterin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8259Pi Pig CLPS(Colipase, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-9669Pi Pig CLDN3(Claudin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9018Pi Pig CLDN1(Claudin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9414Pi Pig CIIC (Cleavage of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8466Pi Pig CHEM(Chemerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5826Pi Pig CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-7004Pi Pig CD14(Cluster Of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-5632Pi Pig CCK(Cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8775Pi Pig CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6009Pi Pig C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
BLS-8294Pi Pig C3c(C3 Convertase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7094Pi Pig C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-5731Pi Pig C3(Complement Component 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8185Pi Pig BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8220Pi Pig BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5965Pi Pig BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5961Pi Pig BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9425Pi Pig BMG/b2-MG(Beta-2-Microglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8978Pi Pig BALP(Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8277Pi Pig BAFF/CD257(B-Cell Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9257Pi Pig ASMA(Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-8707Pi Pig ASD(Androstenedione) ELISA Kit
BLS-5994Pi Pig APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-7882Pi Pig APOB(Apolipoprotein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7895Pi Pig APOA4(Apolipoprotein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-5727Pi Pig APOA2(Apolipoprotein A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5946Pi Pig APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8462Pi Pig AP17(Apelin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-5919Pi Pig AP(Aprotinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8180Pi Pig Anti-SST(Anti-Somatostatin Antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-5614Pi Pig ANG2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5881Pi Pig ANG(Angiogenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7377Pi Pig AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9048Pi Pig AGC(Aggrecan) ELISA Kit
BLS-5885Pi Pig aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8706Pi Pig AED(Androstenediol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8580Pi Pig ADT(Androsterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8586Pi Pig ADST(Androstenone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5728Pi Pig ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5896Pi Pig ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8480Pi Pig ACTb(Actin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5772Pi Pig ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-6039Pi Pig a1AGP(Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6164Mo Mouse ZPI(Protein Z Dependent Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6570Mo Mouse ZFHX1B(Zinc Finger Homeobox Protein 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9059Mo Mouse ZAN(Zonadhesin) ELISA kit
BLS-7073Mo Mouse YAP1(Yes Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3898Mo Mouse XRCC6(X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7011Mo Mouse XRCC5(X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1539Mo Mouse XPC(Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group C) ELISA Kit
BLS-6454Mo Mouse XDH(Xanthine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6439Mo Mouse XBP1(X-Box Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7729Mo Mouse WNT5A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8130Mo Mouse WNT4(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7664Mo Mouse WNT3A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8369Mo Mouse WNT2(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8129Mo Mouse WNT16(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-8117Mo Mouse WNT11(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-8295Rb Rabbit βTG(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1599Rb Rabbit vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1598Rb Rabbit VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6225Rb Rabbit VEGF121(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121) ELISA Kit
BLS-2430Rb Rabbit VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7702Rb Rabbit TTR(Transthyretin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9647Rb Rabbit TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5086Rb Rabbit TNNI3(Troponin I Type 3, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-2835Rb Rabbit TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1164Rb Rabbit TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2438Rb Rabbit TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5251Rb Rabbit TLR9(Toll Like Receptor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2834Rb Rabbit TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2830Rb Rabbit TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2428Rb Rabbit TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2286Rb Rabbit TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1475Rb Rabbit TFPI(Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2443Rb Rabbit TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9696Rb Rabbit TAT(Thrombin/Antithrombin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-8312Rb Rabbit ST2(Syntenin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2822Rb Rabbit SOD3(Superoxide Dismutase 3, Extracellular) ELISA Kit
BLS-7383Rb Rabbit SOD1(Superoxide Dismutase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-8772Rb Rabbit SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-7805Rb Rabbit Smad3(Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9662Rb Rabbit SIRT3(Sirtuin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2410Rb Rabbit SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-2482Rb Rabbit SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
BLS-9563Rb Rabbit SDF1(Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8394Rb Rabbit SDC1(Syndecan 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8914Rb Rabbit SCARD1(Scavenger Receptor Class D Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9699Rb Rabbit sC5b-9(Soluble Terminal Complement Complex C5b-9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5375Rb Rabbit SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7683Rb Rabbit SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5087Rb Rabbit S100B(S100 Calcium Binding Protein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8293Rb Rabbit S100A12(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A12) ELISA Kit
BLS-5565Rb Rabbit S100A11(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A11) ELISA Kit
BLS-7181Rb Rabbit RLN(Relaxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2442Rb Rabbit REN(Renin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7747Rb Rabbit RBP5(Retinol Binding Protein 5, Cellular) ELISA Kit
BLS-4905Rb Rabbit PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4611Rb Rabbit PPAR-γ(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9680Rb Rabbit PGR(Progesterone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1864Rb Rabbit PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2439Rb Rabbit PDGFA(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9323Rb Rabbit PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9681Rb Rabbit PC(Protein Carbonyl) ELISA Kit
BLS-2437Rb Rabbit PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2435Rb Rabbit PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8438Rb Rabbit PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3020Rb Rabbit OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1541Rb Rabbit OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2759Rb Rabbit OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2957Rb Rabbit NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5540Rb Rabbit NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-3039Rb Rabbit NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-1505Rb Rabbit NOS2/iNOS(NitricOxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-9179Rb Rabbit NLRP3(NLR Family, Pyrin Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8804Rb Rabbit NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9180Rb Rabbit NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-4218Rb Rabbit MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2426Rb Rabbit MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-1857Rb Rabbit MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1950Rb Rabbit MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2785Rb Rabbit MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-5377Rb Rabbit MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2002Rb Rabbit MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2879Rb Rabbit MIP1b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2423Rb Rabbit MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9689Rb Rabbit MC4R(Melanocortin receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4766Rb Rabbit MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5629Rb Rabbit LOX1(Lectin Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4930Rb Rabbit LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2433Rb Rabbit LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8291Rb Rabbit LCN2(Lipocalin-2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9678Rb Rabbit LAMP2(Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5059Rb Rabbit INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2923Rb Rabbit IL8Ra(Interleukin 8 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2420Rb Rabbit IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2419Rb Rabbit IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7795Rb Rabbit IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2418Rb Rabbit IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1664Rb Rabbit IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2856Rb Rabbit IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-1228Rb Rabbit IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2862Rb Rabbit IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2857Rb Rabbit IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-9670Rb Rabbit IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-9657Rb Rabbit IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2417Rb Rabbit IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-9546Rb Rabbit IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-1229Rb Rabbit IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-2441Rb Rabbit IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2440Rb Rabbit IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7796Rb Rabbit IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-2424Rb Rabbit IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-5270Rb Rabbit IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2487Rb Rabbit IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2434Rb Rabbit ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5300Rb Rabbit HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4929Rb Rabbit HIF1a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2425Rb Rabbit HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2890Rb Rabbit HCII(Heparin Cofactor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-7651Rb Rabbit HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7782Rb Rabbit GRIA1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8774Rb Rabbit GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4948Rb Rabbit GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9656Rb Rabbit GFRa1(Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor Receptor Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9679Rb Rabbit GAPDH(Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5563Rb Rabbit FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9698Rb Rabbit FPA(Fibrinopeptide A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2429Rb Rabbit FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-9282Rb Rabbit FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-2758Rb Rabbit FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
BLS-5609Rb Rabbit FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
BLS-9697Rb Rabbit F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2432Rb Rabbit ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8395Rb Rabbit ESM1(Endothelial Cell Specific Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8869Rb Rabbit EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8805Rb Rabbit EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4904Rb Rabbit D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-8290Rb Rabbit Cystatin C (Cys-C) ELISA Kit
BLS-8441Rb Rabbit CTXII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-8440Rb Rabbit CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6945Rb Rabbit cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-2911Rb Rabbit CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2011Rb Rabbit CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9056Rb Rabbit Cr(Calretinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9007Rb Rabbit COX2(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit II) ELISA Kit
BLS-9660Rb Rabbit COL5(Collagen Type V) ELISA Kit
BLS-9654Rb Rabbit COL4(Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-9653Rb Rabbit COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-5101Rb Rabbit COL2(Collagen Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-2334Rb Rabbit COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9652Rb Rabbit COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2922Rb Rabbit CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2814Rb Rabbit CKM(Creatine Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-2408Rb Rabbit CETP(Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8915Rb Rabbit CD34(Cluster Of Differentiation 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-2804Rb Rabbit CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8776Rb Rabbit CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8308Rb Rabbit CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3035Rb Rabbit C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
BLS-4758Rb Rabbit C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-2916Rb Rabbit BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2914Rb Rabbit BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7680Rb Rabbit BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7384Rb Rabbit ATP1a1(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Alpha 1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7598Rb Rabbit AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2024Rb Rabbit APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-7654Rb Rabbit APOB100(Apolipoprotein B100) ELISA Kit
BLS-2025Rb Rabbit APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5534Rb Rabbit APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7135Rb Rabbit ANXA1(Annexin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9289Rb Rabbit anti-double stranded DNA(dsDNA) ELISA KIT
BLS-3672Rb Rabbit AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1949Rb Rabbit ANG2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8396Rb Rabbit ANG1(Angiopoietin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9037Rb Rabbit AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-5999Rb Rabbit ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1292Rb Rabbit ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6031Rb Rabbit AGC(Aggrecan) ELISA Kit
BLS-2285Rb Rabbit ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7618Rb Rabbit ADAMTS5(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7395Rb Rabbit ADAMTS4(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2818Rb Rabbit ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-2413Ra Rat GHRH(Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7883Ra Rat GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8186Ra Rat GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9565Ra Rat GFER(Growth Factor, Augmenter Of Liver Regeneration) ELISA Kit
BLS-1627Ra Rat GFAP(Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1424Ra Rat GDNF(Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2910Ra Rat GDH(Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5051Ra Rat GDF9(Growth Differentiation Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-6711Ra Rat GDF5(Growth Differentiation Factor 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6282Ra Rat GDF3(Growth Differentiation Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6664Ra Rat GDF2(Growth Differentiation Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5775Ra Rat GDF15(Growth Differentiation Factor 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6709Ra Rat GDF11(Growth Differentiation Factor 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-6713Ra Rat GDF1(Growth Differentiation Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2494Ra Rat GCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 3, Granulocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-6259Ra Rat GCP2(Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6975Ra Rat GCLM(Glutamate Cysteine Ligase, Modifier Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-6793Ra Rat GCLC(Glutamate Cysteine Ligase, Catalytic) ELISA Kit
BLS-2776Ra Rat GCK(Glucokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9049Ra Rat GC(Glucocorticoid) ELISA Kit
BLS-6267Ra Rat GC(Glucagon) ELISA Kit
BLS-4474Ra Rat GAS6(Growth Arrest Specific Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9022Ra Rat Gamma secretase ELISA Kit
BLS-6245Ra Rat GALT(Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridylyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2813Ra Rat GAL9(Galectin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7780Ra Rat GAL7(Galectin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-5371Ra Rat GAL4(Galectin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2806Ra Rat GAL3(Galectin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1313Ra Rat GAL1(Galectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5651Ra Rat GAL(Galanin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8486Ra Rat GAGs(Glycosaminoglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-7937Ra Rat GADD45a(Growth Arrest And DNA Damage Inducible Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7508Ra Rat GAD1(Glutamate Decarboxylase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-9167Ra Rat gABA(Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-5200Ra Rat GaA(Glucosidase Alpha, Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-2458Ra Rat G6PD(Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6627Ra Rat G6PC(Glucose-6-Phosphatase, Catalytic) ELISA Kit
BLS-9281Ra Rat FYN (Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn) ELISA Kit
BLS-6978Ra Rat FXR(Farnesoid X Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7304Ra Rat FUR(Furin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4863Ra Rat FUCa1(Fucosidase Alpha L1, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-6789Ra Rat FTMT(Ferritin, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-6542Ra Rat FTL(Ferritin, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6788Ra Rat FTH(Ferritin, Heavy Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8742Ra Rat F-Testo(Free Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7309Ra Rat FSTL1(Follistatin Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5276Ra Rat FST(Follistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1315Ra Rat FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7584Ra Rat FRAP(FK506 Binding Protein 12 Rapamycin Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6012Ra Rat FPN(Ferroportin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6447Ra Rat FPB(Fibrinopeptide B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6831Ra Rat FPA(Fibrinopeptide A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6829Ra Rat FOXP3(Forkhead Box Protein P3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9208Ra Rat FOXO3(Forkhead Box Protein O3) ELISA Kit
BLS-4459Ra Rat FOXO1(Forkhead Box Protein O1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5685Ra Rat FOS(V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-1420Ra Rat FN(Fibronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8439Ra Rat FMR1(Fragile X Mental Retardation 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6550Ra Rat FMOD(Fibromodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4224Ra Rat FGL2(Fibrinogen Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7738Ra Rat FGL1(Fibrinogen Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6618Ra Rat FGg(Fibrinogen Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-6840Ra Rat FGFR1(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2492Ra Rat FGF9(Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5234Ra Rat FGF7(Fibroblast Growth Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2488Ra Rat FGF6(Fibroblast Growth Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2490Ra Rat FGF4(Fibroblast Growth Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6700Ra Rat FGF3(Fibroblast Growth Factor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5250Ra Rat FGF23(Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-7767Ra Rat FGF23(Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-7454Ra Rat FGF21(Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-2598Ra Rat FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-5578Ra Rat FGF2(Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, Basic) ELISA Kit
BLS-7487Ra Rat FGF19(Fibroblast Growth Factor 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-6693Ra Rat FGF18(Fibroblast Growth Factor 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-7800Ra Rat FGF15(Fibroblast Growth Factor 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-6696Ra Rat FGF13(Fibroblast Growth Factor 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-6695Ra Rat FGF12(Fibroblast Growth Factor 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-6694Ra Rat FGF11(Fibroblast Growth Factor 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-5696Ra Rat FGF10(Fibroblast Growth Factor 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2485Ra Rat FGF1(Fibroblast Growth Factor 1, Acidic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6614Ra Rat FGb(Fibrinogen Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5747Ra Rat FGa(Fibrinogen Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1426Ra Rat FG(Fibrinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7340Ra Rat FFAR1(Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5767Ra Rat FETUB(Fetuin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2788Ra Rat FETUA(Fetuin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5983Ra Rat FECH(Ferrochelatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3783Ra Rat FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6950Ra Rat FDPS(Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2580Ra Rat FDP(Fibrinogen Degradation Product) ELISA Kit
BLS-4012Ra Rat FCN1(Ficolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1586Ra Rat FBN1(Fibrillin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7285Ra Rat FBLN1(Fibulin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7956Ra Rat FBLIM1(Filamin Binding LIM Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7186Ra Rat FATP1(Fatty Acid Transport Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6016Ra Rat FASN(Fatty Acid Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5236Ra Rat FASL(Factor Related Apoptosis Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-2484Ra Rat FAS(Factor Related Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-6814Ra Rat FAPa(Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7143Ra Rat FAK(Focal Adhesion Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6209Ra Rat FADS2(Fatty Acid Desaturase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6210Ra Rat FADS1(Fatty Acid Desaturase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9269Ra Rat FADD(Fas Associating Death Domain Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-4961Ra Rat FABP6(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 6, Ileal) ELISA Kit
BLS-7709Ra Rat FABP5(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 5, Epidermal) ELISA Kit
BLS-6202Ra Rat FABP4(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Adipocyte) ELISA Kit
BLS-5759Ra Rat FABP3(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3, Muscle And Heart) ELISA Kit
BLS-6725Ra Rat FABP1(Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-1561Ra Rat F9(Coagulation Factor IX) ELISA Kit
BLS-6386Ra Rat F7(Coagulation Factor VII) ELISA Kit
BLS-3627Ra Rat F6(Coagulation Factor VI) ELISA Kit
BLS-1766Ra Rat F5(Coagulation Factor V) ELISA Kit
BLS-1517Ra Rat F2(Coagulation Factor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6753Ra Rat F13A1(Coagulation Factor XIII A1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1768Ra Rat F13(Coagulation Factor XIII) ELISA Kit
BLS-6465Ra Rat F11(Coagulation Factor XI) ELISA Kit
BLS-1558Ra Rat F10(Coagulation Factor X) ELISA Kit
BLS-3966Ra Rat F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2436Ra Rat ET-1(Endothelin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8386Ra Rat Estrogen ELISA Kit
BLS-7650Ra Rat ES(Endostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7221Ra Rat ERRa(Estrogen Related Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4986Ra Rat ERK2(Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7310Ra Rat ERK1(Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6665Ra Rat EREG(Epiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2931Ra Rat ERb(Estrogen Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5627Ra Rat ERa(Estrogen Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9266Ra Rat EPX(Eosinophil Peroxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2481Ra Rat EPOR(Erythropoietin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2483Ra Rat EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9643Ra Rat EPI(Epinephrine) ELISA Kit
BLS-6475Ra Rat EPHB3(Ephrin Type B Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6842Ra Rat EP300(E1A Binding Protein P300) ELISA Kit
BLS-7406Ra Rat ENPP2(Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3031Ra Rat ENG(EnDoglin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7378Ra Rat ENDog(Endonuclease G, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-8122Ra Rat ENDOD1(Endonuclease Domain Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8755Ra Rat Endocab IgG ELISA Kit
BLS-2651Ra Rat ENA78(Epithelial Neutrophil Activating Peptide 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-7006Ra Rat EMMPRIN(Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer) ELISA Kit
BLS-8021Ra Rat EML2(Echinoderm Microtubule Associated Protein Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5513Ra Rat EMILIN1(Elastin Microfibril Interface Located Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7123Ra Rat ELOVL1(Elongation Of Very Long Chain Fatty Acids Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5957Ra Rat ELN(Elastin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7116Ra Rat ELAVL1(ELAV Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6605Ra Rat ELA3B(Elastase 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6606Ra Rat ELA2A(Elastase 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1521Ra Rat ELA2(Elastase 2, Neutrophil) ELISA Kit
BLS-8552Ra Rat eIF4E(eukaryotic initiation factor 4E) ELISA Kit
BLS-9023Ra Rat EIF2S1(Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2478Ra Rat EG-VEGF(Endocrine Gland Derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5785Ra Rat EGFR2(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2225Ra Rat EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1268Ra Rat EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8653Ra Rat EDN4(Exendin-4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6274Ra Rat EDN2(Endothelin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9190Ra Rat EDA(Ectodysplasin-A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2480Ra Rat ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8615Ra Rat E-Cad(E-Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7105Ra Rat EAAT2(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8457Ra Rat EAAT1(Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8714Ra Rat E2(Estradiol) ELISA Kit
BLS-5766Ra Rat Dyn(Big Dynorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6537Ra Rat DUOX2(Dual Oxidase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7203Ra Rat DSTYK(Dual Serine/Threonine And Tyrosine Protein Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4578Ra Rat DRD4(Dopamine Receptor D4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4579Ra Rat DRD2(Dopamine Receptor D2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7066Ra Rat DRD1(Dopamine Receptor D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7772Ra Rat DPYSL2(Dihydropyrimidinase Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1596Ra Rat DPP4(Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-9505Ra Rat DPD(deoxypyridinoline) ELISA Kit
BLS-7554Ra Rat DNMT1(DNA Methyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6790Ra Rat DMT1(Divalent Metal Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6613Ra Rat dLL4(Delta Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8081Ra Rat dLK1(Delta Like 1 Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6150Ra Rat DLG4(Discs, Large Homolog 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8903Ra Rat DLD(Dihydrolipoyl Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6947Ra Rat DKK3(Dickkopf Related Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-3774Ra Rat DKK1(Dickkopf Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6643Ra Rat DIO3(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-6647Ra Rat DIO2(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6642Ra Rat DIO1(Deiodinase, Iodothyronine, Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-6983Ra Rat DIDO1(Death Inducer Obliterator 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7379Ra Rat DIABLO(Diablo Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-8446Ra Rat DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6653Ra Rat DGAT1(Diacylglycerol-O-Acyltransferase Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2655Ra Rat Des(Desmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5637Ra Rat DEFb1(Defensin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8868Ra Rat DDIT3(DNA Damage Inducible Transcript 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6474Ra Rat DCX(Doublecortin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6013Ra Rat DCD(Dermcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6294Ra Rat DBP(D Site Of Albumin Promoter Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7275Ra Rat DBP(D Site Of Albumin Promoter Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5654Ra Rat DAT(Dopamine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-2230Ra Rat DAO(Diamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6761Ra Rat DAB1(Disabled Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8953Ra Rat DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-4818Ra Rat D2D(D-Dimer) ELISA Kit
BLS-8413Ra Rat CYTL1(Cytokine Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5634Ra Rat CYSLTR2(Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9629Ra Rat Cys-C(Cystatin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7724Ra Rat CYPD(Cyclophilin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2867Ra Rat CYPB(Cyclophilin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-3826Ra Rat CYPA(Cyclophilin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7308Ra Rat CYP7A1(Cytochrome P450 7A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7419Ra Rat CYP3A5(Cytochrome P450 3A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-8358Ra Rat CYP3A4(Cytochrome P450 3A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7456Ra Rat CYP3A1(Cytochrome P450 3A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2015Ra Rat CYP2E1(Cytochrome P450 2E1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7570Ra Rat CYP2D6(Cytochrome P450 2D6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8033Ra Rat CYP2C9(Cytochrome P450 2C9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7418Ra Rat CYP1B1(Cytochrome P450 1B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6612Ra Rat CYP1A2(Cytochrome P450 1A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6742Ra Rat CYP1A1(Cytochrome P450 1A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6641Ra Rat CYP11B1(Cytochrome P450 11B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6780Ra Rat CYP11A1(Cytochrome P450 11A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6582Ra Rat CYGB(Cytoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7691Ra Rat CYCS(Cytochrome C, Somatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-7540Ra Rat CYBb(Cytochrome b-245 Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1523Ra Rat CXCR3(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1706Ra Rat CXCL16(Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-2881Ra Rat CX43(Connexin 43) ELISA Kit
BLS-8787Ra Rat CX3CR1(Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1423Ra Rat CX3CL1(Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8231Ra Rat CUZD1(CUB And Zona Pellucida Like Domains Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7401Ra Rat CUBN(Cubilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2671Ra Rat CTXII(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-2221Ra Rat CTXI(Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7099Ra Rat CTSS(Cathepsin S) ELISA Kit
BLS-2809Ra Rat CTSL(Cathepsin L) ELISA Kit
BLS-1912Ra Rat CTSK(Cathepsin K) ELISA Kit
BLS-6088Ra Rat CTSG(Cathepsin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-6253Ra Rat CTSD(Cathepsin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-7103Ra Rat CTSB(Cathepsin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6263Ra Rat cTnT/TNNT2(Troponin T Type 2, Cardiac) ELISA Kit
BLS-6543Ra Rat CTNNb1(Catenin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9274Ra Rat CTN(Creatinine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9170Ra Rat CTHRC1(Collagen Triple Helix Repeat Containing Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2565Ra Rat CTGF(Connective Tissue Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1568Ra Rat CT1(Cardiotrophin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5560Ra Rat CSTB(Cystatin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5255Ra Rat CSTA(Cystatin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9169Ra Rat CST5(Cystatin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1538Ra Rat CST3(Cystatin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7393Ra Rat CSPG5(Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6467Ra Rat CSE(Cystathionine Gamma Lyase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7283Ra Rat CS(Citrate Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7809Ra Rat CRYbB2(Crystallin Beta B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6600Ra Rat CRT(Calreticulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1055Ra Rat CRP(C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7112Ra Rat CRN(Corin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7120Ra Rat CRLF1(Cytokine Receptor Like Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6483Ra Rat CRHR2(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6221Ra Rat CRHR1(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6125Ra Rat CRHBP(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2606Ra Rat CRH(Corticotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9706Ra Rat CREB(Cyclic AMP Response Element Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7183Ra Rat CRAT(Carnitine Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4352Ra Rat CR2(Complement Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8988Ra Rat CR(Calretinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6128Ra Rat CPT2(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-7024Ra Rat CPT1A(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1A, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-6086Ra Rat CPR(Cytochrome P450 Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4468Ra Rat CPP(Copeptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5468Ra Rat CPP(Copeptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6729Ra Rat CPN2(Carboxypeptidase N2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6424Ra Rat CPB1(Carboxypeptidase B1, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-6235Ra Rat CPA3(Carboxypeptidase A3, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-6040Ra Rat CPA2(Carboxypeptidase A2, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-6041Ra Rat CPA1(Carboxypeptidase A1, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-8632Ra Rat CP(C-Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1622Ra Rat CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2369Ra Rat CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7420Ra Rat COX4I1(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit IV Isoform 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7718Ra Rat COX2(Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit II) ELISA Kit
BLS-8674Ra Rat CORT(Cortistatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8633Ra Rat Cort(Corticosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6621Ra Rat CORO1A(Coronin 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8566Ra Rat Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-9442Ra Rat CoQ10(Coenzyme Q10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6527Ra Rat COMT(Catechol-O-Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8335Ra Rat Complement Component 3 (C3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5750Ra Rat COMP(Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6032Ra Rat COL9a1(Collagen Type IX Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6979Ra Rat COL6a1(Collagen Type VI Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2842Ra Rat COL4a1(Collagen Type IV Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1712Ra Rat COL4(Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-6514Ra Rat COL3a1(Collagen Type III Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2571Ra Rat COL3(Collagen Type III) ELISA Kit
BLS-6616Ra Rat COL2a1(Collagen Type II Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2620Ra Rat COL2(Collagen Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1986Ra Rat COL1a2(Collagen Type I Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2997Ra Rat COL1a1(Collagen Type I Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7213Ra Rat COL19(Collagen Type XIX) ELISA Kit
BLS-7175Ra Rat COL12(Collagen Type XII) ELISA Kit
BLS-6033Ra Rat COL10(Collagen Type X) ELISA Kit
BLS-2617Ra Rat COL1(Collagen Type I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7400Ra Rat CNTN1(Contactin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1411Ra Rat CNTF(Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6284Ra Rat CNR2(Cannabinoid Receptor 2, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-6228Ra Rat CNR1(Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-7873Ra Rat CNP(C-Type Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6398Ra Rat CMA1(Chymase 1, Mast Cell) ELISA Kit
BLS-5681Ra Rat CLU(Clusterin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7287Ra Rat CLDN7(Claudin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-6593Ra Rat CLDN5(Claudin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6579Ra Rat CLDN4(Claudin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6592Ra Rat CLDN3(Claudin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9666Ra Rat CLDN2(Claudin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6588Ra Rat CLDN18(Claudin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-7269Ra Rat CLDN16(Claudin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-7278Ra Rat CLDN1(Claudin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6704Ra Rat CLCF1(Cardiotrophin Like Cytokine Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2693Ra Rat CKMB(Creatine Kinase MB Isoenzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-2529Ra Rat CKM(Creatine Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-7475Ra Rat CKB(Creatine Kinase, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-8132Ra Rat CISD1(CDGSH Iron Sulfur Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7589Ra Rat CIRBP(Cold Inducible RNA Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7227Ra Rat ChT(High Affinity Choline Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-7265Ra Rat CHRNb1(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9062Ra Rat CHRNA7(Neuronal Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Alpha 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2053Ra Rat CHRNa1(Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6596Ra Rat CHRM2(Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6522Ra Rat CHRD(Chordin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6432Ra Rat CHGB(Chromogranin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5769Ra Rat CHGA(Chromogranin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-3325Ra Rat CHEM(Chemerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5756Ra Rat ChAT(Choline Acetyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2392Ra Rat CGRP1(CalcitoninGene Related Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1431Ra Rat CGRP(Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6659Ra Rat CFL1(Cofilin 1, Non Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1721Ra Rat CFH(Complement Factor H) ELISA Kit
BLS-7739Ra Rat CFH(Complement Factor H) ELISA Kit
BLS-7106Ra Rat CFD(Complement Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-5823Ra Rat CFB(Complement Factor B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8047Ra Rat CF6(Coupling Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6493Ra Rat CES1(Carboxylesterase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9342Ra Rat CERK(Ceramide Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6690Ra Rat CELSR2(Cadherin EGF LAG Seven Pass G-Type Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5125Ra Rat CEBPa(CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1297Ra Rat CEA(Carcinoembryonic Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6547Ra Rat CDNF(Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9380Ra Rat CDKN2A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6175Ra Rat CDKN1A(Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-4419Ra Rat CDK5(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6998Ra Rat CDK2(Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9501Ra Rat CD8(Cluster ofDifferentiation 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2526Ra Rat CD40L(Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-9500Ra Rat CD4(Cluster Of Differentiation 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8913Ra Rat CD34(Cluster Of Differentiation 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-7637Ra Rat CD30L(Cluster Of Differentiation 30 Ligand) ELISA Kit
BLS-9162Ra Rat CD3(Cluster of Differentiation 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8788Ra Rat CD200R1(CD200 Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8789Ra Rat CD200(Cluster Of Differentiation 200) ELISA Kit
BLS-6141Ra Rat CD19(Cluster Of Differentiation 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-4826Ra Rat CD163(Cluster Of Differentiation) ELISA Kit
BLS-2116Ra Rat CD14(Cluster Of Differentiation 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-7740Ra Rat CCND1(Cyclin D1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2531Ra Rat CCKAR(Cholecystokinin A Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5774Ra Rat CCK8(Cholecystokinin 8, Octapeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2632Ra Rat CCK(Cholecystokinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1642Ra Rat CC16(Clara Cell Protein 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-6114Ra Rat CBG(Corticosteroid Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2333Ra Rat CAV1(Caveolin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6989Ra Rat CAT2(Cationic Amino Acid Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5986Ra Rat CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7481Ra Rat CASR(Calcium Sensing Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1531Ra Rat CASP9(Caspase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7169Ra Rat CASP8AP2(Caspase 8 Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1637Ra Rat CASP8(Caspase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-1982Ra Rat CASP7(Caspase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-8812Ra Rat CASP6(Caspase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1528Ra Rat CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9552Ra Rat CASP2(Caspase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2388Ra Rat CASP14(Caspase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-9553Ra Rat CASP12(Caspase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-6099Ra Rat CASP1(Caspase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4332Ra Rat CART(Cocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript) ELISA Kit
BLS-7571Ra Rat CAR(Constitutive Androstane Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5503Ra Rat CAPNS1(Calpain, Small Subunit 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7381Ra Rat CAPN1(Calpain 1, Large Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-5642Ra Rat CaN(Calcineurin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2086Ra Rat CAMK2g(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-6154Ra Rat CAMK2a(Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6601Ra Rat CALU(Calumenin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9259Ra Rat CALP(Calprotectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6977Ra Rat CALD(Caldesmon) ELISA Kit
BLS-6401Ra Rat CALB(Calbindin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3812Ra Rat cADPRH(Cyclic ADP Ribose Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5667Ra Rat CACT(Carnitine Acylcarnitine Translocase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8436Ra Rat CACNa1D(Calcium Channel, Voltage Dependent, L-Type, Alpha 1D Subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-9074Ra Rat Cabin1(Calcineurin-binding protein cabin-1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6177Ra Rat CA9(Carbonic Anhydrase IX) ELISA Kit
BLS-5558Ra Rat CA2(Carbonic Anhydrase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1593Ra Rat C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit
BLS-5777Ra Rat C5(Complement Component 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7325Ra Rat C4BPa(C4 Binding Protein Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2979Ra Rat C4a(Complement Component 4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-1654Ra Rat C4(Complement Component 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1591Ra Rat C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit
BLS-5254Ra Rat C3(Complement Component 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5097Ra Rat C2(Complement Component 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8350Ra Rat C1QTNF9(C1q and Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7531Ra Rat C1qB(Complement Component 1, Q Subcomponent B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7281Ra Rat C1qA(Complement Component 1, Q Subcomponent A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5283Ra Rat C1q(Complement 1q) ELISA Kit
BLS-5547Ra Rat C1INH(Complement 1 Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7237Ra Rat Btk(Bruton’S Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1123Ra Rat bTG(Beta-Thromboglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9503Ra Rat BSP(Bone Sialoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6663Ra Rat BRAK(Breast And Kidney Expressed Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2590Ra Rat BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5457Ra Rat BNP(Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6123Ra Rat BNIP3(Bcl2/Adenovirus E1B 19kDa Interacting Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1407Ra Rat BMPR1A(Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7604Ra Rat BMPER(BMP Binding Endothelial Regulator) ELISA Kit
BLS-7096Ra Rat BMP8A(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 8A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2636Ra Rat BMP7(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1861Ra Rat BMP6(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8635Ra Rat BMP4(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1405Ra Rat BMP2(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1910Ra Rat BMP1(Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4881Ra Rat BMG/b2-MG(Beta-2-Microglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6839Ra Rat BLVRA(Biliverdin Reductase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6662Ra Rat BLC1(B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9194Ra Rat BK(Bradykinin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1704Ra Rat Bid(BH3 Interacting Domain Death Agonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-7730Ra Rat BGN(Biglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-1429Ra Rat bEP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7296Ra Rat BECN1(Beclin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5459Ra Rat BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6718Ra Rat BDKRB2(Bradykinin Receptor B2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1546Ra Rat bCTx(Beta-Crosslaps) ELISA Kit
BLS-8066Ra Rat Bcl2L2(B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 2 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9198Ra Rat Bcl2L(B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 2 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1525Ra Rat Bcl2(B-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6085Ra Rat BCKDK(Branched Chain Alpha-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7689Ra Rat BCHE(Butyrylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7735Ra Rat BCHE(Butyrylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5698Ra Rat Bax(Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5682Ra Rat BALP(BoneAlkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9570Ra Rat BAK1(Bcl2 Antagonist/Killer 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6268Ra Rat BAFF/CD257(B-Cell Activating Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9252Ra Rat BACE2(Beta Secretase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3313Ra Rat bACE1(Beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7292Ra Rat b3GALT1(Beta-1,3-Galactosyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9021Ra Rat Aβ(Total Amyloid Beta Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8176Ra Rat aZGP1(Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1, Zinc Binding) ELISA Kit
BLS-8078Ra Rat AXL(AXL Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8886Ra Rat AVPR1B(Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8883Ra Rat AVPR1A(Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8884Ra Rat AVP (Arginine Vasopressin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6511Ra Rat ATP6AP2(ATPase, H+ Transporting, Lysosomal Accessory Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7358Ra Rat ATP5b(ATPase, H+ Transporting, Mitochondrial F1 Complex Beta Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7804Ra Rat ATP2A2(ATPase, Ca++ Transporting, Cardiac Muscle, Slow Twitch 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8016Ra Rat ATP1b4(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 4 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-4336Ra Rat ATP1b3(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 3 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6878Ra Rat ATP1b1(ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 1 Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9304Ra Rat ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-9204Ra Rat ATG7(Autophagy Related Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-9545Ra Rat ATF6(Activating Transcription Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9574Ra Rat ATF6(Activating Transcription Factor 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7264Ra Rat ATF4(Activating Transcription Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7355Ra Rat AT(Antithrombin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5635Ra Rat AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8485Ra Rat ASS1(Argininosuccinate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8684Ra Rat ARRb2(Arrestin Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8685Ra Rat ARRb1(Arrestin Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6070Ra Rat ARO(Aromatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6171Ra Rat ARNTL(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6620Ra Rat ARHGEF7(Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7749Ra Rat Arg2(Arginase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6391Ra Rat ARG1(ArginaseI) ELISA Kit
BLS-2469Ra Rat AREG(Amphiregulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7191Ra Rat ARC(Activity Regulated Cytoskeleton Associated Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6024Ra Rat AR(Androgen Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1472Ra Rat AQP5(Aquaporin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1469Ra Rat AQP4(Aquaporin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1448Ra Rat AQP2(Aquaporin 2, Collecting Duct) ELISA Kit
BLS-7009Ra Rat APPBP2(Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6174Ra Rat APP(Amyloid Precursor Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5002Ra Rat APOH(Apolipoprotein H) ELISA Kit
BLS-6410Ra Rat APOF(Apolipoprotein F) ELISA Kit
BLS-2006Ra Rat APOE(Apolipoprotein E) ELISA Kit
BLS-6532Ra Rat APOC3(Apolipoprotein C3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6533Ra Rat APOC2(Apolipoprotein C2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5306Ra Rat APOC1(Apolipoprotein C1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2623Ra Rat APOB100(Apolipoprotein B100) ELISA Kit
BLS-5653Ra Rat APOB(Apolipoprotein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7098Ra Rat APOA5(Apolipoprotein A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6726Ra Rat APOA4(Apolipoprotein A4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2626Ra Rat APOA2(Apolipoprotein A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1565Ra Rat APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6314Ra Rat APLNR(Apelin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6985Ra Rat APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8310Ra Rat APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8945Ra Rat APEX1(Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3241Ra Rat APC(Activated Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7008Ra Rat APBB3(Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein Binding Protein B3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6657Ra Rat APAF1(Apoptotic Peptidase Activating Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6815Ra Rat AP13(Apelin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-7731Ra Rat AOC3(Amine Oxidase, Copper Containing 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1649Ra Rat ANXA5(Annexin A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-5765Ra Rat ANXA2(Annexin A2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7415Ra Rat ANXA1(Annexin A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5450Ra Rat ANP(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6802Ra Rat ANKRD1(Ankyrin Repeat Domain Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8162Ra Rat ANGPTL8(Angiopoietin Like Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7971Ra Rat ANGPTL6(Angiopoietin Like Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6485Ra Rat ANGPTL4(Angiopoietin Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6486Ra Rat ANGPTL3(Angiopoietin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6796Ra Rat ANGPTL2(Angiopoietin Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5501Ra Rat AngIII(Angiotensin III) ELISA Kit
BLS-1400Ra Rat AngII(Angiotensin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-1601Ra Rat AngI(Angiotensin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-2473Ra Rat ANG2(Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7677Ra Rat Ang1-7(Angiotensin 1-7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2472Ra Rat ANG1(Angiopoietin1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5990Ra Rat ANG(Angiostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7087Ra Rat AMY1(Amylase Alpha 1, Salivary) ELISA Kit
BLS-5099Ra Rat aMSH(Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7402Ra Rat AMN(Amnionless) ELISA Kit
BLS-4910Ra Rat AMH(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2683Ra Rat ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6197Ra Rat ALPI(Alkaline Phosphatase, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-5657Ra Rat ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5763Ra Rat ALOX5(Arachidonate-5-Lipoxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2629Ra Rat Alk-Smase(Alkaline Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1947Ra Rat ALDOS(Aldosterone Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6183Ra Rat ALDOC(Aldolase C, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-6182Ra Rat ALDOB(Aldolase B, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-3352Ra Rat ALDOA(Aldolase A, Fructose Bisphosphate) ELISA Kit
BLS-5891Ra Rat ALDM(Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-1288Ra Rat ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6206Ra Rat ALAS1(Aminolevulinate Delta Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6843Ra Rat ALAD(Aminolevulinate Delta Dehydratase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6705Ra Rat AIF1(Allograft Inflammatory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5658Ra Rat AIF(Apoptosis Inducing Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7701Ra Rat aHSP(Alpha-Hemoglobin Stabilizing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6229Ra Rat AhR(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4767Ra Rat AGTR2(Angiotensin II Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6639Ra Rat AGTR1(Angiotensin II Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4678Ra Rat AGT(Angiotensinogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6017Ra Rat AGRP(Agouti Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8054Ra Rat AGGF1(Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5184Ra Rat AGER(Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6445Ra Rat AGC(Aggrecan) ELISA Kit
BLS-1482Ra Rat aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7030Ra Rat AFM(Afamin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7620Ra Rat ADRP(Adipose Differentiation Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7725Ra Rat ADRbK2(Adrenergic Receptor Beta Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6915Ra Rat ADRb3(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6914Ra Rat ADRb2(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7002Ra Rat ADRb1(Adrenergic Receptor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6355Ra Rat ADRa2C(Adrenergic Receptor Alpha 2C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7453Ra Rat ADRa1A(Adrenergic Receptor Alpha 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2463Ra Rat ADP(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7396Ra Rat ADORA3(Adenosine A3 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6925Ra Rat ADORA1(Adenosine A1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4877Ra Rat ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5537Ra Rat ADM(Adrenomedullin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3825Ra Rat ADIPOR2(Adiponectin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2845Ra Rat ADIPOR1(Adiponectin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7549Ra Rat ADH3(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2118Ra Rat ADH1(Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6863Ra Rat ADH(Antidiuretic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8811Ra Rat ADCYAP1(Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide 1, Pituitary) ELISA Kit
BLS-7198Ra Rat ADCY10(Adenylate Cyclase 10, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-7523Ra Rat ADCY1(Adenylate Cyclase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-6272Ra Rat ADAMTS7(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-7114Ra Rat ADAMTS5(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7124Ra Rat ADAMTS4(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9462Ra Rat ADAMTS4(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8764Ra Rat ADAMTS2(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6524Ra Rat ADAMTS1(A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5688Ra Rat ADAM9(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-6759Ra Rat ADAM17(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-3144Ra Rat ADAM10(A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-9467Ra Rat ADA(Adenosine Deaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9286Ra Rat AD(Adropin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5281Ra Rat ACVB(Activin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4901Ra Rat ACVA(Activin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1542Ra Rat aCTx(Alpha-Crosslaps) ELISA Kit
BLS-6634Ra Rat ACTHR(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2412Ra Rat ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9039Ra Rat ACTa2(Actin Alpha 2, Smooth Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-7733Ra Rat ACR(Acrosin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1457Ra Rat ACP5(Acid Phosphatase 5, Tartrate Resistant) ELISA Kit
BLS-6792Ra Rat ACO1(Aconitase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8567Ra Rat Acly(ATP-citRate synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5988Ra Rat AchE(Acetylcholinesterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9644Ra Rat ACH(Acetylcholine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5697Ra Rat ACE2(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1398Ra Rat ACE(Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-9265Ra Rat ACCPA(anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody) ELISA Kit
BLS-7271Ra Rat ACACa(Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5328Ra Rat ABCG2(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4897Ra Rat Ab1-42(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42) ELISA Kit
BLS-1494Ra Rat Ab1-40(Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40) ELISA Kit
BLS-7347Ra Rat AAP(Alanine Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7473Ra Rat a2M(Alpha-2-Macroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5297Ra Rat a1M(Alpha-1-Microglobulin/Bikunin Precursor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8874Ra Rat a1BG(Alpha-1-B-Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6021Ra Rat a1AT(Alpha-1-Antitrypsin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5247Ra Rat a1AGP(Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8994Ra Rat 8-OHdG(8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine) ELISA Kit
BLS-9175Ra Rat 8-iso-PGF2α(8-isoprostane) ELISA Kit
BLS-8363Ra Rat 6ketoPGF1α(6-keto-PGF1 alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9463Ra Rat 5HTR7(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-6222Ra Rat 5HTR2C(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2C) ELISA Kit
BLS-9464Ra Rat 5HTR2A(5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8954Ra Rat 5-HT(5-Hydroxytryptamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8373Ra Rat 4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) ELISA Kit
BLS-8498Ra Rat Raftlin(Raft Linking Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7967Ra Rat Rac1(Ras Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7514Ra Rat RAB1A(RAB1A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) ELISA Kit
BLS-9390Ra Rat pτ(phospho Tau Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7710Ra Rat PZP(Pregnancy Zone Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5984Ra Rat PYY(Peptide YY) ELISA Kit
BLS-1576Ra Rat PYGM(Glycogen Phosphorylase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-1578Ra Rat PYGL(Glycogen Phosphorylase, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-9504Ra Rat PYD(pyridinoline) ELISA Kit
BLS-8931Ra Rat PYCARD(PYD And CARD Domain Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6436Ra Rat PXR(Pregnane X Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8244Ra Rat PXDN(Peroxidasin Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6317Ra Rat PVALB(Parvalbumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6063Ra Rat PUMA(p53 Upregulated Modulator Of Apoptosis) ELISA Kit
BLS-6256Ra Rat PTX3(Pentraxin 3, Long) ELISA Kit
BLS-6526Ra Rat PTPN11(Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non Receptor Type 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-6658Ra Rat PTN(Pleiotrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5452Ra Rat PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8172Ra Rat PTHrP(Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2681Ra Rat PTGS2/COX-2(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1859Ra Rat PTGS1(Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4721Ra Rat PTGES(Prostaglandin E Synthase, Microsomal) ELISA Kit
BLS-4264Ra Rat PTEN(Phosphatase And Tensin Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-6740Ra Rat PST(Phenol Sulfotransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4550Ra Rat PSGL1(P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6153Ra Rat PSEN1(Presenilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9631Ra Rat PSA(ProstateSpecific Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6906Ra Rat PS2(Presenilin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2337Ra Rat PRSS1(Protease, Serine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2477Ra Rat PROCR(Protein C Receptor, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2837Ra Rat PROC(Protein C) ELISA Kit
BLS-8865Ra Rat ProBDNF(Pro Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8360Ra Rat Pro-ANP(Pro Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8404Ra Rat pro interleukin 1 beta (pro-IL1b) ELISA Kit
BLS-7722Ra Rat PRNP(Prion Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7644Ra Rat PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7656Ra Rat PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7268Ra Rat PRKX(Protein Kinase, X-Linked) ELISA Kit
BLS-8146Ra Rat PRKAR2b(Protein Kinase, cAMP Dependent Regulatory Type II Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5668Ra Rat PRKAb1(Protein Kinase, AMP Activated Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7298Ra Rat PRF1(Perforin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7746Ra Rat PRDX5(Peroxiredoxin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7150Ra Rat PRDX1(Peroxiredoxin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7279Ra Rat PRCP(Prolylcarboxypeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5641Ra Rat PR3(Proteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7162Ra Rat PPP2R4(Protein Phosphatase 2A Activator, Regulatory Subunit 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7614Ra Rat PPP1R15A(Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 15A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6244Ra Rat PPOX(Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6794Ra Rat PPM1A(Protein Phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ Dependent 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1632Ra Rat PPAR-γ(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-6194Ra Rat PPARgC1a(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-4576Ra Rat PPARa(Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5492Ra Rat PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7249Ra Rat PP(Pancreatic Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6824Ra Rat POSTN(Periostin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2984Ra Rat PON1(Paraoxonase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7616Ra Rat POMC(Proopiomelanocortin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7072Ra Rat PNPLA3(Patatin Like Phospholipase Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7272Ra Rat PNPLA2(Patatin Like Phospholipase Domain Containing Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6916Ra Rat pNF-H (Phosphorylated Neurofilament H) ELISA Kit
BLS-6459Ra Rat PMP22(Peripheral Myelin Protein 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-9247Ra Rat pMAPT /pTAU(phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-6728Ra Rat PLTP(Phospholipid Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7783Ra Rat PLK2(Polo Like Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2527Ra Rat PLGF(Placenta Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5683Ra Rat Plg(Plasminogen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6754Ra Rat PLA2G2A(Phospholipase A2, Group IIA) ELISA Kit
BLS-6338Ra Rat PL(Lipase, Pancreatic) ELISA Kit
BLS-1515Ra Rat PKM2(Pyruvate Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-5751Ra Rat PKCz(Protein Kinase C Zeta) ELISA Kit
BLS-4533Ra Rat PKCe(Protein Kinase C Epsilon) ELISA Kit
BLS-4815Ra Rat PKCd(Protein Kinase C Delta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6011Ra Rat PKCb1(Protein Kinase C Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5754Ra Rat PKCa(Protein Kinase C Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6721Ra Rat PKBb(Protein Kinase B Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8430Ra Rat PKBa(Protein Kinase B Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2803Ra Rat PK(Pyruvate Kinase, Liver And RBC) ELISA Kit
BLS-7995Ra Rat PIP(Prolactin Induced Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2574Ra Rat PIINP(Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8909Ra Rat PIIIP(procollagen Ⅲ propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5742Ra Rat PIIINP(Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7684Ra Rat PIIICP(Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2409Ra Rat PIICP(Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8997Ra Rat PIIANP(Type IIA Collagen N-Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-9397Ra Rat PIGF(Phosphatidylinositol-glycan biosynthesis class F protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2376Ra Rat PICP(Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8673Ra Rat PICALM(Phosphatidylinositol Binding Clathrin Assembly Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8431Ra Rat PI3K(Phosphotylinosital 3 kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8872Ra Rat p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid (HPLA) ELISA Kit
BLS-3351Ra Rat PHB(Prohibitin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7569Ra Rat Pgp(Permeability Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8711Ra Rat PGE2(Prostaglandin E2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5052Ra Rat PGC(Pepsinogen C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7822Ra Rat PGAM1(Phosphoglycerate Mutase 1, Brain) ELISA Kit
BLS-3426Ra Rat PGA(Pepsinogen A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8385Ra Rat PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-6437Ra Rat PFKM(Phosphofructokinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit
BLS-6626Ra Rat PFKL(Phosphofructokinase, Liver) ELISA Kit
BLS-2446Ra Rat PF4(Platelet Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-9246Ra Rat pERK(Phospho Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8024Ra Rat PER2(Period Circadian Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6698Ra Rat PEDF(Pigment Epithelium Derived Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2778Ra Rat PECAM1(Platelet/Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-7638Ra Rat PEBP1(Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6233Ra Rat PDPN(Podoplanin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7111Ra Rat PDK1(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Isozyme 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2703Ra Rat PDHa(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7587Ra Rat PDGFRL(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7580Ra Rat PDGFRb(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5831Ra Rat PDGFRa(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7115Ra Rat PDGFD(Platelet Derived Growth Factor D) ELISA Kit
BLS-7253Ra Rat PDGFC(Platelet Derived Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
BLS-9486Ra Rat PDGFBB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB) ELISA Kit
BLS-5701Ra Rat PDGFB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7317Ra Rat PDE4B(Phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-7003Ra Rat PDE3A(Phosphodiesterase 3A, cGMP Inhibited) ELISA Kit
BLS-3686Ra Rat PDCN(Podocin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8794Ra Rat PDCD1(Programmed Cell Death Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4896Ra Rat PCX(Podocalyxin) ELISA Kit
BLS-3983Ra Rat PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7047Ra Rat PCSK9(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-7726Ra Rat PCSK6(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6822Ra Rat PCSK1(Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8614Ra Rat PCNA(Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-4308Ra Rat PCK1(Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-7301Ra Rat PCIII(Procollagen III) ELISA Kit
BLS-9078Ra Rat PC(Protein Carbonyl) ELISA Kit
BLS-7040Ra Rat PAX6(Paired Box Gene 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8286Ra Rat PARK7(Parkinson Disease Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-4823Ra Rat PAR4(Protease Activated Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1638Ra Rat PAR2(Protease Activated Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7199Ra Rat PAR1(Protease Activated Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9630Ra Rat PAP(Plasmin-Antiplasmin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-2583Ra Rat PAI2(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2585Ra Rat PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7542Ra Rat PAFR(Platelet Activating Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6135Ra Rat P4Ha1(Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase Alpha Polypeptide I) ELISA Kit
BLS-5137Ra Rat PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-7661Ra Rat PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6035Ra Rat OXTR(Oxytocin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9373Ra Rat OXR1(Oxidation resistance protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7918Ra Rat OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1663Ra Rat OXA(Orexin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8935Ra Rat OX(Orexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9176Ra Rat OVA sIgE(ovalbumin specific IgE) ELISA Kit
BLS-6518Ra Rat OSTN(Osteocrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2528Ra Rat OSM(Oncostatin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-1540Ra Rat OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2530Ra Rat OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8453Ra Rat OPA1(Optic Atrophy 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1683Ra Rat ON(Osteonectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8944Ra Rat OGG1(Oxoguanine Glycosylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7075Ra Rat OGDH(Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7159Ra Rat ODC(Ornithine Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6265Ra Rat OCT(Ornithine Carbamoyl Transferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6134Ra Rat OCLN(Occludin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2391Ra Rat OC(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7688Ra Rat OB(Obestatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5947Ra Rat OAS1(2′,5′-Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7022Ra Rat NUCB2(Nucleobindin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7021Ra Rat NUCB1(Nucleobindin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1849Ra Rat NTXI(Cross Linked N-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7583Ra Rat NTRK2(Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8181Ra Rat NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8211Ra Rat NT-ProBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-2400Ra Rat NT-ProANP(N-Terminal Pro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5693Ra Rat Ntn1(Netrin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6275Ra Rat NTE(Neuropathy Target Esterase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6905Ra Rat NT5E(5′-Nucleotidase, Ecto) ELISA Kit
BLS-7530Ra Rat NT5C2(5′-Nucleotidase, Cytosolic II) ELISA Kit
BLS-2300Ra Rat NT4(Neurotrophin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2297Ra Rat NT3(Neurotrophin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6069Ra Rat NT(Neurotensin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6191Ra Rat NSMASE(Neutral Sphingomyelinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-2589Ra Rat NSE(Enolase, Neuron Specific) ELISA Kit
BLS-8553Ra Rat NRXN2(Neurexin-2-beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7760Ra Rat NRP2(Neuropilin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3105Ra Rat NRP1(Neuropilin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6490Ra Rat NRN1(Neuritin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9555Ra Rat NRGN(Neurogranin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6980Ra Rat NRG2(Neuregulin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5758Ra Rat NRG1(Neuregulin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6216Ra Rat NRF1(Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5622Ra Rat NR3C1(Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 3, Group C, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6172Ra Rat NR1D2(Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1, Group D, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7963Ra Rat NQO1(NADH Dehydrogenase, Quinone 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6856Ra Rat NPY5R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6578Ra Rat NPY2R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6577Ra Rat NPY1R(Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2448Ra Rat NPY(Neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit
BLS-4206Ra Rat NPTX2(Neuronal Pentraxin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-3124Ra Rat NPTX1(Neuronal Pentraxin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-1656Ra Rat NPS(Neuropeptide S) ELISA Kit
BLS-6854Ra Rat NPR3(Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6853Ra Rat NPR2(Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6852Ra Rat NPR1(Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3547Ra Rat NPHN(Nephrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7704Ra Rat NPFF(Neuropeptide FF) ELISA Kit
BLS-5753Ra Rat NOX4(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2600Ra Rat NOX1(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1501Ra Rat NOS3(Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-1503Ra Rat NOS2/iNOS(NitricOxide Synthase 2, Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-1620Ra Rat NOS1(Nitric Oxide Synthase 1, Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-6309Ra Rat NOR1(Neuron Derived Orphan Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7667Ra Rat NOG(Noggin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6615Ra Rat NNE(Enolase, Non Neuronal) ELISA Kit
BLS-7368Ra Rat NMU(Neuromedin U) ELISA Kit
BLS-6813Ra Rat NME1(Non Metastatic Cells 1, Protein NM23A Expressed In) ELISA Kit
BLS-4997Ra Rat NMB(Neuromedin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7621Ra Rat NLRP3(NLR Family, Pyrin Domain Containing Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7219Ra Rat NKAP(NFKB Activating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6395Ra Rat NID2(NiDogen 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7216Ra Rat NHE3(Sodium/Hydrogen Exchanger 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6295Ra Rat NGFIB(Nerve Growth Factor IB) ELISA Kit
BLS-2295Ra Rat NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1463Ra Rat NGB(Neuroglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5638Ra Rat NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5691Ra Rat NF-κBp105(Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit) ELISA Kit
BLS-1693Ra Rat NFKB-p65(NuclearFactor Kappa B p65) ELISA Kit
BLS-7039Ra Rat NFIX(Nuclear Factor I/X) ELISA Kit
BLS-8043Ra Rat NFE2L2(Nuclear Factor, Erythroid Derived 2 Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9692Ra Rat NFATC1(Nuclear Factor Of Activated T-Cells, Cytoplasmic 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7057Ra Rat NET(Norepinephrine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-4864Ra Rat NES1(Nesfatin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6851Ra Rat NEP(Neprilysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7717Ra Rat NEFL(Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8317Ra Rat NE(Noradrenaline/Norepinephrine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8956Ra Rat NE(Noradrenaline) ELISA Kit
BLS-7965Ra Rat NDRG2(N-myc Downstream Regulated Gene 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9284Ra Rat NDN(Necdin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8006Ra Rat ND1(NADH Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7222Ra Rat NCOA3(Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6257Ra Rat NCDN(Neurochondrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6765Ra Rat NCAN(Neurocan) ELISA Kit
BLS-7045Ra Rat NAT2(N-Acetyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7506Ra Rat NAP1L4(Nucleosome Assembly Protein 1 Like Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2554Ra Rat NAGase(N-Acetyl Beta-D-Glucosaminidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6019Ra Rat MyoD(Myogenic Differentiation) ELISA Kit
BLS-2608Ra Rat MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7052Ra Rat MYLK(Myosin Light Chain Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6559Ra Rat MYH8(Myosin Heavy Chain 8, Skeletal Muscle, Perinatal) ELISA Kit
BLS-6640Ra Rat MYH7(Myosin Heavy Chain 7, Cardiac Muscle, Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6370Ra Rat MYH6(Myosin Heavy Chain 6, Cardiac Muscle, Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7065Ra Rat MyD88(Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88) ELISA Kit
BLS-7188Ra Rat MYCBP(C-Myc Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6006Ra Rat MYC(V-Myc Myelocytomatosis Viral Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-8113Ra Rat MYBL1(V-Myb Myeloblastosis Viral Oncogene Homolog Like Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8223Ra Rat MX1(Myxovirus Resistance 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5268Ra Rat MUC5B(Mucin 5 Subtype B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2751Ra Rat MUC5AC(Mucin 5 Subtype AC) ELISA Kit
BLS-3950Ra Rat MUC2(Mucin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2920Ra Rat MUC1(Mucin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7480Ra Rat MTTP(Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9209Ra Rat MTOR(Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR) ELISA Kit
BLS-6476Ra Rat MTMR9(Myotubularin Related Protein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3173Ra Rat MTL(Motilin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7231Ra Rat MTA2(Metastasis Associated Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5666Ra Rat MT1(Metallothionein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7450Ra Rat MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8216Ra Rat MSTN(Myostatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7081Ra Rat MSP(Macrophage Stimulating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7077Ra Rat MRP1(Multidrug Resistance Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6266Ra Rat MRC1(Mannose Receptor C Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3628Ra Rat MR(Mineralocorticoid Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-4868Ra Rat MPZ(Protein Zero, Myelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2117Ra Rat MPP2(Membrane Protein, Palmitoylated 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1661Ra Rat MPO(Myeloperoxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8763Ra Rat MPIF2(Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8574Ra Rat MPC1(Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8233Ra Rat MOTS-c(Mitochondrial Open Reading Frame Of The 12S rRNA-c) ELISA Kit
BLS-9032Ra Rat MOGAT2(Monoacylglycerol-O-acyltransferase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-4563Ra Rat MOG(Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6727Ra Rat MMRN1(Multimerin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2599Ra Rat MMP9(Matrix Metalloproteinase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-2532Ra Rat MMP8(Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-2534Ra Rat MMP7(Matrix Metalloproteinase 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2536Ra Rat MMP3(Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1939Ra Rat MMP23B(Matrix Metalloproteinase 23B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2537Ra Rat MMP2(Matrix Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8765Ra Rat MMP14(Matrix Metalloproteinase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-2538Ra Rat MMP13(Matrix Metalloproteinase 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2865Ra Rat MMP12(Matrix Metalloproteinase 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-2540Ra Rat MMP10(Matrix Metalloproteinase 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-2542Ra Rat MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8245Ra Rat MLKL(Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3831Ra Rat MK(Midkine) ELISA Kit
BLS-2544Ra Rat MIP3b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2180Ra Rat MIP3a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7711Ra Rat MIP1g(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2545Ra Rat MIP1b(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1243Ra Rat MIP1a(Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6022Ra Rat MIg(Monokine Induced By Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2467Ra Rat MIF(Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6346Ra Rat MIA1(Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9057Ra Rat MHCII(Major histocompatibility complex class II) ELISA Kit
BLS-6005Ra Rat MGP(Matrix Gla Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7160Ra Rat MGMT(O-6-Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7230Ra Rat MFGE8(Milk Fat Globule EGF Factor 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7700Ra Rat MFAP5(Microfibrillar Associated Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-6299Ra Rat MFAP4(Microfibrillar Associated Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8120Ra Rat METRNL(Meteorin Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7363Ra Rat METRN(Meteorin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6848Ra Rat MEPE(Matrix Extracellular Phosphoglycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5520Ra Rat MEP1a(Meprin A Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6957Ra Rat MELK(Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8437Ra Rat MECP2(Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7027Ra Rat MDH1(Malate Dehydrogenase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2546Ra Rat MDC(Macrophage Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8612Ra Rat MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit
BLS-9368Ra Rat MCSP(Melanoma Associated Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-2547Ra Rat MCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 1, Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-2548Ra Rat MCP3(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8762Ra Rat MCP2(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5504Ra Rat MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9053Ra Rat MC4R(Melanocortin receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1485Ra Rat MBP(Myelin Basic Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7149Ra Rat MBL(Mannose Binding Lectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8663Ra Rat MAU(Microalbuminuria) ELISA Kit
BLS-7801Ra Rat MATN4(Matrilin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7074Ra Rat MAT2a(Methionine Adenosyltransferase II Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6960Ra Rat MAT1a(Methionine Adenosyltransferase I Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7241Ra Rat MARCKS(Myristoylated Alanine Rich Protein Kinase C Substrate) ELISA Kit
BLS-6015Ra Rat MAPt(Microtubule Associated Protein Tau) ELISA Kit
BLS-7775Ra Rat MAPRE1(Microtubule Associated Protein RP/EB Family, Member 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6997Ra Rat MAPK14(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 14) ELISA Kit
BLS-6610Ra Rat MAP4(Microtubule Associated Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6484Ra Rat MAP3K6(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7539Ra Rat MAP2K1(Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8900Ra Rat MAP1LC3B(Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8087Ra Rat MAP1LC3a(Microtubule Associated Protein 1 Light Chain 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5515Ra Rat MAP1A(Microtubule Associated Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8391Ra Rat MAOB(Monoamine Oxidase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-4833Ra Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8676Ra Rat malonyl coenzyme A ELISA Kit
BLS-3272Ra Rat MAG(Myelin Associated Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7366Ra Rat LZM(Lysozyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-1697Ra Rat LTF(Lactoferrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6660Ra Rat LTb(Lymphotoxin Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7238Ra Rat LRRK2(Leucine Rich Repeat Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6760Ra Rat LRP8(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-6944Ra Rat LRP5(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7550Ra Rat LRP2(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8974Ra Rat LRP1(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Related Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6988Ra Rat LRH1(Liver Receptor Homolog 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5706Ra Rat LRG1(Leucine Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8720Ra Rat LPS(Lipopolysaccharide) ELISA Kit
BLS-5217Ra Rat LpPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Lipoprotein Associated) ELISA Kit
BLS-8896Ra Rat LPO(Lipid Peroxide) ELISA Kit
BLS-6423Ra Rat LPIN1(Lipin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6609Ra Rat LOXL2(Lysyl Oxidase Like Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5628Ra Rat LOX1(Lectin Like Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7566Ra Rat LOX(Lysyl Oxidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-9403Ra Rat LNGFR(Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-3050Ra Rat LN(Laminin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6205Ra Rat LMNA(Lamin A/C) ELISA Kit
BLS-5315Ra Rat LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-8207Ra Rat LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit
BLS-1434Ra Rat LIPG(Lipase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-6186Ra Rat LIPE(Lipase, Hormone Sensitive) ELISA Kit
BLS-1583Ra Rat LIPD(Lipase, Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5072Ra Rat LIF(Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2367Ra Rat LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7536Ra Rat LGALS3BP(Lectin Galactoside Binding, Soluble 3 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6849Ra Rat LFA1a(Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2551Ra Rat LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1244Ra Rat LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6707Ra Rat LEFTY1(Left/Right Determination Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9071Ra Rat LDLR(Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7477Ra Rat LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7405Ra Rat LDHC(Lactate Dehydrogenase C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7736Ra Rat LDHB(Lactate Dehydrogenase B) ELISA Kit
BLS-7572Ra Rat LDHA(Lactate Dehydrogenase A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5692Ra Rat LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7168Ra Rat LCT(Lactase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7705Ra Rat LCN1(Lipocalin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6122Ra Rat LCAT(Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5655Ra Rat LBP(Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-3371Ra Rat LAP(Leucine Aminopeptidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5222Ra Rat LAMa1(Laminin Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4462Ra Rat L1CAM(L1-Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-5829Ra Rat KRT18(Keratin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-4495Ra Rat KRT1(Keratin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8422Ra Rat Krebs Von den Lungen-6(KL-6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6413Ra Rat KNG1(Kininogen 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7414Ra Rat KMO(Kynurenine-3-Monooxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-3414Ra Rat KLK9(Kallikrein 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-3717Ra Rat KLK6(Kallikrein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1983Ra Rat KLK4(Kallikrein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-1480Ra Rat KLK3(Kallikrein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5210Ra Rat KLK1(Kallikrein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6832Ra Rat KLF2(Kruppel Like Factor 2, Lung) ELISA Kit
BLS-6278Ra Rat KL(Klotho) ELISA Kit
BLS-2288Ra Rat Kim1(Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5782Ra Rat Ki67P(Ki-67 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6932Ra Rat KISS1R(Kisspeptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6047Ra Rat KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7128Ra Rat KIF5B(Kinesin Family, Member 5B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9260Ra Rat KEAP1(Kelch Like ECH Associated Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7997Ra Rat KCNJ5(Potassium Inwardly Rectifying Channel Subfamily J, Member 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-8107Ra Rat KCNJ10(Potassium Inwardly Rectifying Channel Subfamily J, Member 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-7494Ra Rat KCC1(Potassium Chloride Cotransporters 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7182Ra Rat JUN(V-Jun Sarcoma Virus 17 Oncogene Homolog) ELISA Kit
BLS-8035Ra Rat JKAMP(JNK1/MAPK8 Associated Membrane Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6617Ra Rat JAK3(Janus Kinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6534Ra Rat JAK2(Janus Kinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8677Av Rat JAK1(Janus Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7042Ra Rat JAK1(Janus Kinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9329Ra Rat JAG1(Jagged 1 Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5029Ra Rat iPLA2(Phospholipase A2, Calcium Independent) ELISA Kit
BLS-2005Ra Rat ITLN1(Intelectin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7703Ra Rat ITIH4(Inter Alpha-Globulin Inhibitor H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8442Ra Rat ITGb3(Integrin Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5670Ra Rat ITGaM(Integrin Alpha M) ELISA Kit
BLS-6752Ra Rat ITGa6(Integrin Alpha 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-7732Ra Rat ITGa4(Integrin Alpha 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6904Ra Rat ITGa2(Integrin Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-3028Ra Rat ITaC(Interferon Inducible T-Cell Alpha Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit
BLS-2640Ra Rat ISR(Insulin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8031Ra Rat IRS3(Insulin Receptor Substrate 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7043Ra Rat IRS2(Insulin Receptor Substrate 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8434Ra Rat IRS1(Insulin Receptor Substrate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9072Ra Rat Irisin ELISA Kit
BLS-7141Ra Rat IRF4(Interferon Regulatory Factor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6791Ra Rat IREB2(Iron Responsive Element Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6768Ra Rat IRAK4(Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2563Ra Rat I-PTH(IntactParathormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-2653Ra Rat IP10(Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) ELISA Kit
BLS-6400Ra Rat INSL3(Insulin Like Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2370Ra Rat INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2789Ra Rat INHbC(Inhibin Beta C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2644Ra Rat INHbA(Inhibin Beta A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5447Ra Rat INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8177Ra Rat INHB(Inhibin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5455Ra Rat INHA(Inhibin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7829Ra Rat INHA(Inhibin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8213Ra Rat IMA(Ischemia Modified Albumin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2468Ra Rat IL9(Interleukin 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-5735Ra Rat IL8Rb(Interleukin 8 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-2924Ra Rat IL8Ra(Interleukin 8 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8359Ra Rat IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-5749Ra Rat IL7R(Interleukin 7 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2245Ra Rat IL7(Interleukin 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-1158Ra Rat IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-2552Ra Rat IL5(Interleukin 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-1154Ra Rat IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8769Ra Rat IL37(Interleukin 37) ELISA Kit
BLS-6697Ra Rat IL34(Interleukin 34) ELISA Kit
BLS-6541Ra Rat IL33(Interleukin 33) ELISA Kit
BLS-7693Ra Rat IL31(Interleukin 31) ELISA Kit
BLS-2553Ra Rat IL3(Interleukin 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5694Ra Rat IL-2sRa/CD25(Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor alpha chain) ELISA Kit
BLS-1573Ra Rat IL27(Interleukin 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-6589Ra Rat IL25(Interleukin 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-6716Ra Rat IL24(Interleukin 24) ELISA Kit
BLS-6121Ra Rat IL23R(Interleukin 23 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1571Ra Rat IL23(Interleukin 23) ELISA Kit
BLS-6064Ra Rat IL22Ra2(Interleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8371Ra Rat IL22(Interleukin 22) ELISA Kit
BLS-5680Ra Rat IL21(Interleukin 21) ELISA Kit
BLS-5788Ra Rat IL20(Interleukin 20) ELISA Kit
BLS-1151Ra Rat IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1952Ra Rat IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-7716Ra Rat IL1h(Interleukin 1 Eta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1272Ra Rat IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1148Ra Rat IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2040Ra Rat IL19(Interleukin 19) ELISA Kit
BLS-6818Ra Rat IL18BP(Interleukin 18 Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-2270Ra Rat IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-6602Ra Rat IL17F(Interleukin 17F) ELISA Kit
BLS-5674Ra Rat IL17B(Interleukin 17B) ELISA Kit
BLS-2558Ra Rat IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-9166Ra Rat IL16(Interleukin 16) ELISA Kit
BLS-8781Ra Rat IL15Ra(Interleukin 15 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2559Ra Rat IL15(Interleukin 15) ELISA Kit
BLS-2560Ra Rat IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-2509Ra Rat IL-12p40(Interleukin 12 p40) ELISA Kit
BLS-2510Ra Rat IL12A(Interleukin 12A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9251Ra Rat IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-6953Ra Rat IL11Ra(Interleukin 11 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2505Ra Rat IL11(Interleukin 11) ELISA Kit
BLS-6381Ra Rat IL10Rb(Interleukin 10 Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6380Ra Rat IL10Ra(Interleukin 10 Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1144Ra Rat IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-6290Ra Rat IHH(Hedgehog Homolog, Indian) ELISA Kit
BLS-1349Ra Rat IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-1392Ra Rat IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-8065Ra Rat IgG2a(Immunoglobulin G2a) ELISA Kit
BLS-4760Ra Rat IgG1(Immunoglobulin G1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1254Ra Rat IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-1393Ra Rat IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-7403Ra Rat IGFBP7(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2850Ra Rat IGFBP6(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-5889Ra Rat IGFBP5(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5) ELISA Kit
BLS-2503Ra Rat IGFBP4(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2501Ra Rat IGFBP3(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2500Ra Rat IGFBP2(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2499Ra Rat IGFBP1(Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2259Ra Rat IGF2(Insulin Like Growth Factor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7005Ra Rat IGF1R(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1136Ra Rat IGF1(Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2594Ra Rat IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-7625Ra Rat IgD(Immunoglobulin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-2596Ra Rat IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-1133Ra Rat IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2335Ra Rat IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7051Ra Rat IFNa13(Interferon Alpha 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-1520Ra Rat IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-2603Ra Rat IFABP/FABP2(Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5761Ra Rat IDO(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6509Ra Rat IDH1(Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit
BLS-6425Ra Rat IDE(Insulin Degrading Enzyme) ELISA Kit
BLS-1035Ra Rat ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1602Ra Rat IAPP(Islet Amyloid Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8687Ra Rat Hyp(Hydroxyproline) ELISA Kit
BLS-8062Ra Rat HYAL1(Hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6312Ra Rat HTT(Huntingtin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7721Ra Rat HSPG(Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan) ELISA Kit
BLS-1614Ra Rat HSPD1(Heat Shock 60kD Protein 1, Chaperonin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6198Ra Rat HSPb8(Heat Shock Protein Beta 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-4263Ra Rat HSPb6(Heat Shock Protein Beta 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-1495Ra Rat HSPb2(Heat Shock Protein Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1846Ra Rat HSPB1(Heat Shock 27kDa Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3815Ra Rat HSPA8(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7765Ra Rat HSPA1L(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1 Like Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7102Ra Rat HSPA1A(Heat Shock 70kDa Protein 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8411Ra Rat HSP90α(Heat Shock Protein HSP 90-alpha ) ELISA Kit
BLS-1610Ra Rat HSP90b1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7010Ra Rat HSP90aB1(Heat Shock Protein 90kDa Alpha B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7669Ra Rat HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kit
BLS-2032Ra Rat HSF1(Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7243Ra Rat HSD11b2(11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6356Ra Rat HSD11b1(11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9212Ra Rat hs-cTnI(High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9060Ra Rat hs-CRP(high sensitivity C Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7163Ra Rat HRH4(Histamine Receptor H4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6556Ra Rat HRH3(Histamine Receptor H3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7104Ra Rat HRH1(Histamine Receptor H1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7013Ra Rat HRG(Histidine Rich Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5738Ra Rat HPX(Hemopexin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7825Ra Rat HPEPT1(Hydrogen Ion/Peptide Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7426Ra Rat HPD(4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-4476Ra Rat HPA(Heparanase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1624Ra Rat HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8980Ra Rat HO2(Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling) ELISA Kit
BLS-1477Ra Rat HO1(Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling) ELISA Kit
BLS-6882Ra Rat HNF1b(Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-9070Ra Rat HMGCS(Hydroxymethylglutaryl Coenzyme A Synthase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6333Ra Rat HMGCR(3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-1439Ra Rat HMGB-1(HighMobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9443Ra Rat HMGA1(High Mobility Group AT Hook Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9454Ra Rat HMGA1(High Mobility Group AT Hook Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9457Ra Rat HK1(Hexokinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6367Ra Rat HJV(Hemojuvelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8252Ra Rat HIST1H4A(Histone Cluster 1, H4a) ELISA Kit
BLS-7776Ra Rat HINT1(Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7037Ra Rat HIF2a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 2 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-1604Ra Rat HIF1a(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-7372Ra Rat HGFAC(Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator) ELISA Kit
BLS-2497Ra Rat HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1718Ra Rat HEXb(Hexosaminidase B Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7588Ra Rat HEPH(Hephaestin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8206Ra Rat Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8225Ra Rat HDLBP(High Density Lipoprotein Binding Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5671Ra Rat HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-7409Ra Rat HDAC2(Histone Deacetylase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6795Ra Rat HDAC1(Histone Deacetylase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2889Ra Rat HCII(Heparin Cofactor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-4607Ra Rat HCAM(Homing Associated Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit
BLS-2766Ra Rat HBEGF(Heparin Binding Epidermal Growth Factor Like Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5370Ra Rat HbA1c(Glycated Hemoglobin A1c) ELISA Kit
BLS-7173Ra Rat HB(Hemoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-5760Ra Rat HAT1(Histone Acetyltransferase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7774Ra Rat HAGH(Hydroxyacylglutathione Hydrolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6779Ra Rat HADHb(Hydroxyacyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8416Ra Rat HAase(Hyaluronidase) ELISA Kit
BLS-8487Ra Rat HA(Hyaluronic Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-8650Ra Rat HA(Histamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1659Ra Rat GZMB(Granzyme B) ELISA Kit
BLS-5792Ra Rat GUSb(Glucuronidase Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-5959Ra Rat GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7750Ra Rat GT(Gastrin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9392Ra Rat GSTs(Glutathione S Transferases) ELISA Kit
BLS-5147Ra Rat GSTm1(Glutathione S Transferase Mu 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-3207Ra Rat GSTa3(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1715Ra Rat GSTa1(Glutathione S Transferase Alpha 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6525Ra Rat GSS(Glutathione Synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6544Ra Rat GSK3b(Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1708Ra Rat GSK3a(Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8577Ra Rat GSH(Glutathione) ELISA Kit
BLS-7593Ra Rat GSDMD(Gasdermin D) ELISA Kit
BLS-8025Ra Rat gSAP(Gamma-Secretase Activating Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-5522Ra Rat GS(Glutamine synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6185Ra Rat GS(Glutamine synthetase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6834Ra Rat GRP78(Glucose Regulated Protein 78) ELISA Kit
BLS-1377Ra Rat GROg(Growth Regulated Oncogene Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-1374Ra Rat GROb(Growth Regulated Oncogene Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1237Ra Rat GROa/CXCL1(Growth Regulated Oncogene Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6702Ra Rat GRN(Granulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7515Ra Rat GRIN2A(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A) ELISA Kit
BLS-6369Ra Rat GRIN1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6368Ra Rat GRIA1(Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6025Ra Rat GR(Glutathione Reductase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5987Ra Rat GPX3(Glutathione Peroxidase 3, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-2222Ra Rat GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-4247Ra Rat GPI(Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-5161Ra Rat GPC4(Glypican 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-4296Ra Rat GPC3(Glypican 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6046Ra Rat GPAM(Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-6803Ra Rat GPA33(Glycoprotein A33) ELISA Kit
BLS-7811Ra Rat GP73(Golgi Protein 73) ELISA Kit
BLS-7316Ra Rat GP4(Platelet Membrane Glycoprotein IV) ELISA Kit
BLS-6937Ra Rat GP39(Glycoprotein 39, Cartilage) ELISA Kit
BLS-6325Ra Rat GP2(Glycoprotein 2, Zymogen Granule Membrane) ELISA Kit
BLS-2496Ra Rat gp130(Glycoprotein 130) ELISA Kit
BLS-5453Ra Rat GnRH(Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7777Ra Rat GNaO1(G Protein Alpha Activating Activity Polypeptide O) ELISA Kit
BLS-1030Ra Rat GMCSF(Colony Stimulating Factor 2, Granulocyte Macrophage) ELISA Kit
BLS-8858Ra Rat Gly(Glycine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5796Ra Rat GLUT4(Glucose Transporter 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-6816Ra Rat GLUT3(Glucose Transporter 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7492Ra Rat GLUT2(Glucose Transporter 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6811Ra Rat GLUT1(Glucose Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7190Ra Rat GLS(Glutaminase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7267Ra Rat GLRa2(Glycine Receptor Alpha 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7585Ra Rat GLP1R(Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8502Ra Rat GLP1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7239Ra Rat GLO1(Glyoxalase I) ELISA Kit
BLS-7167Ra Rat GLDC(Glycine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7282Ra Rat GLCE(Glucuronic Acid Epimerase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6260Ra Rat GKN2(Gastrokine 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6224Ra Rat GKN1(Gastrokine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-1581Ra Rat GIP(Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-1944Ra Rat GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6912Ra Rat GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7752Ra Rat GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8791Ze Zebra balığı VTG(Vitellogenin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8512Ze Zebra balığı TNFa(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Alfa) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8517Ze Zebra balığı TKT(Transketolaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8513Ze Zebra Balığı TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8793Ze Zebra balığı Testo(Testosteron) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8859Ze Zebra balığı SOD(Süperoksit Dismutazlar) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8515Ze Zebra balığı SDHA (Süksinat Dehidrogenaz Kompleksi Alt Birim A) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9690Ze Zebra balığı NT3(Neurotrophin 3) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9141Ze Zebra balığı MT3 (Metallothionein 3) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9073Ze Zebra balığı MT1(Metallothionein 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8863Ze Zebra balığı MDA(Malondialdehit) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8514Ze Zebra balığı LIF (lösemi inhibitör faktör) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8895Ze Zebra Balığı LH(Luteinizan Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9663Ze Zebra balığı IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8507Ze Zebra balığı IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8506Ze Zebra balığı IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8505Ze Zebra balığı IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8510Ze Zebra balığı IL17A(Interleukin 17A) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8509Ze Zebra balığı IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8508Ze Zebra balığı IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8511Ze Zebra balığı IFNg(İnterferon Gamma) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9341Ze Zebra balığı HSP-70/HSPA9(HeatShock Protein 70) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8516Ze Zebra balığı HK2(Heksokinaz 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9306Ze Zebra balığı GST’leri (Glutatyon S Transferazlar) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8861Ze Zebra balığı GSH(Glutatyon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9310Ze Zebra balığı GR(Glutatyon Redüktaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8862Ze Zebra balığı GPX1(Glutatyon Peroksidaz 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9172Ze Zebra balığı GnRH(Gonadotropin Salıcı Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9404Ze Zebra balığı GH(Büyüme Hormonu) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9173Ze Zebra Balığı FSH(Follikül Uyarıcı Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7914Ze Zebra Balığı FGF6(Fibroblast Büyüme Faktörü 6) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8792Ze Zebra balığı E2(Estradiol) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9307Ze Zebrafish DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8894Ze Zebra Balığı Kor(Kortizol) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8518Ze Zebra balığı CLDN4(Claudin 4) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8519Ze Zebra balığı CLDN3(Claudin 3) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8860Ze Zebra balığı CAT(Catalase) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8864Ze Zebra balığı CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9308Ze Zebra balığı CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9305Ze Zebra Balığı BDNF(Beyin Kaynaklı Nörotrofik Faktör) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8503Ze Zebra balığı ACO1(Aconitase 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9416Ze Zebra balığı 5-HT(5-Hidroksitriptamin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7909Sp Ispanak Trx(Thioredoxin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8292Si Simian α2M(Alfa-2-Makroglobulin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7854Si Simian VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8299Si Simian TNNI3(Troponin I Tip 3, Kardiyak) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1109Si Simian TNFa(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Alfa) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7903Si Simian TIMP3(Metalloproteinaz 3 Doku İnhibitörleri) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7905Si Simian TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7902Si Simian TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9623Si Simian TARC(ThymusActivation Regulated Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8977Si Simian SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8093Si Simian PAI1(Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8236Si Simian OPN(Osteopontin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9627Si Simian OC/BGP(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9626Si Simian NTXI(CrossLinked N-telopeptide of Type I Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-7900Si Simian NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7856Si Simian MCP1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8063Si Simian LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8119Si Simian INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6773Si Simian IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-7858Si Simian IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8067Si Simian IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7868Si Simian IL2(Interleukin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5904Si Simian IL1RA(Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit
BLS-7907Si Simian IL1R2(Interleukin 1 Receptor Type II) ELISA Kit
BLS-8096Si Simian IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-9547Si Simian IL13(Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit
BLS-8095Si Simian IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-9624Si Simian IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7857Si Simian IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-7906Si Simian IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7855Si Simian IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8064Si Simian FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9625Si Simian Fcγ(FcFragment of IgG) ELISA Kit
BLS-7913Si Simian EPO(Erythropoietin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7912Si Simian ECF(Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8052Si Simian CYP1A1(Cytochrome P450 1A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9628Si Simian CTXⅠ(CrossLinked C-telopeptide of Type Ⅰ Collagen) ELISA Kit
BLS-6774Si Simian CA2(Carbonic Anhydrase II) ELISA Kit
BLS-8167Si Simian BMG/b2-MG(Beta-2-Microglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8070Si Simian APOA1(Apolipoprotein A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7910Si Simian ANXA5(Annexin A5) ELISA Kit
BLS-7904Si Simian aFP(Alpha-Fetoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9355Sh Sheep vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9568Sh Sheep VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8038Sh Sheep TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5498Sh Sheep TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8875Sh Sheep SPB(Surfactant Associated Protein B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9683Sh Sheep SOD(Superoxide Dismutases) ELISA Kit
BLS-9135Sh Sheep SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9363Sh Sheep SELP(Selectin, Platelet) ELISA Kit
BLS-9357Sh Sheep SELE(Selectin, Endothelium) ELISA Kit
BLS-9682Sh Sheep SAA(Serum Amyloid A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8305Sh Sheep RETN(Resistin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8303Sh Sheep PRL(Prolactin) ELISA Kit
BLS-9686Sh Sheep PON1(Paraoxonase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8876Sh Sheep PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9488Sh Sheep PAG1(Pregnancy associated glycoprotein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9569Sh Sheep NOS3(Nitric Oxide Synthase 3, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-9648Sh Sheep NKB(Neurokinin B) ELISA Kit
BLS-8297Sh Sheep NGF(Nerve Growth Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9685Sh Sheep NEFA(Non-Esterified Fatty Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7987Sh Sheep MMP1(Matrix Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8851Sh Sheep LH( Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8296Sh Sheep LEP(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9649Sh Sheep KISS1(Kisspeptin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9147Sh Sheep INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8099Sh Sheep IL8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-8039Sh Sheep IL6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-8040Sh Sheep IL4(Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8101Sh Sheep IL1b(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-8098Sh Sheep IL1a(Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9132Sh Sheep IL18(Interleukin 18) ELISA Kit
BLS-8100Sh Sheep IL17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit
BLS-9130Sh Sheep IL12(Interleukin 12) ELISA Kit
BLS-8852Sh Sheep IL10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit
BLS-9449Sh Sheep IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit
BLS-8725Sh Sheep IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit
BLS-8849Sh Sheep IGF1(insulin-like growth factors 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8726Sh Sheep IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit
BLS-9453Sh Sheep IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit
BLS-9131Sh Sheep IFNg(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit
BLS-9354Sh Sheep IFNb(Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-7990Sh Sheep IFNa(Interferon Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-9356Sh Sheep ICAM1(Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9451Sh Sheep HP(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8724Sh Sheep GPX4(Glutathione Peroxidase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8723Sh Sheep GPX3(Glutathione Peroxidase 3, Plasma) ELISA Kit
BLS-8722Sh Sheep GPX2(Glutathione Peroxidase 2, Gastrointestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-8721Sh Sheep GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7969Sh Sheep GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8850Sh Sheep GH(growth hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8853Sh Sheep FSH( Follicle stimulating hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-8848Sh Sheep E2(Estradiol) ELISA Kit
BLS-8302Sh Sheep CRP(C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9452Sh Sheep CP(Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8817Sh Sheep Cor(Cortisol) ELISA Kit
BLS-9360Sh Sheep CASP9(Caspase 9) ELISA Kit
BLS-9359Sh Sheep CASP8(Caspase 8) ELISA Kit
BLS-9358Sh Sheep CASP3(Caspase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-9361Sh Sheep Bcl2(B-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-9362Sh Sheep Bax(Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-8528RM Rat,Mouse FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit
BLS-9352Ra Rat γH2AX(gamma H2A.X) ELISA Kit
BLS-7093Ra Rat ZP2(Zona Pellucida Glycoprotein 2, Sperm Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9200Ra Rat XIAP(Inhibitor Of Apoptosis Protein, X-Linked) ELISA Kit
BLS-7038Ra Rat XDH(Xanthine Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7266Ra Rat XBP1(X-Box Binding Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7728Ra Rat WNT5A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5A) ELISA Kit
BLS-7952Ra Rat WNT4(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-7665Ra Rat WNT3A(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-8000Ra Rat WNT3(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-8368Ra Rat WNT2(Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8778Ra Rat WISP2(WNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-7982Ra Rat WFS1(Wolfram Syndrome Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-5369Ra Rat vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7682Ra Rat vWF(Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6936Ra Rat VTN(Vitronectin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7768Ra Rat VP(Preprovasopressin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6147Ra Rat VNN1(Vanin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6173Ra Rat VLDLR(Very Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9506Ra Rat VLDL(Very Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-1454Ra Rat VIP(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8613Ra Rat VIM(Vimentin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6800Ra Rat vHL(Von Hippel Lindau Tumor Suppressor) ELISA Kit
BLS-6057Ra Rat VGF(VGF Nerve Growth Factor Inducible) ELISA Kit
BLS-1726Ra Rat VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7748Ra Rat VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6127Ra Rat VEGFR3(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-5773Ra Rat VEGFR2(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6010Ra Rat VEGFR1(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2506Ra Rat VEGFC(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C) ELISA Kit
BLS-2320Ra Rat VEGFA(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2969Ra Rat VEGF121(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121) ELISA Kit
BLS-7048Ra Rat VE-Cadherin(Vascular Endothelial Cadherin) ELISA Kit
BLS-4334Ra Rat VDR(Vitamin D Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7787Ra Rat VDAC1(Voltage Dependent Anion Channel Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8950Ra Rat VD3(Vitamin D3) ELISA Kit
BLS-6826Ra Rat VCP(Valosin Containing Protein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6715Ra Rat VCC1(VEGF Co Regulated Chemokine 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2597Ra Rat VCAM1(Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2026Ra Rat Vaspin(Visceral Adipose Tissue Derived Serine Protease Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-7201Ra Rat VASP(Vasodilator Stimulated Phosphoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-9634Ra Rat VAP-1(VascularAdhesion Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2351Ra Rat UTS2R(Urotensin 2 Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-8456Ra Rat UTRN(Utrophin) ELISA Kit
BLS-6632Ra Rat UROD(Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7468Ra Rat URAT1(Urate Transporter 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7360Ra Rat UPK3A(Uroplakin 3A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2512Ra Rat uPAR(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-2514Ra Rat uPA(Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6958Ra Rat UGT2B7(UDP Glucuronosyltransferase 2 Family, Polypeptide B7) ELISA Kit
BLS-6747Ra Rat UGT1A1(UDP Glucuronosyltransferase 1 Family, Polypeptide A1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6519Ra Rat UCP2(Uncoupling Protein 2, Mitochondrial) ELISA Kit
BLS-6326Ra Sıçan UCP1(Ayrılma Proteini 1, Mitokondriyal) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9272Ra Sıçan ucOC(Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin ) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7484Ra Sıçan UCN3(Urocortin 3) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7548Ra Sıçan UCN2(Urocortin 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5299Ra Sıçan UCN1(Urocortin 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7707Ra Sıçan UCHL1(Ubiquitin Karboksil Terminal Hidrolaz L1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8671Ra Sıçan TYROBP(TYRO Protein Tirozin Kinaz Bağlayıcı Protein) ELISA Kiti
BLS-3710Ra Sıçan TYR(Tyrosinase) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9705Ra Sıçan TYR(Tyrosinase) ELISA Kiti
BLS-4992Ra Sıçan TTR(Transtiretin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8904Ra Sıçan TSPO(Translocator Protein) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1686Ra Sıçan TSP-1(Trombospondin-1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6470Ra Sıçan TSLP(Timik Stromal Lenfopoietin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6812Ra Sıçan TSHR(Tiroid Uyarıcı Hormon Reseptörü) ELISA Kiti
BLS-2283Ra Sıçan TSH(Tiroid Uyarıcı Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5376Ra Sıçan TrxR1(Tiyoredoksin Redüktaz 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1998Ra Rat Trx(Thioredoxin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9494Ra Sıçan TRPV1(Geçici Reseptör Potansiyel Katyon Kanalı Alt Aile V, Üye 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6372Ra Sıçan TRPM7(Geçici Reseptör Potansiyel Katyon Kanalı Alt Ailesi M, Üye 7) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6371Ra Sıçan TRPM6(Geçici Reseptör Potansiyel Katyon Kanalı Alt Ailesi M, Üye 6) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6477Ra Sıçan TRPM4(Geçici Reseptör Potansiyel Katyon Kanalı Alt Ailesi M, Üye 4) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8979Ra Sıçan TRKB (Tirozin Kinaz B) ELISA Kiti
BLS-2607Ra Sıçan TRH(Tirotropin Salıcı Hormon) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1206Ra Sıçan TRF(Transferrin) ELISA Kiti
BLS-3026Ra Sıçan TRAIL(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü İlişkili Apoptozu İndükleyen Ligand) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9270Ra Sıçan TRAF2(TNF Reseptörü-İlişkili Faktör 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9632Ra Sıçan TRACP-5b(Tartarata Dirençli Asit Fosfataz 5b) ELISA Kiti
BLS-5784Ra Sıçan TPS(Triptaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8352Ra Sıçan TPO-Ab(anti-Tiroid-Peroksidaz antikoru) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1452Ra Sıçan TPO(Tiroid Peroksidaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-2516Ra Sıçan TPO(Tiroid Peroksidaz) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6743Ra Sıçan TPM2(Tropomyosin 2 Beta) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6757Ra Sıçan TPH2(Triptofan Hidroksilaz 2) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6096Ra Sıçan TPH1(Triptofan Hidroksilaz 1) ELISA Kiti
BLS-2569Ra Sıçan tPA(Plazminojen Aktivatör, Doku) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1509Ra Sıçan TP53(Tümör Proteini p53) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8897Ra Sıçan Toplam kolesterol (TC) ELISA Kiti
BLS-4458Ra Sıçan TOP2(Topoizomeraz II) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7553Ra Sıçan TOP1(Topoizomeraz I) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8361Ra Sıçan TNT(Troponin T) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8362Ra Sıçan TNT(Troponin T) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6911Ra Sıçan TNNT1(Troponin T Tip 1, Yavaş İskelet) ELISA Kiti
BLS-1552Ra Sıçan TNNI3(Troponin I Tip 3, Kardiyak) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6239Ra Sıçan TNNI2(Troponin I Tip 2, Hızlı İskelet) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6236Ra Sıçan TNNI1(Troponin I Tip 1, Yavaş İskelet) ELISA Kiti
BLS-8916Ra Sıçan TNNC1(Troponin C Tip 1, Yavaş) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9207Ra Sıçan TNFSF4(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Ligand Üst Ailesi, Üye 4) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7254Ra Sıçan TNFSF13(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Ligand Üst Ailesi, Üye 13) ELISA Kiti
BLS-6029Ra Sıçan TNFSF12(Tümör Nekrozis Faktörü Ligand Üst Ailesi, Üye 12) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7639Ra Sıçan TNFRSF8(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Reseptör Üst Ailesi, Üye 8) ELISA Kiti
BLS-7017Ra Sıçan TNFRSF5(Tümör Nekroz Faktörü Reseptör Üst Ailesi, Üye 5) ELISA Kiti
BLS-9376Ra Rat TNFRSF25(Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 25) ELISA Kit
BLS-6630Ra Rat TNFRSF1B(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1B) ELISA Kit
BLS-6629Ra Rat TNFRSF1A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1A) ELISA Kit
BLS-5041Ra Rat TNFRSF10B(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 10B) ELISA Kit
BLS-9377Ra Rat TNFRSF10A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 10A) ELISA Kit
BLS-2517Ra Rat TNFb(Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-1396Ra Rat TNFa(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-5764Ra Rat TNC(Tenascin C) ELISA Kit
BLS-7552Ra Rat TMPRSS6(Transmembrane Protease, Serine 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-6200Ra Rat TMEM27(Transmembrane Protein 27) ELISA Kit
BLS-2578Ra Rat TM(Thrombomodulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8392Ra Rat TLR7(Toll Like Receptor 7) ELISA Kit
BLS-2106Ra Rat TLR4(Toll Like Receptor 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-8389Ra Rat TLR3(Toll Like Receptor 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1977Ra Rat TLR2(Toll Like Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8390Ra Rat TLR1(Toll Like Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-7034Ra Rat TKT(Transketolase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7196Ra Rat TJP1(Tight Junction Protein 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2522Ra Rat Tie2(TEK Tyrosine Kinase, Endothelial) ELISA Kit
BLS-2518Ra Rat TIMP4(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 4) ELISA Kit
BLS-2520Ra Rat TIMP3(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-1239Ra Rat TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1261Ra Rat TIMP1(Tissue Inhibitors Of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6396Ra Rat Thy1(Thy1 Cell Surface Antigen) ELISA Kit
BLS-5243Ra Rat THRb(Thyroid Hormone Receptor Beta) ELISA Kit
BLS-6646Ra Rat THRa(Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-6138Ra Rat THP(Tamm–Horsfall Glycoprotein) ELISA Kit
BLS-6065Ra Rat THBS2(Thrombospondin 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-5801Ra Rat TH(Tyrosine Hydroxylase) ELISA Kit
BLS-6082Ra Rat TGM2(Transglutaminase 2, Tissue) ELISA Kit
BLS-7556Ra Rat TGFbR2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor II) ELISA Kit
BLS-5317Ra Rat TGFbR1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor I) ELISA Kit
BLS-5852Ra Rat TGFb3(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-2016Ra Rat TGFb2(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-2311Ra Rat TGFb1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2464Ra Rat TGFa(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit
BLS-8353Ra Rat TG-ab(Thyroglobulin Ab) ELISA Kit
BLS-8384Ra Rat TG(Triglyceride) ELISA Kit
BLS-1445Ra Rat TG(Thyroglobulin) ELISA Kit
BLS-2873Ra Rat TFR2(Transferrin Receptor 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6079Ra Rat TFR(Transferrin Receptor) ELISA Kit
BLS-1473Ra Rat TFPI(Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-5664Ra Rat TFF3(Trefoil Factor 3, Intestinal) ELISA Kit
BLS-7016Ra Rat TFF1(Trefoil Factor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-2567Ra Rat TF(Tissue Factor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9079Ra Rat TEX101(testis expressed 101) ELISA Kit
BLS-8314Ra Rat Testo(Testosterone) ELISA Kit
BLS-7049Ra Rat TERT(Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase) ELISA Kit
BLS-7374Ra Rat TCN2(Transcobalamin II, Macrocytic Anemia) ELISA Kit
BLS-8905Ra Rat TBARS(Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance) ELISA Kit
BLS-8664Ra Rat TBA(Total Bile Acid) ELISA Kit
BLS-7217Ra Rat TAUT(Taurine Transporter) ELISA Kit
BLS-1554Ra Rat TAT(Thrombin/Antithrombin Complex) ELISA Kit
BLS-5672Ra Rat TARC(Thymus Activation Regulated Chemokine) ELISA Kit
BLS-1723Ra Rat TAP(Trypsinogen Activation Peptide) ELISA Kit
BLS-8551Ra Rat TAOK2(Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO2) ELISA Kit
BLS-6300Ra Rat TAGLN(Transgelin) ELISA Kit
BLS-1690Ra Rat TAFI(Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor) ELISA Kit
BLS-9493Ra Rat TACR1(Tachykinin Receptor 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8984Ra Rat Ta1(Thymosin-a1) ELISA Kit
BLS-8716Ra Rat T4(Thyroxine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8715Ra Rat T3(Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-8952Ra Rat T3(Triiodothyronine) ELISA Kit
BLS-5449Ra Rat SYP(Synaptophysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8209Ra Rat SYP(Synaptophysin) ELISA Kit
BLS-7771Ra Rat SYN2(Synapsin II) ELISA Kit
BLS-7161Ra Rat SYN1(Synapsin I) ELISA Kit
BLS-9199Ra Rat Surv(Survivin) ELISA Kit
BLS-8403Ra Rat STOML2 ELISA kit
BLS-6427Ra Rat STC1(Stanniocalcin 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-6850Ra Rat STAT6(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6) ELISA Kit
BLS-9413Ra Rat STAT3(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 3) ELISA Kit
BLS-7686Ra Rat STAT2(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8989Ra Rat STAT1(Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 1) ELISA Kit
BLS-9273Ra Rat ST2( Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-8751Ra Rat sST2(Soluble Suppression Of Tumorigenicity 2) ELISA Kit
BLS-1427Ra Rat SST(Somatostatin) ELISA Kit